REPORTED ON JUNE 4, 1918 - - -
KILLED IN ACTION. LIEUTENANT. Harry F. W. Johnson; Mrs. G.R. Johnson, South Bethlehem, Pa. SERGEANT. Edward N. Ripley; Harry H. Ripley, 82 Betram St., Malden, Mass. PRIVATES. Raymond J. Burns; Harry Burns, 51 Columbia Terrace, Cambridge, Mass. Benjamin F. Lair; Mrs. Sarah G. Lair, 300 West 146th St., New York City. DIED OF WOUNDS. PRIVATES. Eugene Hudson; Mrs. Charles Werner, Perry, Okla. Arthur McCullough; Mrs. John Leaper, Anamosa, Ia. Elbert Stone; Mrs. V.C. Stone, Route 4, Ida Grove, Ia. DIED OF ACCIDENTS. PRIVATES. Albert A. Pratt; Thomas B. Pratt, 1220 Bath St., Santa Barbara, Cal. Robert Springer; Mrs. Luce Springer, Coffeyville, Kas. DIED OF DISEASE. PRIVATES. Edward Anderson; Charlie Anderson, Box 99, Deep River, Conn. Walter M. Bailey; Henry Bailey, 1210 Morrow St., Wilkinsburg, Pa. Cornelius Frommeyer; Mrs. Eleanor Frommeyer, 4743 Liberty Av., Pittsburgh, Pa. John Kastner; Mrs. John Haubl, 1340 Fletcher street, Chicago. Henry J. Kruger; George Kruger, 1810 Fletcher St., Spokane, Wash. Leslie R. Lee; Mrs. Mamie Lee, 3711 La Salle Street, Chicago. Robert G. Martin; Mrs. Sarah L. Martin, 720 Ocean Av., Brooklyn, N. Y. WOUNDED [DEGREE UNDETERMINED]. LIEUTENANT. George W. McCabe; Mrs. H.C. McCabe, 1807 Cherry St., Vicksburg, Miss. Brace B. Beemer; Joseph D. Beemer, 215 Buntin St., Vincennes, Ind. PRIVATES. Wastly Nuedekow; Tony Zaka, 174 Shelton St., Hartford, Conn. SEVERELY WOUNDED. LIEUTENANT. William Hepburn; Mrs. William Hepburn, Windsor, Conn. CORPORALS. Francis D. Bodewig; Mrs. Mary Bodewig, Cedar Rapids, Neb. August F. Miller; August Miller, 19 Garden St., Seymour, Conn. Charlie T. Morrow; J. W. Morrow, Douglas, Ala. COOK. Charles Coart; Mrs. Joseph Coart, 75 Henry St., New Heaven, Conn. PRIVATES. Oscar J. Carter; Mrs. Queen Carter, Arlton, Ala. John P. Claverie; Mrs. A.J. McKenzie, Route No. 3, Box 56K, San Diego, Cal. Hubert S. Coon; Andrew Hansen, Route No. 1, Briggsville, Wis. George E. Hurt; Mrs. Mabel Sissons, Krumleigh Farm, Wallingford, Pa. John H. McDonald; L.L. Ramsdell, 20 2nd St., Wellington, Mass. Sam Mowinski; Mrs. Eva Mowinski, 120 Fogerty St., Michigan City, Ind. Oliver North; Mrs. Laura C. North, 134 West 11th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Clarence Pinson; John B. Pinson, Zebulon, Ky. William B. Ramsey; Mrs. W.F. Ramsey, Dunbar, Wis. Harry S. Staley; George Staley, Grayville, Ill. Anton Trostnski; Mrs. Frank Kunk, General Delivery, Dwyerville, Tex. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED. PRIVATE. Frank Kurzynske; John Kurzynski, 225 Hennle St., Ripon, Wis. KILLED (REPORTED WOUNDED). PRIVATE. Theodor Beniewez; previously reported wounded, is now reported killed in action. His emergency address is Mrs. Eva Boroski, Brandon Road, Webster, Mass. Deaths among the expeditionary forces as a result of accident, suicide, homicidal attack, and military execution hereafter will be included in the casualty lists under the heading "Accidents and other causes," Secretary Baker announced today after consulting his advisers as to whether the exact cause of death should be made public in each case. Officials were unanimously against such action, holding that it would humiliate unnecessarily the friends and relatives of men who die as a result of their own misconduct. The war department in these cases notifies the nearest relative privately that the soldier died on such a date in France, adding that the department regrets to advise against any further inquiry into the cause of death. If the relative insists, however, the cause is given. |
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