REPORTED ON JUNE 29, 1918 - - -
KILLED IN ACTION. LIEUTENANTS. Earl H. Eyman, Lancester, O. Jerome L. Goldman, St. Louis, Mo. Norman J. McCreary, Volant, Pa. James S. Timothy, Highland Falls, N. Y. CORPORALS. Robert H. Jackson, Roslindale, Mass. Alexander A. Jankowiak, South Bend, Ind. John J. Kelly, Holyoke, Mass. Thomas E. Peden, Gray Court, S. O. John J. Ryder, Brooklyn, N. Y. Jethre Shoemaker, Clem, Ga. FARRIER William J. McNally, Holyoke, Mass. PRIVATES Alfred M. Bonmas, Brooklyn, N. Y. Louis M. Croteau, Holyoke, Mass. Elvin A Frost, Clearmont, Wyo. Jan Gajda, Detroit, Mich. Herbert F. Gledhill, Sigurd, Utah. Charles H. Harsch, Brockport, N. Y. Tony Lubeck, 1213 Cleaver-st., Chicago. Harry McKinney, Evansville, Wis. Sarkis H. Semonian, Nashus, N. H. Joseph Suski, Cleveland, O. Leo Walts, Wellington, Ala. William J. Whittaker, Clarkston, Wash. Gilbert Wilson, Wofford, Ky. DIED OF WOUNDS. SERGEANT Fred A. Flogger, Carrie, Va. CORPORAL. Arthur E. Bond, Scipio, Okla PRIVATES. Albert H. Jester, Galveston, Tax. Howard Van Campen, Haven, Kas. DIED OF DISEASE. MAJOR. Albert L. Grubb, Berkeley Springs, W. Va. PRIVATES. George Holmes, Springfield, Mass. Louis Rosenberg, Pittsburgh, Pa. WOUNDED SEVERELY. LIEUTENANT. Theodore S. Slen, Hewitt Landing, Sask., Canada. CORPORALS. Ernest C. Blakely, Northboro, Mass. Wilbur C. Disbrow, Lynn, Mass. Muriel S. Morrison, Cloverport, Ky. Donald T. Peck, East Haven, Conn. George W. Van Voast, Turner, Mont. PRIVATES. Zed H. Adams, Newport, Ky. Charles Exner, 2128 North Laramie, avenue, Chicago. Ronald A. Ginder, Jameson, Mo. Charles D. Greenleaf, Santa Barbara, Cal. William H. Korn, Madison, Wis. Adam J. Mansak, Buffalo, N. Y. William B. Martin, Pittston, Pa. Charles E. Meyer, St. Louis, Mo. George E. Milne, Yam Hill, Ore. Samuel Mogett, Brooklyn, N. Y. Leon O'Leva, Binghamton, N. Y. John C. Partridge, Oakland, Cal. Reuben Patch, West Toledo, O. Herbert Prescott, Cambridgeport, Mass. Charles Schmitz, Streator, Ill. Clayton S. Wickland, Edmonds, Wash. WOUNDED-DEGREE UNDETERMINED. CORPORAL. Samuel Auge, St. Paul, Minn. Floyd Gibbons, accredited correspondent for Chicago Tribune. PRISONERS. CAPTAIN. Elmer J. Presper, Philadelphia, Pa. PRISONER (PREVIOUSLY MISSING.) PRIVATE. Edward W. Prunier, New Haven, Conn. MARINE CASUALTIES KILLED IN ACTION. SERGEANTS. Thomas P. Arnett, Christopher, Ill. William R. Cleveland, Crosby, Pa. Thomas R. Reath, Philadelphia, Pa. CORPORALS. Robert L. Clore, Lees Summit, Mo. Anthony J. Kowker, Frankville, Pa. PRIVATES. Arthur J. Ashe, Kittanning, Pa. William A. Benton, Mayodan, N. C. Jewell Buckman, Holley, N. Y. William W. Du Mars, Monroe, Wis. Jos, Eagan, Albany, N. Y. Glenn S. Loomis, Batavia, N. Y. Philip M. McGovern, Irvington, N. Y. William M. Moss, Mount Vernon, Ill. Joseph S. Mudek, Clarissa, Minn. Charles A. Naegelen, Cincinnati, O. Herbert A. Strehlow, Milwaukee, Wis. James A. Torgerson, Galloway, Wis. DIED OF WOUNDS. CORPORAL. David A. Johnson, 7311 Cottage Grove avenue, Chicago. PRIVATES. Lloyd V. Evans, Hamilton, N. Y. William P. Exner, Buffalo, N. Y. Leo P. Linnemann, Covington, Ky. Grant H. Lyman, Fillmore, Utah. William J. McNelly, Mayville, Mich. Robert M. Shields, Edgewater, N. J. SEVERELY WOUNDED IN ACTION. CORPORALS. Charlie C. Porter, Columbus, Ga. Richard W. Rose, Upper Mont Clair, N. J. PRIVATES. Burt M. Anderson, Dalles, Ore. Claud W. Bailey, Lubbock, Tex. Emery A. Bartlett, Salem, Ore. Geo. J. Bobal, Hastings, Pa. Paul N. Crow, Crossetts, Ark. Bert Cunningham, Fife Lake, Mich. Chester L. Curtis, Atlanta, Ga. Robert J. Duffy, Boston, Mass. Lacey Gibbs, Elles, Kas. Vincent J. Ichniowski, Baltimore, Md. Earl E. Krakau, Cleveland, O. James E. McGinn, Minneota, Minn. Daniel T. McKenna, Roxbury, Mass. William C. Mitchell, Louisiana, Mo. John E. Oberle, Riverview, O. Andrew Ontko, Larksville, Pa. William M. Park, Brooklyn, N. Y. Martin L. Parson, Falmouth, Ky. Emmett L. Patten, Winesap, Tenn. Howard M. Pell, Creston, W. Va. Andrew M. Perash, Courtdale, Pa. Hugh V. Schenck, 6016 Michigan avenue, Chicago. Laurence W. Thomson, Estes Park, Colo. Herbert R. Wegenatt, Rome, Ind. A week before the United States entered the world war David A. Johnson enlisted in the marine corps. He wanted to get in "on the ground floor," he said. He received preliminary training at Port Royal, S. C., and last fall was sent to France. "Be sure and keep the home together, for I will be home soon," read the last letter received by his mother, Mary Johnson of 7311 Cottage Grove avenue. "If Henry is called don't worry, for I think the war will be ended by fall and he won't get in much of the fight." Family's Only Support. The letter was written June 11. Mrs. Johnson received notification yesterday her son had been killed in action. He was 31 years old, and the principal support of the family. There are three other brothers and four sisters. "Nothing serious; recovering easily," read a somewhat cryptic telegram received yesterday from Lieut. E. P. Junkins by his wife, who was formerly Miss Edna Trier, 422 North Elmwood avenue, Oak Park. The family believe he has been slightly wounded, as he was in the front line trenches at the time. No formal notification has been received from the war department. Wife in Red Cross. Lieut, Junkins, who was formerly associated with Sanderson & Porter, engineers, at 72 West Adams street, obtained his commission at the second officers' training camp at Fort Sheridan. He left for France about Jan. 15. He is with the Twenty-third infantry. Mrs. Junkins is devoting herself to Red Cross work and is now an instructor in the hospital supply department of the Oak Park chapter. She supervises the cutting for bandages and other supplies. "If the Germans got him, he surely got some of them first," said friends of Private Charles Exner, artilleryman, when they learned yesterday that he had been severely wounded in action. He was a "natural born" fighting man was the way they phrased it. Exner is the son of Mrs. Frederick Exner, who now lives at 936 North Hamlin avenue. Orphan Killed. James S. Cusack, whose name was carried in the casualty list of Friday morning as killed in action, was an orphan. A sister, Mrs. Marie Swanson, lives at 139 South Fifteenth street, Maywood. He was 24 years old and enlisted in May of 1917 as a member of Company C, One Hundred and Forty-seventh infantry. He formerly worked on a farm near Melrose Park. Other Chicago names carried on the casualty list of yesterday were Private Tony Lubeck of 1218 Cleaver street, killed in action, and Hugh V. Schenck, 6016 Michigan avenue, severely wounded. Lubeck was the son of Mrs. Mary Lubiewski and was a pupil at St. Stanislaus Kotska school, Noble and Bradley streets, when he enlisted in the Ninth United States cavalry in December, 1914. At that time he adopted the name of Lubeck in place of Lubiewski. |
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