David Archibald, Esq., was the eldest of four brothers who settled in Truro. They arrived in Nova Scotia with a number of others on the 13th day of December, 1762. He was a leading man in society; was the first Justice of the peace who settled in Truro; was the first who represented Truro Township in Parliament. He first took his seat June 5th, 1766. His name stands first in the Grant of said Township, also to the call given the Rev. Daniel Cock, which was dated September, 13th, 1770. His name is also at the head of the list of elders of the Presbyterian Congregation. These were chosen in the summer of 1770. He had his front lands on the north side of Salmon River. His house stood near George McLeod's, on what is called Bible Hill. At one time a thief was brought before him for trial, and the sentence was, "That the thief should be tied to a cart and driven from the Hill across the River, down round the Parade, and back to the Hill again; and that the driver should use the whip more freely on the thief than on the horse. Mr. Archibald was born in Londonderry, Ireland, September 20, 1717. Elizabeth Elliott, his wife, was born June 10th, 1720. They were married May 19th, 1741. He died about 1795. His wife died October 19th, 1971, aged seventy-one years.
Samuel, the eldest son of David Archibald, Esq., and Elizabeth Elliott, his wife, was born in Londonderry, Ireland. November 11th, 1742. He was married to Rachel, second daughter of John Duncan and Rachel Todd, his wife, of Londonderry; he settled at Little Dyke, and remained there until 1769. His eldest child was born there in 1767, and died young. It was buried on a small island near the shore. He exchanged farms with William Corbett, removed to Truro and settled upon the Townsend Farm, so called, being the same upon which William C. Eaton, Esq., now resides. He was an active man in business and a good writer. He was Town Clerk of Truro from the year 1771, until the time of his death. He took his seat in the House of Assembly as representative of the Township of Truro on June 12th, 1775. He was again returned to represent Truro in 1777. He was very full of sport. On one occasion, when a number of men were engaged dyking in the marsh, as it was the custom in those days, the men took their dram in the middle of the afternoon, and laid down to have a little rest. This time they all fell asleep; he then took every man's spade and fastened each one of them to the marsh by the cue of his hair pressed with their spades into the marsh.
In 1779, he started to go to the West Indies in a vessel with a cargo of boards and horses. When he was on his was way down to the Bay, to go on board of the vessel, he rode up to John Smith's shop door, and said to him, "Come, Smith, let us have a parting drop." When Smith was about taking the parting drop with him, he snatched the bottle from him, and rode off, laughing, at the sport of playing a good trick on him. The bottle was filled with fish oil. While he was in the West Indies he received foul treatment from a British officer, and died there suddenly, leaving a widow and six young children to bemoan their sad bereavement. His widow was married again to Captain John McKeen, February 12, 1783. They had one son. She died January 20th, 1814, aged 71 years. Mr. McKeen died in St. Mary's.
John Duncan, the eldest son of Samuel and Rachel Archibald, was born February 5th, 1769. He removed to Upper Stewiacke and commenced work on the farm on which the late George Hamilton afterwards lived and died. He died there a bachelor, May, 1792, aged 23 years. Elizabeth Elliott Archibald, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, November 30th, 1770. She was married to Hugh, the eldest son of William Logan and Janet Moore, about the year 1793. They had three sons and four daughters. They settled in Upper Stewiacke. She died there.
David, the second son of Samuel and Rachel Archibald, was born in Truro, November 4th , 1772. He went by the name of David the seventh, or Colonel David. He built the house in which Isaac Barnhill, Esq., now resides, at Onslow parade, in which he lived and died. He was married to Olivia, one of the twin daughters of Charles and Amelia Dickson, of Onslow, February 5th, 1801. He was an active man in business. He died November 23rd, 1814, aged forty two years. His widow was married again to John Henderson (who was Sheriff of the District of Colchester) February 11th, 1819. They had one son. Mr. Henderson died July 8th, 1832. Mrs. Henderson died at Tatamagouche, February 7th, 1872, in the 88th year of her age.
Samuel George William, the eldest son of David and Olivia Archibald, was born in Onslow, May 31st, 1804. He was married to Maria Henderson, January, 1839. He died October 10th, 1871. George, their eldest son was born in 1840. Charles Archibald, the second son was born in 1842. He removed to Trinidad, where he was married had some family and died. Margaret Archibald, their eldest daughter, was born in 1844. Edward Archibald their third son was born in 1846. He removed to Newfoundland and died there. Rose Olivia Archibald, their second daughter, was born in 1848. David Archibald, their fourth son, was born in 1850. He died in Scotland in 1871. Maria Archibald, their third daughter was born in 1852. Susan Amelia Archibald, their fourth daughter, was born in 1854. Rupert Archibald, their fifth son, was born in 1856.
Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of David and Olivia Archibald, was born in Onslow January 27th, 1706*. She was married to Alexander McKenzie in 1827. They had five sons and three daughters. They settled at River John. She died there January 27th, 1870. Mr. McKenzie died March, 1868. Mary, the second daughter of David and Olivia Archibald, was born in Onslow January 27th, 1808. She was married to Hon. Alexander Campbell March 10th, 1825. They had four sons and four daughters. He settled in Tatamagouche, where he carried on a large business at shipbuilding and merchandise. He died suddenly April 13th, 1854, aged 59 years. [*possible typo in original book, probably should be 1806]
Charles Dickson Archibald, their second son, was born December 16, 1809. He was lost at sea when he was a young man. William Henry Archibald, their third son, was born December 10th, 1811. He died April 10th, 1812. Thomas Dickson Archibald, their fourth son, was born April 8th, 1813. He was married to Susan, daughter of William Corbett and Isabell Davison. Their sons names are Edward, Thomas and Blowers. Their daughter's name was Emma. She died when twenty years old. Mrs. Archibald died and he was married again to Elizabeth Hughes. He settled in Sydney, C. B., where he carries on a large business. He was a member of the Legislative Council of Nova Scotia for a number of years. He is now a member of the Senate of Canada.
Rachel Todd, the second daughter of Samuel and Rachel Archibald was born in Truro January 16th, 1775. She was married to Charles, the second son of Charles and Amelia Dickson, of Onslow, December 31st, 1799. They had five sons and six daughters. He was a carpenter by trade. He built the house in Onslow in which John B. Dickie, Esq, recently resided, and died there March, 1821, aged 45 years. His wife died in 1819, aged 44 years.
Samuel George William, the third son of Samuel and Rachel Archibald, was born in Truro, February 5, 1777. He was left a poor fatherless boy when about three years old, and was taken by his grandfather and brought up until he was able to earn his own living. He went to Stewiacke and commenced improving on the same farm that his brother had been working on before his death. He continued at this work but a short time. He soon threw down the handspike that he was rolling the black logs with, and resolved to try some other way of obtaining a living. He commenced the study of law, and it was but a short time until he was admitted to the Bar. He commenced with that vigor which but few persons can bring into action. He soon became popular. In 1806 he was returned to represent the County of Halifax in the House of Assembly, and he continued to hold his seat for thirty years. He represented the County of Colchester from the year 1836 to 1841. On May 21st, 1817, he was appointed King's Council. On February 15th, 1825, he was unanimously chosen Speaker of the House of Assembly. He filled the office of Clerk of the Peace for a few years when he was a young man; also, of Judge of Probate. He was appointed Solicitor General on April 11th, 1826. He was Attorney General for a number of years. In 1841 he was appointed to the office of Master of the Rolls. He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Amelia Dickson, of Onslow, March 16th, 1802. Mrs. Archibald died in Halifax May 13th, 1830, aged 43 years. He was married again to Mrs. Joanna Brodley, August 1832. He died in Halifax January 28th, 1846, aged 69 years. His widow died in England.
Charles Dickson, the eldest son of S. G. W. and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro October 31st, 1802. He was married to Bridget Walker in 1832. She was heiress of a large estate in Lancashire, England. He died in 1868. Elizabeth Archibald, their eldest daughter, was born in England in 1833. Charles William Archibald, their eldest son, was born in Truro, N. S., in 1838. They had three other daughters; their names are Juliel, Claria and Clarence.
John Duncan, second son of S. G. W. and Elizabeth Archibald was born March 27th, 1804. He was married to Annie Mitchell of Halifax, January, 1830. He died in Truro July 27th, 1830.
Foster Hutchinson Archibald, their third son, was born December 24th, 1806. He died in 1817.
George William, their fourth son, was born October 9th, 1808. He died April, 1822.
Edward Mortimer Archibald, their fifth son, was born May 10th, 1810. He was married to Catherine, daughter of Andrew Richardson, Esq., of Halifax, September 1834. He has filled the office of British Consul in New York for a number of years.
Elizabeth Archibald, their eldest daughter was born January 19th, 1812. She died October 24th, 1831. Mary Archibald, their second daughter was born January 1st, 1814. She was married to George Hill, of Halifax, August 29th, 1833. She died April 23rd, 1838. Rachel Dickson Archibald, their third daughter, was born April 22nd, 1815. She died in 1818.
Thomas Dickson Archibald, their sixth son, was born August 23, 1817. He was married to Sarah Smith of England. They have three sons; their names are George, Douglas, and William. Ellen, their daughter, is married to Capt. McNeil, of England. He is settled in London and practices at the Bar. In 1872 he was appointed as Baron of the Exchequer.
Samson Salter Blowers Archibald, their seventh son, was born in Halifax April 1st, 1819. He was married to Anovie, daughter of William and Isabell Corbett. They had two daughters. Mrs. Archibald died. He was married again to Margaret, daughter of Hon. Alexander and Mary Campbell, of Tatamagouche, October 10th, 1870. He is settled and carries on business at Sydney, Cape Breton.
Peter Suther Archibald, their eighth son, was born in Truro September 9th, 1820. He is a barrister, and Colonel of the Militia. He is living on the homestead. William George, their ninth son, was born in Halifax April 14th, 1822. Richard Archibald, their tenth son, was born September 9th, 1823. He died June, 1824. Jane Amelia, their fourth daughter, was born in Truro August 12th, 1826. She died October 4th, 1838. Robert Dickson, their eleventh son, was born February 17th, 1828. He is dead.
Margaret, the third daughter of Samuel and Rachel Archibald, was born in Truro January 23rd, 1779. She died unmarried November 23rd, 1811, aged 32 years.
Robert, the second son of David Archibald, Esq., and Elizabeth Elliott, his wife, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, January 22nd, 1745. He was brought by his parents to New England about the year 1757. They removed again to Nova Scotia December 13th, 1769. He and his brother were grantees of the Township of Londonderry. They had their front land at Little Dyke. They resided there for some time, and buried two of their children on the small Island near the shore. Capt. John Morrison (grandfather of Thomas F. Morrison, M. P. P.) and William Corbet, were grantees of the Township of Truro. Morrison and Corbett exchanged farms with Samuel and Robert Archibald. Morrison and Corbet removed to Little Dyke, and the Archibalds removed to Truro. Robert Archibald, while in Truro, resided in a house which stood on the hill near the place that Capt. R.W. Miriam now resides. In his house the Town meetings were frequently held, as it was the lower house in the Upper Village. He was Town Clerk for a length of time, and on September 16th, 1780, he was appointed Justice of the Peace for what is now the whole of the counties of Colchester and Pictou. Charles Dickson, of Onslow, and Eliakim Tupper, of Truro, were in the same appointment. Mr. Archibald was Colonel of the Militia and land surveyor. He surveyed and divided a large part of Truro Township and the whole of the Township of Onslow. He was Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He removed to Musquodoboit in 1787, and settled on the farm on which his grandson, David Archibald, now resides. He traveled to Onslow to attend Court. (The Court was then held in the house of old Mr. Nichols, which then stood about forty rods below the Onslow Meeting House.) After he removed to Musquodoboit, he travelled to Halifax with his butter-tubs in a bag on the horse's back, and one article that he purchased in Halifax was a large Family Bible, and he carried it home in one of his butter-tubs in the end of the bag. The writer had the satisfaction of examining this bible on July 10th, 1871, and found it in good condition. It contained the record of his family; also the record of his daughter Hannah's family, and was in the possession of his great-grandson, George McLeod, Esq., of Musquodoboit. He was married to Hannah, the third daughter of William Blair and Jane Barnes, of Onslow, April 2nd, 1767. Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Robert and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro November 2nd, 1768. She was married to Samuel Tupper, Esq., of Upper Stewiacke. They had two daughters. Mrs. Tupper died in January, 1789.
Janet, the second daughter of Robert and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro October 29th, 1770. She was married to William, son of John and Mary Logan. They had one son and one daughter. Mr. Logan died, and his widow was married again to Alexander McNutt Fisher, and had two sons and one daughter.
William Archibald, their eldest son, was born in Truro October 18th, 1772. He was drowned in Salmon River, near the head of the tide, while engaged fishing salmon. He was about sixteen years old at the time.
Capt. David, or David Archibald eighth, second son of Robert and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro April 2nd, 1775. He removed, with his parents, to Musquodoboit, where he spent the remainder of his days upon the same farm on which his son David now resides. He was married to Elizabeth Kent, of Musquodoboit, February 25th, 1801. Alexander Kent Archibald, their eldest son, was born in Musquodoboit, January 1st, 1802. He was married to Janet Harvey, of Newport. They had four sons and three daughters; their names are David, James, Charles, Alice, Margaret, Alexander, and Hannah. This family has removed from Musquodoboit. Hannah, the eldest daughter of David Archibald and Elizabeth Kent, his wife, was born May 9th, 1805. She was married to William J. Lydiard. They have three sons and four daughters. They have all removed to the United States. She died at Minnesota February 11th, 1873. Mary, the second daughter of David and Elizabeth Archibald, was born January 6th, 1807. She was married to Dr. George Harvey. They have four sons and four daughters. They removed to Ohio, United States. Susan, their third daughter, was born September 6, 1809. She was married to Angus McInnis. She died and left no family.
William, the second son of David and Elizabeth Archibald, was born August 26th, 1811. He was married to Diana Hutchison. They had three sons and five daughters. They removed to Minnesota, United States. Robert, their third son, was born June 6th, 1815. He died a bachelor.
David, their fourth son, was born May 27th, 1818. He inherited the farm which was owned by his father and his grandfather. He was married to Margaret, daughter of Jonathan Archibald and Margaret Talbot October 31st, 1844. Frederick, their eldest son, was born September 6th, 1846. William, their second son, was born June 2nd, 1850. Samuel, their third son, was born January 23rd, 1853. David, their fourth son, was born December 14th, 1854. Margaret E., their eldest daughter, was born July 15th, 1858. Charles, their youngest son, was born November 11th, 1863. David Archibald, Esq., and his wife are both living.
Eliza M., the youngest daughter of David Archibald, eighth, and Elizabeth, his wife, was born July 1st, 1821. She was married to Hugh Dunlap, Esq., of Stewiacke, November 10th, 1847. They had one son and two daughters. Mrs. Dunlap died April 26th, 1854, aged 32 years.
Margaret Price, the third daughter of Robert and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro September 18th, 1777. She was married to Hugh, son of John Archibald, of Musquodoboit. Their family appears among the descendants of John Archibald. Hannah, the fourth daughter of Robert and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro February 2nd, 1780. She was married to Adams Archibald, Esq., of Musquodoboit January 22nd, 1802. Their family appears among the descendants of Matthew Archibald.
Sarah, the fifth daughter of Robert and Hannah Archibald, was born February 22nd, 1785. She was married to William, youngest son of William Logan and Janet Moor. They had three sons and six daughters, which appear among the Logans. Susan, the youngest daughter of Robert and Hannah Archibald, was born February 7th, 1787. She was married to William Guild, of Musquodoboit. Robert Archibald died in Musquodoboit October, 1812, aged 67 years. His son David died Nov., 1843, and his widow, Elizabeth, died December, 1841. Hannah Blair, the wife of Robert Archibald, died November 4th, 1834. William Guild, died January 25th, 1862, aged 77 years; and Susan, his wife, died July 12th, 1854, aged 68.
John, the third son of David Archibald, Esq., and Elizabeth Elliott, his wife, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, August 18th, 1747. He came, with the rest of the family, to New England about the year 1757, and to Truro December 13th, 1762. He was one of the grantees of Truro Township. He lived, while in Truro, on his house lot in the Village, it being the same place on which Mr. Hiram Hyde now resides. He removed to Musquodoboit, and settled on the farm that Mr. John Tupper now resides upon, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was married to Alice Moor, sister of the late Hugh Moor, Snr., of Truro, June 2nd, 1768. David, their eldest son, was born in Truro March 19th, 1769. He was married to Letitia, daughter of John Barnhill and Letitia Deyarmond, of Chiganoise, August 9th, 1792. This David Archibald was David the fifth, or otherwise known by the name of David Barnhill. Letitia, the eldest daughter of David Archibald fifth, and Letitia Barnhill, his wife, was born June 9th, 1793. She was married to John Hollandsworth, and had two sons and six daughters. She died July 11th, 1863, aged 70 years. Alice, the second daughter of David and Letitia Archibald, was married to James Murphy in 1815. They had three sons and two daughters. She died August 9th, 1848, aged 54 years. Mr. Murphy died April 21st, 1868, aged 76 years.
John Barnhill Archibald, the eldest son of David and Letitia Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit October 1802. He was married to Mary, daughter of Thomas McCallum and Janet Logan March, 1824. Janet, the eldest daughter of John B. and Mary Archibald was born May 18th, 1830. She was married to David Pearson October 30th, 1856. They have three sons and one daughter. David the eldest son of John B. and Mary Archibald, was born November 24th, 1831. He removed to the United States, was married there, and has a family of children.
John Barnhill, the second son of John B. and Mary Archibald, was born June 24th, 1833. He was married to Margaret, daughter of William Irwin, of the Lower Village of Truro, October 28th, 1862. Franklin, the eldest son of John B. and Margaret Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit September 8th, 1863. Mary Eliza, their eldest daughter, was born April 24th, 1865. Henry Irwin and John, their twin sons, were born April 23rd, 1867. Sarah Irwin, their second daughter, was born April 27th, 1869. Margaret Ann, their daughter, was born April 14th, 1871.
Thomas, the third son of John B. and Mary Archibald, was born in the year 1835. He was lost at sea in the year 1856, when he was about 21 years old.
Phoebe Ann, the second daughter of John B. and Mary Archibald, was born January, 1837. She removed to the United States.
William, their fourth son, was born November 9th, 1838. He was married to Mary McFatridge February 8th, 1862. They have one son. John B. Archibald, Senr., died March 17th, 1844, aged 42 years, and his wife, Mary, died March 1st, 1841.
Margaret, the third daughter of David and Letitia Archibald, was born September 1800. She was married to David Holandsworth in 1825. She died April 22nd, 1869, and left no family.
David, the second son of David and Letitia Archibald, was born September 12th, 1804. This David Archibald is known by the name of David the sixteenth. He was married to Christy Ann, daughter of James Guild and Elizabeth Johnson November 1st, 1832. Elizabeth, their oldest daughter, was born March 24th, 1834. She died October 6th, 1837. Anne, their second daughter, was born December 4th, 1835. She was married to William Kaulback December 24th, 1865, and has one son and two daughters. Letitia, their third daughter, was born May 10th, 1838. She died December 6th, 1861. Amelia J., their fourth daughter, was born September 10th, 1840. She was married to James McCurdy, of Clifton. November 29th, 1858. They have five sons and one daughter. Mary Alice, their fifth daughter, was born April 24th, 1843. William J., their only son, was born April 29th, 1847. Jessie, S. their youngest daughter, was born November 26th, 1852, and died April 15th, 1853.
Ann, the fourth daughter of David and Letitia Archibald, was born March 14th, 1808. She was married to Robert Kaulback, Postmaster of Middle Musquodoboit, November 13, 1834, and has three sons and three daughters. Rebecca, the fifth daughter of David and Letitia Archibald, was born in 1810. She was married to Thomas Lord, of Lawrencetown. They had one son and two daughters.
Richard, the third son of David and Letitia Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit June 15th, 1812. He was married to Mary White December 31st, 1835. Susannah, their eldest daughter was born October 25th, 1836. She was married to Johnson Kaulback, March 15th, 1856, and had one daughter. Mr. Kaulback died, and she was married again to Whidden Pyke, September 1865. They had two sons and two daughters, and have removed to the United States. Letitia, their second daughter, was born March 25th, 1839. She died unmarried. Alice, the third daughter of Richard and Mary Archibald, was born March 11th, 1842. She was married to Benjamin O'Connell, May 1865. They have three children, David, their only son was born April 5th, 1846.
Hugh, the second son of John Archibald and Alice Moor, was born October 24th, 1770. He died January 7th, 1771.
Ann, the eldest daughter of John and Alice Archibald, was born in Truro March 28th, 1772. She was married to John Kennedy, of Middle Stewiacke, in the year 1795. They had five sons and two daughters. Mr. Kennedy died May 5th, 1817, and she was married again to David Dickey, of Musquodoboit (known by the name of Yankee David). She died October, 1858, aged 86 years.
Hugh, the third son of John and Alice Archibald, was born in Truro December 1st, 1773. He removed, with the rest of his father's family, to Musquodoboit, about the year 1790, and spent the remainder of his days there. He was married to Margaret Price, daughter of Robert Archibald and Hannah Blair, his wife, in the year 1797.
David the eldest son of Hugh and Margaret Price Archibald, was born March 17th, 1798. He was married to Mary Belyea, of New Brunswick. John , their eldest son, is married and has three children. William, the second son of David and Mary Archibald, was born May 3rd, 1836. He removed to the United States, and is married there and has one daughter. Margaret, the eldest daughter of David and Mary Archibald, was born in 1830. She is married to James Glencross, and has one son and three daughters. Martha Ann, their second daughter, was born in 1832. She was married to Robert Flake in 1852, and has two sons and five daughters. Hannah, their third daughter was born in 1834, was married to Thomas Cole in 1854, and had four sons and two daughters. Eliza, their fourth daughter, was born in the year 1838. Jane, their firth daughter, was born in 1840. She was married to William Dickey in 1866, and has one son.
Janet, the eldest daughter of Hugh and Margaret Price Archibald, was born February 4th, 1800. She was married to Frederick Hurley in April 1830. They have four daughters. She is living with one of her daughters on the same farm on which her father and mother lived and died. Mr. Hurley died May 21st, 1849, aged 47 years. Alice, the second daughter of Hugh and Margaret Price Archibald, was born February 1802. She was married to John Hurley in 1822, and had four sons and one daughter. She died July 14th, 1855, aged 53 years. Hannah, their third daughter, was born in Musquodoboit in the year 1804. Adams, the second son of Hugh and Margaret Price Archibald, was born in the year 1806. He died when about 25 years old.
William, their third son, was born in the year 1808. He was married to Christy McDougal in 1831. Miles, their eldest son was born in 1832. He removed to the United States. Catherine, the eldest daughter of William and Christy Archibald, was born in 1836. She was married to Mr. ______ Woodworth, and has three sons and one daughter. Ann, the second daughter of William and Christy Archibald, was born in 1838. She was married to Benjamin Green in the year 1865, and has three sons. George, the second son of William and Christy Archibald, was born in 1840. He removed to New Brunswick, and married there in 1869, and has one son. Eliza, the third daughter of William and Christy Archibald, was born in 1843. She was recently married to Mr. ______Wetherby.
Eliza, the fourth daughter of Hugh and Margaret Price Archibald, was born in 1811. She was married to Samuel Taylor in 1838, and has four sons and one daughter. Margaret, the fifth daughter of Hugh and Margaret Price Archibald, was born in 1813. She was married to Michael Maher, and has four sons and two daughters.
James Archibald 4th, the youngest son of John Archibald, Senr., and Alice Moor, was born in Truro, Nov. 20th, 1775. He was married to Mary, daughter of David Fisher and Martha Dickey of Middle Stewiacke, January 7th, 1802.
David, their eldest son, was born June 17th, 1803. He was married to Sarah Brinton of Middle Stewiacke, June, 1823. Mary, the eldest daughter of David and Susan Archibald, was born October, 1824. She was married to Matthew Burris in 1858. Mr. Burris died, and she was married again to William Moor.
Alice, the second daughter of David and Susan Archibald, was born in 1826. She was married to James Smith in 1852, and they removed to the United States. Ann, their third daughter, was born in 1827. She was married to James Wisenor in 1850. They had six sons and seven daughters. Eliza, their fourth daughter was born in 1828. She removed to the United States, and is married there. Robert Dickey, the eldest son of David and Susan Archibald, was born in 1829. He removed to the United States, and is married there. Rebecca, their fifth daughter, was born in 1831. She removed to the United States, and is married there. Sarah, their sixth daughter, was born in 1833. She removed to the United States, and is married there. Hannah, their seventh daughter, was born in 1835. She removed to the United States, and is married there.
James William, the second son of David and Susan Archibald, was born in 1839. He was married to Margaret Ryan in June, 1869, and has removed to the United States. Esther, their eighth daughter, was born in 1837. She is deaf and dumb. Jane, their ninth daughter, was born in 1845. She removed to the United States, and was married there. Margaret, their tenth daughter, was born in 1850. She was married to Samuel Burris in February, 1866. David Archibald died at Shubenacadie.
John, the second son of James Archibald, 4th, and Mary, was born September 14th, 1806. He was married to Amelia, daughter of William Conley, June 8th, 1830. William Conley, their eldest son, was born March 10th, 1831. He was married to Jane Williamson of New Brunswick, September 21st, 1856. Curlenda, their eldest daughter, was born September 21st, 1857. Clara, their second daughter, was born March 27th, 1859. Alexander, the eldest son of William C. and Jane Archibald, was born February 21st, 1861. Ida, their third daughter, was born December 4th, 1862. Isaiah, their second son, was born October 2nd, 1864. Matilda, their fourth daughter, was born September 11th, 1866. Lymon, their third son, was born July 3rd, 1868. Agnes, their fifth daughter, was born March 16th, 1870.
Hugh, the second son of John and Amelia Archibald, was born at Pleasant Valley, February 3rd, 1833. He was married to Margaret, daughter of Robert Fisher, of Shubenacadie, July, 1855. Alexander, their eldest son, was born August 14th, 1857. Susan Amelia, their eldest daughter, was born April 13th, 1859. Leander, their second son, was born April 14th, 1861. William, their third son, was born February 27th, 1864. Matthew, their fourth son, was born May 24th, 1867.
Susan, the eldest daughter of John and Amelia Archibald, was born at Pleasant Valley, December 20th, 1836. She was married to William, son of John Green of Shubenacadie, Sept. 15th, 1859. They have three sons and two daughters.
Mary, the second daughter of John and Amelia Archibald, was born April 13th, 1839. She was married to Isaac Brinton, December, ___, 1866.
Alice, their third daughter was born October 14th, 1844. She was married to William Wright, June 15th, 1869. They have one son. John, their third son, was born January 3rd, 1846. He died September 23rd, 1870. Lucy, their fourth daughter, was born January 2nd, 1849. Daniel, their fourth son, was born January 11th, 1854.
Alice, the eldest daughter of James Archibald, 4th, and Mary, was born June 15th, 1808. She was married to David Green of Shubenacadie, February 7th, 1828. They had four sons and five daughters. She died September 17th, 1868, and Mr. Green was drowned in the Shubenacadie River, Nov. 25th, 1847.
Robert Dickey, the third son of James and Mary Archibald, was born December 2nd, 1809. He was married to Ann Neal in 1836. He died in 1838.
James, the fourth son of James and Mary Archibald, was born July 14th, 1814. He was married to Sarah Maynord, July, 1838. Daniel, the eldest son of James and Sarah Archibald, was born January 15th, 1841. He was married to Margaret McCollam, February 4th, 1870. Ruth, the eldest daughter of James and Sarah Archibald, was born June, 1842. She removed to the United States. and is married there. Amos, their second son, was born November, 1843. James, their third son, was born September 15th, 1845. The above named James, son of James Archibald, 4th, died October 6th, 1845.
Daniel, the fifth son of James and Mary Archibald, was born July 20th, 1816. He was married to Jane Taten of New Brunswick, January, 1840. Mary, their eldest daughter, was born in 1842. She was married to Robert Guthrie of New Brunswick, in 1859. They have one son and four daughters. Alice, the second daughter of Daniel and Jane Archibald, was born in 1844. She was married to John Brown of Pleasant Valley, December 22nd, 1866, and has one son. Amelia, their third daughter, was born in 1846. She was married to Samuel Kennedy in November, 1863. They have two sons and one daughter. William James, the eldest son of Daniel and Jane Archibald, was born August 17th, 1849. George, their second son, was born in 1851. John, their third son, was born in June, 1853. Edward, their fourth son, was born in February, 1856. Clara, their youngest daughter, was born June 17th, 1859. Daniel Archibald, when he was a young man, removed to New Brunswick, where he was married, and all his children were born. He removed again, with his family, to Nova Scotia, and settled in Pleasant Valley in the year 1860. He died June 26th, 1868. His wife died October 15th, 1867.
Kennedy, a twin son of James and Mary Archibald, was born September 3rd, 1818. He was married to Mary, daughter of Simeon Whidden and Susannah Harris, December 22nd, 1840. Johnson, their eldest son, was born May 15th, 1841. He was married to Matilda Williamson of New Brunswick, November 17th, 1863. George, their eldest son, was born February 19th, 1866. Jessie, their eldest daughter, was born May 10th, 1868. George, the second son of Kennedy and Mary Archibald, was born July 20th, 1846. David, the third son of Kennedy and Mary Archibald was born May 2nd, 1848. He was married to Mary Williamson of New Brunswick, August 1st, 1868. Lesley, their daughter, was born April 25th, 1869. Adams G., the fourth son of Kennedy and Mary Archibald, was born January 3rd, 1851. Janet, their eldest daughter, was born November 22nd, 1852. Ermina and Elmira, their twin daughters, were born November 1st, 1854. Eleazer, their fifth son, was born September 20th, 1856. John, their sixth son, was born October 28th, 1858. Peter Suther, their seventh son, was born November 1st, 1860.
Johnson, the other twin son of James and Mary Archibald, 4th, was born September 3rd, 1818. He was married to Abigail, daughter of the late Simeon Whidden, junr., and Susannah Harris, October 9th, 1845. Kennedy, the eldest son of Johnson and Abigail Archibald was born October 30th, 1846. Mary Susan, their eldest daughter, was born August 17th, 1848. She was married to Daniel Millon, February 8th, 1870. Eleanor, their second daughter, was born October 27th, 1854. Sarah, their third daughter, was born September 17th, 1856. Jane, their fourth daughter was born June 28th, 1858. Edmon, their second son, was born June 17th, 1861. Alonzo, their third son, was born July 7th, 1864. James Archibald, 4th, after he was married, settled in Middle Stewiacke, and had a Grist Mill on the same brook on which the Mills now stand, and remained there until the year 1823, when he removed into the woods in Pleasant Valley; and commenced clearing a farm; being the same on which his two sons Kennedy and Johnson now reside. He spent the remainder of his days there, and died July 4th, 1834, aged 59 years. His wife died March 12th, 1854 aged 75 years.
Elizabeth, the second daughter of John and Alice Archibald, was born in Truro, November 24th, 1777. She was married to Johnson Kaulback of Musquodoboit. They had six sons and one daughter.
Mary, the third daughter of John and Alice Archibald, was born in Truro, December 10th, 1781. She was married to David McCollum, junr., of North River, Onslow, in 1803. They had six sons and six daughters. She died March, 1866. Mr. McCollum died January, 1858.
Alice, the fourth daughter of John and Alice Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit. She was married to Thomas Burgess. They had one daughter.
Margaret, the fifth daughter of John and Alice Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit. She was married to John Nelson. They had five sons and three daughters.
John and Alice Archibald had another daughter; her name cannot be ascertained. The father, mother, and child were crossing the Musquodoboit river on horseback when an ice cake floating down the river struck the horse's hind legs and nearly threw him down. The mother, in the struggle, let the child fall and it was drowned.
Margaret, the eldest daughter of David Archibald, Esq., and Elizabeth Elliot his wife, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, December 15th, 1749. She came with the rest of the family when she was 8 years old to New England, and from thence to Nova Scotia, when she was about 13 years old. She was married to John Savage. She was his second wife; his first wife, Jane, died April 3rd, 1767, aged 24 years. To her memory a stone is standing in the Truro Cemetery, with the oldest date on it of all the stones now standing there. John Savage was one to the grantees of Truro Township, and was an active member of society. He was a land surveyer, and at one time he agreed with the proprietors of the Township to subdivide their back lands into one hundred acre lots; for this work he was to have twelve thousand acres off the south-west corner of the Township, extending down the Shubenacadie River four miles, and as far east as it would require to make up the complement. This work was never done by him, as he died shortly after. He was one of the seven elders of the Presbyterian Church who were chosen in the summer of the year 1770. He had one son by his second wife, Margaret Archibald, they called him David. Mr. and Mrs. Savage both died when their son David was quite young and was taken by his grandfather, David Archibald, Esq., and brought up with his other grandson, S. G. W. Archibald. This David Savage was married to Elizabeth Brydon, and they kept an Inn near the place where Mr. Tremain now resides. In the year 1800 they removed to the Untied States.
Ann, the second daughter of David and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, March 12th, 1752. She came to Nova Scotia when about 10 years old. She was married to William, the eldest son of John McKeen, Esq., and Martha his wife, October 3rd, 1771. They had five sons and four daughters. They appear among the McKeen's.
James, the fourth son of David Archibald, Esq., and Elizabeth Elliot his wife, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, April 19th, 1754. He was brought by his parents to New England, and thence to Nova Scotia. In the year 1780, after the sudden death of his brother Samuel, which took place on one of the West India Islands, he left home to go there to look after the vessel and cargo, which belonged to his late brother. He never returned. A few years ago there was a sea captain by the name of Archibald, sailed into a port at one of the West India Islands. He found that the Custom House officer's name was Archibald also. This led to a conversation; he stated to the Captain that his grandfather was a white man from Britain, and that he settled and married on the Island, a long time ago. As was stated by the Captain to the writer, he was a portly good looking man, resembling some of the Archibald in Nova Scotia. His complexion was a little dark, but he was a smart man for business.
Thomas, the fifth son of David and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Ireland, May 17th, 1756. He was brought by his parents to New England when about one year old, and to Nova Scotia when he was about 6 years old. His name is among the grantees of the Township of Truro, although he was not quite ten years old at the date of the grant. He remained in Truro until he was about 21 years old. He then returned to New Hampshire. In 1783 he was among the graduates at Dartmouth College, being then 27 years old. On November 11th, 1789, he was ordained over a Church of Congregationalists in Acworth; this church contained but fifty-eight members at the time. He was dismissed from this congregation June 14th, 1794.
David, the sixth and youngest son of David and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Londonderry, New Hampshire, September 27th, 1758. He was known by the name of clerk David, or David the 3rd. He inherited a large part of his father's farm on Bible Hill. He built the house in which Mr. George W. Hamlon now resided, south of the bridge. He built another house near the place that Mr. John Davison now resides. He sold this house, with a large part of his farm, to Mr. Robert Barry, about the year 1812. He built another house on the top of the hill, on the place that the Court House stood a few years; north of the Metzler house. He carried on a considerable business at shipbuilding, which was not very profitable. He was married to Sarah, the eldest daughter of Matthew and Janet Archibald, January 29th, 1788. They had one son and three daughters. Mrs. Archibald died in the year 1797. He was married again to Hannah, the fourth daughter of Colonel Jonathan and Elizabeth Blanchard in the year 1799. He obtained a large tract of land on the St. Mary's River, on which now stands a large part of the Village of Sherbrooke. He removed to this place in July, 1815. He carried on there a considerable business at milling, lumbering and farming. He died there in the year 1823, aged 65 years. His widow died there about the year 1830, aged 56 years.
William Thomson Archibald, their only son was born in Truro, Dec. 12th, 1788. He built a house near the place that Mr. William McLeod now resides, on the north side of Salmon River. On the night of November 12th, 1813, there was a great hurricane, which blew down this house, and a great many others about Truro and elsewhere. Shortly after this, he removed to St. Mary's, and was married there to Janet McDonald, Dec. 20th, 1814. Sarah, the eldest daughter of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born Nov. 23rd, 1815. She was married to David, the eldest son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, of the Middle River of Pictou, Sept. 16th, 1840. They had four sons. She died May 3rd, 1847, aged 32 years. Martha, the second daughter of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born June 22nd, 1817. She was married to Wm. McKeen Dec. 2nd, 1840. They had three sons and four daughters. She died July 19th, 1861, aged 44 years. Nancy, the third daughter of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born May 26th, 1819. She was married to Thomas McKeen, of Cape Breton, in October, 1858. They had one son and one daughter. Mr. McKeen died March 9th, 1867. Margaret, the fourth daughter of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born June 10th, 1821. She was married to William Crocket, of Middle River Pictou. They have one son and three daughters. Elizabeth, the fifth daughter of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born May 20th, 1823. She was married to Alex., the second son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, Sept. 19th, 1843. They had five sons and three daughters. Mrs. Archibald died May 21st, 1868. Mary, the sixth daughter of W. T. and Janet Archibald, was born July 14th, 1827. She was married to Donald Kennedy, of Sherbrooke, Dec. 27th, 1846. They have four sons and four daughters. Eleanor, their seventh daughter, was born March 14th, 1829. She was married to Peter Crookshanks, in Nov., 1851. They had four sons and one daughter. Rebecca, their eighth daughter, was born Feb. 10th, 1831 She was married to Hugh Chisholm Dec. 20th, 1854. They had one son and one daughter. Janet, the ninth daughter of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born Sept. 11th, 1833. She was married to Adam Dickman in Sept., 1854. They had three sons and three daughters. Hannah, their tenth daughter, was born Dec. 18th, 1834. David, the eldest son of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born March 1st, 1836. He was married to Anne Coaley in Sept., 1864. Sarah Elizabeth, their eldest daughter, was born Oct. 9th, 1868. Margaret, their daughter, was born July 9th, 1871. James, the youngest son of Wm. T. and Janet Archibald, was born April 26th, 1839. He was married to Sarah Tate December 20th, 1863. Herbert, their eldest son, was born March 30th, 1865. Ada was born Nov. 2nd, 1866. William Thomson Archibald died January 9th, 1841, aged 52 years.
Elizabeth Elliot, eldest daughter of David and Sarah Archibald, was born in Truro, Nov. 8th, 1790. She was married to Hugh McDonald, Esq., of St. Mary's February 29th, 1816. They had four sons and three daughters. She died Nov. 20th, 1835. Janet, the second daughter of David and Sarah Archibald, was born in Truro August 21st, 1792. She was married to Isaac Archibald Dec. 1st, 1808. Nancy, the third daughter of David and Sarah Archibald, was born in Truro, in the year 1794. She was married to David A. Archibald, Oct. 31st, 1811. Sarah, the wife of David Archibald, 3rd, died in year 1797. He was married again to Hannah, daughter of Colonel Jotham and Elizabeth Blanchard, in the year 1799.
Sarah, the eldest daughter of David Archibald, 3rd, and Hannah Blanchard, was born in Truro, August, 1800. She was married to the Rev. Daniel McCurdy, June 3rd, 1832. They had two sons and two daughters. She died March 19th, 1870. Their sons and one daughter died some time ago. Mr. McCurdy died at Halifax, Jan'y, 1873. They are all buried at Wallace, Cumberland County. Rebecca S., the second daughter of David and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro, March 3rd, 1802. She was married to John McDonald, of Stellary's, Dec., 1822. They had two sons and five daughters. She died Nov., 1840.
Edward, the eldest son of David, 3rd, and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro, in the year 1804. When he was about seven or eight years old, attending Mrs. Janet Faulkner's school on the south side of Salmon River, in returning home, as he was crossing the bridge, he dropped his book into the river. In his attempt to recover his book he was drowned.
John Waddell, the second son of David, 3rd, and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro, Dec. 20th, 1806. He was married to Anne Hughes January 16th, 1841. Annette, their eldest daughter, was born November 8th, 1841. She died in the year 1842. Edward, their eldest son, was born May 16th, 1843. He died of croop, Feb'y 25th, 1845. Jane Walker, their second daughter, was born April 30th, 1815. She is married to James Parker Layton, of Wallace River, and has two daughters. Mr. J. P. Layton died in Sept, 1872. David William Archibald, their second son, was born August 20th, 1847. Josephine Rebecca, their third daughter, was born April 23rd, 1850. John Standley, their third son, was born Dec. 20th, 1852. He died May 14th, 1853. Charles Symour Archibald, their youngest son, was born Dec. 23rd, 1855.
Jotham, the third son of David, 3rd, and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro, December 28th, 1808. He removed with his parents to Sherbrooke, in July, 1815, where he now resides. He was married to Elizabeth McDaniel, Nov. 10th, 1838. Catherine, their eldest daughter, was born in 1839, and died in 1865. Mary Jane, the second daughter of Jotham and Elizabeth Archibald, was born July 13th, 1843. Henry McDaniel, their second son, was born September 6th, 1844. He is married to Miss Elizabeth Bollong. David Campbell, the second son of Jotham and Elizabeth Archibald, was born January 1st, 1848. Freeman, their third son, was born July 4th, 1850. William, their fourth son, was born Nov. 10th, 1855.
Mary, the third daughter of David Archibald, 3rd, and Hannah Blanchard, was born in Truro, May 28th, 1812. She was married to David McCurdy, of Onslow, February 20th, 1832. They had four sons and two daughters.
Jane, the fourth daughter of David and Hannah Archibald, was born August 31st, 1816. She was married to Edward Patten, of New Brunswick, in the year 1838. They had one daughter. Mr. Patten died suddenly in California; and she returned to Boston, and was married there to Mr. Foster. Mr. Foster died, and she is living a widow in Boston. Harriet, the youngest daughter of David and Hannah Archibald, was born in Sherbrooke, October 10th, 1819. She is now Matron in the Insane Asylum of Carleton, N.B.
Samuel Archibald, Senr., the second of the four brothers who removed from Londonderry, Ireland, to New England, about the year 1757, and thence to Nova Scotia, and arrived in Truro December 13th, 1762. He was born in the year 1719. He was married to Eleanor Taylor about the year 1743, fourteen years before they left Ireland. (She was born in the year 1724). They had six sons and four daughters before they came to Truro, and two daughters born in Truro. He was one of the grantees of Truro Township. He built his house on his house lot, being near the same place where his grand-son, David W. Archibald, now resides, where he spent the remainder of his days. He was one of the first elders of the Presbyterian congregation. He died July 15th, 1774, aged 55 years. This was the first breach made by death in the church session. His wife, Eleanor Taylor, died May 1st, 1781, aged 57 years.
Matthew, the eldest son of Samuel & Eleanor Archibald, was born in Londonderry, Ireland, in the year 1745, and came to Nova Scotia in the year 1762. He returned to New England, and was married there to Janet Fisher, in the year 1767. He returned with his wife to Truro, and settled and built his house on the north bank of the Salmon River, where he spent the remainder of his days. This house is standing yet, and is owned by the Rev. Dr. McCulloch. He carried on farming and tanning, at the same place where the tanyard now stands. He was part-owner of and attended the mills that stood on the south side of the river and east end of the village. He was eminently pious; and, from his careful use of the Bible, the hill took its name as "Bible Hill." He represented Truro in Parliament fourteen years, from the year 1785 to 1799; and he held the offices of Justice of the Peace and Coroner of the District of Colchester for a number of years before his death. He died January 18th, 1820, aged 75 years, and his wife died March 5th, 1843 aged 93 years.
The following is taken from the Halifax Guardian of March, 1843:---"Died at Truro, on Saturday, March 5th, 1843, Janet, widow of the late Matthew Archibald, Esq., aged 93 years. She was married when 17 years old; and shortly after came to this Province, where she has left a large body of descendants. She had twelve children, one hundred grand-children, two hundred and fifty great grandchildren, and twenty-three great great grand children---in all, three hundred and eighty-five. Of these, three hundred and twenty-three survive her. Mrs. Archibald exhibited, in her life and example, unobtrusive, but consistent piety. Her religion was her delight in her days of health, and in sorrow and sickness her consolation and support." I may here mention that she was one of the females who assisted raising the Truro meeting house-frame, in the spring of the year 1768.
Sarah, the eldest daughter of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, May 3rd, 1769. She was married to David Archibald, 3rd, January 29th, 1788. She had one son and three daughters, whose names appear in another place. She died in the year 1797, aged 28 years. Agnes, the second daughter of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born Nov. 26th, 1770. She was married to James McCurdy, of Onslow, Dec. 25th, 1788. They had seven sons and seven daughters. This was a remarkable family, as there was not a death in it until all the family were married and had families. Two of the sons were ministers of the Gospel, and the other five were all elected Elders of the Presbyterian Church. She died May 2nd, 1851, aged 81 years, and her husband died June 6th, 1854, aged 88 years.
Samuel Fisher, the eldest son of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro October 3rd, 1772. He was married to Olivia Scott October, 1797. (She was the daughter of Joseph Scott, who was Sheriff of the District of Colchester for a considerable length of time.) Mr. Archibald, shortly after he was married, removed to Musquodoboit, where he settled and spent the remainder of his days. He died May 14th, 1860, aged 87 years. The following is taken from the Morning Chronicle: "Died at Musquodoboit on the 14th day of May, 1860, Samuel Fisher Archibald, aged 87 years. Few men have passed through life more creditably than Mr. Archibald. He was distinguished for sound judgement and good sense; he seldom said a foolish word or did a foolish action. His religion was not confined to the merit of dealing fairly with men, but he walked with God, and like old Simeon, was just and devout. For integrity and truth, he stood at the head of his class, and he was ready to engage in every good work. His house was the temple of hospitality. His usefulness was continued until late in life. His last days were soothed by the prayers of kind friends, and with the presence of his Maker. We hope he has joined that great congregation into which all the people of God will in due time be gathered." Sarah, the eldest daughter of Samuel F. and Olivia Archibald, was born October 24th, 1798. She died unmarried in October 1842, aged 44 years.
William, the eldest son of Samuel F. and Olivia Archibald, was born October 31st, 1800. He was married to Mary, daughter of Thomas Ellis and Elizabeth Deyarmond, his wife, July 25th, 1821. Samuel, the eldest son of William and Mary Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit May 15th, 1822. He was married to Margaret Parker, March 1843. James, the eldest son of Samuel and Margaret Archibald, was born in the December, 1844. He died in 1867, aged 23 years. William, their second son, was born in the year 1846. He died 1852. William, their third son, was born October 5th, 1852. Joseph, their fourth son, was born December 15th, 1854. Caroline, their daughter, was born January 1857. Mrs. Archibald died June 24th, 1858. He was married again to Susan Parker in April, 1860. Margaret, their eldest daughter, was born 1861. Mary, their second daughter, was born 1863. Thomas, their son, was born 1865.
Thomas Ellis, the second son of William and Mary Archibald, was born June 22nd, 1824. He was married to Sarah, the daughter of George and Eleanor Hamilton, January 18th, 1849. Elizabeth Archibald, their eldest daughter, was born March 28th, 1850. William Archibald, their eldest son, was born in 1851. Emma, their second daughter, was born in 1853. Mary, their third daughter was born in 1855. She died young. George, their second son, was born 1857. Edward, their third son, was born in 1861. Minnie, their fourth daughter was born 1864. This family removed lately to the United States.
Olive, the eldest daughter of William and Mary Archibald, was born October 14th, 1826. Elizabeth, their second daughter, was born April 9th, 1831. She died June 20th, 1851. Matthew, the third son, was born January 1st, 1829. He was married to Mary Sophia Bates January 17th, 1851. Sidney S. M. Archibald, their eldest son, was born July 1st, 1852. Mary Aubery, their eldest daughter, was born February 14th, 1854. Elizabeth, their second daughter, was born July 12th, 1856. Sarah, the third daughter of William and Mary Archibald, was born October 31st, 1833. She died December 1837. George, the fourth son, was born August 16th, 1835. He was married to Lavinia, daughter of Daniel McKeen, September 8th, 1857. David McKeen, their eldest son, was born January 9th, 1858. Hedley Vicars, their second son, was born April 1861. Lambert Lewis, their third son, was born October, 1863. James Parker, their fourth son, was born September 1867. Almira was born June, 1870.
John, the fifth son of William and Mary Archibald, was born September 1st, 1838. He was married to Isabel Moir, May 26th, 1865. Ralph Erskine, their sixth son, was born August 5th, 1840. He was married to Elizabeth Hutchinson, August 3rd, 1863. Sophia Bates Archibald, their daughter, was born February, 1867. William H. Archibald, their eldest son, was born May, 1864. John H., their second son, was born March, 1869.
Isaac N., the seventh son of William and Mary Archibald, was born November 3rd, 1842. He was married to Anne McAuly, February 8th, 1868. James Parker, their eldest son, was born May, 1870. He died young. Lambert Edmund, their second son, was born 1871. Charles Blackie, the eighth son of William and Mary Archibald, was born August 24th, 1844. Mary Gladwin, his wife, was born January, 1852. They were married August 10th, 1871. James Bayne, the ninth son of William and Mary Archibald, was born July 3rd, 1847. He was married to Adela Alma Philips, of Illinois. Charles, their third son, was born in 1871. He died in 1872.
Matthew, the second son of Samuel F. and Olive Archibald, was born August 3rd, 1804. He was married to Jane Grant, May 3rd, 1838. Rev. Samuel Archibald, their eldest son, was born in Musquodoboit February 23rd, 1839. He was settled in Shelburne as Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation there. Donald, the second son of Matthew and Jane Archibald, was born August 16th, 1840. He was married to Grizell McLaughland, of Middle Stewiacke, February 9th, 1865. He was elected May 16th, 1871, to represent the County of Halifax in the Local Parliament of Nova Scotia. George Parker, their son, was born December 8th, 1866. Samuel Melville, was born July, 1868. Rupert Foster, born January, 1870. Lewis Gordon, March, 1872. George Parker, the third son of Matthew and Jane Archibald, was born August 7th, 1842. He died January 14th, 1857. William, the fourth son of Matthew and Jane Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit May 9th, 1844. Alexander R., their fifth son, was born July 27th, 1846. Mary Jane, their daughter, was born September 20th, 1848. Sarah, their second daughter, was born March 11th, 1851. Janet, their third daughter, was born May 9th, 1853. Peter McGregor, their sixth son, was born on March 12th, 1855. Janet, the second daughter, of Samuel F. and Olive Archibald, was born September 16th, 1802. She was married to George Parker January 18th, 1831. Mary, the youngest daughter of Samuel F. and Olive Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, June 24th, 1815. She was married to Matthew Burris, Esq., March, 1835. They had four sons and five daughters.
Matthew Taylor Archibald, the second son of Matthew and Janet, was born in Truro, November 17th, 1774. He was married to Jane Guild, of Musquodoboit, September 15th, 1801. Janet, their eldest daughter, was born May 21st, 1803. She was married to Alexander McCurdy in the year 1819, and had six sons and three daughters. William Guild Archibald, the eldest son of Matthew T. and Jane Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, May 21st, 1805. He was married to Nancy, daughter, of Ebenezer Archibald and Rebecca Christie, March 17th, 1830. Mary Ann, the eldest daughter, of William G. and Nancy Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, October, 1836. She was married to Robert Read, October, 1856. They have three sons and two daughters. Ellen Jane, the second daughter of William G. and Nancy Archibald, was born January 1838. She was married to William H. Cumminger in the year 1857. Edward, the eldest son of William G. and Nancy Archibald, was born October, 1840. He was licensed to preach the Gospel, but is now teaching in Canada. John, their second son, was born September 15th, 1843. He is now a barrister in Montreal. Isaac, their youngest son, was born June 8th, 1846. He was married to Mary, only daughter, of John McCurdy and Mary A. Tupper, October 12th, 1871. Matthew T. Archibald's wife, Jane, died November 5th, 1808, and he was married again to Margaret Braydon July 5th, 1810. Their daughter, Jane Guild was born June 5th, 1811. She was married to William Guild, and had five sons and five daughters. Margaret, Matthew T. Archibald's second wife, died in the year 1815. He was married again to Mary Lord, July 29th, 1816. Matthew James, their eldest son, was born January 21st, 1819. He was married to Elizabeth Jane Braydon, December 6th, 1842. Matthew Taylor, the eldest son of Matthew James and Elizabeth Jane Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, October 13th, 1843. Emma Jane, their eldest daughter, was born July 4th, 1845. She was married to Samuel Irvin, December 10th, 1868. Mary Lord, the second daughter of Matthew James and Elizabeth Jane Archibald, was born October 8th, 1847. William H., their second son, was born July 6th, 1850. Elizabeth Jane, their third daughter, was born May 29th, 1852. Hannah P., their fourth daughter, was born October 12th, 1854. Isaac Adams, the third son of Matthew James and Elizabeth Jane Archibald , was born July 6th, 1857. Sarah M., the youngest daughter, of Matthew T. and Mary Archibald, was born January 24th, 1821. She was married to William Scott Hutchison, in November 1841. They had three sons and three daughters. Isaac Adams, the youngest son of Matthew T. and Mary Archibald, was born April 1st, 1823. He was married to Eliza McKenzie in October 1846. They removed shortly after they were married to the south sea Islands in company with Dr. John Geddie. They had seven children, and Mrs. Archibald died in Australia in September, 1867. Matthew Taylor Archibald died in Musquodoboit in November, 1839, aged 65 years, and his third wife died May 28th, 1863.
Adams, the third son of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro April 18th, 1777. He was married to Hannah ,the fourth daughter, of Robert Archibald, Esq., and Hannah Blair, January 22nd, 1802. Eliza, their eldest daughter, was born May 1st, 1803. She was married to Angus McLeod February 14th, 1822. They had two sons and two daughters. Mrs. McLeod died July 24th, 1827, aged 23 years. Janet, the second daughter of Adams and Hannah Archibald, was born November 14th, 1804. She was married to John, the fourth son of Samuel Tupper, Esq., and Rachael Dunlap, of Upper Stewiacke, March 2nd, 1830. They had three sons and one daughter. She died February, 8th, 1843, aged 38 years, and her husband died July 26th, 1844, aged 40 years. Adams Archibald, Esq., died April 24th, 1857, aged 80 years, and his wife Hannah died June 10th, 1854, aged 75 years.
The following is taken from the Morning Chronicle of May 9th, 1857:---"We have this day to record the death of Adams Archibald, Esq., of Musquodoboit. He was a man who taking him all in all, we may not see his like again for a long time to come. Few men were better known, or more generally respected in this Province, particularly in the Counties of Halifax and Colchester, and few men leave a greater blank in their community, than the subject of our notice. For more than fifty years Mr. Archibald occupied a prominent place in society; during the greater part of this time he was in the commission of the Peace, and even as his eldest brother was known by the name of Deacon, so was he universally known as Squire Adams, and he was nearly as long connected with the Session of the Presbyterian congregation of Musquodoboit. He was a member of the Board of Commissioners of Schools for the eastern district of Halifax County ever since that body was organized. It will be generally admitted that the duties of these various and important offices were discharged with promptitude and effect, which had their origin in the uncommon force of character for which he was distinguished. In private life, and in ordinary business, the same peculiarity was manifested. When alive, he abhorred pretence or vain boasting, and it would be unseemly to insult his memory with any eulogy of his goodness however just. His brethren and friends know well that he demonstrated his faith by his works, and that he was behind none of them in those marks and proofs of genuine religion, which only the grace of God can account for. He died old and full of days, having entered his 81st year, and good men carried him to his last resting place."
Ebenezer, the fourth son of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, April 13th, 1779. He was married to Rebecca, daughter of John Christie and Nancy Denny, his wife, April 12th, 1804. Nancy, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro January 20th, 1805. She was married to William Guild Archibald, of Musquodoboit, March 17th, 1830. Their families appear among the descendants of Matthew T. Archibald.
Matthew, the eldest son of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, was born January 29th, 1807. He was married to Margaret, daughter of James and Mary Johnson, of Pembroke, Upper Stewiacke, March 2nd, 1841. James William, their eldest son was born 1842. He died March 10th, 1862. Mary, their only daughter was born October 1st, 1844. Andrew Christie, their youngest son was born 1847. Mrs. Archibald died at Harmony, May 6th, 1851, aged 33 years. Mr Archibald was married again to Nancy McKim, of Londonderry, May 5th, 1853. He died at Harmony October 15th, 1865, in the 59th year of his age.
Anne Waddell, the second daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, March 8th, 1809. She was married to Samuel James, the eldest son of John B. and Catherine Archibald, January 21st, 1836. Their family appears among the family of John B. Archibald.
John Christie, the second son of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, January 16th, 1812. He was married to Jane, daughter of William O'Brien, Esq., of Noel, October 27th, 1834. He removed to Kansas, and died there November 5th, 1866. Ebenezer, their eldest son was born in Truro December 3rd, 1835. He was married to Annie Wheaton March, 1869. Catherine, their eldest daughter, was born February 14th, 1870. Jane, the second daughter, was born January 24th, 1872. Julia Annie, the eldest daughter of John and Jane Archibald, was born February 15th, 1838. She was married to James H. Holmes of New York, October 10th, 1857.
Albert William, the second son of John Archibald, was born January 1st, 1840. Nancy, their second daughter, was born January 6th, 1842. She died January 29th, 1860. Clara Margaret, their third daughter was born December 31st, 1843. Frederick William, their eldest son was born September 8th, 1845. He was married to Sarah C. Reid of Ohio, September 17th, 1871. Caleb P., their fourth son, was born May 18th, 1848. He was married to Kate Lamon of Virginia, February, 1872. Clarence L., their son was born November 8th, 1872. Alice Jane, the youngest daughter of John and Jane Archibald was born October 1st, 1852.
Henry C., the third son of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, was born May 22nd, 1815. He was married to Rebecca McCurdy, daughter of James M. McCurdy, January 31st, 1838. They removed to Grotten, Mass. After Mrs. Archibald's death, June 13th, 1854, he returned to Musquodoboit, and was married again to Mary Jane, daughter of Alexander and Janet McCurdy, June 12th, 1856. He died April 1st, 1859. Ebenezer Charles, his eldest son, was born March 7th, 1839. He died at Grotten, October 20th, 1861. Melville McCurdy, their second son, was born December 23rd, 1840. He died March 2nd, 1849. Margaret Jane was born September 5th, 1842, and died March 27th, 1846. Rebecca Ann, was born August 30th, 1844, and died July 24th, 1861. Margaret Agnes was born September 14th, 1846; she died August 12th, 1852. Georgia Elizabeth was born September 25th, 1848, and died March 8th, 1849. Miriam was born March 20th, 1850. James William was born February 24th, 1852, and died January 10th, 1868. Henry Adams was born December 3rd, 1854, and died March 20th, 1854*. Adams Tarbell, the only son of his second wife, was born July 8th, 1857. [*possibly a typo in the original book, probably should be 1855]
Edward, the fourth son of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, was born August 8th, 1818. He was married to Isabel, daughter of Robert O. Christie, November 27th, 1844. Edgar, their eldest son, was born September 1st, 1845. Margaret was born October 9th, 1857. Rebecca was born August 29th, 1860. Sarah, the youngest daughter was born November 7th, 1863.
Adams, the fifth son of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro July 26th, 1822. He removed to Massachusetts, and was married there to Mary Ann Tarbell March 17th, 1853.
Charles, the youngest son of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, was born September 22nd, 1827. He died when about four years of age.
Ebenezer Archibald died August 8th, 1829, in his fiftieth year of his age, and his widow died May 25th, 1854, aged 68.
Alexander Lackie, the fifth son of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, March 5th, 1788. He was married to Mary, daughter of William Fulton and Sarah Dunlap of Upper Stewiacke, December 13th, 1810.
Samuel George William Archibald, their eldest son, was born in Truro February 8th, 1812. He was married to Susannah, daughter of William and Lydia Fulton, of Wallace, February 24th, 1835. Alexander Lackie, the eldest son of S. G. W. and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro January 3rd, 1836. Alexander L. Archibald was married to Nancy, the eldest daughter of David T. Archibald and Eleanor Taylor his wife, September 27th, 1859. Lilly Christianna, the eldest daughter of Alexander L. and Nancy Archibald, was born in Truro April 12th, 1863. Josephine, their second daughter was born January 12th, 1866. William Fulton, the second son of S. G. W. and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro December 17th, 1837. Rebecca Huestis, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro February 22nd, 1840. She was married to the Rev. John Haward July 26th, 1865. They have three daughters. Lydia, the second daughter of S. G. W. and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro September 14th, 1841. She was married to James Leman January 12th, 1869. Stephen Fulton, their third son, was born May 3rd, 1843. He was married to Mary Cowperthwait October 18th, 1870. Joseph Howe, their fourth son, was born December 18th, 1844. He was married to Emily Dickson November 13th, 1867. Frederick, the eldest son of Joseph H. and Emily Archibald was born November 1869. Charles, their fifth son, was born March 4th, 1847. He died November 4th, 1847. Mary Jane, their third daughter, was born in Truro, February 2nd, 1849. Richard, their sixth son, was born in Truro, February 28th, 1851. Henry, their seventh son, was born August 15th, 1853. He died August 3rd, 1854. Ella, their fourth daughter, was born February 14th, 1855. George M., their eighth son was born August 18th, 1858.
Sarah, the eldest daughter of Alexander L. and Mary Archibald, was born January 26th, 1814. She was married to James, son of Alexander Kent, Esq., and Jane Christie his wife, January 10th, 1833. They had one son and five daughters. She died January 8th, 1847, aged 33 years.
Charles Frederick Augustus, the second son of Alexander L. and Mary Archibald, was born in Truro December 22nd, 1817. He removed to the United States.
William, the third son of Alexander L. and Mary Archibald, was born December 20th, 1820. He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Blair and Nancy Archibald his wife November 4th, 1845. Cecilia, their eldest daughter, was born August 13th, 1846. Peter, their eldest son was born March 21st, 1848. He is now an engineer on the Intercolonial Railroad. Leonard Carey and Bertha, being twins, were born March 28th, 1850. Leonard was married to Annie Lindsay January 7th, 1873. He is a merchant in Antigonish. Mary Agnes, their third daughter, was born March 25th, 1851. Jenny, their fourth daughter, was born March 6th, 1854. Clara, their fifth daughter, was born May 30th, 1860.
Alexander, the fourth son of Alexander L. and Mary Archibald, was born March 27th, 1825. This Alexander Archibald was one of the passengers on board the ill-fated vessel Enterprise.
Mary Jane, the second daughter of Alexander L. and Mary Archibald, was born in Truro January 5th, 1828. She removed to Boston, United States, and was married there to Charles Gay in the year 1855, and died in the year 1866, in November. Mary Fulton, the first wife of Alexander L. Archibald died September 8th, 1828; and he was married again to Christiana F., the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Cock, March 29th, 1831.
Alfred Archibald, their eldest son, was born May 21st, 1833. He was married to Nancy McLain in the year 1857. Margaret, their eldest daughter, was born in September, 1858. Alexander Lackie Archibald, their eldest son, was born August 2nd, 1860. In August 1869, he was killed while raking hay; being thrown from the horse, and drawn by the rake, over the field. The family were living at Cape John, in the County of Pictou, at the time. Joanna Archibald, their second daughter, was born in the year 1862. She died young. Annie, their third daughter, was born in the year 1864. She died young. Gordon, their second son, was born in the year 1866. Walter Henry, their third son, was born in the year 1868.
Walter, the youngest son of Alexander L. and Christianna N. Archibald, was born in Truro in the month of May, 1835. He was married to Olivia, daughter of James McCurdy and his wife of Onslow, in the month of August, 1859. Frank, their eldest son, was born in Truro March 21st, 1861. Alice, their eldest daughter, was born in the year 1863. Percy, their second daughter, was born in the year 1864. Mary, their third daughter, was born January 1st, 1867. Walter Archibald and his family removed to the United States.
Alexander Lackie Archibald, whose descendants are the foregoing, was Major of the Militia. He represented the township of Truro in the House of Assembly from the year 1830 to 1842, and from the year 1847 until 1851. He carried on farming and tanning. He built the house in which his son William now resides, where he reared his family, and died February 12th, 1859, aged 71 years.
John James, the sixth son of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born July 22nd, 1790. He was married to Mary, daughter of Isaac and Mary O'Brien of Noel, in the County of Hants, October 13th, 1812. Timothy O'Brien Archibald, their eldest son, was born in Truro August 9th, 1813. He was married to Martha, daughter of Alexander and Jane Kent of the Lower Village of Truro, January 1st, 1835. Isaac, the eldest son of Timothy and Martha Archibald, was born in Truro in the month of February, 1838. He started to go to British Columbia, and died on the voyage in the month of April 1861, aged 28 years. Clarissa, the eldest daughter of Timothy and Martha Archibald, was born December 27th, 1835. She was married to John Ryan and they have three sons and three daughters. Barbara, their second daughter was born in the month of September, 1840. She was married to Arthur Gladwin, of Musquodoboit, and had two sons. She died in the year 1869. Alexander Kent, the second son of Timothy and Martha Archibald, was born in the month of March, 1843. Edward, their third son, was born December 25th, 1845.
Adams, the second son of John James and Mary Archibald, was born in Truro February 21st, 1815. He was married to Mary Ann McConnell, of Tatamagouche, July 2nd, 1840. They now reside at River John.
Rachel O'Brien, the eldest daughter of John J. and Mary Archibald, was born in Truro March 26th, 1817. She was married to James Johnson, of Salmon River, February 24th, 1845. They have two sons and four daughters.
Janet, their second daughter, was born May 6th, 1819. She was married to Daniel McNutt, December 21st, 1841. They have two sons and five daughters.
Margaret, the third daughter of John J. and Mary Archibald, was born August 2nd, 1821. She was married to Isaac, the fourth son of John B. and Catherine Archibald in the month of November, 1840. They had four sons and two daughters.
Sarah Ann, their fourth daughter, was born April 9th, 1825. She was married to Alexander Miller November 25th, 1856. Their family is among the Millers.
Mary Elizabeth, their fifth daughter, was born December 11th, 1828. She is married to the Rev. Hector B. McKay, of River John. They had three sons and four daughters.
John McCurdy, the third son of John J. and Mary Archibald, was born in Truro, January 24th, 1833. He was married to Margaret, daughter of Isaac Christie and Susan Yuill, his wife, May 10th, 1855. Clarence, their eldest son, was born April 26th, 1856. He died April 28th, 1859. Mary, their second daughter, was born March 29th, 1859. Susan Jane, their third daughter, was born July 9th, 1866. John McCurdy Archibald died November 27th, 1865, aged 32 years.
John James Archibald died August 6th, 1864, aged 74 years, and his wife, Mary O'Brien, died October 30th, 1854.
Jonathan, the seventh and youngest son of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, July 1st, 1793. He was married to Margaret Talbot, of Truro, November 18th, 1813.
James, the eldest son of Jonathan and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro, December 14th, 1815. He was married to Margaret, the eldest daughter of James Talbot and Mary Urquhart, his wife, January 14th, 1845. Mary, the eldest daughter of James and Margaret Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, August 1st, 1846. Margaret, their second daughter, was born May 27th, 1848. Adams, the eldest son of James and Margaret Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, October 17th, 1850. Eleanor, their third daughter, was born April 27th, 1852. James, their second son was born January 1st, 1854. He died January 10th, 1861. Jonathan, their third son was born March 25th, 1856. He died May 27th, 1857. Elizabeth, their fourth daughter, was born March 29th, 1859.
Matthew, the second son of Jonathan and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro, January 1st, 1818. He was married to Jane Hall, of Sheet Harbour, September, 1839. Sarah Jane, the eldest daughter of Matthew and Jane Archibald, was born March 13th, 1841. She was married to John S. Stewart, February 24th, 1859. They have three sons and two daughters. William, the eldest son of Matthew and Jane Archibald, was born January 1843. He was married to Lydia Redman, in July, 1863. Sidney, the son of William and Lydia Archibald, was born in the year 1865. Margaret, the second daughter of Matthew and Jane Archibald, was born in January, 1844. Mary, their daughter, was born October 18th, 1846. Jonathan, their second son, was born October 15th, 1848. Susan, their fourth daughter, was born July 16th, 1851. She died July 16th, 1867. Catherine, their fifth daughter, was born May 10th, 1853. Thomas, their third son, was born April 22nd, 1856. He died in January, 1857. Emma, their sixth daughter, was born April 10th, 1859. Neal, their fourth son, was born March 22nd, 1862. David H., their fifth son, was born October 22nd, 1864.
Jane, the eldest daughter of Jonathan and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro January 18th, 1820. She was married to John Curry, of Sheet Harbor, in the year 1842, and had two sons and four daughters. She died July 25th, 1872, aged 52 years. Margaret, the youngest daughter of Jonathan and Margaret Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, January 5th, 1827. She was married to David Archibald, Esq., October 31st, 1845. They had five sons and one daughter. Their names appear among the descendants of Robert Archibald, Esq.
Jonathan Archibald, shortly after he was married, removed to Pleasant Valley, and had the Mills at the foot of the Lake. He removed from there to Musquodoboit in the year 1824, where he spent the remainder of his days at farming and milling. He died at Musquodoboit in August, 1861.
Eleanor Wilson, the third daughter of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro April 9th, 1781. She was married to George, son of Robert and Nancy Hamilton, November 23rd, 1802. He died September 13th, 1841, aged 68 years, and his wife died August 15th, 1857, aged 76 years.
Jean, the fourth daughter of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, March 15th, 1783. She was married to Edward S., son of Colonel Jotham and Elizabeth Blanchard, February 18th, 1802. They had seven sons and four daughters. She died February 9th, 1873, aged 90 years. Mr. Blanchard died December 24th, 1856, aged 78 years.
Elizabeth, the fifth and youngest daughter of Matthew and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, January 11th, 1786. She was married to Samuel Archibald, third. Their family appears among the descendants of James Archibald, Esq.
John Archibald second, the second son of Samuel Archibald, Senr., and Eleanor Taylor, was born in the year 1747. He was fifteen years old when they came to Nova Scotia. He was one of the grantees of Truro Township, although he was but 18 years old at the date of the grant. His wife, Margaret, daughter of William Fisher and Eleanor Archibald, was born in the year 1747, and they were married March 4th, 1772. They built their house on their front lot, being the same on which the Episcopalian Church and several other houses now stand. The old cellar is to be seen yet in the field of Mr. Solomon Slack. He owned the front wood lot on the South side of the street. He and his brother built the Mills on the bank of the upland, Southwest of the River Bridge. They dug a race for the water nearly half a mile along the West side of their lots. On this place he reared his numerous family. He died October 15th, 1813, aged 66 years, and his wife, Margaret, died May 12th, 1809, aged 62 years. He was married again to Hannah, daughter of James Archibald, and widow of the late John Cummings.
Rachel, the eldest daughter of John and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro, December 29th, 1772. She was married to David Morrison Archibald, or David Archibald sixth. Their family appears among the descendants of James Archibald, Senr.
William, the eldest son of John and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro, September 19th, 1774. He was married to Susan, daughter of William and Dorothy Putnam, January 1st, 1801. He removed; and settled at Upper Musquodoboit, on the farm which was afterwards owned by the Messrs. Annand. He removed from there to the South Branch of Stewiacke, about the year 1826, and settled on the same farm on which his eldest son, John, now resides. He died November 10th, 1850, aged 76 years, and his wife died May 23rd, 1871, aged 89 years.
Sarah, the eldest daughter of William and Susan Archibald, was born December 25th, 1801. She was married to Josiah Stewart, of Musquodoboit, in the month of February, 1823. They had three sons and three daughters. Mr. Stewart was killed, by falling from a barn which he was shingling, August, 1839. She was married again to Samuel Archibald, Esq., of Truro, October, 1847, and died December 28th, 1869.
Eleanor, the second daughter of William and Susan Archibald, was born December 28th, 1803. She was married to Alexander Henry in the year 1827. They removed to River John and settled there, and had four sons and one daughter.
Ruth, their third daughter, was born March 6th, 1806. She was married to Joseph Thomson. They had five sons and seven daughters. They removed to Massachusetts, United States.
John, the eldest son of William and Susan Archibald, was born July 7th, 1808. He was married to Lydia, daughter of James Rutherford, Senr., and Letitia Putnam, August 15th, 1837. Timothy Putnam, the eldest son of John and Lydia Archibald, was born August 27th, 1838. William James, their second son, was born in Stewiacke, February 1st, 1841. John F., their third son, was born March 3rd, 1843. Susan, their eldest daughter, was born July 15th, 1845. She died January 29th, 1855. Esther, their second daughter, was born October 10th, 1847. Sarah, their third daughter, was born November 3rd, 1849. She was married to Harris Holdman, December 5th, 1867. They have two daughters. Mary Jane, the fourth daughter, was born February 3rd, 1852. Ebenezer, their fourth son, was born April 11th, 1854. Susan Eleanor, their fifth daughter, was born March 25, 1856. Letitia, their sixth daughter, was born July 26, 1858. Mrs. Archibald died July 5th, 1870, and he was married again to Elizabeth Hutchinson, of Musquodoboit, April 27th, 1871.
William Putnam, the second son of William and Susan Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, April 23rd, 1810. He was married to Mary Jane, daughter of Jesse and Mary Gourley, of the Lower Village of Truro, January 30th, 1838. Eunice McNutt, the eldest daughter of William P. and Mary Jane Archibald, was born December 4th, 1838. Margaret, their second daughter, was born in Truro, October 20th, 1840. She was married to John Dunlap Johnson, October 16th, 1860. They have three sons and one daughter. Jesse Gourley Archibald, their eldest son, was born March 26th, 1842. He was married to widow McNeil, daughter of David Fulton and his wife, of Debert River, October 16th, 1866. They removed to California. They have one son. His name is Locretia.
Prescott Lewis, their second son, was born March 10th, 1844. He has gone to California. He was married to Jane Jeffers, of Nova Scotia, November 5th, 1872, in California. Mary Ellen, their third daughter, was born December 9th, 1845. She removed to California, and was married there to Fred Barson. They have two sons and one daughter. Sarah, the fourth daughter of William P. and Mary Jane Archibald, was born in Truro, March 2nd, 1847. She was married to Thomas McBurney, of Tatamagouche, April 20th, 1866. They have one son and one daughter. Simon H., their third son, was born January 3rd, 1850. William R., their fourth son, was born December 12th, 1853. Arthur, their fifth son, was born July 9th, 1855. Mrs. Archibald died February 27th, 1857. He was married again to widow Gourley, the daughter of Joseph and Eleanor Fulton, of Upper Stewiacke, December 27th, 1860. Elizabeth Gourley, their eldest daughter was born December 23rd, 1861. Anne M., their second daughter, was born in Truro, March 11th, 1863. Harriet R., their third daughter, was born January 23rd, 1865.
Alexander, the third son of William and Susan Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, May 23rd, 1812. He was married to Catherine, daughter of James and Jean Laughead, of Clifton, January 10th, 1837. Joseph Howe, the eldest son of Alexander and Catherine Archibald, was born October 20th, 1839. He was married to Maria, daughter of James and Sarah Yuill, of Clifton, in the month of March 1864. Clarence, their eldest son, was born at Clifton, December 25th, 1865. Sarah Eveline, their daughter, was born August, 1867. They have removed to California. Susan, the eldest daughter of Alexander and Catherine Archibald, was born June 27th, 1841. She was married to Robert Logan, of Musquodoboit, June 10th, 1862. They have three sons and two daughters. They have removed to Minnesota. James Smith, their second son, was born July 20th, 1843. Isaac Noble, their third son, was born March 12th, 1846. Maria, their second daughter, was born April 27th, 1848. She was married to Walter Marshall, of Beaver Brook, January 10th, 1866. They have two sons. Sarah, their third daughter, was born November 20th, 1850. William Prescott, their third son, was born December 20th, 1852. Samuel, their fourth son, was born June 8th, 1854. Jessie, their fourth daughter, was born November 26th, 1857. Mrs. Archibald died August 26th, 1869. He was married again to Mary Jane, daughter of Alexander and Jane McCurdy, widow of the late Henry Archibald, June 23rd, 1870.
George, the fourth son of William and Susan Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, May 6th, 1814. He removed to the East River of Pictou, and settled there. He was married to Margaret Fraser, January, 1845. Hugh James, their eldest son, was born in January, 1846. He was married to Jessie Thomson in September, 1869. William Alexander, the fourth son of George and Margaret Archibald, was born in Pictou in the year 1849. John George and Jesse, their twins, were born in 1852. Prescott, their son, was born in 1854. Alfred, their son, was born in 1856. Clarence was born in 1867.
Susan, the fourth daughter of William and Susan Archibald, was born September 11th, 1818. She was married to Robert, son of William and Hannah Creelman, of Stewiacke, January 29th, 1841. They had seven sons and eight daughters; eight of those are dead.
Prescott Putnam, the fifth son of William and Susan Archibald, was born March 5th, 1822. He was married to Jane, daughter of James Rutherford, Senr., and Letitia Putnam, March 23rd, 1848. They now reside in Halifax, and keep a Country Market and a Hotel.
Margaret Mary, the fifth daughter of William and Susan Archibald, was born August 4th, 1824. She was married to Colin McLennon, of Pictou, February 22nd, 1853. They had three sons and two daughters. They removed to the United States, and Mr. McLennon died there, January 27th, 1868. She returned to Truro, and was married to John Smith, August 11th, 1870.
Samuel Burke, the second son of John Archibald, second, and Margaret Fisher, his wife, was born in Truro, December 12th, 1778. He was married to Margaret Dickman, November 26th, 1801. He removed from Truro, and settled in Upper Musquodoboit, on the farm adjoining his brother William's. On this place he reared his numerous family, and died there November 27th, 1861, aged 83 years. His wife died August 31st, 1861.
Rachel Morrison, the eldest daughter of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born March 24th, 1804. She was married to Samuel Creelman, of Stewiacke, July 20th, 1827. Mr. Creelman died, and she was married again to George S. Rutherford, March 20th, 1843. She died January 16th, 1865.
Margaret, their second daughter, was born November 19th, 1806. She was married to William Green, January 17th, 1825. They had two sons and three daughters. Mr. Green died, and she was married again to Daniel Tupper, of Upper Stewiacke. They had one daughter. Mrs. Tupper died April 14th, 1850, aged 43 years.
Grizell, their third daughter, was born March 5th, 1812. She was married to Abraham Newcomb, January 15th, 1830. They had eight sons and five daughters. She died July 3rd, 1857.
Daniel, the eldest son of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born November 15th, 1808. He was married to Rebecca Newcomb, January 14th, 1830. Abraham, the eldest son of Daniel and Rebecca Archibald, was born November 29th, 1830. He was killed by falling from a load of hay, September 19th, 1835. Margaret, the eldest daughter of Daniel and Rebecca Archibald, was born February 1st, 1832. She was married to James Charles, son of Stephen Johnson and Nancy Miller, his wife, July 4th, 1855. They have two sons and five daughters. Judson, their second son, was born January 27th, 1835. He removed to the United States, and was married there to Agustesly Ayer, in the year 1860. Byron, their eldest son, was born in the year 1863. Mary, their eldest daughter, was born in 1865. Eliakim, the third son of Daniel and Rebecca Archibald, was born April 9th, 1836. He was married to Anne Bradshaw. He is now a Minister of the Gospel in the State of Illinois. Mary Anne, their second daughter, was born March 30th, 1838. David Dimock, their fourth son, was born August 4th, 1842. He is married, and settled in P. E. Island. Charles, their fifth son, was born May 3rd, 1844. Jacob, their sixth son, was born August 4th, 1845. Abraham, their seventh son, was born June 2nd, 1849. Rosannah, their third daughter, was born August 23rd, 1850. Isaac Chipman, their eighth and youngest son, was born January 9th, 1852. Daniel Archibald settled at the South branch of Stewiacke, where he carries on farming and tanning.
James D., the second son of Samuel and Margaret Archibald, was born July 11th, 1811. He was married to Amy Harvey, January, 1832. He settled in Upper Stewiacke. He removed from there to the County of Yarmouth, in April 1867. Mrs. Archibald died there April 26th, 1871, aged 71 years. James Harvey Archibald, their eldest son, was born January 1st, 1834. He was married to Jane, daughter of David Dean and Margaret Archibald, his wife, of Musquodoboit, December 15th, 1856. David M., their eldest son, was born in Stewiacke, March 20th, 1859. George Isaac, their second son, was born May 7th, 1861. James Rupert, their third son, was born in Halifax February 15th, 1865. Samuel B., their fourth son, was born in Halifax, May 15th, 1867. Edgar S., their fifth son, was born in Stewiacke June 5th, 1869. Margaret, the eldest daughter of James D. and Amy Archibald, was born in Stewiacke May 6th, 1836. She was married to Harvey Spinney, of Yarmouth, November, 1860. They have two sons and two daughters. George, their second son, was born June, 1838. He died April 16th, 1853, aged 15 years. Samuel B. Archibald, their third son, was born April 6th, 1840. He died May 17th, 1861, aged 21 years. Ebenezer Erskine Archibald was born February 16th, 1843. He was married to Mary Spinney, of Yarmouth, May 3rd, 1864. Joanna, their eldest daughter, was born March 30th, 1865. Amy, their second daughter, was born March 1867. Elvira, their third daughter, was born in Yarmouth, 1869. James D. Archibald was born Yarmouth, September 10th, 1871.
John G. D., the third son of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit, July 14th, 1814. He was married to Janet, daughter of George Hamilton and Eleanor Wilson Archibald, his wife, February 8th, 1838. He settled near his brother Daniel, at South Branch of Stewiacke, where he and his family are still residing. George, the eldest son of John G. D. and Janet Archibald, was born November 18th, 1838. He died May 25th, 1857. Edwin, their second son, was born August 16th, 1844. He was married to Sarah, daughter of Matthew Burris, Esq., and Mary Archibald, of Musquodoboit, November 10th, 1870. Alfred, their third son, was born February 11th, 1847. Julia and Harriet, their twin daughters, were born June 5th, 1849. Louisa, their third daughter, was born October 18th, 1851. Adams J., their fourth and youngest son, was born August 28th, 1854.
George W., the fourth son of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born May 30th, 1816. He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of George and E. W. Hamilton, March 30th, 1839. They have removed to Portland, Me. Margaret, their eldest daughter, was born in the year 1846. Samuel, their eldest son, was born in the year 1844. Alfred, the second son, was born in the year 1848. Adelaide, their second daughter, was born in the year 1854. Augustus, their third son, was born in the year 1857. Frederick, their fourth son, was born in the year 1860. Henry, their fifth son, was born in the year 1863.
Wallace, the fifth son of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born February 19th, 1818. He was married to Anna Richardson, October 27th, 1840. He inherited his father's farm in Musquodoboit, where he reared his family. He died December 25th, 1860, and his wife died October 3rd, 1868. William, their eldest son, was born September 19th, 1842. Harriet, their eldest daughter, was born June 3rd, 1844. Jemima, their second daughter, was born June 26th, 1848. George, their second son, was born January 31st, 1850. Arthur, their third son, was born December 15th, 1853. Sarah, their third daughter, was born June 2nd, 1856. Anna, their fourth daughter, was born July 5th, 1858.
Burke, the sixth son of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born April 15th, 1820. Jane, their eldest daughter, was born in the year 1848. Margaret W., their second daughter, was born in the year 1850. Elizabeth, their third daughter, was born in the year 1852. Amy, their fourth daughter, was born in the year 1854. Grace, their fifth daughter, was born in 1857. She died when about nine months old. Alice was born in 1859. Judson W., was born in 1861. Clara was born in 1864. Anna T. was born in 1867.
Samuel, the seventh son of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born January 7th, 1822. He was married to Alice, daughter of Alexander K. and Janet Archibald. Janet, their eldest daughter, was born January 19th, 1854. Howard, their eldest son, was born October, 1856. Ernest was born May 7th, 1860. Mary was born June 30th, 1862. Bunyan, their third son, was born May 20th, 1864. Alexander was born March 28th, 1866. Maud, their third daughter, was born April 28th, 1868. Samuel Archibald removed from Stewiacke and settled in Yarmouth. In 1872 he and his two eldest sons were crossing to a small Island, where they kept sheep. The boat filled, and he and his eldest son, Howard, were drowned; the other son was rescued. William A., the eighth and youngest son of Samuel B. and Margaret Archibald, was born in Musquodoboit October 9th, 1824. He studied and became a Doctor of Medicine, and died a bachelor, February 18th, 1857, aged 32 years.
Eleanor, the second daughter of John Archibald, second and Margaret Fisher, his wife, was born in Truro September 24th, 1776. She was married to Adam, son of James Dunlap and Mary Johnson, his wife. Their names appear among the Dunlaps. Ruth, the third daughter of John and Margaret Archibald, was born Feby. 23rd, 1781. She died unmarried. Susannah, their fourth daughter, was born November 18th, 1783. She was married to Edward Brydon, and had two daughters. She died of consumption at her father's house in Truro, while her husband was confined to Jail for debt. Her corpse was taken into the Jail, that he might have the last sight of the remains of his beloved wife, while they were on their way to the Cemetery for burial. This took place about the year 1806 or 1807.
Daniel, the third son of John and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro, February 9th, 1786. He died of consumption when a young man. George, their fifth son, was born June 6th, 1790. He also died of consumption when he was a young man.
Matthew James, the fourth son of John and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro February 9th, 1788. He was married to Rebecca, daughter of John Cummings and Hannah Archibald, July 11th, 1811. He inherited a part of his father's farm, also the mills which had been erected by his father and uncle Matthew. He lived in the house which is now occupied by Mr. George W. Hamlon, who has now a number of houses standing on what was formerly the mill pond. Mr. Archibald died July 7th, 1855, aged 67 years, and his wife died March 5th, 1861. Margaret, the eldest daughter of Matthew James and Rebecca Archibald, was born November 3rd, 1811. She was married to Edward Lynds, of Onslow Mountain, January 19th, 1830. They had four sons and eight daughters. She died December 13th, 1855, and Mr. Lynds died December 15th, 1860. Rachel, the second daughter of M. J. and Rebecca Archibald, was born November 23rd, 1812. She was married to Ephraim, son of John and Catherine Staples, of Chiganoise, July 4th, 1839. They had three sons and four daughters. Their eldest son, Alfred, was married to Susan McLellan July 26th, 1864. He was working on the top of a steep bank about sixty or seventy feet high, from which he fell, and lived but three hours after. Susannah, their eldest daughter, was born May 11th, 1814. She was married to Jacob Miller, of Newport, October 24th, 1847. They had one son. She died at Newport, December, 1851. Hannah, their fourth daughter, was born November 23rd, 1815. She was married to John Miller (a brother of the above named Jacob), February 14th, 1838. They had four sons and one daughter. Mr. Miller died December 10th, 1854, aged 37 years, and she is living a widow. Sarah, their fifth daughter, was born April 22nd, 1817. She was married to William Lockhart Miller (another brother of the above named Miller's), January 29th, 1850. They had one son, and he died when about two years old. Rebecca, their sixth daughter, was born August 10th, 1818. She died November 15th, 1819. Rebecca, their seventh daughter, was born February 27th, 1820. She was removed to New Zealand. Ruth, their eighth daughter, was born August 10th, 1821. She was married to George Cole, recently from England, September, 1856. They had one daughter. Mr. Cole died, and she was married again to John Dickson, and they had one daughter. She is now in the Lunatic Asylum. George Washington, the eldest son of M. J. and Rebecca Archibald, was born January 2nd 1823. He removed to the United States in the year 1845, and was married their to Amanda _______. He died there October, 1869, aged 47 years. John, their second son, was born August 10th, 1824. He was married to Eliza Chesley, of Wilmot, June 19th, 1844. Belvidera, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro in 1846. Rupert was born in 1851. Rynold Howard was born in 1853. Eliza was born 1855. Mr. Archibald died August, 1866. Eleanor, their ninth daughter, was born March 20th, 1826. She died August 18th, 1826. Eleanor, their tenth daughter, was born July 3rd, 1827. She was married to George W. Hamlon, in the United States, November 19th, 1856. She returned to Nova Scotia, and died February 10th, 1870, aged 43 years.
William, the third son of Matthew J. and Rebecca Archibald, was born January 9th, 1829. He was married to Sarah Shand, of Halifax, April 14th, 1849. Rebecca, the eldest daughter of William and Sarah Archibald, was born April 14th, 1853. Joseph Allen, their third son, was born April 7th, 1855. Minnie and Laura, their twin daughters, were born January 29th, 1864. Matthew James, the fourth son of Matthew James and Rebecca Archibald, was born May 2nd, 1830. He was married to Eleanor McLaughlan, December 1st, 1852. John James, their eldest son, was born May 7th, 1858. Henry Albert, the second son, was born in Truro, February 11th, 1861. Ella Priscilla, their eldest daughter, was born December 17th, 1866. Mary Ann, their second daughter, was born December 28th, 1863. Jane, the eleventh daughter of Matthew J. and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, December 7th, 1831. She was married to Almon Barry, of the United States, July 4th, 1853. They have one son and two daughters. Mary Ann, the twelfth daughter of Matthew J. and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, July 1st, 1833. She was married to George Nichol. They have two sons and one daughter. They have removed to New Zealand. Samuel, their fifth and youngest son, was born in Truro, June 10th, 1835. He removed to the Southern States, and has not been heard from for a number of years.
Sarah, the fifth and youngest daughter of John and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro November 20th, 1791. She was married to James Yuill, of Clifton, August 29th, 1809. Their family appears among the Yuills.
Janet, the eldest daughter of Samuel Archibald, Senr., and Eleanor Taylor, his wife, was born in the year 1750, being twelve years before they came to Nova Scotia. She was married to John Hingley and had seven sons and four daughters. She died June 10th, 1811, aged 61 years. John Hingley was one of the grantees of Truro Township, and had his front land on the North side of Salmon River, being the North part of Messrs. Henderson's farm. He sold his front lands to John Oughterson, and removed to Salmon River, now Kemptown, and settled on the farm on which his grandson, Alexander Scott Hingley, now resides, where he died.
David Archibald, second, the third son of Samuel Archibald, Senr., and Eleanor Taylor, was born in the year 1752, ten years before they came to Nova Scotia. He was married to Jane, the eldest daughter of Alexander Miller and Nancy Anderson, his wife, December 1st, 1778. Mr. Archibald's name is among the grantees of Truro Township, although he was but thirteen years old at the date of the grant. He settled on the farm which is now occupied by William T. Archibald and John Hattie, on the South side of Salmon River, where he resided about eleven years after he was married. He then sold his farm and removed about ten miles further up the River, and settled on the farm which is still known by the name of the old Archibald farm, in Kemptown. He erected mills at the same place which Mr. George Hamilton has his saw-mill now. In the summer of 1790, as Dr. McGregor was returning from a mission at Amherst, he stopped at Mr. Archibald's house, and, finding some of his people working at the mill, he remained the afternoon and night, in order that he might have their company the next day through the woods. During the afternoon the doctor took a plan of the mill, so that some of his people in Pictou, who were engaged in erecting mills, might have the benefit of this plan. In about three years after this Mr. Archibald removed to the Middle River of Pictou, and erected a set of mills near the same place that the mills are now, and in about nine years after this, in 1802, he returned to Kemptown, where he resided to near the close of his life. He was afflicted, for a number of years, with a sore leg. In September, 1818, he went to Pictou Town, to be attended by the doctors. They amputated his leg, and he lived but a few days after. He died September 19th, 1818, aged 66 years. His body was taken to Middle River, and interred near the place where he had built the mills. His wife died at Kemptown, November 28th, 1824, and her body was interred beside her husband's.
Alexander Miller, their eldest son, was born in Truro, August 14th, 1779. He was married to Janet Clark, of the West River of Pictou, September 24th, 1802. He continued to reside at the mill at Middle River, until the year 1812, when he removed to St. Mary's, and settled on an interval farm near the Forks, being the same on which three of his sons now reside.
William Clarke, the eldest son of Alexander M. and Janet Archibald, was born September 21st, 1803. He was married to Sarah Tate, November 9th, 1826. He settled on the farm on which his son John William now resides, upon the West River of St. Mary's. He left this farm, and purchased a house and small farm from the Rev. John Campbell, at Glenelg. Agnes, the eldest daughter of William C. and Sarah Archibald, was born October 22nd, 1827. Maria Jane, their second daughter, was born June 13th, 1829. She was married to John Crookshank, January 1st, 1855. They have four sons and three daughters. Sarah Esther Clarke, their third daughter, was born April 9th, 1831. She was married to Thomas Smith, July 15th, 1866. They have one daughter. Mary Lewis, their fourth daughter, was born May 17th, 1835. John William, their only son, was born April 30th, 1841. He was married to Mary Ann Whidden, November 23rd, 1867. Isaac William, the eldest son of John William and Mary Ann Archibald, was born April 13th, 1869. Sarah Esther, their daughter, was born August 6th, 1870. Sarah, the wife of William C. Archibald, died August 20th, 1849. He was married again to Hannah E. Kanodell, January 17th, 1866.
David, the second son of Alexander M. and Janet Archibald, was born August 23rd, 1805. He was married to Eliza McIntosh, November 23rd, 1837. Elizabeth, their eldest daughter, was born December 4th, 1838. She was married to James Dickson, December 20th, 1865. They have one daughter. William A., their eldest son, was born September 16th, 1840. John C., their second son, was born January 26th, 1844. He was married to Margaret McIntosh, September 27th, 1868. Charles Howard, their son, was born December 7th, 1869. Jane the second daughter of David and Eliza Archibald, was born October 9th, 1845. She was married to John Chisholm, of Antigonish, July 12th, 1864. She died April 9th, 1873, aged 58 years. Amanda, their third daughter, was born January 23rd, 1848. David Archibald settled at Stillwater, about four miles up the River from Sherbrooke, where he and his two sons still reside. Grizell, the eldest daughter of Alexander M. and Janet Archibald, was born August 9th, 1807. She died unmarried December 2nd, 1867, aged 60 years.
Samuel, their third son, was born October 9th, 1809. He was married to Agnes Tate, July 7th, 1865. He is now residing on the same farm on which David McKeen settled, about the year 1802. John C., their eldest son, was born February 11th, 1868. Janet Sarah, their daughter, was born May 25th, 1869.
John, the fourth son of Alexander M. and Janet Archibald, was born January 4th, 1812. He was married to Caroline McDaniel, January 23rd, 1845. Henry Alexander, their eldest son, was born April 3rd, 1846. He is married to Miss Matheson, in Cape Breton. Lorenzo, the second son of John and Caroline Archibald, was born May 16th, 1848. Janet, their eldest daughter, was born December 27th, 1853. Catharine Eliza, their second daughter, was born August 5th, 1855. John, their third son, was born in the year 1862. Clara, their third daughter, was born in 1866. Margaret M., their fourth daughter, was born in 1868. This Mr. Archibald having learned the trade of tanning with his uncle, Matthew Archibald, of Pictou Town, settled and carried on his trade at Stillwater, near his brother David, and a few years ago removed to Cape Breton.
Isaac, the fifth son of Alexander M. and Janet Archibald, was born January 24th, 1815. He inherited a part of his father's farm, and now lives in the house in which his father lived and died.
Alexander, the sixth son of Alexander M. and Janet Archibald, was born October 17th, 1817. He was married to Catharine McKay, of Fishpool, East River, Pictou, January 7th, 1846. Jane Agnes, their eldest daughter, was born March 28th, 1848. Alexander William, their eldest son, was born October 24th, 1852. Christiana, their second daughter, was born January 27th, 1855. John Campbell, their second son, was born July 13th, 1857. Samuel Johnson, their third son, was born April 17th, 1861. Mr. Archibald is settled a short distance up the West River, where he carries on farming and milling.
Janet, the second daughter of Alexander and Janet Archibald, was born November 19th, 1820. She was married to Alexander Grant, of the East River of Pictou, January 24th, 1845. They have three daughters.
Matthew, the seventh son of Alexander and Janet Archibald, was born December 1st, 1822. He was married to Isabel McNab, of Halifax, December 29th, 1847. Margaret McKenzie, their eldest daughter, was born October 24th, 1848. Alexander David, their eldest son, was born April 2nd, 1852. Ebenezer McNab, their second son was born December 19th, 1853. Jane, their second daughter, was born November 17th, 1858. Julia Campbell, their third daughter, was born June 20th, 1865. Mr. Archibald inherits a part of his father's farm, and keeps the Post Office at Glenelg.
Alexander M. Archibald died August 8th, 1857, aged 78 years, and his wife died May 3rd, 1855, aged 78 years.
Eleanor, the eldest daughter of David Archibald, second, and Jane Miller, his wife, was born in Truro June 23rd, 1781. She was married to William Fraser, of the Middle River of Pictou, January 17th, 1801. They had four sons and ten daughters. Mr. Fraser was born April 15th, 1776. David A. Fraser is their second son. He now resides in Truro. They lived and died on a farm adjoining the one on which Mr. Archibald built his Mills. Mrs. Fraser died May 11th, 1854, aged 73 years. Mr. Fraser died February 14th, 1848, aged 73 years.
Samuel, the second son of David and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, April 21st, 1783. His wife, Jane Fraser, was born at Middle River, Pictou, December 22nd, 1788. They were married October 15th, 1805. They settled on a farm at the head of the tide, on Middle River. Mrs. Archibald died December 27th, 1842, aged 54 years. He was married again to Catherine Keellor, the widow of the late James Haulkens. Mrs. Archibald died September 1st, 1856, aged 73 years.
Janet, the eldest daughter of Samuel and Janet Archibald, was born July 22nd, 1806. She was married to Andrew Simpson, of Merigomish, in January, 1825. They had six sons and six daughters.
Simon, the eldest son of Samuel and Janet Archibald, was born June 31st, 1808. He was married to Nancy Cameron, of the West River of Pictou, April 10th, 1832. Samuel, their eldest son, was born July 3rd, 1839. He was married to Hannah Ann Campbell, January 20th, 1867. Florence Jane, the eldest daughter of Samuel and Hannah A. Archibald, was born May 1st, 1868. Agnes C. E., their second daughter, was born December 29th, 1869. Grizie Jane, the eldest daughter of Simon and Nancy Archibald, was born July 3rd, 1833. She was married to Alexander Campbell, of Caraboo. They have three sons and three daughters. Duncan Cameron, their second son, was born January 12th, 1842. Janet, their second daughter, was born May 22nd, 1837. She was married to Daniel Fraser, April 11th, 1867. They have two sons. Alexander William, their third son, was born April 30th, 1844. Charles Simon, their fourth son, was born February 28th, 1847. David Matthew, their fifth son, was born May 20th, 1853. Agnes Watson was born March 10th, 1855, and died July 11th, 1867. Catherine, the second daughter of Samuel and Janet Archibald, was born July 2nd, 1810. She was married to Charles Fraser, January 19th, 1830. They had two sons and six daughters. She died February 9th, 1867.
David, the second son of Samuel and Janet Archibald, was born July 8th, 1812. He was married to Nancy Fraser, March 6th, 1835. Sarah, their eldest daughter, was born June 22nd, 1837. Caroline, their second daughter, was born August 3rd, 1839. William, their eldest son, was born in August, 1844. Daniel Fraser, their second son, was born _____. Isaac Smith, their third son, was born _____.
Mr. Archibald died at Middle River, January 30th, 1862. His widow still lives at the homestead.
Eleanor, the third daughter of Samuel and Janet Archibald, was born June 16th, 1814. She was married to Elbridge Kennedy, in Salem, Mass., U. S., in the year 1851. She died at Watervale, Pictou, N. S., in the year 1865. Sarah, their fourth daughter, was born June 12th, 1816. She was married to John Culton, tanner, of the East River of Pictou, January 25th, 1843. They had three sons and one daughter. She died September 15th, 1859. Alexander, their third son, was born August 17th, 1818. He removed to Restigouche, N. B., and was married there to Susan Adams, in the year 1850. He removed again to New London, State of Michigan.
Nancy, their fifth daughter, was born April 17th, 1820. She was married to James McDonald, of the West River of Pictou, January 5th, 1843. They have one son and one daughter.
Robert, the fourth son of Samuel and Janet Archibald, was born July 23rd, 1822. He was married to Ann Fraser, granddaughter of the late Dr. James McGregor, the first Presbyterian Minister of Pictou, October, 1851. Samuel Archibald, their eldest son, was born 1852. Elbridge Archibald, their second son, was born 1856. They reside on Greenhill, Pictou. He follows farming.
William Samuel, their fifth son, was born October 25th, 1824. He removed, when young, to Boston, Mass., where he learned painting, and was married there to Susan Mason. He removed again to California, and lived there four or five years, and , returning home, he died suddenly in Albany, July 8th, 1854. He left a widow and one son. Matthew, their sixth son, was born March 17th, 1828. He was married to Elizabeth Putnam Monteith, in Salem, Mass., U. S., July 20th, 1851. They removed to Truro, N. S. and he carries on manufacturing medicine. John Samuel, their eldest son, was born August 31st, 1852. Sarah Ellen, their eldest daughter, was born and died when young. George William, their second son, was born July 11th, 1861. Esther Janet, their second daughter, was born April 21st, 1864. Joseph, the third son. Was born December 7th, 1866. Anne Price, their third daughter, was born December 27th, 1868.
Martha, the sixth daughter of Samuel and Janet Archibald, was born May 6th, 1830. She was married to Alexander Douglas in July, 1856. They had one son. Mrs. Douglas died August 27th, 1862. Isaac Smith, their youngest son, was born December 6th, 1834. He died February 12th, 1837.
Isaac, the third son of David Archibald 2nd, and Jane Miller, was born in Truro, July 13th, 1785. He was married to Janet, the second daughter of David Archibald 3rd, December 1st, 1808. They settled at Middle River, Pictou, where they reared their family. Mr. Archibald died February 8th, 1858, aged 73 years, and his wife died January 19th, 1859, aged 67 years. Sarah, their eldest daughter, was born October 1st, 1809. She was married to William Crocket, September 17th, 1843. They had one son and three daughters. Mrs. Crocket died November 3rd, 1849. Jane, the second daughter of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born January 20th, 1812. She was married to John Fraser November 12th, 1835. They had four sons and five daughters.
David, the eldest son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born at the Middle River of Pictou January 8th, 1814. He was married to Sarah, the eldest daughter of William T. and Janet Archibald, of St. Mary's, September 16th, 1840. Silas Anderson, their eldest son, was born August 10th, 1841, he died May 14th, 1866. Melville, their second son, was born March 20th, 1843. Lorenzo, their third son, was born April 14th, 1845. Edmond, their fourth son, was born February 6th, 1847. He was married to Adelaide Fraser April 22nd, 1871. Mrs. Archibald died May 3rd, 1847. He was married again to Lucy Ann the daughter of Frederick and Abigail Wilber, and widow of the late James Archibald, March 15th, 1848. Sarah L., their daughter, was born February 28th, 1852. Wilber L., their son was born June 10th, 1854.
Elizabeth, the third daughter of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born at Middle River, Pictou, November 16th, 1817. She was married to David Clark of the West River, Pictou, October 6th, 1842. They had five sons and five daughters.
Alexander, the second son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born August 1st, 1819. He was married to Elizabeth, the fifth daughter of William T. and Janet Archibald, of Sherbrooke, September 19th, 1843. Isaac, their eldest son, was born July 24th, 1844. Jessie, their eldest daughter, was born February 8th, 1846. James William, their second son, was born January 8th, 1848. He died April 19th, 1871. Raymond F., the third son of Alexander and Elizabeth Archibald, was born June 29th, 1854. He died November 28th, 1863. Clarence, their fourth son, was born November 4th, 1856. Hiram Davis, their fifth son, was born January 27th, 1858. Sarah Elizabeth, their second daughter, was born November 16th, 1860. She died September 9th, 1861. David Anderson, their sixth son, was born January 15th, 1864. Mrs. Archibald died May 21st, 1868, and he was married again to Janet, daughter of James and Eliza Archibald, of Clifton, in the township of Truro, February 23rd, 1870.
William, the third son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born April 12th, 1821. He was married to Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Alexander and Ann Archibald, of Truro, July 1st, 1844. William Henry, their eldest son, was born December 15th, 1845. He was married to Susan, daughter of Duncan Creelman, of Stewiacke, January 18th, 1869. On June 21st, 1870, Wm. Henry Archibald went, with his wife to Stewiacke on a visit, and while they were there, he was kicked by a horse, and lived but an hour and a half. Ann Louisa, their eldest daughter, was born June 27th, 1848. She was married to Noble Cleveland, March 1st, 1864, and has three daughters. Eveline, their second daughter, was born January 20th, 1851. Chester, their second son, was born January 30th, 1859. Edson F., their third son, was born June 18th, 1861.
Nancy, the fourth daughter of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born April 9th, 1823. She was married to James McDaniel Sept. 17th, 1841. They removed to the United States. They had two sons and two daughters. Mrs. McDaniel died November 1st, 1854.
Matthew, the fourth son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born June 19th, 1825. He was married to Sophia Matilda Irish, July 23rd, 1850. Edmond William, their eldest son, was born June 10th, 1851. He died August 6th, 1870. Levi, their son, was born January 20th, 1855. Emma, their daughter, was born April 2nd, 1857. Catherine, their daughter was born February 22nd, 1860. Matthew Archibald inherited part of his father's farm, and died in the same house in which his father and mother lived and died. He died August 10th, 1863, and his wife died January 4th, 1870.
Hannah B., the fifth and youngest daughter of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born October 16th, 1827. She was married to John G., son of Samuel McKeen, of Cape Breton, October 16th, 1848. They have four sons and six daughters.
Isaac Waddell, the fifth and youngest son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, was born February 28th, 1834. He was married to Sophia, daughter of David W. and Jane Archibald, of Truro, July 15th, 1857. They had one son and one daughter; both died when young.
James the fourth son of David and Jane Archibald, was born in Truro June 7th, 1787. He married Sarah, the second daughter of James and Agnes McCurdy, of Onslow. James, the eldest son of James and Sarah Archibald, was born in the year 1812. He was married to Lucy Ann, daughter of Frederick Wilber and Abigail Hoar, of Shepody, June 28th, 1838. He died in September, 1839. David, their second son, died while a young man.
David Anderson, the fifth son of David and Jane Archibald, was born at Truro April 20th, 1789. He was married to Nancy, the third daughter of David Archibald, October 31st, 1811. They had one son who died when about two years old. Mr. Archibald settled at Middle River, Pictou, and owned the Mills with his brother Isaac, till about the year 1832, when he removed to Truro and purchased a part of the farm which had been owned by his father, at the time of his birth. He continued on this farm while he was able to work; he then sold it and removed to the village of Truro where he died April 22nd, 1871, aged 82 years, and his wife died May 2nd, 1868, aged 74 years.
Matthew, the sixth son of David and Jane Archibald, was born in what is now called Kempton, October 14th, 1791. He was married to Martha, daughter of Finlay and Jane Murdoch, of Halifax, February 1st, 1820. George William, their son, was born in Pictou town October, 1830. Mrs. Archibald died March 27th, 1861, and he was married again to Jane Lowden, widow of Mr. Haukins, May 9th, 1862. He carried on tanning in Pictou town for a considerable time. He died March 27th, 1863.
John, the seventh and youngest son of David and Jane Archibald, was born at Middle River of Pictou, February 10th, 1799. He was married to Catherine Murdoch, sister of his brother Matthew's wife April 5th, 1882. Charles, their eldest son, was born in Kemptown March, 1824. He removed to the United States, and was married there to Frances Hurbert May 1848. He died there April 7th, 1859. Jane, the eldest daughter of John and Catherine Archibald, was born in Kemptown in the month of September, 1828. She removed to the United States and was married there to Alfred S. Morgan, and has two daughters. Lewis, their second son, was born in Kemptown August 27th, 1834. He left home when a young man and followed the sea for a number of years, and is now residing in Manitoba. Maria, their second daughter, was born in Kemptown July 27th, 1836. Martha, their third daughter, was born in Kemptown, May 27th, 1838. She was married to David McDonald, of Sherbrooke, February 24th, 1859. They have two sons and one daughter. John Archibald was in his saw mill at Kemptown, repairing some part of her below, when a man above started the mill. The lower part of the saw-gate struck him on the head and caused his death almost instantly. This took place June 23rd, 1854. His widow is still living at Sherbrooke, St. Mary's. Jane, the youngest daughter of David and Jane Archibald, was born at Middle River, Pictou, February 8th, 1802, and brought by her parents to Kemptown, before she was one year old. She was married to David W. Archibald, of Truro, Sept. 25th, 1827. Their family appears among the descendants of James Archibald, Esq.
James, the fourth son of Samuel Archibald, Senr., and Eleanor Taylor his wife, was born in the year 1754, being eight years before they came to Nova Scotia. He was married to Rebecca, daughter of John Barnhill and Letitia Deyarmond, of Chiganoise, February 25th, 1779. He inherited a part of his father's property, with his dwelling house, and had at one time owned part of the Mills. He was a Justice of the Peace for a length of time. Also an Elder of the Presbyterian Church from the year 1799 until his death June 13th, 1828. His wife died October 8th, 1818, aged 55 years.
John Barnhill Archibald, their eldest son, was born in Truro, August 13th, 1780. He was married to Catherine, daughter of Ebenezer and Catherine Hoar, of Onslow, February 27th, 1806. Rebecca, the eldest daughter of John B. and Catharine Archibald, was born in Truro, November 17th, 1806. She was married to the Rev. James Read, June --, 1840. She died at Portaupique August 1st, 1863, aged 56 years. Her body was buried beside her sister Mary, in the Baptist Cemetery at North River, Onslow.
Mary, the second daughter of John B. and Catherine Archibald, was born October 8th, 1808. She was married to Daniel son of Robert Blair and Mary Hoar his wife, of North River, Onslow, October 12th, 1830. They had two sons and five daughters. She died October 12th, 1861, aged 53 years.
Samuel James, the eldest son of John B. and Catherine Archibald, was born September 17th, 1810. He was married to Anne Waddell, daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca Archibald, January 21st, 1836. He settled in Harmony on the farm on which John H. Archibald now resides, being among the first who settled there. He remained there nearly 20 years, and then removed to Musquodoboit, where he and his family are still residing. He was elected an Elder in the Presbyterian Church of Truro in the year 1845. Amelia, the eldest daughter of Samuel J. and Anne W. Archibald, was born in Truro December 3rd, 1836. She has been teaching school in Halifax for a number of years. Wellington, their only son, was born in Harmony June 8th, 1839. He was married May 6th, 1869, to Esther McKeen, daughter of David McKeen, of Musquodoboit. Mr. McKeen and three other men were drowned in a lake where they were out fishing, about 20 years ago. Richmond L., the son of Wellington and Esther Archibald, was born January 27th, 1870. Agnes, the second daughter of Samuel J. and Anne W. Archibald, was born in Harmony December 22nd, 1841. She was married to James McDonald of Musquodoboit, November 21st, 1866. They have two sons. Georgina, their third daughter was born August 11th, 1846. She is now teaching school in Halifax.
Ebenezer M., the second son of John B. and Catherine Archibald, was born in Truro November 19th, 1812. He was married to Ann, daughter of Archibald Nelson and Jenny Hill, of Clifton, January 24th, 1837. He is settled at Clifton, and carries the mail and passengers from Truro to Shubenacadie. Nancy Archibald, their eldest daughter was born at Clifton, June 26th, 1838. She was married to Wallace Gray in October 1859. They have two sons. She died April, 1873. Rebecca, their second daughter was born at Clifton, July 4th, 1840. Nelson, their eldest son, was born September 17th, 1841. He has removed to California. Peter Suther, their second son, was born December 29th, 1843. He died April 7th, 1868. Jane, their third daughter, was born August 19th, 1846. Minerva, their fourth daughter, was born February 16th, 1849. Kate, their fifth daughter, was born February 13th, 1854, and died May 16th, 1858. William W., their third son, was born March 20th, 1856. Adilbert, their sixth and youngest daughter, was born August 6th, 1861.
Robert, the third son of John B. and Catherine Archibald, was born in Truro January 21st, 1815. He inherits what was his father's farm on Prince Street, Truro. He was married to Margery, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Lynds, of Truro, in the year 1840. Melissa, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro April 12th, 1841. She was married to Samuel Nelson in April, 1870. They have one son. Ralph, the eldest son of Robert and Margery Archibald, was born October 14th, 1842. He removed to New Brunswick, and was married there to Miss Lucilla Rogers, in the year 1861. Their children's names are George, Oran, Bessie, Longo and James A. Luther, their second son, was born in Truro December 21st, 1844. He removed to California. James Clark, their third son, was born March 3rd, 1847. Marshall, the fourth son of Robert and Margery Archibald, was born in Truro August 19th, 1849. He was married to Miss Dorcas Elvincent of New Brunswick, December 16th, 1870. Peter McGregor, their fifth son, was born October 23rd, 1851. Ross, their sixth son, was born _____. Daniel, their seventh son, was born May 23rd, 1856. Elizabeth, their second daughter, was born May 30th, 1858. Logan, their eighth son, was born September 24th, 1860. Silas, their ninth son, was born June 15th, 1864.
Isaac Logan, the fourth son of John B. and Catherine Archibald, was born in Truro May 28th, 1817. He was married to Margaret, the third daughter of John J. and Mary Archibald, November 28th, 1840. They removed to New Brunswick shortly after they were married. Joseph Howe, their eldest son, was born in Richmond, N.B., August 20th, 1845. He died March 21st, 1849. Samuel Porter, their second son, was born June 12th, 1849. Irvine, their daughter was born May 4th, 1851. She died May 23rd, 1866. John James, their third son, was born in Monticello, Me., January 6th, 1856. Alfred, their fourth son, was born in the same place July 26th, 1858. He died May 3rd, 1861. Mary O'Brien, their second daughter, was born in Bloomfield, July 30th, 1862.
Catherine, the third daughter of John B. and Catherine Archibald, was born in Truro, September 4th, 1819. She was married to James A. Logan, of Upper Stewiacke, October 1st, 1844. They had three sons and three daughters. Mr. Logan died September 9th, 1869, and she was married again to Daniel Blair, of North River, October 24th, 1871.
John L., the fifth son of John B., and Catherine Archibald, was born February 1st, 1822. He was married to Jane, second daughter of Thomas and Janet C. Miller, November 17th, 1846. Arthur Allen, their eldest son, was born in Harmony, January 8th, 1849. He was married to Janet, daughter of James Hall of Onslow Mountain, November 8th, 1870. Edward Martin, their second son, was born January 27th, 1851. Isaac, their third son, was born in Harmony March 13th, 1854. Eldridge, their fourth son, was born January 27th, 1857. Thomas Robert, their fifth son, was born September 6th, 1859. Mary Allison, their daughter, was born July 14th, 1862. James Gordon, their sixth son was born June 18th, 1870.
Eliza Jane, the fourth and youngest daughter of John B. and Catherine Archibald, was born in Truro August 30th, 1824. She was married to Adam Logan of Stewiacke, October 28th, 1847. They have three sons and three daughters. They removed to Halifax about the year 1866, where he is now engaged in City Mission work. John B. Archibald died June 2nd, 1855, aged 75 years, and his wife Catherine Hoar died June 23rd, 1860.
Nancy, the eldest daughter of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro March 15th, 1782. She was married to Samuel, eldest son of John and Nancy Blair, of Onslow, January 25th, 1805. They had three sons and six daughters. She died December 29th, 1857, aged 75 years, and Mr. Blair died October 14th, 1862, aged 80 years.
Samuel Archibald, 3rd, son of James and Rebecca, was born in Truro October 14th, 1784. He was married to Elizabeth, the youngest daughter of Matthew and Janet Archibald, February 19th, 1807. He was a very active man and forward in every good cause. He held a commission of the Peace for more than forty years, and was an elder in the Presbyterian Church of Truro for about the same length of time. He purchased the farm on which his two sons now reside, shortly after he was married, and about the year 1815 he built a house, being the same in which his son John E. now resides. Here he spent the remainder of his life. His wife died April 3rd, 1846, aged 60 years. He was married again to Sarah, the eldest daughter of William and Susan Archibald, of Stewiacke, widow of the late Josiah Stewart, of Musquodoboit, in the month of October, 1847. He died April 10th, 1864, in the eightieth year of his age, and his widow died December 28th, 1869, aged 68 years.
Jean Isabella, the eldest daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro November 17th, 1807. She died young.
Elizabeth, their second daughter, was born February 3rd, 1810. She was married to Matthew McCurdy, of Onslow, January 1st, 1828. They had five sons and five daughters. They are living at Clifton, Truro. Rev. Edward McCurdy, of New Glasgow, Pictou, is their second son.
James, the eldest son of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born March 7th, 1812. He was married to Eliza, daughter of the late Robert Harris and Hannah Hoar his wife, December 31st, 1833. He resides at Clifton, and carries on farming extensively. Janet, their daughter, was born February 23rd, 1835. She was married to Alexander, second son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, February 23rd, 1870. They now reside in Sherbrooke, and he is engaged in milling. Robert Harris, the eldest son of James and Eliza Archibald, was born November 16th, 1836. He was married to Mary Jane, daughter of David Clark and Elizabeth Archibald his wife, of the West River of Pictou, January 1st, 1867. Augustus Clark their son, was born at Clifton October 12th, 1867. Mrs. Archibald died November 20th, 1870. Edmond, the second son of Jane* and Eliza Archibald, was born December 9th, 1844. Samuel, their third and youngest son, was born January 22nd, 1853. He died October 10th, 1858. [*should read James]
Adams George, the second son of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro May 3rd, 1814. He was an active and successful Barrister. He filled the different offices of Registrar, Judge of the Court of Probate, of Solicitor and Attorney General, and was a member of the Government of Nova Scotia. He represented Colchester in Parliament from the year 1851 to the year 1865. He again represented Colchester in Parliament until September 1867, and was a Delegate to the Colonial Office, London, in 1867. The people of Colchester elected him again to represent them in the House of Commons of the Dominion of Canada, in the year 1869, which he did but for one year. In 1870 he was appointed Governor of Manitoba, and removed there. He has since returned. He was married to Elizabeth, the only daughter of the Rev. John Burnyett, and Lavinia Dickson his wife, June 1st, 1843. Joanna, their eldest daughter, was born May 29th, 1844. George Adams, their only son was born in Truro May 29th, 1847. On the 19th day of October, 1861, he was gaming in the woods on the island south of the Truro Cemetery, in company with two other boys, when his gun was accidentally discharged and the contents lodged in his body. In about five hours he died. He was 14 years old. Lilly, the second daughter of A.G. and Elizabeth Archibald, was born November 16th, 1851. Mary Lavinia, their third and youngest daughter, was born September 13th, 1862.
John E., the third son of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro April 12th, 1816. He inherits a part of his father's farm, and resides in the house that his father built, about the year 1815. He was married to Martha Dickey of Cornwallis, September 18th, 1845. Frederick William, their only son was born in Truro, August 23rd, 1854. Jane, the third daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro April 7th, 1818. She was married to the Rev. James Bayne, of Pictou Town October 6th, 1846. They have fours sons and five daughters.
Isaac N., the fourth son of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro September 16th, 1820. He inherits a part of what was his father's farm and was surveyor and commissioner of Crown Lands for the County. He was married to Harriet, the sixth daughter of James McCurdy, and Agnes Archibald, of Onslow, January 28th, 1845. Elizabeth S., their eldest daughter, was born February 21st, 1846. Agnes F., the second daughter of Isaac N. and Harriet Archibald, was born in Truro, August 2nd, 1849. James Melville, their only son, was born April 18th, 1851. Mrs. Archibald died February 4th, 1853. He was married again to Sarah Stiles, of Pictou, June 15th, 1854. Harriet N., their eldest daughter , was born in Truro, April 15th, 1855. Emma, their second daughter, was born January 16th, 1857. Mary Stiles, their third daughter, was born May 25th, 1859. Charles Adams, their son, was born August 4th, 1862. Mr. Archibald died February 3rd, 1872, aged 51 years.
Rebecca, the fourth daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro, January 9th, 1823. She was married to Alexander McDonald, of Sherbrook. They had two sons and four daughters. Mrs. McDonald died September 17th, 1870.
Thomas Logan, the fifth and youngest son of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro, March 15th, 1825. He was married to Elizabeth, daughter of the late John Blair, of Onslow Mountain, and Isabella McNutt, his wife, July 25th, 1848. Sarah Ann, the fifth and youngest daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Archibald, was born December 31st, 1829. She was married to Rupert O'Brien, of Noel, September 12th, 1855. They have six sons and two daughters. They have removed to Kansas, United States.
James, the third son of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born May 6th, 1786. He was married to Rosannah, daughter of David McKeen and Janet Taylor, his wife, of St. Mary's, in the month of October, 1808. Jane, their eldest daughter, was born in the year 1809. She was married to William Wetherby, and had four sons and six daughters. Rebecca, the second daughter of James and Rosannah Archibald, was born in the month of November, 1810. She was married to Joseph Laughead, of Clifton, January 10th, 1833. James, the only son of James and Rosannah Archibald, was born in the month of November, 1812. He was lame, worked at tailoring, and died a bachelor when about 40 years old. Mrs. Archibald died October 30th, 1814, and he was married again to Hannah, widow of the late Robert Harris, and daughter of Ebenezer and Catherine Hoar, of Onslow, April 11th, 1816. Rosannah, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, February 27th, 1817. She was married to William Bradley about the year 1842. They removed to St. John, N.B., and then to Boston, Mass. William P., the eldest son of James and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro, August 6th, 1818. He was married to Phoebe Ann Heustis, of Prince Edward Island, September 21st, 1847. Martha Elizabeth, their eldest daughter, was born June 17th, 1849. Rosannah Bradley, their second daughter, was born in P. E. Island, October 1st, 1851. She was married to Werwick Willis, of Boston, Mass., U.S., April 8th, 1869. Emma, their third daughter, was born May 21st, 1853. She was married to Daniel Holmes, moulder at the Iron foundry, August 24th, 1871. William Bradley, their eldest son, was born April 12th, 1855. He died November 26th, 1859. Walter P., their second son, was born September 21st, 1858. Herbert H., their third son, was born April 27th, 1861. Anna Kate, their fourth daughter, was born January 21st, 1864. She died February 8th, 1866. Freddy Willis, their fourth son, was born in Truro, February 21st, 1867.
John Harris, the second son of James and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro, August 18th, 1820. He was married to Rebecca, the eldest daughter of Thomas and Janet C. Miller, January 29th, 1844. Emeline, their daughter, was born July 9th, 1846. Hannah, the second daughter of James and Hannah Archibald, was born June 2nd, 1822. Mary, their third daughter, was born October 9th, 1825. She was married to Robert Bennett, of Shepody, N.B., November 22nd, 1848. They have one daughter. Kate, their fourth daughter, was born in the year 1827. She was married to Robert Stinton, third son of Thomas and Letitia Crowe, of Clifton, January 27th, 1857. She died May 20th, 1864, and her husband died May 7th, 1864. Harriet, the fifth and youngest daughter of James and Hannah Archibald, was born in Truro, December 25th, 1829. She was married to James Crowe, Esq., of Clifton, February 12th, 1850. They have four sons and one daughter.
Asher Black, the third and youngest son of James and Hannah Archibald, was born February 10th, 1832. He was married to Harriet McElhenny, of Londonderry, September 1st, 1852. George Washington, their eldest son, was born July 6th, 1853. Albert R., their second son, was born March 30th, 1855. Everett A. was born August 8th, 1857. Charles E. was born June 13th, 1859. Florence E. was born July 12th, 1862. Kate Crowe, their daughter, was born January 2nd, 1866. William Bradley, their son, was born March 11th, 1869.
Matthew, the fourth son of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, February 1st, 1788. He was married to Susannah, daughter of John and Nancy Blair, of Onslow, December 30th, 1813. Sarah Lynds, their eldest daughter, was born December 7th, 1814. She was married to John, son of John and Janet Kent, of Lower Village of Truro, April 7th, 1835. They had four sons and three daughters. George Frederick, the eldest son of Matthew and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro, May 2nd, 1817. He was married to _______, in Boston, U.S. Mrs. Archibald died, and he was married again to Anne Moses. Olive, the second daughter of Matthew and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro, August 2nd, 1820. She was married to Alexander, son of John and Janet Kent of the Lower Village of Truro. They have four sons and two daughters. Charles B., the second son of Matthew and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro, May 30th, 1823. He was married to Lophema Kedder, daughter of the late Ezra and Margaret Witter, of Truro, July 9th, 1848. Luther B., their eldest son, was born in Truro, April 12th, 1849. Franklin, their second son, was born January 29th, 1854. Cyrus W., their third son, was born April 27th, 1857. Susan A., their daughter, was born April 5th, 1860. Lophema Amelia, their second daughter, was born December 21st, 1869. Charles B. Archibald is the proprietor of the stage coaches which run daily between Truro and Cumberland. Nancy Blair, the third daughter of Matthew and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro, September 2nd, 1825. She was married to Robert Chambers, Esq. They have four sons. Elizabeth, the fourth and youngest daughter of Matthew and Susannah Archibald, was born in Truro, July 15th, 1828. She was married to George, son of William and Nancy Hall. They had one son. Mr. Hall died September 20th, 1861, and she was married again to James Crosscup. Matthew Archibald died July 24th, 1831, aged 44 years, and his widow died July 29th, 1850.
Letitia, the second daughter of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, July 1st, 1791. She was married to George Wilson, of Chiganoise, in the year 1812. They had two sons and eight daughters. She died in the year 1839. Mr. Wilson died March, 1844.
Robert, the fifth son of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born March 27th, 1793. He was married to Margaret Young, who came from Scotland shortly before, in the year 1819. Mary Ann, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, May 6th, 1820. She was married to William, son of John Logan and Anne Johnson, of Upper Stewiacke, October 11th, 1845. They have seven sons and two daughters. Margaret, the second daughter of Robert and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro, August 16th, 1822. Hannah, their third daughter, was born October 15th, 1824. She was married to Robert McElhenny, of Londonderry, in the month of September, 1862. They have one son. John Henderson, their eldest son, was born in Truro, September 6th, 1826. He died August 20th, 1829. John Henderson, the second son of Robert and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro, February 23rd, 1830. He was married to Sarah Ann, daughter of Adam and Sarah Miller, of Upper Stewiacke, April 5th, 1853.
James, the third son of Robert and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro in the year 1832. He removed for a time to the United States, and was married there to Mary Rogers, of Salem, Mass. October 3rd, 1854. He returned and settled on the Mountain of Truro, and died there June 20th, 1866, aged 34 years. Zilpha, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, September 10th, 1857. Frank, their son, was born March 6th, 1862. He died at Stewiacke, November 18th, 1869. Lucenia, their youngest daughter, was born June 10th, 1864. Elizabeth, the fourth daughter of Robert and Margaret Archibald, was born in Truro February 3rd, 1834. She was married to James, son of Andrew Creelman and Susan Johnson, November 22nd, 1853. They have five sons and three daughters. David Waddell, their fourth and youngest son, was born February 9th, 1837. He was married to Sarah, daughter of Jamas D. and Nancy Baird, of Stewiacke, February 28th, 1865. Teressa, their eldest daughter, was born January 4th, 1866. Erdilla, their second daughter, was born April 30th, 1869. Clarissa Jane, the fifth and youngest daughter of Robert and Margaret Archibald, was born May 14th, 1840. She was married to David A. Baird, of Stewiacke, February 4th, 1863. Mrs. Margaret Archibald died November 12th, 1840, aged 42 years. He was married again to Mary Miller, in the month of November, 1841. They had two sons, but they both died when young. Robert Archibald died February, 1857.
Elizabeth, the third daughter of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, March 4th, 1795. She was married to Hugh Logan, of Cumberland County. They had four sons and two daughters.
Alexander, the sixth son of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born October 22nd, 1797. He was married to Ann, the third daughter of William Field (who came out from England but a short time before), March 8th, 1821. Elizabeth, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, May 18th, 1823. She was married to William, third son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, of Pictou, July 1st, 1844. Their family appears among the descendants of David Archibald, second. William Field, the eldest son of Alexander and Ann Archibald, was born December 22nd, 1825. He was married to Amelia, the second daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Lynds, of Truro, May 22nd, 1850. Bessie Ann, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, February 22nd, 1851. Olive Blair, their second daughter, was born December 11th, 1852. Henrietta, the third daughter of William F. and Amelia Archibald, was born January 9th, 1855. Wilbert C., their son, was born February 7th, 1859. Addie L., their daughter, was born in Truro, April 1st, 1864.
Thomas, the second son of Alexander and Ann Archibald, was born July 23rd, 1829. He removed to the United States, and died there April 17th, 1854. Henry, their third son, was born in Truro, June 1st, 1832. He removed to the United States when young. He died at Kansas, August 2nd, 1872, aged 40 years. Louisa, their second daughter, was born in Truro, December 17th, 1834. She was married to Rev. Stephen F. Heustice in July, 1861. They have three sons and one daughter.
Edward, the fourth son of Alexander and Ann Archibald, was born in Truro, February 9th, 1838. He was married to Addie Moore, of New Brunswick, December 25th, 1857. They have two sons and three daughters. Jessie Ann, the third and youngest daughter of Alexander and Ann Archibald, was born in Truro, September 4th, 1840.
Rebecca, the fourth daughter of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born June 27th, 1799. She died unmarried, December 4th, 1838, aged 39 years.
David Waddell, the seventh and youngest son of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born September 5th, 1801. He inherits a part of his father's farm, and resides near the place on which his father and grandfather resided. He was married to Jane, the youngest daughter of David and Jane Archibald, of Kemptown, September 25th, 1827. Martha Jane, their eldest daughter, was born March 13th, 1829. She was married to John McGrath, a school teacher, July 15th, 1857. She died without children. Sophia, their second daughter, was born March 21st, 1933. She was married to Isaac W., son of Isaac and Janet Archibald, of Pictou, July 25th, 1857. They had one son and one daughter; both died young. James Anderson, their eldest son, was born August 15, 1835. He died when young. Rev. John Howard, their second son, was born in Truro, January 26th, 1838. He studied for the ministry, and removed to Australia, and was settled over the congregation at Euroa Duck Pond, Longwood, in the year 1870. Isaac Adams, their third son, was born March 14th, 1843. He was married to Eleanor, widow of the late John Blair, of North River, and daughter of James Hall and Jane King, on Onslow Mountain, November 5th, 1867. Lilly Hall, their daughter, was born February 26th, 1870.
Anne Maria, the third and youngest daughter of David W. and Jane Archibald, was born in Truro, August 23rd, 1845. She was married to Joseph Chapman of Upper Musquodoboit, December 29th, 1863. They had one son and two daughters. Henry Melville, the fourth and youngest son of D. W. and Jane Archibald, was born August 3rd, 1851. Eleanor, the fifth and youngest daughter of James and Rebecca Archibald, was born July 30th, 1803. She was married to Asher Black, of Cumberland County. They had five sons and two daughters.
Nancy, the second daughter of Samuel Archibald, Senr., and Eleanor Taylor, was born in the year 1756, being six years before they came to Nova Scotia. She was married to John, the eldest son of Matthew Taylor, Senr., and Elizabeth Archibald, his wife. They had four sons and six daughters. They removed to St. Mary's about the year 1802, and died there.
Robert, the fifth son of Samuel Archibald Senr., and Eleanor Taylor, his wife, was born in New England in the year 1758, four years before they came to Nova Scotia. He was deaf and dumb. He lived with his brother David, at the Middle River of Pictou, where he died a bachelor, June 3rd, 1794, aged 36 years. His body was interred at Middle River, and a stone erected to his memory.
Martha, the fourth daughter of Samuel and Eleanor Archibald, was born in New England in 1760. She was married to John Pratt. They moved to Stewiacke, where they settled and died. They had five sons and three daughters. Margaret, the third daughter of Samuel and Eleanor Archibald, was born in New England in the year 1759. She was married to David Nelson, November 28th, 1775. They lived on the interval of Salmon River, near the place that Samuel J. Blair now resides. They had four sons and two daughters. Mr. Nelson died August 28th, 1788, and she was married again to Jeremiah Murphy in the month of June, 1789. They had two sons.
Samuel, the sixth and youngest son of Samuel and Eleanor Archibald was born in the year 1762, shortly before they came to Nova Scotia. He was known by the name of Lame Samuel. He was married to Margaret, the second daughter of Thomas and Janet Archibald, January 13th, 1790. They settled on the farm which John James Archibald afterwards owned, and is now owned by James Johnson. His house stood on the hill on the east side of the Salmon River road. Rachael, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, September 1st, 1793. She was married to Ephraim Taylor, St. Mary's, in the year 1824. They had four sons and one daughter. She died in the month of October, 1865. Samuel, the eldest son of Samuel and Margaret Archibald, was born in the year 1795. He died a bachelor, June, 1821. Margaret, their second daughter, was born June 15th, 1797. She was married to Peter Grant, November 3rd, 1828. They had four sons and one daughter. She died March 15th, 1866. Martha, their third daughter, was born in the year 1799. She died unmarried, January 15th, 1868. Thomas, their second son, was born May, 1806. He was married to Margaret McKinlay, January 15th, 1828. They are now residing up the Salmon River, about a mile above Alexander S. Hingley's, in Kemptown. Mary Jane, the eldest daughter of Thomas and Margaret Archibald, was born March, 1831. She was married to Jacob Fenton, February, 1852. They have four sons and four daughters. Samuel, the eldest son of Thomas and Margaret Archibald, was born 1834. Isabell, their second daughter, was born 1836. Charles, their second son, was born April, 1840. He was married to Lucy Campbell, of Westchester Mountain, March, 1870. Eleanor and Margaret, their twin daughters, were born October, 1842. David, the third and youngest son, was born October, 1846.
David Archibald, tenth, the second son of Samuel and Margaret Archibald, was born December 16th, 1808. He was married to Sarah Hammond, February 6th, 1832. Miriam, their eldest daughter, was born April 28th, 1835. She removed to the United States. Charles, the eldest son of David, tenth, and Sarah Archibald, was born January 12th, 1837. He was married to Margaret, daughter of Asa and Margaret Hoar, of Onslow Mountain, January 1st, 1863. Martha, their eldest daughter, was born December 16th, 1863. Alexander, their eldest son, was born in the month of March, 1855. Sarah, their second daughter, was born in the month of October, 1866. Samuel Matthew, the second son of David, tenth, and Sarah Archibald, was born January 29th, 1839. He was married to Rebecca Sarah, daughter of John McDonald and Rebecca Archibald, his wife, April 28th, 1863. John H., their eldest son, was born in the month of March, 1864. Sarah, their eldest daughter, was born in the month of March, 1866. Alexander James, their second son, was born October 16th, 1868. Sarah Jane, the second daughter of David, tenth, and Sarah Archibald, was born June 18th, 1841. She was married to Hopkin McNutt, of North River. They have one son and one daughter. John S., the third son of David, tenth, and Sarah Archibald, was born October 14th, 1843. He was married to Mary Jane, daughter of David T. and Eleanor Archibald, July 25th, 1865. Agnes, their eldest daughter, was born October 28th, 1865. Alexander, their son, was born in the month of May, 1867. Sarah, their second daughter, was born June 15th, 1870. Esther, the third daughter of David, tenth, and Sarah Archibald, was born April 6th, 1846. She was married to Thomas McKenzie, April 24th, 1863. They have two sons and one daughter. Alexander, their fourth and youngest son, was born June 15th, 1848. Margaret, the first wife of Samuel Archibald, second, died January 15th, 1809, and he was married again to Nancy Clayton, April 18th, 1810. About this time he removed to St. Mary's, where he died May 15th, 1833.
Matthew, the eldest son of Samuel and Nancy Archibald, was born March 18th, 1811. He was married to Louisa Miles. They had a daughter, Isabel, and a son, Henry. They removed to the United States, and he died there, February 11th, 1871.
Henry C., the second son of Samuel and Nancy Archibald, was born May 1st, 1813. He was married to Caroline Bradshaw, January 5th, 1833. Samuel Thomas, their eldest son, was born January 15th, 1834. He was married to Margery McBain, August 12th, 1855. William Henry, their eldest son, was born August 3rd, 1857. Alexander Thomas, their second son, was born March 28th, 1859. James George, their third son, was born October 8th, 1862. John Hugh, their fourth son, was born November 2nd, 1864. Annabel, the eldest daughter of Henry C. and Caroline Archibald, was born in the year 1836. She was married to Angus McLain, in the year 1861, and died in the month of August 1862. Eliza, their second daughter, was born 1838. She was married to Alexander Sutherland 1857. They have three sons and two daughters. Elmira, their third daughter, was married to Donald McInnis. They have two sons and three daughters. Alexander, the second son of Henry C. and Caroline Archibald, was born March 16th, 1841. He has removed to the United States. Ephraim Howard, their third son, was married to Anne Flake, August 1st, 1870. Margaret Jane, their fourth daughter, was married to Henry Taylor. They have two daughters. Charlotte, their fifth daughter, was married to Samuel Flake, August 1st, 1870. Robert, their fourth son, was born in the month of June, 1851. Caroline, their sixth daughter, was born_____. Catherine Eleanor, their seventh daughter, was born_________.
Charles, the third son of Samuel, second, and Nancy Archibald, was born June 12th, 1816. He was married to Miriam, daughter of Asa Daniels and Miriam Hoar, his wife, June 3rd, 1836. Asa, their eldest son, was born October 8th, 1837. He was married to Lavinia McLain, of Folly River, October, 1857. George Robert, their eldest son, was born at the Folly River, September 18th, 1858. Mary Elizabeth, their eldest daughter, was born August 8th, 1861. Charles Francis, their second son, was born October, 1863. Samuel McLain, their third son, was born April 16th, 1867. Susan Amelia, was born December 26th, 1869. Eleanor, the eldest daughter of Charles and Miriam Archibald, was born in Truro, February 6th, 1840. Miriam, their second daughter, was born February 20th, 1842. Margaret, their third daughter, was born April 25th, 1844. Samuel, their second son, was born April 8th, 1846. Mary, their fourth daughter, was born April 10th, 1848. David, their third son, was born March 25th, 1853. Nancy, their fifth daughter, was born February 3rd. 1855. Julia, their sixth daughter, was born December 30th, 1855. Charles, their youngest son, was born February 25th, 1858. Eleanor, the only daughter of Samuel and Nancy Archibald, was born May 6th, 1819. She was married to Robert Hingley, of Kemptown, June 18th, 1841. They have two sons and five daughters.
Ephraim, the fourth son of Samuel and Nancy Archibald, was born August 14th, 1821. He was married to Margaret McLain, March 17th, 1841. John Henry, their eldest son, was born in the year 1842. He removed to the United States. Eleanor, the eldest daughter of Ephraim and Margaret Archibald, was born in the year 1844. Oscar Wellington, the second son of Ephraim and Margaret Archibald, was born in 1848. He removed to the United States, and was married to S. A. Stevens, May 18th, 1871, and he is now practising as M. D. in Iowa. Mary, their second daughter, was born in the year 1850. She was married to James Duncan in the year 1867. They have two daughters. Matilda, the third daughter of Ephraim and Margaret Archibald, was born in the year 1856. Sabrina, their daughter, was born in the year 1858.
James, a twin son of Samuel, second, and Nancy Archibald, was born August 24th, 1826. He was married to Abigail, daughter of James Whidden and Hannah Johnson, his wife, January 8th, 1847. Henry, their eldest son, was born November 3rd, 1847. He was married to Joanna M., daughter of Benjamin Lynds, of North River, December 30th, 1868. Leonard Read, their son was born October 20th, 1869. Samuel James, the second son of James and Abigail Archibald, was born September 8th, 1848. He was married to Minerva, daughter of Samuel McLaughland, Esq., of Economy, July 10th, 1871. Eliza, the eldest daughter of James and Abigail Archibald, was born February 10th, 1858. Susan Catherine, the second daughter, was born September 24th, 1862. Hannah, their third daughter, was born April 13th, 1864. James Archibald died at North River, June 4th, 1871. Alexander, the other twin son of Samuel and Nancy Archibald, was married to Nancy, daughter of John McDonald and Rebecca Archibald, his wife, March 3rd, 1852. John, their eldest son, was born November 14th, 1853. Rebecca, their eldest daughter, was born March 7th, 1862. Isabel, their second daughter, was born June 2nd, 1868. Caroline Louisa was born July 30, 1871.
Samuel Philip, the seventh and youngest son of Samuel and Nancy Archibald, was born August 14th, 1831. He was married to Frances Sarah, daughter of Charles Wallace and Clara Emeline Godfrey, his wife, September 19th, 1853. Elisha Godfrey, their eldest son, was born March 30th, 1856. Alexander Lewis, their second son, was born February 17th, 1858. Samuel Charles, their third son, was born November 16th, 1859. Louisa Eleanor, their daughter, was born March 19th, 1862. Clara Isabell, their second daughter, was born May 15th, 1864.
Elizabeth, the fifth daughter of Samuel Archibald, Senr., and Eleanor Taylor, his wife, was born in Truro, January 14th, 1764. She died unmarried. Eleanor, the youngest daughter of Samuel and Eleanor Archibald, was born in Truro, January 23rd, 1768. She was married to Robert Morrison. They had three sons and two daughters. They removed to the United States.
James Archibald, the third brother of the four Archibald's who came to Nova Scotia together in the year 1762, was a grantee of Truro Township. His front land was on the North side of Salmon River. He was among the first settlers of Middle Stewiacke, and obtained a grant of 500 acres of land lying on the East side of Simeon Whidden's land. On this land he settled, and lived for a considerable length of time. He sold out to George Scott, of Truro. Scott gave the farm to his two grandsons, George Scott Rutherford and William Rutherford Esq., and it is now owned by their sons and grandsons. James Archibald was married and had some family before they came to Truro. They had one son and six daughters. Rebecca, their daughter, was born December 23rd, 1761. She was married to Matthew, son of Matthew Taylor and Elizabeth Archibald, February 6th, 1783. They had four sons and one daughter before they left Truro. They removed to Ohio, United States.
Hannah, another daughter of this James Archibald, was married to John Cummings. They had six sons and five daughters. John Cummings, their son, was married to Letitia, the eldest daughter of Alexander Barnhill and Alice Hunter, his wife. They had eight sons and two daughters. James Cummings removed to Manchester. Matthew enlisted and left Truro about the year 1811, and never returned. David Cummings, their fourth son, learned the mason trade with Mr. James Drysdale. He married and settled in Londonderry, where he died, September, 1870. Daniel Cummings, their fifth son, was married to Margaret McDougall, widow of the late William McElhenney, of Londonderry. They had four sons and one daughter. They are both living yet in Onslow. William Cummings, their youngest son, removed to New Brunswick. Joanna Cummings, their daughter, was married to William Rude, and had a family of children. Eleanor Cummings was married to George Goodwin. He enlisted and left Truro the same time that Matthew Cummings left. Rebecca Cummings, their third daughter, was married to Matthew James Archibald, and had a large family. Rachel Cummings was married to John Kenty, at the Grand Lake, and had a family of children. Hannah Cummings was married to Mr. Jinkens, of Shubenacadie River.
Elizabeth, another daughter of this James Archibald, was married to Mr. McElhenney. Another daughter was married to William Long, and removed to Ohio, United States. Another of their daughters was married to Richard Sudicks. They removed to Ohio, United States. Another of their daughters was married to Adam Boyd. She died May 15th, 1790. Mr. Boyd was married again to Mary, daughter of James and Elizabeth Johnson.
David Archibald, sixth, or David Morris Archibald, was the only son of James Archibald. He was married to Rachael, the eldest daughter of James Archibald, second, and Margaret Fisher, in the year 1798. Margaret, the eldest daughter of David M. and Rachael Archibald, was born early in the year 1799. She was married to David Dean, of Musquodoboit, April 4th, 1815. They had four sons and seven daughters. She died March 1851, aged 52 years. Ruth, the second daughter of David M. and Rachael Archibald, was born in the year 1801. She was married to Barnabas Lynds, of North River, October 1818. They had three sons and five daughters. She died November 18th, 1853, aged 52 years. Rebecca, their third daughter, was born in the year 1803. She died unmarried. David M. Archibald and his wife both died while their three daughters were very young.
Thomas Archibald was the youngest of four brothers who emigrated from the North of Ireland to New England, and thence to Truro, Nova Scotia. He came in company with his brothers and their wives and families, also with his three sisters and their families. Elizabeth, his sister, was married to Matthew Taylor, Senr. Eleanor Archibald was married to William Fisher, and Martha Archibald was married to Samson Moore. Thomas Archibald was born in Ireland in the year 1733. He was married to Janet Orr, about the year 1757. He settled on the interval north of Salmon River, on the same farm that was owned afterwards by his son, David Archibald, fourth, and by David's son, John. John's son, Richard Archibald, now resides upon the same farm, near the River bridge, by Charles D. Upham's. On this farm he reared his family, and spent the remainder of his life. His first wife, Janet Orr, died March 13th, 1784, aged 51 years. He was married again to Elizabeth Long, widow of the late James Faulkener, of the Lower Village of Truro, July 15th 1785. He died June 27th, 1796, aged 63 years, and his widow died about the year 1822.
Eleanor, the eldest daughter of Thomas and Janet Archibald, was born about the year 1760. She was married to David Taylor about the year 1783. Her family appears among the Taylors.
John, the eldest son of Thomas and Janet Archibald, was born about the year 1758, four years before they came to Nova Scotia. He was married to Mary, daughter of Robert and Agnes Hamilton, about the year 1784. He was known by the name of Long John. He made an attempt to settle at Brookfield, but soon left, and was one of the first settlers of Upper Stewiacke. He was one of the eight who went to Stewiacke to settle in the spring of the year 1784, and their twin sons were the first deaths in Stewiacke. At this early date was the place fixed upon for a public Cemetery, and these were the first to be buried in it. The funeral took place on March 8th, 1786. The farm that Mr. Archibald settled on lies on the South side of the River, opposite the Presbyterian Church. Here he spent the remainder of his life, and died September 1st, 1832. His wife died in Brookfield, August 20th, 1847. They had four sons and four daughters, who lived to grow up. Their sons Robert and John both died bachelors. David, their son was married to Catherine Munro. They had four sons and two daughters; their names are Robert, David, Thomas, Hector, Catherine and Nancy. This family have all left the country. Mary, the daughter of John and Mary Archibald, was married to John Boomer, of Brookfield, and had five sons and four daughters. Ann, the daughter of John and Mary Archibald, was married to Hantz, son of John and Elizabeth Hamilton, of Brookfield. They settled at Pembroke, Upper Stewiacke. Nancy, the daughter of John and Mary Archibald, died unmarried. Janet, their daughter, was married to John Power, and had two sons and three daughters. William Archibald, their son, was married to Nancy McQuinn, and is settled in New Annan.
David Archibald fourth, the second son of Thomas and Janet, was born on board the vessel in which they came from New England, December 13th, 1762. He was married to Esther, daughter of Charles and Eleanor Cox, February 14th, 1788. He inherited his father's farm. Thomas, their eldest son, was born October 7th, 1788. Nancy, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, April 23rd, 1795. She was married to Henry, son of John Christie and Nancy Denny, March 12th, 1818. They have two sons and four daughters. Charles, second son of Charles and Esther Archibald, was born in Truro, October, 1791. He was married to Martha Stewart, of Halifax, March 12th, 1815, and shortly after this they removed from Truro to Country Harbour, where he carried on a considerable business, was Justice of the Peace, and remained there during the remainder of his life. He died in May, 1852, aged 61 years. They had one son, whose name is John Steel Archibald. He was born December 25th, 1815. He was married to Isabel Liswell. He resides in Halifax, and follows the sea occasionally. Charles Archibald's wife, Martha, died shortly after she had her first son, and he was married again to Martha Stewart, about the year 1827. David, their eldest son, was born May 5th, 1830. He was killed in Wisconsin, April 30th, 1850, in the twentieth year of his age. The following is from the "Watertown Chronicle," Jefferson County, Wis. :--
"Beaver Dam, March 1, 1850.
"FRIEND HADLEY, - Permit me, through the columns of your paper, to return the warmest thanks of the mourners of a beloved brother, to those who kindly attended the funeral of my brother, David Archibald, who lately met with a sudden death. Yesterday morning he was as strong in health and life as he ever was, but about 9 o'clock, a. m., he was taken from life's circle in a moment of time. They were raising a mill about eight miles from this village, and in the act of raising one of the bents, they had attached to the end of the tackle a log chain, so that, if needed, a pair of oxen could be used. However, they had it nearly secured, when it is supposed the deceased took hold of the wrong part of the rope, and unwound it from the stump to which it was made fast, and sooner than thought, it went, carrying him in an instant about five rods - dashing his head and breast against the lower part of the mill. He never moved, but only gave a few faint breathings. It is supposed the hook on the chain caught his right arm, as it was torn through above the elbow and broken. The Sons of Temperance turned out in procession, numbering about 42, some of them coming ten miles at a moment's warning, to bestow the last kind offices to a young brother of the order. The whole was conducted by our respected W. P., Henry W. Finch, in a solemn and respectable manner. And I can do no other than to say, in the midst of grief we were surrounded by all kindness and love. Our meeting house was crowded, and out devoted pastor. Rev. A. Montgomery, addressed us from xxvii Prov. 1st. v. I therefore trust that the deep interest felt on our part by the truly worthy citizens of Beaver Dam, may never be erased from our hearts. And it would have done your heart good to have seen the sons of the division, old men and sires, wearing the badge of respect for a brother. Oh! May they be an ornament to their sex and a beacon to the injured, and so walk worthy to their order below, that finally we may all meet together around the throne of our God, through the precious blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is the fervent desire of their brother and ever humble Servant, M. Sellars."
Isabell, their eldest daughter, was born February, 1828. She was married to Mr. Sellars. They removed to the United States. Charles, their second son, was born August 9th, 1836. Henry, their third son, was born September 12th, 1838. Martha, their youngest daughter, was born in June, 1840. She was married to Robert Murray, of Halifax. Lewis, their youngest son, was born January 30th, 1843.
David Archibald, ninth, they third son of David and Esther Archibald, was born in Truro, February, 1793. He was married to Rebecca, daughter of George Spencer and Rebecca Denny, his wife, November 4th, 1818. Matilda, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, December 25th, 1819. She was married to Alexander M. Baird, of Onslow, February 29th, 1848. They have one son and one daughter. Jane, the second daughter of David and Rebecca Archibald, was born March 2nd, 1821. She was married to Peter Cameron, of Lochbroom, Pictou, October 30th, 1848. They have three sons and four daughters. Alexander Hanley, the eldest son of David and Rebecca Archibald, was born October 14th, 1822. He was married to Esther, daughter of Jacob Lynds and Eleanor Archibald, his wife, April 13th, 1853. Blanchard, their eldest son, was born in Truro, March 29th, 1854. Rebecca, their eldest daughter, was born May 13th, 1856. Eleanor, their second daughter, was born October 7th, 1857. George, their second son, was born April 9th, 1859. Jacob, their third son, was born December 14th, 1863. Allen, their fourth son, was born December 4th, 1865. He died July 23rd, 1867. Jane, their third daughter, was born August 16th, 1868. Martha, their fourth daughter, was born August 16th, 1870. George, the second son of David and Rebecca Archibald, was born in the year 1825. He died a bachelor, April 4th, 1852, aged 27 years. Nancy, the third daughter of David and Rebecca Archibald, was born in the month of January, 1828. She was married to Alexander Kent, third, August 10th, 1854. They had two sons and five daughters. Mrs Kent died March 4th, 1866. Mary, the fourth daughter of David and Rebecca Archibald, was born in Truro, September 13th, 1830. She was married to Henry, son of the late William Cotton and Nancy Baird, his wife, October 15th, 1856. They have one son and one daughter. Catherine, their fifth daughter, was born September 21st, 1832. Esther, their sixth daughter, was born September 27th, 1837. She was married to Matthew, son of Matthew and Elizabeth Taylor, March 24th, 1868. They have one daughter. Alice, the second daughter of David and Elizabeth Archibald, was born in Truro in the month of February, 1797. She was married to John Ryan July 2nd, 1820. They had one son and two daughters. John Ryan, their son, has been a Conductor on the cars since they first ran to Truro.
John, the fourth and youngest son of David and Esther Archibald, was born March 8th, 1799. He was married to Nancy, the youngest daughter of John Christie and Nancy Denny, April 16th, 1832. Henry, their eldest son, was born August 19th, 1833. He died October 5th, 1834. Nancy Christie, their eldest daughter, was born November 4th, 1836. She was married to James Pitblado, August 18th, 1863. They have one son and one daughter. Charles Henry, the second son of John and Nancy Archibald, was born August 8th, 1839. He is in California. Esther, their second daughter, was born February 15th, 1842. She was married to Hugh McDormond, November 30th, 1869. Richard the third and youngest son of John and Nancy Archibald, was born in Truro July 15th, 1844. He was married to Eleanor, second daughter of Charles and Jane Christie, December 18th, 1872. Sarah, their youngest daughter was born September 22nd, 1846. David Archibald, fourth, died July 11th, 1830, aged 68 years, and his wife, Esther Cox, died November 13th, 1837, aged 73 years.
Rebecca, wife of David Archibald, ninth, died July 15th, 1870. John, son of David and Esther Archibald, died August 23rd, 1869, aged 70 years. Martha, the third daughter of David and Esther Archibald, was born October 17th, 1801. She was married to Jonathan Blanchard, November 2nd, 1837. They had one son and one daughter; they both died young. Mr Blanchard died May 31st, 1843, and his widow was married again to Isaac Logan, December 5th, 1854. Mr. Logan died March 11th, 1872, aged 87 years. Eleanor, the youngest daughter of David and Esther Archibald, was born September 15th, 1804. She was married to Jacob Lynds, March 12th 1828. They had one son and four daughters.
William, the third son of Thomas and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, March 4th, 1765. He was married to Martha Denny, of Londonderry, February 17th, 1791. He settled on the farm on which James Johnson now resides. He then removed to the farm that his grandson, John C. Archibald, now lives upon, about the year 1812. Here he spent the remainder of his life, and died in the month of July, 1836, and his wife died December 11th, 1858. Janet, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, July 27th, 1795. She was married to William McDonald, of Pictou. They had two sons and two daughters. William, the eldest son of William and Martha Archibald, was born in Truro, January 22nd, 1798. He died a bachelor, April 24th, 1859. John D., their second son, was born December 15th, 1799. He died when he was young. Rebecca, their second daughter, was born March 15th, 1801. She died when she was young. David Tyler, the second son of William and Matthew Archibald, was born in Truro, May 19th, 1802. He was married to Eleanor, the only daughter of Thomas Taylor and Lucy Hoar, his wife, August 13th, 1830. They settled on the farm which was owned by her father, Thomas Taylor, where they reared their family and spent the remainder of their lives. He died January 12, 1862, aged 59 years, and his wife died April 1st, 1854, aged 46 years. Nancy, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, November 18th, 1830. She was married to Alexander L., eldest son of S. G. W. and Susan Archibald, September 27th, 1859. They have two daughters. Martha, the second daughter of David T. and Eleanor Archibald was born in Truro, February 20th, 1832. Lucy, their third daughter, was born April 18th, 1834. She was married to David, the only son of Jacob and Eleanor Lynds, May 6th, 1857. William F., the only son of David T. and Eleanor Archibald, was born in Truro May 1st, 1836. He was married to Catherine Carlyle, of Onslow Mountain, September 21st, 1865. Lucy Eleanor, their eldest daughter, was born in Truro, June 28th, 1866. Clara, their second daughter, was born December 23rd, 1867. Susan Elmira, their third daughter, was born in Truro, August 2nd, 1870. Susan, the fourth daughter of David T. and Eleanor Archibald, was born January 29th, 1840. She died unmarried, November 17th, 1863, aged 23 years. Mary Jane, their fifth daughter, was born July 14th, 1844. She was married to John S., son of David Archibald, tenth, July 25th, 1865. Olivia, their sixth and youngest daughter, was born in Truro, November 22nd, 1849. She was married to William Alexander Miller, December 18th, 1872. Isaac, the youngest son of William and Martha Archibald, was born April 19th, 1805. He was married to Rebecca, daughter of John D. and Margaret Christie, November 17th, 1836. John C. their eldest son was born February 25th, 1837. He was married to Isabell, daughter of John and Susan Creelman, of Stewiacke, in the month of May, 1867. Martha, eldest daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Archibald. was born in Truro, August 6th, 1839. She was married to William Dickson, of Onslow Mountain, December 31st, 1859. They have two daughters and one son. Jessie, the second daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Archibald, was born April 10th, 1841. She died February 10th, 1864, aged 23 years. Margaret, their third daughter was born February 13th, 1844. She was married to John Yorston, of New Brunswick, 1866. They have three sons. William, the second son of Isaac and Rebecca Archibald, was born November 11th, 1845. Eleanor, their fourth daughter, was born October 10th, 1847. Janet, their fifth daughter, was born January 24th, 1852. Andrew Christie, their third and youngest son, was born July 31st, 1854. Nancy, the third daughter of William and Martha Archibald, was born August 27th, 1808. On September 1st, 1871, she took her dinner in good health, and in about two hours she died. Mary, their fourth and youngest daughter, was born October 12th, 1811.
Margaret, the second daughter of Thomas and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, August 13th, 1767. She was married to Samuel, the youngest son of Samuel Archibald, Senr., and Eleanor Taylor, his wife, January 13th, 1790. She had three sons and three daughters. She died January 15th, 1809, aged 42 years. Janet, the third daughter of Thomas and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, March 22nd, 1769. She was married to Alexander Cameron, of Pictou. They had six sons and one daughter. Elizabeth, their fourth daughter, was born April 21st, 1771. She was married to John Hamilton, October 27th, 1796. They had five sons and three daughters. They settled in Brookfield, where she died, February 8th, 1831, aged 60 years, and Mr. Hamilton died July 1st, 1835, aged 67 years. Their bodies were interred in the Truro Cemetery.
Martha, the fifth daughter of Thomas and Janet Archibald, was born May 15th, 1774. She was married to William Blackie, of the Green Hill of Pictou. She died shortly after they were married.
Rachel, the sixth and youngest daughter of Thomas and Janet Archibald, was born in Truro, June 10th, 1777. She was married to George Dill, of Londonderry, May 3rd, 1804. Mr. Dill removed to Truro, and purchased James Wright's front wood lot, and built his house on the hill where Mr. Richard Upham now resides. Here he spent the remainder of his life. He was the school teacher of the Village for about twenty-five years. Afterwards he was Registrar of Deeds and Prothonotary of the Supreme Court. These offices he held until a short time before his death. Janet their daughter, was born in Truro, December 4th, 1806. Rachel, their second daughter, was born April 17th, 1811. She died in the month of September, 1811. Mrs. Dill died May 7th, 1811, aged 34 years. He was married again to Rosannah, the eldest daughter of Michael Tucker and Mary Moore, his wife, January 31st, 1815. Robert their eldest son was born December 29th, 1815. He died of consumption, December 25th, 1842, aged 27 years. Rachel, their daughter was born March 29th, 1817. She died of consumption, November, 1847. William Hill*, their second son, was born February 12th, 1819. He started to go to Boston for the benefit of his health, and was lost in the ill-fated brigantine "Enterprise". Mary, their second daughter, was born in Truro, July 17th, 1820. She was married to William, son of Thomas McCollum and Janet Logan, his wife, of Musquodoboit, November 22nd, 1838. They had five sons and eight daughters. Catherine, the third daughter of George and Rosannah Dill, was born in Truro, March 14th, 1822. She was married to John Smith, second son of William C. Eaton and Lucy Smith, his wife, December 17th, 1850. They had three sons and three daughters. Mr. Eaton died June 5th, 1865, aged 37 years. His widow died February 22nd, 1872. Margaret, their fourth daughter, was born December 27th, 1823. She was married to Samuel J. Fulton, of Bass River, October, 1860. They have three sons. George Dill, their third son, was born February 12th, 1828. He died of consumption, December 22nd, 1845. Rosannah, their fifth and youngest daughter, was born October 23rd, 1832. She was married to George Gunn, June 15th, 1853. They had two sons and three daughters. Mrs. Gunn died in March, 1866, aged 34 years, and Mr. Gunn was married again to Emma Clark, October 24th, 1868. Mr. Dill died January 4th, 1854, aged 77 years. Mrs. Dill died January, 1853, aged 66 years. [*there is a handwritten marginal note querying Hill with the possibility of it being Dill]