Maine Genealogy Data - - - -
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Maine Genealogy QueriesMaine genealogy queries can help families understand the history and heritage of their own ancestors. Piecing these pieces together can be difficult, however, unless you have the right instruments to complete your project. Having an idea of where to being the search, online or offline, and what type of data to look for will increase your chances of carrying out a successful genealogy record documentation task. Your Maine Genealogy QueriesMaine is a little different from some other states when it comes to performing a records search. You can obtain Maine vital records for prior to 1892. The thing to understand is that these records were originally kept by individual towns and cities, and the system was less organized than in some other states. For this reason, not all records may still be in place. Also, at the time, not all areas were mandated to keep these kinds of records. You consider these facts, combined with natural disasters that may have damaged buildings where these documents were stored, and it is no wonder some records for the state of Maine may be tricky to pinpoint. Even so, it doesn't mean your Maine genealogy queries search has to have poor results. Maine Vital RecordsVital records for this state were actually first established, for most parts of the state, in 1700. Yet, you are going to have much less hassle if you are seeking documentation for a person for 1923 and after. In most cases, vital records are what you will be looking for. Vital records document different moments in an individual's lifetime. So, you will be searching for things such as Maine birth records, marriage certificates and death records. Where to LookFor your Maine genealogy queries, you can use several resources to track down your documented data. Most commonly, nowadays, people use the internet to look for, request, view or obtain Maine vital records. You can also use the internet to track down locations you may want or need to visit in person. These places you could try to visit offline for vital records include courthouses, libraries and the Maine Health Department. Though, for this state, the Maine State Archives may be your best bet, depending on the dates you are looking for. So, for 1923 to the current day, you can use some resources. Often, for anything prior to that, though, you will need to use the State Archive or take another approach altogether. Finding any documentation prior to 1892 is where it may get a bit more challenging. Other ApproachesDuring your Maine genealogy queries, you can use other resources, too. Many people have great success working with Maine cemetery records and obituaries. Try to find out what city, town or county you should be conducting your search in. A statewide search versus a more localized one can make a huge impact on whether or not you find what you want. Use some of these tricks, and your Maine genealogy queries may bring you the results you were hoping to find. |
Contributed Genealogy Data - Maine Contributed Obituaries - Maine Maine Obituary and Death Notice Archive Maine Newspapers Online (With links to archives)
Statewide - Obituary Collection Maine Marriages, 1892-1996 - External Link Maine Death Index, 1960-1997 - External Link Cumberland Co. - Obituary Collection Cumberland Co. - Town of Harpswell - Index of Deaths - 2005 Cumberland Co. - Town of Harpswell - Index of Deaths - 2006 Cumberland Co. - Obituary Collection Cumberland Co. - Miscellaneous Obituaries - 1 Cumberland Co. - Miscellaneous Obituaries - 2 Cumberland Co. - Miscellaneous Obituaries - 3 Cumberland Co. - Miscellaneous Obituaries - 4 Cumberland Co. - Town of Gray - Index of Deaths 2002-2005 Hancock Co. - Town of Ellsworth - Marriages & Deaths Hancock Co. - Town of Franklin - Index of Vitals 2004 Hancock Co. - Towns of Lamoine & Ellsworth - Index of Deaths 1999-2006 |
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