Abernathy, Louise Jane - 94 years old. The services were held 8/4/99
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Acuff, Irene - 86 years old. The services were held 10/8/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Adams, Jerald - 57 years old.
Published in the 7/26/99 issue
Adams, Lee Kenneth - 58 years old.
Published in the 9/4/99 issue
Adelman, Stephen Edward - 36 years old.
Published in the 10/21/99 issue
Aiello, Sybol Marie - 74 years old. The services were held 8/13/99
Published in the 8/12/99 issue
Aldridge, Stan - 51 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/11/99 issue
Allen, Curtis Andrew - 75 years old.
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Allen, Curtis A. - 75 years old. The services were held 10/9/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Allen, Jimree R. - 75 years old.
Published in the 10/24/99 issue
Alsobrook, Mary - 74 years old. The services were held 8/13/99
Published in the 08/13/99 issue
Amberger, Alberta M. - 74 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/21/99 issue
Amelunke, Hubert - 62 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 08/13/99 issue
Anderson, Marie L. - 89 years old.
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Anderson, Marie - 89 years old. The services were held 8/28/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Andrews, Dayton Eugene - 74 years old.
Published in the 08/25/99 issue
Armstrong, Glenn - 76 years old.
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Arnold, Nina Mae - 91 years old. The services were held 8/31/99
Published in the 08/30/99 issue
Arteme, Edith L. - 94 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 9/19/99 issue
Aubuchon, Allie J. - 96 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/11/99 issue
Austin, James L. - 58 years old. The services were held 10/4/99
Published in the 10/04/99 issue
Baehr, Mildred - 86 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Baggott, Elsie W. - 91 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Bailey, Robert Sr. - 70 years old. The services were held 7/21/99
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Bailey, Warren - 77 years old.
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Banks, Rosalie M. - 78 years old. The services were held 9/24/99
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Barber, Pearl Rhodes - 97 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Barnes, Howard Wayne - 76 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 9/19/99 issue
Barrett, Dorothy Dilworth - 86 years old. The services were held 8/9/99
Published in the 8/9/99 issue
Bartels, Monta Frances - 80 years old. The services were held 8/5/99
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
Baugh, Ruth Bartlett - 97 years old. The services were held 8/5/99
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
Bayer, John Pershing - 81 years old. The services were held 10/8/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Baylor, Sr., James William - 79 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/30/99 issue
Beal, Jimmy - 77 years old.
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Beal, Jimmy - 77 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Beans, Jim Scott - 48 years old. The services were held 9/3/99
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Beasley, Jessie E. - 82 years old.
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Beel, Irene E. - 75 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Beltz, Alma Lee - 71 years old. The services were held 8/23/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Bennett Sr., William E. - 70 years old.
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Berkbuegler, Wilhelmina C. - 89 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Bess, Willis R. - 84 years old.
Published in the 08/25/99 issue
Black, Imogene - 68 years old. The services were held 8/19/99
Published in the 08/19/99 issue
Black, Tom - 43 years old. The services were held 9/1/99
Published in the 08/30/99 issue
Blanchard, Genevieve R. - 87 years old.
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Blanford, Gertie Louise - 94 years old. The services were held 9/11/99
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
Blankenship, Alma Alice - 91 years old. The services were held 8/27/99
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Blaylock, Jessie Abernathie - 81 years old. The services were held 10/27/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Blechle, Carmen - 63 years old.
Published in the 7/25/99 issue
Bledsoe, Lloyd Earl - 66 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
Bloom, Ted C. - 50 years old. The services were held 10/31/99
Published in the 10/30/99 issue
Blumenberg, Elvin William - 68 years old. The services were held 9/17/99
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Bodenstein, Walter J. - 93 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Boesch, Ina - 77 years old. The services were held 8/10/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Bolden, Edith Mae - 70 years old.
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Boles, Martinea - 70 years old. The services were held 8/7/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Bollinger, Mabel - 84 years old. The services were held 7/31/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Bollinger, Lee - 78 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/11/99 issue
Bollinger, Hubert C. - 86 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Bond, Wesley D. - 89 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Boner, Jim - 47 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Borgfield, Hester Ada - 80 years old. The services were held 9/18/99
Published in the 9/18/99 issue
Boswell, Earl - 78 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Boyer, Alice Webb - 91 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Bradley, Ruby E. - 98 years old. The services were held 8/20/99
Published in the 08/19/99 issue
Brasington, Ricki - 78 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Brickhaus, Chalmer A. - 74 years old. The services were held 9/3/99
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Britton, Richmond - 89 years old.
Published in the 7/24/99 issue
Britton, Joel Gladys - 89 years old. The services were held 10/26/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Bronenkant, Charles Lee - 88 years old. The services were held 9/29/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Brown, Ruth - 86 years old. The services were held 7/28/99
Published in the 7/28/99 issue
Brown, Lester J. - 69 years old. The services were held 10/15/99
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Broyles, Lorraine Darby - 92 years old. The services were held 10/7/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Bruce, Annadell - 76 years old. The services were held 7/26/99
Published in the 7/26/99 issue
Brueckner, Marvin - 88 years old. The services
Published in the 08/16/99 issue
Bruhl, Dallas F. - 77 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/11/99 issue
Bryant, Charles ³Sonny² - 59 years old.
Published in the 08/31/99 issue
Bryant, Frank - 94 years old. The services were held 9/7/99
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Bryant, Leola Rachel - 71 years old. The services were held 10/27/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Buckman, Raymond Earle - 63 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Buerck, Bertha M. - 91 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Bunge, Marion Bevetta - 79 years old. The services were held 10/7/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Burch, Veda ³Polly² - 70 years old. The services were held 10/13/99
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Burnett, Ray V. - 77 years old. The services were held 8/27/99
Published in the 08/26/99 issue
Burns, James L. - 69 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Burton, Ruby L. - 79 years old. The services were held 9/13/99
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Burton, A.J. - 53 years old. The services were held 9/15/99
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Burton, Emily Cleo - 56 years old.
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Burton, Cleo Eakin - 56 years old. The services were held 9/18/99
Published in the 9/18/99 issue
Cambron, Betty - 55 years old. The services were held 9/24/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Camp, Lucille - 85 years old. The services were held 9/4/99
Published in the 9/4/99 issue
Campbell, George W. - 75 years old.
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Campbell, Robert J. - 68 years old. The services were held 10/20/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Campbell, Sr., George W. - 75 years old. The services were held 9/25/99
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Cantoni, Alexander Bailey - 3 days old.
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Cantoni, Gabriel Taylor - 1 day old.
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Capp, Eleanore - 66 years old.
Published in the 10/04/99 issue
Carlton, Irvin M. - 80 years old.
Published in the 9/18/99 issue
Carman, Helen Lankheit - 85 years old. The services were held 8/1/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Carter, Jr., George C. ³Buster² - 73 years old. The services were held 9/5/99
Published in the 9/5/99 issue
Carver, Mayme - 90 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Casper, Isa Hobbs - 74 years old.
Published in the 10/21/99 issue
Chaney, Fay - 83 years old. The services were held 8/6/99
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Chapman, Gladys LaRue - 82 years old. The services were held 8/13/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
Childers, Billy Eugene - 66 years old. The services were held 10/15/99
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Christian, Mattie - 90 years old.
Published in the 7/30/99 issue
Christian, Mattie - 90 years old. The services were held 7/31/99
Published in the 7/31/99 issue
Cissell, Earl - 97 years old. The services were held 8/2/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Cissell, Frances E. - 77 years old. The services were held 10/26/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Cissell, Leslie V. - 75 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Clardy, Mabel L. - 61 years old. The services were held 10/13/99
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Clark, Doyle Thomas - 59 years old. The services were held 9/23/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Clements, Edgar J. - 84 years old. The services were held 10/19/99
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Clendenin, Alice - 64 years old. The services were held 7/21/99
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Coates, Julie N. - 60 years old.
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Cobb, Terry - 51 years old. The services were held 8/14/99
Published in the 08/14/99 issue
Collins, Goldie Elnorah - 92 years old. The services were held 8/8/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Collins, Terry - 51 years old.
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Collins, Terry - 51 years old. The services were held 10/20/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Colyer, Jr., John Lee - 49 years old.
Published in the 8/9/99 issue
Comer, Thelma Coyle - 84 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Conrad, Glenda - 88 years old. The services were held 10/15/99
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Cook, Paul Dean - 60 years old. The services were held 8/27/99
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Cook, David Wayne - 37 years old.
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Cook, David Wayne - 37 years old. The services were held 10/20/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Copeland, Eva Lou - 78 years old. The services were held 8/28/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Corse, Wanda O. - 84 years old. The services were held 9/28/99
Published in the 09/28/99 issue
Cowan, Martha M. - 76 years old. The services were held 10/25/99
Published in the 10/25/99 issue
Cowell, Charles ³Chas² - 42 years old. The services were held 8/19/99
Published in the 08/19/99 issue
Craft, Emil E. - 91 years old.
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Craft, Emil E. - 91 years old. The services were held 9/8/99
Published in the 09/08/99 issue
Craft, Roscoe D. - 87 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
Craft, John - 81 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Craig, James - 61 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Creech, Mary Naomi - 79 years old. The services were held 9/13/99
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Creely, Marcia L. - 48 years old. The services were held 9/25/99
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
Crenshaw, Ruth Ellen - 64 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
Crisler, Daisy Mae - 86 years old. The services were held 8/21/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Crites, Owen W. - 85 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Crites, Ethel Marie - 89 years old. The services were held 10/17/99
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Crites, Owen W. - 85 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Cross, Thelma - 84 years old.
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Crowder, Nellie - 59 years old. The services were held 7/25/99
Published in the 7/24/99 issue
Crowder, Billy Ray - 46 years old. The services were held 8/12/99
Published in the 8/11/99 issue
Crumpecker, H.R. - 81 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Cryts, William Earl - 56 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Curry, Dorothy Louise - 83 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Dale, Hurl J. - 70 years old. The services were held 10/5/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Davis, Zora Odell - 89 years old. The services were held 8/29/99
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Davis, Vivian A. - 88 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Davis, Darrell Wayne - 45 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Dean, Dorothy L. - 73 years old. The services were held 9/23/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Deckard, Leo - 74 years old. The services were held 7/29/99
Published in the 7/29/99 issue
DeJournett, Woodrow - 86 years old.
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Delplane, Ruth - 71 years old.
Published in the 7/30/99 issue
DeSoto, Elizabeth Ann - 42 years old. The services were held 9/14/99
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Dickerson, James - 74 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/24/99 issue
Dickerson, Sr., Norvel M. - 79 years old. The services were held 9/9/99
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Diefenbach, Mary Elizabeth - 86 years old. The services were held 8/10/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
Dillow, Henry Don - 76 years old. The services were held 8/10/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Dillow, Stella - 84 years old. The services were held 9/17/99
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Dinger, Ruth - 61 years old.
Published in the 7/22/99 issue
Dixon, Emma E. - 64 years old. The services were held 8/17/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Dixon, Arlene - 76 years old.
Published in the 08/26/99 issue
Dodd, Myrtha C. - 92 years old. The services were held 9/22/99
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Dodd, Bonnie - years old.
Published in the 10/11/99 issue
Dodd, Bonnie J. - 64 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Doles, Dolly - 95 years old. The services were held 8/2/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Dollinger, Joseph S. - 75 years old.
Published in the 10/22/99 issue
Dollinger, Joseph S. - 75 years old. The services were held 10/24/99
Published in the 10/23/99 issue
Dormeyer, Byron Ford - 94 years old. The services were held 10/6/99
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Dover, Felice - 87 years old. The services were held 10/6/99
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Drury, Roy C. - 64 years old. The services were held 8/26/99
Published in the 08/25/99 issue
Dryden, Katherine M. - 100 years old. The services were held 10/7/99
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Dunn, John C. - 69 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Durham, Ruth Harvell - 91 years old. The services were held 9/25/99
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
Edwards, Dennis W. - 50 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Edwards, Mitchel - 78 years old.
Published in the 09/16/99 issue
Eifert, Mary C. - 94 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
Eifert, Jr., Paul - 78 years old. The services were held 10/3/99
Published in the 10/3/99 issue
Eledge, Thomas - 82 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Emmons, Kenneth Wayne - 48 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Enderle, Christina Regina - 86 years old. The services were held 8/24/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Engelhardt, Jon K. - 42 years old.
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
Englehart, Linder - 91 years old. The services were held 8/4/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Ennis, Geraldine McLean - 93 years old. The services were held 9/28/99
Published in the 9/26/99 issue
Epps, Emma Mae - 81 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
Ernst, Weldon J. - 73 years old. The services were held 9/26/99
Published in the 9/26/99 issue
Evans, Ethel - 85 years old.
Published in the 09/28/99 issue
Evans, Ethel - 85 years old. The services were held 9/29/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Farquhar, Carolyn - 45 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Favier, Glen J. - 85 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Favier, Joseph - 58 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Fear, Homer R. - 81 years old. The services were held 10/24/99
Published in the 10/24/99 issue
Felker, Damie - 99 years old.
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Fischer, Roy Paul - 75 years old. The services were held 10/25/99
Published in the 10/25/99 issue
Fish, William - 74 years old. The services
Published in the 08/16/99 issue
Fish, William - 74 years old. The services
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Flowers, Minnie M. - 89 years old. The services were held 8/4/99
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Forbey, Ruth Ann - 44 years old. The services were held 8/26/99
Published in the 08/26/99 issue
Ford, Carl Leon - 68 years old. The services were held 8/20/99
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Ford, Carl Leon - 68 years old.
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Forester, Ronald - 61 years old.
Published in the 7/31/99 issue
Fornkahl, Flora L. - 78 years old. The services were held 10/7/99
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Forsell, Dan - 47 years old. The services were held 8/29/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Foster , Jim - 56 years old. The services were held 8/5/99
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
Foulk, Alene Gertrude - 79 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
Foushee, Joseph Boyce - 80 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/11/99 issue
Franklin, Rose Emma - 85 years old. The services were held 10/19/99
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Fraser, Walter Arnold - 62 years old.
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Fraser, Walter Arnold - 62 years old. The services were held 9/22/99
Published in the 09/22/99 issue
Frentzel, Corene - 79 years old.
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Frey, Linda Jo - 55 years old.
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
Friedrich, Gerald G. - 78 years old. The services were held 9/29/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Fritsche, Erwin R. - 88 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Fuller, Edgar - 87 years old. The services were held 9/2/99
Published in the 09/02/99 issue
Fuller, Vetra - 87 years old. The services were held 9/25/99
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Gagliardi, Terry Anthony - 53 years old.
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
Gardner, Bessie L. - 101 years old. The services were held 9/11/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Gardner, George R. - 69 years old.
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Garms, Dorothy - 76 years old. The services were held 9/7/99
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Garner, Lela Newman - 88 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
Gerecke, Leeman Earl - 69 years old. The services were held 7/29/99
Published in the 7/28/99 issue
Gibbar, Mary P. - 86 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Gill, James - 66 years old. The services were held 8/8/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Gilles, Myrtle M. - 77 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
Glover, Ethel P. - 93 years old.
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Glover, Ethel P. - 93 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
Goecker, Sister Mary William - 84 years old.
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Goins, Mae - 92 years old. The services were held 10/17/99
Published in the 10/17/99 issue
Golden, Jean - 79 years old. The services were held 10/8/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Golden, Jean - 79 years old.
Published in the 10/9/99 issue
Goodman, Raymond - 58 years old. The services were held 8/9/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Goodman, Lewis M. - 90 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
Graham, Ruth - 78 years old. The services were held 8/8/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Grant, Mary E. - 81 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Grass, Stella M. - 92 years old. The services were held 10/18/99
Published in the 10/17/99 issue
Gravatt, Jane Dae King - 72 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Green , Gilbert - 64 years old. The services were held 8/9/99
Published in the 8/9/99 issue
Greenwood, Nadine - 95 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Gregory, James - 76 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
Grider, Beatrice - 84 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Griffin, Hobert E. - 78 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Groh, Martin Paul - 42 years old.
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
Guemmer, Robert - 71 years old. The services were held 8/15/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Guthrie, Bill - 81 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Gwaltney, Sr., Charles F. - 88 years old. The services were held 9/12/99
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
Haas, Janice Rice - 68 years old.
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Haas, Janice Rice - 68 years old. The services were held 10/27/99
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Haffly, Margaret Ella - 73 years old. The services were held 9/13/99
Published in the 9/12/99 issue
Hahn, Wanda Fay - 71 years old. The services were held 9/2/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Hale, Ruth Lee - 72 years old. The services were held 8/28/99
Published in the 08/26/99 issue
Halter, Pearl - 78 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Hampton, Bob Gene - 64 years old.
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Hand, Orillian Harvey - 87 years old. The services were held 9/6/99
Published in the 9/5/99 issue
Hand, Alma Ethel - 95 years old. The services were held 10/23/99
Published in the 10/23/99 issue
Hanebrink, Lillian Marie - 89 years old. The services were held 10/9/99
Published in the 10/9/99 issue
Hankins, Michelle Holman - 31 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/28/99 issue
Hannum, Marie Hunsaker - 94 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Harden, Natha Lee - 76 years old. The services were held 9/17/99
Published in the 09/16/99 issue
Harrelson, Inman - 91 years old. The services were held 9/2/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Harris, Celestine - 73 years old. The services were held 7/22/99
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Hart, Melvin Ray - 68 years old.
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Hart, Iva Jean - 63 years old. The services were held 10/6/99
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Hartel, Edward Allen - 72 years old.
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Hartman, Marie - 86 years old. The services were held 7/22/99
Published in the 7/22/99 issue
Hatley, Margaret - 69 years old. The services were held 10/7/99
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Hawk, Allen - 58 years old.
Published in the 7/22/99 issue
Hawk, Allen - 58 years old. The services were held 7/23/99
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Haynie, Thomas Walter - 71 years old. The services were held 10/10/99
Published in the 10/9/99 issue
Hefner, Paul Leyold - 57 years old. The services were held 10/8/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Heisserer, Frances Marie - 75 years old.
Published in the 08/31/99 issue
Heisserer, Frances Marie - 75 years old. The services were held 9/2/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Henderson, Jean - 57 years old. The services were held 9/15/99
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Henry, Harley Dale - 58 years old. The services were held 9/5/99
Published in the 9/5/99 issue
Henson, Furl Lee - 56 years old. The services were held 8/7/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Henson, Syvella - 69 years old.
Published in the 10/9/99 issue
Hente, Jerry L. - 64 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Hente, Jerry L. - 64 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Hess, Violet Mae - 75 years old. The services were held 10/5/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Hileman, Roy E. - 92 years old.
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Hileman, Roy E. - 92 years old.
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Hill, Pearl - 94 years old. The services were held 8/17/99
Published in the 08/16/99 issue
Hill, Pearl - 94 years old. The services were held 8/16/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Hillboldt, Beatrice W. - 84 years old. The services were held 10/22/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Hinton, Henry Howard - 84 years old. The services were held 9/3/99
Published in the 09/02/99 issue
Hisle, Norma Jean - 73 years old.
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Hite, Martha Ann - 67 years old.
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Hite, Martha Ann - 67 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Hobbs, Grace I. - 86 years old. The services were held 9/29/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Hobbs, John M. - 90 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Hoelscher, Barbara Jane - 84 years old. The services were held 10/10/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Hoffmeister, Oscar ³Jack² - 81 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
Hoffstetter, Harry - 81 years old. The services were held 7/25/99
Published in the 7/25/99 issue
Holland, William - 93 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Honnard, Maude - 90 years old. The services were held 9/21/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Hopgood, Marjorie Louise - 83 years old. The services were held 9/8/99
Published in the 09/08/99 issue
Hopkins, Ollie S. - 87 years old. The services were held 8/21/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Hopkins, Margie - 67 years old. The services were held 9/21/99
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Hotop, Wallace Julius - 69 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/08/99 issue
Houseman, Cleo - 81 years old. The services were held 9/12/99
Published in the 9/12/99 issue
Houseman, Maude - 79 years old.
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Howard, Alma Susan - 94 years old.
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Howard, Virginia B. - 74 years old.
Published in the 10/31/99 issue
Huck, Olive A. - 89 years old. The services were held 9/11/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Huckabay, Dr. John P. - 71 years old. The services were held 10/7/99
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Huckelberry, Wilma Rose - 85 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 9/19/99 issue
Huey, Lucille Margaret - 86 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Huffman, Dorothy - 85 years old. The services were held 8/6/99
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Huffman, Pauline V. - 72 years old.
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Huhn, Norma - 99 years old. The services were held 7/26/99
Published in the 7/26/99 issue
Huhn, Norma - 99 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Hulshof, Agnes Cecelia - 53 years old. The services were held 8/29/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Hulshof, Allana - 67 years old.
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Hulshof, Allana Justine - 67 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Hunsaker, Donald R. - 59 years old.
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Hunter, Gussie Gwen - 86 years old.
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Ingram, Rev. Charles E. - 70 years old. The services were held 9/4/99
Published in the 09/02/99 issue
Inman, Harry William - 96 years old. The services were held 9/7/99
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Irwin, Richard - 69 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Jackson, Vincent J. - 75 years old. The services were held 8/24/99
Published in the 08/24/99 issue
Jansen, Gertrude Ann - 81 years old. The services were held 10/17/99
Published in the 10/17/99 issue
Jeffries, Myrtle R. - 96 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Jenkins, Cleo Melvin - 87 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Johnson, Mable - 75 years old.
Published in the 8/9/99 issue
Johnson, Tiyonda M. - 19 years old. The services were held 8/28/99
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Johnson, James R. - 81 years old.
Published in the 9/18/99 issue
Johnson, Marion E. - 84 years old.
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Jones, Woodrow - 83 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Jones, Samuel Lee - 45 years old. The services were held 10/4/99
Published in the 10/04/99 issue
Jones, Jeanne - 72 years old.
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Jones, John Lilbourn - 84 years old. The services were held 10/9/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Jost, Evelyn - 57 years old.
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
Julian, Gertrude Z. - 85 years old.
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Kaempfer, David P. - 74 years old. The services were held 10/23/99
Published in the 10/22/99 issue
Kahtz, Robert - 75 years old. The services were held 8/9/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Kaiser, Gayle M. - 58 years old. The services were held 9/17/99
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Kassel, Elmore Watson - 59 years old. The services were held 8/10/99
Published in the 8/8/99 issue
Kasten, Lillian M. - 79 years old. The services were held 9/29/99
Published in the 09/28/99 issue
Keith, Sr., Cecil U. - 79 years old. The services will be held 11/2/99
Published in the 10/31/99 issue
Keller, Vicky - 43 years old. The services were held 8/14/99
Published in the 8/14/99 issue
Kellett, Clara Lanell - 82 years old. The services were held 8/24/99
Published in the 08/24/99 issue
Kelley, Juanita - 87 years old. The services were held 8/6/99
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Kelley, Bessie Irene - 86 years old. The services were held 9/9/99
Published in the 09/08/99 issue
Kerr, Mildred Wilson - 91 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Kester, Harold W. - 75 years old. The services were held 8/30/99
Published in the 8/29/99 issue
Kiefer, Herbert - 74 years old. The services were held 7/23/99
Published in the 7/22/99 issue
Kinder, Frank Woodrow - 86 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
King, Nelson - 69 years old.
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
King, Nelson - 69 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Kinsey, John - 63 years old. The services were held 7/23/99
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Kinsloe, Evelyn - 88 years old. The services were held 7/31/99
Published in the 7/29/99 issue
Kinslow, William R. - years old.
Published in the 10/30/99 issue
Kirchner, Leonard - 85 years old. The services were held 8/1/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Knight, William - 91 years old.
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Knight, Margaret Earline - 56 years old. The services were held 10/2/99
Published in the 10/2/99 issue
Koelling, Madeline - 79 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Koenig, Alfred Edwin - 90 years old. The services were held 8/6/99
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
Koerber, Edwin ³Bill² - 93 years old. The services were held 9/2/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Koontz, Michael J. - 47 years old.
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Koontz, Michael J. - 47 years old.
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Kranawetter, Otto - 86 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Kulish, Viola G. - 89 years old.
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Kurre, Ethel Bernice - 86 years old. The services were held 8/7/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Lamburth, James - 34 years old.
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Lamburth, Brent Vaughn - 34 years old. The services were held 9/15/99
Published in the 09/14/99 issue
Landgraf, Mary Victoria - 69 years old. The services were held 9/18/99
Published in the 9/18/99 issue
Lanier, Agnes - 77 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Larkins, Kenneth Bruce - 47 years old.
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Lauxman, Margaret B. - 84 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
LeGrand, Adam Eugene - 93 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Leible, Frances - 81 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/26/99 issue
Leimbach, Edna ³Arlene² - 68 years old. The services were held 10/10/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Lewis, Michaela Anne - 0 days old.
Published in the 09/22/99 issue
Lewis, Arpa Hill - 97 years old. The services were held 10/3/99
Published in the 10/3/99 issue
Limbaugh, Dottie M. - 88 years old. The services were held 10/4/99
Published in the 10/04/99 issue
Limbaugh, Ethel - 93 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Lincoln, Mildred Julia - 83 years old. The services were held 8/5/99
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Lingle, Harry - 86 years old. The services
Published in the 08/14/99 issue
Lingle, Harry - 86 years old. The services were held 8/16/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Lingle, Mary Lou - 66 years old. The services were held 10/19/99
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Lingle, Kenneth Earl - 76 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/21/99 issue
Lipscomb, Barney James - 68 years old.
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Little, Calvert W. - 81 years old. The services were held 9/16/99
Published in the 09/16/99 issue
Little, Billy Don - 62 years old. The services were held 10/5/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Littleton, Verla - 63 years old.
Published in the 10/25/99 issue
Littleton, Verla Houseright - 63 years old. The services were held 10/26/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Long, Betty - 72 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/22/99 issue
Long, Sonya Marie - 58 years old. The services were held 10/25/99
Published in the 10/23/99 issue
Long, William B. - 89 years old.
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Love, Charles McArthur - 56 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Lowes, Lilian B. - 86 years old. The services were held 8/28/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Lowes, Lillian B. - 86 years old. The services were held 8/29/99
Published in the 8/29/99 issue
Loyd, Michael E. - 44 years old. The services were held 8/4/99
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Luckie, Nellie - 87 years old. The services were held 9/24/99
Published in the 09/22/99 issue
Lumley, Linda Lou - 54 years old.
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Maevers, Teresa Kay - 41 years old. The services were held 8/6/99
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Maevers, Geneva Maxine - 73 years old.
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Maevers, Geneva Maxine - 73 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/30/99 issue
Manier, Iva - 88 years old. The services were held 8/1/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Manus, Mina - 90 years old. The services were held 8/6/99
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Marion, Clara Emily - 86 years old.
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Marks, Mildred E. - 79 years old.
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
Marks, Dorothy E. - 83 years old.
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Marshall, Van - 78 years old. The services were held 8/9/99
Published in the 8/9/99 issue
Marshall, Richard C. - 59 years old.
Published in the 09/14/99 issue
Marshall, Bettye - 75 years old. The services were held 9/22/99
Published in the 09/22/99 issue
Martin, Carl - 51 years old.
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Martin, Jr., Carl E. - 51 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Mason, Clyde A. - 84 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Mathis, Betty - 58 years old.
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Mathis, Seith - 86 years old.
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Mathis, Seth - 86 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Matlock, J. V. - 68 years old. The services were held 8/13/99
Published in the 08/13/99 issue
Matlock, Ella Mae - 90 years old. The services were held 8/24/99
Published in the 08/24/99 issue
Matthews, Ethil - 88 years old. The services were held 7/28/99
Published in the 7/28/99 issue
Maxwell, Ruth - 91 years old.
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
Mayer, Janette Watson - 63 years old. The services were held 10/4/99
Published in the 10/04/99 issue
Mayfield, Fred H. - 52 years old.
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
McBride, J.W. ³Brownie² - 84 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
McCallister, Naomi - 84 years old.
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
McCallister, Naomi Ghent - 84 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
McClary, Edward - 84 years old.
Published in the 8/11/99 issue
McClary, Edward E. - 84 years old. The services were held 8/12/99
Published in the 8/12/99 issue
McClintick, Alberta M. - 89 years old.
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
McClung, Sylvia - 86 years old. The services were held 8/5/99
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
McCraw, Walter Earl - 56 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
McDaniel, Willard - 80 years old. The services were held 7/22/99
Published in the 7/22/99 issue
McDermott, John Hutson - 48 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
McEntire, Brooks - 47 years old. The services were held 9/28/99
Published in the 09/28/99 issue
McFerron, Thomas James - 80 years old. The services were held 10/9/99
Published in the 10/9/99 issue
McGregor, Levern Lingle - 91 years old. The services were held 10/25/99
Published in the 10/25/99 issue
McKinley, Carl Edward - 79 years old.
Published in the 09/22/99 issue
McKinney, Gladys - 81 years old.
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
McKinney, Gladys - 81 years old.
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
McLard, Eldred Sloan - 77 years old.
Published in the 10/17/99 issue
McMillion, Ida L. - 81 years old. The services were held 10/3/99
Published in the 10/3/99 issue
McWhirter, Ira Rosella - 50 years old.
Published in the 10/30/99 issue
Mehner, Raymond Irving - 68 years old.
Published in the 10/18/99 issue
Mehner, Raymond Irving - 68 years old.
Published in the 10/22/99 issue
Mehner, Raymond Irbing - 68 years old.
Published in the 10/23/99 issue
Meintz, Lena L. - 89 years old. The services were held 10/17/99
Published in the 10/17/99 issue
Meller, Helen Peer - 90 years old. The services were held 9/15/99
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Merideth, Frances Josephine - 93 years old. The services were held 10/22/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Metcalf, Martha Milvina - 84 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Metje, Clara - 91 years old. The services were held 7/23/99
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Middleton, Ollie M. - 82 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Miget, Lenn C. - 88 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Millano, Dorothy M. - 76 years old. The services were held 9/23/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Miller, Kelly - 81 years old.
Published in the 7/24/99 issue
Miller, Carl - 87 years old. The services were held 7/25/99
Published in the 7/25/99 issue
Miller, Kelly - 81 years old.
Published in the 7/25/99 issue
Miller, Mae - 93 years old. The services were held 7/28/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Miller, David - 66 years old. The services
Published in the 08/13/99 issue
Miller, David - 66 years old. The services were held 8/15/99
Published in the 08/14/99 issue
Miller, Corinne Leighann - 0 days old.
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Miller, Mary Margaret - 78 years old.
Published in the 09/08/99 issue
Miller, Mertha Louise - 64 years old.
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Miller, Mertha Louise - 64 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/10/99 issue
Miller, Edna Ruth - 88 years old.
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Miller, Edna Ruth - 88 years old. The services were held 10/15/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Miller, Sr., Leon Raney - 73 years old. The services were held 8/27/99
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Mitchell, Brian A. - 35 years old.
Published in the 10/3/99 issue
Mitchell, Katherine E. - 87 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Mock, W.C. - 91 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Moll, Edgar - 79 years old. The services were held 8/7/99
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Moore, Ora - 83 years old. The services were held 7/30/99
Published in the 7/30/99 issue
Moore, Emma Louise - 89 years old. The services were held 8/6/99
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
Moore, Lyman Wilson - 77 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Moore, Theresa Marie - 82 years old. The services were held 9/8/99
Published in the 09/08/99 issue
Moore, Leona H. - 84 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
Moore, Glen F. - 68 years old.
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Morales, Elena R. - 73 years old. The services were held 10/31/99
Published in the 10/30/99 issue
Morduff, Lillian A. - years old.
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
Morehead, Rebecca Imogene - 83 years old. The services were held 8/16/99
Published in the 08/16/99 issue
Morehead, Rebecca - 83 years old. The services
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Morgan, Mary - 73 years old. The services were held 8/13/99
Published in the 08/13/99 issue
Morgan, Sherley Wayne - 63 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Morrison, Opal Irene - 90 years old. The services were held 10/7/99
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Morton, Jerry - 58 years old.
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Morton, Jerry L. - 58 years old. The services were held 10/15/99
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Mosley, Willie James - 71 years old. The services were held 9/3/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Muench, Norma - 87 years old. The services were held 7/26/99
Published in the 7/26/99 issue
Murray, Jimmy - 59 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Murray, Marvin L. - 61 years old.
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
Murray, Marvin ³Bud² - 61 years old. The services were held 10/3/99
Published in the 10/2/99 issue
Myers, Stanley - 79 years old.
Published in the 7/31/99 issue
Nall, Franklin E. - 65 years old.
Published in the 09/16/99 issue
Nelson, Lewis - years old.
Published in the 8/2/99 issue
Nelson, Lewis - 65 years old. The services were held 8/4/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Neumeyer, Allisyn Jessica - 1 day old.
Published in the 8/12/99 issue
Newell, Lonnie W. - 59 years old. The services were held 9/7/99
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Newton, Bill - 60 years old. The services were held 9/28/99
Published in the 09/28/99 issue
Nicholson, Kenneth - 48 years old. The services were held 8/17/99
Published in the 8/16/99 issue
Nicholson, Kennetth - 48 years old. The services
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Northcott, Betty L. - 66 years old. The services were held 9/18/99
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Northern, Raymond B. - 55 years old. The services were held 10/22/99
Published in the 10/22/99 issue
Norton, Grace Pearl - 87 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Nottage, Francis Ann - 57 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Null, Athel Mildred - 86 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
Nunnelee, John Fred - 84 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Nussbaum, Truman ³Butch² - 56 years old. The services were held 8/10/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
O¹Connell, Rev. John Q. - 77 years old.
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
O¹Mara, Clola - 92 years old. The services were held 8/15/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Oliver, E.N. ³Fat² - 86 years old. The services were held 10/1/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Ouchbauer, Floyd V. - 74 years old.
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Owen, Bertha Helen - 86 years old. The services were held 10/5/99
Published in the 10/3/99 issue
Parker, Oliver ³Jackie² - 64 years old. The services were held 10/3/99
Published in the 10/3/99 issue
Parmenter, Connie Walton - 95 years old. The services were held 9/6/99
Published in the 9/5/99 issue
Parsons, Kenneth Ray - 57 years old. The services were held 8/9/99
Published in the 8/9/99 issue
Patterson, Julia Josephine - 87 years old.
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Patterson, Vera G. - 95 years old. The services were held 10/9/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Pearson, L. Mae - 78 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Pennington, Harles Mitchell - 54 years old.
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Pensel, Louis R. - 91 years old. The services were held 9/8/99
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Perry, Vernie - 89 years old. The services were held 10/10/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Phipps, Pearl - 89 years old. The services were held 9/28/99
Published in the 09/28/99 issue
Pierce, Mary Lucille - 80 years old. The services were held 9/1/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Pingel, Hilda C. - 70 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Pinson, Narvel L. - 74 years old. The services were held 9/1/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Pobst, Lawrence - 81 years old.
Published in the 09/02/99 issue
Pobst, Jr., Lawrence - 81 years old. The services were held 9/3/99
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Poole, Jimmie Lee - 62 years old. The services were held 10/31/99
Published in the 10/31/99 issue
Potter, Hugh - 87 years old. The services
Published in the 08/14/99 issue
Potter, Hugh - 87 years old. The services were held 8/15/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Powell, Thomas C. - 62 years old. The services were held 10/11/99
Published in the 10/10/99 issue
Poynor, John - 65 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Pratt, Joyce Ann - 57 years old. The services were held 10/19/99
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Preston, Mary E. - 73 years old. The services were held 10/8/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Pruett, Lela Boardman - 92 years old. The services were held 9/13/99
Published in the 9/12/99 issue
Puchbauer, Floyd V. - 74 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Puyear, Elida Modene - 78 years old. The services were held 8/23/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Quick, Luetta - 63 years old. The services were held 10/26/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Rae, Velda - 79 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Ragland, Wilma Jane - 76 years old.
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Raible, Stephen G. - 79 years old.
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Raible, Stephen George - 79 years old. The services were held 10/20/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Ralph, Charles Richard - 64 years old.
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Ralph, Charles Richard - 64 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 9/19/99 issue
Rambow, Iva - 91 years old. The services were held 9/3/99
Published in the 09/02/99 issue
Randol, Sr., Narvol Arthur - 83 years old. The services were held 8/29/99
Published in the 8/29/99 issue
Rasnake, Della Izetta - 70 years old. The services were held 9/8/99
Published in the 09/08/99 issue
Ray, Carl Edward - 40 years old. The services were held 10/23/99
Published in the 10/23/99 issue
Rayhill, Evelyn Lee - 87 years old.
Published in the 10/7/99 issue
Reddiex, Juanita Wiley - 61 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Reece, Shawn Keith - 27 years old. The services were held 9/17/99
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Reed, Leonard - 66 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
Reel, Billie James - 68 years old. The services were held 10/25/99
Published in the 10/24/99 issue
Reid, Thorton H. - 62 years old. The services were held 10/17/99
Published in the 10/17/99 issue
Reiker, William - 72 years old. The services were held 7/31/99
Published in the 7/31/99 issue
Reischman, Helen Mary - 84 years old. The services were held 10/25/99
Published in the 10/25/99 issue
Rentfro, Debra - 44 years old.
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Revelle, Barbara Sue - 59 years old.
Published in the 08/31/99 issue
Reynolds, Viola - 99 years old. The services were held 8/16/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Reynolds, Allen Larry - 72 years old.
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Rhoda, Jo Nell - 64 years old. The services were held 10/5/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Rhodes, Estel L. - 79 years old. The services were held 10/20/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Rhodes, Gertie Lucille - 72 years old.
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Rhodes, Gertie Lucille - 72 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Richardet, Odeal E. - 78 years old. The services were held 9/23/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Richardson, Glen - 77 years old. The services were held 10/2/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Ridings, Ada - 93 years old.
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Riggs, Hershel Lee - 83 years old. The services were held 10/23/99
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Riley, Doreatha - 63 years old.
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Riley, Ernest Roy - 77 years old. The services were held 9/24/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Rion, Donald L. - 65 years old. The services were held 8/21/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Roach, Harold L. - 69 years old.
Published in the 10/11/99 issue
Roach, Harold ³Bob² - 69 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Robbins, Anna Marie - 78 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/30/99 issue
Robert, Marvin P. - 72 years old. The services were held 9/24/99
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Roberts, John - 69 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Robinson, William J. - 78 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/24/99 issue
Robinson, Pheaby - 89 years old. The services were held 8/8/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Rodgers, Leonard Melvin - 77 years old. The services were held 8/20/99
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Rogers, Wanda E. - 80 years old.
Published in the 09/27/99 issue
Romann, Gladys Margaret - 87 years old. The services were held 10/24/99
Published in the 10/23/99 issue
Ross, Margaret Ann - 88 years old.
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Rothe, Dennis Charles - 53 years old.
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Rubel, Charles R. - 68 years old.
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Ruehling, Larry - 51 years old.
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Ruehling, Larry L. - 51 years old. The services were held 8/4/99
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Ruesler, Wilbert H. - 83 years old. The services were held 9/15/99
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Ruffin, Leola Huie - 87 years old. The services were held 9/6/99
Published in the 9/5/99 issue
Sager, Remmite - 65 years old. The services were held 9/18/99
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Sander, Mildred M. - 74 years old. The services were held 9/9/99
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Sanders, Waneata - 84 years old. The services were held 8/1/99
Published in the 7/31/99 issue
Sanders, Hazel - 96 years old.
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Sanders, Larry W. - 50 years old.
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
Sanderson, Ellis Jewell - 81 years old.
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Sandler, Edgar W. - 91 years old. The services were held 10/27/99
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Sawyer, Tom - 88 years old.
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
Schaefer, Leon Albert - 85 years old. The services were held 8/10/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
Schaefer, Richard Gregory - 78 years old. The services were held 8/20/99
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Schlegel, Ella - 92 years old.
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Schlegel, Ella Emma - 92 years old.
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Schlue, Lela Mae - 76 years old. The services were held 8/2/99
Published in the 8/1/99 issue
Schmidt, Melissa Dawn - 25 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/11/99 issue
Schmitt, Louis L. - 53 years old.
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Schmitt, Louis L. - 53 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 9/18/99 issue
Schnurbusch, Robert W. - 84 years old. The services were held 9/1/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Schremp, Gilbert Wayne - 1 day old.
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Schultz, Leanos - 81 years old. The services were held 8/1/99
Published in the 7/31/99 issue
Schwartz, William L. - 70 years old. The services were held 9/5/99
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Schwartz, William L. - 70 years old.
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Schwieger, Raymond O. - 75 years old. The services were held 9/12/99
Published in the 9/12/99 issue
Scott, Eunice M. - 67 years old. The services were held 9/26/99
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
Scruggs, Kathryn A. - 78 years old. The services were held 9/3/99
Published in the 09/03/99 issue
Seip, Daniel - 57 years old.
Published in the 08/30/99 issue
Seip, Daniel - 57 years old.
Published in the 08/31/99 issue
Sewing, Trula M. - 85 years old. The services were held 10/26/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Seyer, Bernard John - 86 years old.
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Shafer, Francis - 82 years old. The services were held 8/16/99
Published in the 08/15/99 issue
Shafer, Robert Daniel - 66 years old.
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Shaffer, Russell - 82 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/21/99 issue
Sharp, Norma A. - 68 years old. The services were held 9/22/99
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Shelby, Carl E. - 78 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Shell, Glenda M. - 55 years old. The services were held 9/26/99
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
Shelton, James - 80 years old. The services were held 7/22/99
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Shipley, Tyler Daniel - 8 days old. The services were held 9/21/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Shipley, Bonnie Lous - 57 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Shirrell, Altha L. - 90 years old. The services were held 8/19/99
Published in the 08/19/99 issue
Shirrell, Alma O. - 76 years old. The services were held 9/1/99
Published in the 09/01/99 issue
Shrodes, Robert Lee - 81 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 9/26/99 issue
Simmons, Everett Wayne - 77 years old. The services were held 8/7/99
Published in the 8/6/99 issue
Simmons, Lee - 84 years old. The services were held 9/16/99
Published in the 09/16/99 issue
Sitter, Lloyd E. - 70 years old.
Published in the 10/25/99 issue
Sitter, Lloyd E. - 70 years old. The services were held 10/27/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Sitze, Pauline - 83 years old. The services were held 8/30/99
Published in the 08/30/99 issue
Slayden, James - 79 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/11/99 issue
Smith, Beverly - 44 years old.
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Smith, B everly - 44 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/24/99 issue
Smith, Pearl - 99 years old. The services were held 8/12/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
Smith, Marie Lee - 85 years old.
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Smith, Marie Lee - 85 years old. The services were held 8/28/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Smith, Ennis N. - 88 years old.
Published in the 9/4/99 issue
Smith, Elizabeth Angeline - 77 years old. The services were held 9/21/99
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Smith, Wanda - 61 years old. The services were held 9/22/99
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Smith, Cranston C. - 82 years old.
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Smith, Jr., Kiah - 84 years old.
Published in the 8/9/99 issue
Smith, Jr., Glenn Orville - 74 years old. The services were held 9/24/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Snider, Chester - 75 years old. The services were held 8/8/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Snider, Amos - 84 years old. The services were held 10/4/99
Published in the 10/04/99 issue
Snyder, Ethel M. - 76 years old. The services were held 9/27/99
Published in the 9/26/99 issue
Stafford, Ines Lee - 66 years old. The services were held 9/12/99
Published in the 9/12/99 issue
Stallings, Vivian Presley - 86 years old. The services were held 8/30/99
Published in the 08/30/99 issue
Stallings, Marion Walter - 83 years old. The services were held 10/19/99
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Statler, Glen N. - 73 years old. The services were held 7/26/99
Published in the 7/26/99 issue
Statler, Thomas Emerson - 97 years old. The services were held 8/8/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Steimle, Elizabeth L. - 90 years old. The services were held 9/26/99
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
Stevens, Charles - 86 years old. The services were held 9/13/99
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
Stiver, Sr., Charles E. - 84 years old. The services were held 9/23/99
Published in the 09/22/99 issue
Stone, Loy E. - 76 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Stone, Alma M. - 90 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 9/19/99 issue
Stone, Myles Long - 83 years old. The services were held 9/21/99
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Strange, Lester C. - 81 years old.
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Strange, Lester C. - 81 years old.
Published in the 08/24/99 issue
Stringer, Charles - 85 years old. The services were held 8/12/99
Published in the 8/12/99 issue
Stroud, Ruth - 85 years old.
Published in the 10/15/99 issue
Stueve, Dorothea - 92 years old. The services were held 8/13/99
Published in the 08/13/99 issue
Summerville, Pearl Elizabeth - 76 years old. The services were held 9/21/99
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Surface, Jerry R. - years old.
Published in the 10/01/99 issue
Surface, Jerry Ray - 56 years old. The services were held 10/2/99
Published in the 10/2/99 issue
Tanner, Hazel - 90 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/2/99 issue
Tatroe, Rose Victoria - 84 years old.
Published in the 10/23/99 issue
Taylor, C. Frances - 69 years old.
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Taylor, Betty Fannie - 59 years old.
Published in the 10/9/99 issue
Taylot, Donna - 38 years old. The services were held 8/13/99
Published in the 08/13/99 issue
Thiele, Eugene ³Gene² - 86 years old. The services were held 9/20/99
Published in the 09/20/99 issue
Thiessen, Paul H. - 72 years old.
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
Thomas, Shackrein - 20 years old.
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Thomas, Sidney - 59 years old. The services were held 10/16/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Thurston, Dawn - 28 years old.
Published in the 10/20/99 issue
Thurston, Dawn L. - 28 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/21/99 issue
Tidwell, Pauline - 78 years old. The services were held 8/5/99
Published in the 8/5/99 issue
Timmons, Barbara - 66 years old. The services were held 10/17/99
Published in the 10/16/99 issue
Tinker, Leo Doyle - 69 years old. The services will be held 11/1/99
Published in the 10/31/99 issue
Tollison, Betty F. - 58 years old. The services were held 10/21/99
Published in the 10/21/99 issue
Toombs, Ruby - 50 years old. The services were held 7/21/99
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Townsend, Violet Ruth - 66 years old. The services were held 8/29/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Travis, Katheryn Parr - 71 years old. The services were held 8/21/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Troester, Robert L. - 80 years old. The services were held 9/9/99
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Turner, Carrie - 89 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/11/99 issue
Turner, Naomi Moss - 68 years old. The services were held 8/25/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Tygett, Mark A. - 39 years old.
Published in the 09/14/99 issue
Tyler, Roy Eugene - 73 years old. The services were held 9/14/99
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Tyra, Charles - 51 years old. The services were held 9/23/99
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Underwood, Larry Dean - 45 years old.
Published in the 09/23/99 issue
Underwood, Larry Dean - 45 years old. The services were held 9/24/99
Published in the 09/24/99 issue
Unterreiner, Laura ³Polly² - 88 years old. The services were held 8/3/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Unterreiner, Calvin E. - 71 years old. The services were held 9/12/99
Published in the 9/12/99 issue
Uptmor, Larry - 70 years old. The services were held 10/19/99
Published in the 10/18/99 issue
Vandivort, Rosemary - 76 years old. The services were held 10/6/99
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Varner, Rosemary - 81 years old. The services were held 8/8/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Vaughn, Jospeh Miller - 74 years old. The services were held 10/31/99
Published in the 10/31/99 issue
Vavak, Floyd Monroe - 87 years old. The services were held 9/16/99
Published in the 09/16/99 issue
Vincent, Lavada Wanda - 85 years old.
Published in the 08/27/99 issue
Vincent, Lavada Gosnell - 85 years old. The services were held 8/28/99
Published in the 8/28/99 issue
Wallace, Ola Morie - 82 years old. The services were held 8/31/99
Published in the 8/29/99 issue
Wallace, Kathryn L. - 39 years old. The services were held 9/29/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Wallace, James Murray - 72 years old.
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Wallgen, Edward Charles - 86 years old. The services were held 8/4/99
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Wallgren, Edward - 86 years old.
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Wallis, Frances - 88 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 9/19/99 issue
Walls, Reu - 90 years old.
Published in the 7/26/99 issue
Walls, Reu E. - 90 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Walters, Betty Jo - 69 years old. The services were held 10/8/99
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Ward, Robert Arnold - 56 years old. The services were held 8/20/99
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Ward, Jay W. - 75 years old.
Published in the 09/17/99 issue
Warren, Kenneth Ray - 53 years old. The services were held 8/20/99
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Warren, Orpha - 89 years old. The services were held 10/5/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Waters, Roland - 63 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/27/99 issue
Watkins, Lindell - 77 years old. The services were held 9/10/99
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Weakley, Charles Larry - 58 years old. The services were held 8/23/99
Published in the 08/20/99 issue
Weisbrod, Mary - 73 years old.
Published in the 10/28/99 issue
Weisbrod, Mary Caroline - 73 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Welker, Mary Bee - 89 years old. The services were held 9/7/99
Published in the 09/07/99 issue
Welker, Loy L. - 81 years old. The services were held 9/13/99
Published in the 09/13/99 issue
Welker, Ludwig W. - 86 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 9/18/99 issue
Wells, Jacob K. - 81 years old. The services were held 8/5/99
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Werneck, Mary Eleanor - 77 years old. The services were held 10/28/99
Published in the 10/27/99 issue
Wessel, Henry J. - 96 years old.
Published in the 10/24/99 issue
Wessel, Henry J. - 96 years old. The services were held 10/27/99
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Wessell, Dan R. - 48 years old. The services were held 9/12/99
Published in the 9/11/99 issue
West, Perry - 86 years old. The services were held 7/24/99
Published in the 7/23/99 issue
Whitaker, Gladys Cato - 91 years old. The services were held 9/25/99
Published in the 9/25/99 issue
White, LeRoy - 86 years old. The services were held 7/27/99
Published in the 7/25/99 issue
White, Judy - 71 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
White, Benny L. - 69 years old. The services were held 10/30/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Whitelaw, Lygia Temple - 78 years old. The services were held 9/2/99
Published in the 08/31/99 issue
Whitlow, Lettie - 90 years old.
Published in the 09/21/99 issue
Whitworth, Hubert H. - 68 years old. The services were held 8/19/99
Published in the 08/19/99 issue
Wibbenmeyer, Anton T. - 73 years old. The services were held 8/24/99
Published in the 08/24/99 issue
Wiggins, Bobby C. - 72 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Wiles, Charles Lee - 88 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Wiley, Floyd - 63 years old. The services were held 10/14/99
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Wilfong, Collette - 66 years old. The services were held 7/25/99
Published in the 7/24/99 issue
Wilfong, Thurman - 76 years old. The services were held 10/31/99
Published in the 10/31/99 issue
Wilkinson, Edna - 87 years old. The services were held 7/21/99
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Wilkinson, Cleo B. - 89 years old. The services were held 10/18/99
Published in the 10/18/99 issue
Wilkinson, Cleo Christine Bom - 89 years old.
Published in the 10/19/99 issue
Williams, Roy - 65 years old. The services were held 8/7/99
Published in the 8/7/99 issue
Williams, Dorothy L. - 75 years old. The services were held 8/22/99
Published in the 08/23/99 issue
Williams, Curtis Mac - 76 years old. The services were held 9/17/99
Published in the 09/15/99 issue
Williams, Lee Roy - 42 years old. The services were held 10/9/99
Published in the 10/6/99 issue
Williams, Dorothy O. - 78 years old.
Published in the 10/8/99 issue
Williams, Lindy Elsie - 58 years old. The services were held 10/12/99
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Williams, Louvenia - 75 years old.
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Williams, Louvenia - 75 years old. The services were held 10/15/99
Published in the 10/14/99 issue
Williamson, Robert G. - 71 years old. The services were held 9/30/99
Published in the 09/29/99 issue
Willis, Mable - 75 years old. The services were held 8/11/99
Published in the 8/10/99 issue
Willis, William Austin - 77 years old. The services
Published in the 8/13/99 issue
Willis, William - 77 years old. The services were held 8/15/99
Published in the 08/14/99 issue
Wilson, Bill - 57 years old.
Published in the 7/21/99 issue
Winters, Darlene J. - 55 years old. The services were held 10/6/99
Published in the 10/5/99 issue
Withrow, Fred W. - 85 years old. The services were held 9/1/99
Published in the 08/31/99 issue
Witthoft, Robert Charles - 56 years old. The services were held 10/5/99
Published in the 10/04/99 issue
Wood, Ollie May - 80 years old.
Published in the 8/4/99 issue
Wood, Margaret L. - 84 years old. The services were held 9/14/99
Published in the 09/14/99 issue
Wood, Anna Marie - 94 years old. The services were held 10/29/99
Published in the 10/29/99 issue
Woodall, John - 25 years old.
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Woodruff, Samuel - 85 years old. The services were held 8/25/99
Published in the 08/25/99 issue
Wren, Robert William - 67 years old.
Published in the 8/3/99 issue
Wright, Carol L. - 60 years old. The services were held 9/22/99
Published in the 09/22/99 issue
Wright, Ruby M. - 87 years old.
Published in the 10/12/99 issue
Wright, Ruby Mae - 87 years old. The services were held 10/13/99
Published in the 10/13/99 issue
Wright, Larry Joe - 32 years old.
Published in the 10/26/99 issue
Yamnitz, Raymond - 85 years old. The services were held 8/16/99
Published in the 08/16/99 issue
York, Floyd Eugene - 56 years old.
Published in the 09/09/99 issue
Young, Lucille M. - 92 years old. The services were held 9/19/99
Published in the 9/18/99 issue