HIGHLAND CEMETERY at Medicine Lodge is one of the older urban cemeteries within the county,
August 26, 1880, George W. Ellis sold to the city of Medicine Lodge the following described
land: NE 1/4 2-32-12, to be used as a city cemetery. The plat was drawn April 14, 1881, and
filed in the county registrar's office. John Ramsey purchased the first lot December 22,
1882, for the burial of Ann Ramsey.
Burials from 1911-1947
Name of deceased Place of death Date of burial
================ ============== ==============
Mary Taber Medicine Lodge, KS April 6, 1917
James Wilson Tabor Nashville, KS October 17, 1937
Julia E. Taliaferro Medicine Lodge, KS December 7, 1911
Emma Taliaferro Medicine Lodge, KS March 15, 1919
Charles G. Taliaferro Medicine Lodge, KS June 3, 1926
Hazel Taliaferro Larned, KS March 5, 1936
Edward D. Taliaferro Anthony, KS June 24, 1937
Robert J. Taliaferro Medicine Lodge, KS July 15, 1937
Susan F. Taylor Speermore, OK May 1, 1920
Martha E. Teagle Medicine Lodge, KS June 15, 1912
Clara Teagle Wichita, KS May 20, 1914
Douglas Elsia Tedrow Medicine Lodge, KS April 6, 1915
Noreen Olive Tedrow Mingonia twp, KS April 29, 1917
Child of D.E. Tedrow Medicine Lodge, KS July 17, 1920
Eliabeth Tedrow Medicine Lodge, KS January 26, 1925
Janet Maria Tedrow Anthony, KS February 24, 1941
Harold Tharp Medicine Lodge, KS February 16, 1933
Roger G. Thom Wichita, KS September 9, 1930
Benjamin Franklin Thomas Medicine Lodge, KS January 6, 1916
Vina Thomas Medicine Lodge, KS December 10, 1916
Mary B. Thomas Medicine Lodge Twp., KS March 4, 1918
Jamile E. Thomas (Janice) Rosston, OK January 26, 1920
Emma Avilia Thomas Medicine Lodge, KS July 25, 1922
Ralph Thomas Stockton, CA August 8, 1926
Fay Emma Thomas Wichita, KS March 31, 1930
Noah Thomas Anthony, KS January 13, 1934
Mary Ruama Shirley Thomas Wichita, KS July 24, 1934
James Perry Thomas Wichita, KS March 12, 1944
Cheryl Ann Thomas Wichita, KS July 11, 1947
William H. Thompson Medicine Lodge, KS March 11, 1913
Grace Thompson Beaver, OK November 6, 1917
Allen Fredrick Thompson Medicine Lodge, KS October 31, 1918
Clarence E. Thompson Hardtner, KS December 31, 1946
William Wallace Tibbetts Blair, OK February 10, 1934
Jennie Elizabeth Tibbitts Hardtner, KS September 4, 1943
Marianne Helena Timmis Medicine Lodge, KS June 19, 1922
Child of Harry Timmis Medicine Lodge, KS December 10, 1924
Albert Preston Tincher Medicine Lodge, KS September 29, 1918
Andrew Trumbo Tincher Sharon, KS April 9, 1933
Corene Florence Tincher Gendo Springs March 11, 1935
Ernest Triblehorn Medicine Lodge, KS October 16, 1933
Tandy Holman Trice Medicine Lodge, KS January 3, 1933
Julia Viola Fair Trice Medicine Lodge, KS February 26, 1943
Andrew Jackson Trotter Medicine Lodge, KS June 6, 1915
Charles Trotter Medicine Lodge, KS February 28, 1919
Child of J.M. Trotter Eagle twp., KS September 4, 1920
Child of J.M. Trotter Lake City, KS January 29, 1923
Nancy Jane Trotter Medicine Lodge, KS May 29, 1929
James Marion Trotter Lake City, KS April 19, 1936
Theda Thea Trotter Medicine Lodge, KS February 5, 1938
Clifford A. Truesdell Wichita, KS April 23, 1936
James Tufts Medicine Lodge, KS November 19, 1934
Terrell Preston Turnage Newberg, OR November 17, 1943
Child of Walter L. Turner Medicine Lodge, KS February 6, 1919
Hattie C. Turner Lake City, KS June 27, 1922
Ivan Eugene Turner Wichita, KS February 11, 1930
Don Tyrell Medicine Lodge, KS October 5, 1912
Ada Florence Tyrell Medicine Lodge, KS February 7, 1939
Robert R. Tyrell Medicine Lodge, KS September 26, 1944
Martin Eugene Updegraff Greensburg, KS March 27, 1932
Josephine Alice Updegraff Greensburg, KS February 19, 1936
Baby of James Urton Medicine Lodge, KS January 9, 1912
Margaret Christina Urton Medicine Lodge, KS October 22, 1918
James Norman Urton Medicine Lodge, KS July 30, 1925
George Washington Urton Medicine Lodge, KS August 26, 1931
J. George Vatter Medicine Lodge Twp., KS July 10, 1926
Anna A. Vaughn Coldwater, KS February 4, 1919
Charles Benjamin Vaughn Medicine Lodge, KS August 9, 1938
Stella Nancy Vaughn Denver, CO August 28, 1946
Adaline Wadsworth Medicine Lodge, KS April 20, 1917
Benjamin Ellis Wadsworth Medicine Lodge, KS June 4, 1931
Rutha May Wadsworth Medicine Lodge, KS May 22, 1940
Olive Walker Medicine Lodge, KS December 28, 1946
Jacob C. Walsted Texas June 1, 1913
Amalia Walter Medicine Lodge, KS July 25, 1941
Robert Leach Walters Medicine Lodge, KS September 5, 1919
H.P. Walters Tulsa, OK March 16, 1927
John Edward Ware Liberty twp., Elk Co., KS October 30, 1933
Ralph Dillman Warren Medicine Lodge Twp., KS January 26, 1918
Robert Chapman Warren Elm Mills Twp, KS January 23, 1920
Marion R. Warren Medicine Lodge, KS January 18, 1922
William B. Warren Elm Mills twp., KS July 16, 1926
Kendall Jay Warren Medicine Lodge, KS May 11, 1928
Donald Easton Warren Medicine Lodge, KS June 6, 1932
William Harvey Warren Medicine Lodge, KS June 24, 1938
James Overton Warren Medicine Lodge Twp., KS July 20, 1939
Frank James Warren Medicine Lodge, KS March 3, 1942
Mary Elizabeth Warren Medicine Lodge, KS May 3, 1944
Myron Warrington Mingonia twp, KS March 3, 1914
Ada Zilla Warrington Medicine Lodge, KS December 13, 1924
Margaret Angel Warrington Alva, OK July 10, 1938
Wanda Lee Warrington Wichita, KS August 23, 1941
Douglas Warrington Nashville, KS April 10, 1943
Myron A. Warrington Sharon, KS February 28, 1944
Thomas Warwick Alva, OK August 4, 1937
Edward A. Watkins Medicine Lodge Twp., KS May 19, 1914
Amy Irene Watkins Medicine Lodge Twp., KS June 12, 1917
Mary Jane Watkins Medicine Lodge, KS April 12, 1920
Lester Ernest Watkins Medicine Lodge Twp., KS June 30, 1920
Ralph D. Watkins Medicine Lodge Twp., KS November 22, 1924
William Ralph Watkins Medicine Lodge, KS August 23, 1925
Lucille Agnes Watkins Medicine Lodge Twp., KS November 17, 1928
Ray Arthur Watkins Medicine Lodge, KS January 14, 1936
Ada Watkins Wichita, KS April 27, 1938
William S. Watkins Medicine Lodge, KS December 29, 1939
Ila Frances Watkins Wichita, KS November 8, 1945
Matella Eveline Watkins August 9, 1947
William Perry Watson Medicine Lodge, KS December 14, 1940
Charles R. Watts Medicine Lodge, KS January 8, 1919
Charles R. Watts Wichita, KS March 28, 1928
Henry H. Weidner Blackwell, OK January 25, 1930
A.C. Weidner Kiowa, KS August 4, 1930
Leslie Otis Weidner San Francisco, CA October 13, 1935
Sarah Jane Weidner Medicine Lodge, KS October 16, 1937
John Luther Weidner Medicine Lodge, KS December 4, 1941
James T. Wells Medicine Lodge, KS November 11, 1918
Samuel Wells Medicine Lodge, KS February 4, 1919
John Robert Wells Medicine Lodge, KS August 21, 1934
Bonnie Pearl Wells Anthony, KS December 21, 1937
Delores Fay Wells Medicine Lodge, KS December 14, 1940
Charles Franklin Wells Long Beach, CA June 8, 1946
Wanda Virginia West Alva, OK July 3, 1941
Barbara Jean West Medicine Lodge, KS August 7, 1944
Emma Wheat Medicine Lodge, KS May 5, 1917
Martha Wheat Medicine Lodge, KS December 25, 1917
James Monroe White Medicine Lodge, KS August 29, 1913
Sarah Elizabeth White Leavenworth, KS November 27, 1914
Mary Etta White Medicine Lodge, KS October 15, 1936
Zelma Baker White Sun City, KS July 6, 1943
Homer White Halstead, KS June 5, 1947
Elyadie Moody Whitehead Medicine Lodge, KS May 18, 1919
Minnie M. Whittemore Medicine Lodge, KS May 23, 1925
Bertha Lunette Wickliffe Medicine Lodge, KS February 2, 1937
Fenton Wifley Medicine Lodge, KS June 25, 1912
Joseph Wiley Medicine Lodge, KS May 20, 1918
Betty Levis Wilhelm Medicine Lodge Twp., KS May 31, 1917
John Wilhelm Medicine Lodge, KS January 3, 1918
A.B. Wilkins Medicine Lodge, KS October 15, 1924
Simon Roe Willan Medicine Lodge Twp., KS November 23, 1930
Lennie Marcus Williams Medicine Lodge, KS September 4, 1917
Edward Harvey Williams Medicine Lodge, KS April 28, 1918
Arrena Catherine Williams Medicine Lodge, KS December 15, 1928
Lemuel T. Williams Medicine Lodge, KS February 14, 1931
Floyd Emmet Williams Nippawalla twp. KS April 5, 1933
Harold Dean Williams Medicine Lodge, KS July 16, 1933
Marion T. Williams Medicine Lodge, KS February 7, 1935
Charles A. Williams Medicine Lodge Twp., KS October 5, 1938
Harvey L. Williams Garnett, KS November 1, 1939
Martha W. Williams Medicine Lodge, KS January 1, 1940
Mary Adams Williams Hardtner, KS December 28, 1945
William Walter Willms Medicine Lodge, KS March 19, 1946
Ethel V. Wills (Esther Wells) Medicine Lodge, KS July 31, 1916
Samuel P. Wilson Medicine Lodge, KS July 20, 1913
Margarette Wilson Nevada, MO May 31, 1918
Murch W. Wilson Brandon, CO January 16, 1919
Harold Junior Wilson Medicine Lodge, KS October 24, 1922
Inez Nellie Jester Wilson Medicine Lodge Twp., KS January 12, 1924
Mary Stevens Wilson Alva, OK February 26, 1928
Newton Munro Wilson Medicine Lodge Twp., KS January 10, 1929
Clement Edward Wilson Eagle twp., KS April 8, 1930
Jesse Faye Wilson Medicine Lodge, KS March 27, 1932
Leonidas Theodore Wilson Alva, OK October 16, 1937
Wanda Lee Wilson Medicine Lodge Twp., KS December 22, 1937
Albert Murch Wilson Medicine Lodge Twp., KS February 26, 1939
Ross Elbert Wilson Pratt, KS July 29, 1939
Nancy Ellen Wilson Medicine Lodge, KS November 8, 1942
Effie Blanche Wilt Medicine Lodge, KS August 17, 1934
Child of Geo. P. Wiltshire Medicine Lodge, KS December 12, 1916
Milton Richard Winter Medicine Lodge, KS October 2, 1939
James B. Winters Kiowa, KS June 21, 1917
Child of Chas. L. Wise Medicine Lodge, KS April 4, 1923
Sarah E. Wisner Sharon, KS October 8, 1911
Henry Wisner Sharon, KS May 12, 1913
Minnie L. Wonderly Golden, CO March 28, 1930
William A. Wood Medicine Lodge, KS May 13, 1913
Mary J. Wood Medicine Lodge, KS February 27, 1917
Sarah Ellen Woodward Sharon, KS March 21, 1918
Richard Mills Woodward Medicine Lodge, KS March 13, 1920
Howard S. Woodward Sharon, KS September 26, 1920
Child of D.V. Woodward Isabel, KS January 9, 1923
Goldie M. Woodward Shawnee, OK May 29, 1930
Mary (May) I. Woodward Wichita, KS July 20, 1940
Darius Vernon Woodward Wichita, KS January 10, 1942
Baby Wortman Medicine Lodge, KS August 25, 1933
James C. Wright Medicine Lodge, KS January 13, 1942
Oscar Willis Yard Medicine Lodge, KS December 29, 1935
Idella B. Yard Wichita, KS December 6, 1942
Barbra J. Yoeman Anderson Co., KS December 7, 1921
Rozella L. Young Medicine Lodge, KS May 26, 1921
Sarah Ellen Young Medicine Lodge, KS January 11, 1942
Susan Zimmer Medicine Lodge, KS September 15, 1926
Henry Elmo Zundle Eagle twp., KS January 22, 1947