United States Births and Christenings, 1867-1931
Name index to small sets of birth, baptism and christening records from a few states within the United States. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. The year range represents most of the records. A few records may be earlier or later.
United States Marriages, 1733-1990
Name index to small sets of marriage records from a few states within the United States. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. The year range represents most of the records. A few records may be earlier or later.
United States Deaths and Burials, 1867-1961
Name index to small sets of death and burial records from a few states within the United States. This set contains 3,130 records. Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. The year range represents most of the records. A few records may be earlier or later.
Newspaper and Funeral Home Obituaries
The collection includes obituary notices from newspapers and funeral homes dating back to the 1930s. Records typically include the name of the individual, date of birth, date of death, and the place of burial.
U.S. Social Security Death Index (SSDI)
The source of this data is the Social Security Administration (SSA) Death Master File (DMF), which contains over 80 million records of deaths that have been reported to SSA. This file includes the following information on each deceased person, as applicable: name, date of birth, date of death, state or country of residence (prior to Mar 1988), and ZIP code of last residence. MyHeritage does not disclose the Social Security Number for any record for privacy reasons.
1790 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1790 was the first census conducted in the United States. Conducted on August 2, 1790, it recorded the population of the United States to be 3,929,214.
1800 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1800, conducted on August 4, 1800, showed that 5,308,483 people were living in the United States, of which 893,602 were slaves.
1810 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1810, conducted on August 6, 1810 showed that 7,239,881 people were living in the United States, of which 1,191,362 were slaves.
1820 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1820, conducted on August 7, 1820, determined the population to be 9,638,453, of which 1,538,022 were slaves.
1830 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1830, conducted on June 1, 1830, determined the population of the 24 states to be 12,866,020, of which 2,009,043 were slaves.
1840 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1840, conducted on June 1, 1840 determined the resident population of the United States to be 17,069,453 - an increase of 32.7 percent over the 1830 Census. The total population included 2,487,355 slaves.
1850 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1850, conducted on June 1, 1850, determined the resident population of the United States to be 23,191,876 - an increase of 35.9 percent over the 1840 Census. The total population included 3,204,313 slaves.
1860 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1860 determined the population of the United States to be 31,443,321 - an increase of more than 35 percent over the 1850 Census. The 1860 total included 3,953,760 slaves.
1870 United States Federal Census
The United State Census of 1870, conducted during June 1870, determined the population to be 38,555,983 - an increase of 22.62 percent since the 1860 Census.
1880 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1880, conducted during June 1880, determined the resident population of the United States to be 50,189,209 - an increase of 30.2 percent over the 1870 Census.
1890 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1890 was conducted on June 2, 1890. The originals covered 95% to 97% of the population, over 62 million people. However, a fire at the National Archives in 1921 destroyed most of the 1890 census. The surviving records list approx. 6000 names which are mostly Veterans Schedules.
1900 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1900, conducted on June 1, 1900, determined the resident population of the United States to be 76,212,168 - an increase of 21 percent over the 1890 Census.
1910 United States Federal Census
The United States Census of 1910, conducted on April 15, 1910, determined the resident population of the United States to be 92,228,496 - an increase of 21 percent over the 1900 Census. The 1910 census covers 95 to 97 percent of the population.
1920 United States Federal Census
The United States 1920 Census, conducted one month from January 5, 1920, determined the resident population of the United States to be 106,021,537 - an increase of 15.0 percent over the 1910 Census. The 1920 census covers 95 to 97 percent of the population.
1930 United States Federal Census
Each record in the 1930 Census includes person's name, gender, year of birth, age, place of birth, occupation, education, marital status, race, full address, residence information (owned, rented, farm etc.), military service information, and citizenship information (language spoken, immigration data, etc.). Household members are listed with the person as well.
1950 United States Federal Census
The 1950 census was conducted across the continental United States and its territories during April and May 1950. For all individuals it includes names, ages, residence addresses, relationships, households, gender, birthplace, marital status, and other facts.
1950 United States Federal Census (Images)
MyHeritage is proud to bring you the 1950 U.S. Federal Census, FREE of charge.
The images of the 1950 Census are already available on our site. Searching for people by name will be possible a few days after April 1, 2022, as we build a robust and complete search index for the 1950 Census. This new index will be completed by the end of June 2022.
Enumeration Descriptions were obtained from stevemorse.org work of Stephen P. Morse and Joel D. Weintraub.
U.S. Property Owners Index and Maps
This collection includes thousands of maps showing the names of property owners. Many of these are indexed and searchable by state, surname and year.
United States, Alien Case Files
This collection contains records of Alien Files (A-Files) created by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) between 1944 and 2003. A-Files contain any active case of an immigrant that has not been naturalized while going through the United States immigration and inspection process. Records typically include the name of the individual, date and place of birth, date and place of arrival to the United States, date and place of naturalization and the assigned registration number.
U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007
This collection contains records created by the Social Security Administration when individuals applied for a Social Security Number or when a claim was made for disability, retirement, or death benefits. The records include the applicant's or claimant's full name, date and place of birth, gender, and for application records, father's full name, and mother's full name - including the mother's maiden name. The inclusion of birth place and parents' names makes this collection an invaluable companion to the U.S. Social Security Death Index which does not include these important facts.
United States Index of Gravestones, 1900-2018
This collection includes records from more than 25 cemeteries located in the United States.
The records include headstone inscriptions and burial records. In these records you may find information such as the deceased's name, date of birth and death, date and place of burial. Cemetery records are especially helpful for identifying ancestors who were not recorded in other records, such as children who died young or women.
United States and Canada, Index of Obituaries, 1900-2019"
This collection contains an index of obituaries published in various newspapers in the United States and Canada.
United States Passport Applications, 1795-1925
This collection contains applications for US passports. Relatively few citizens had the means to travel internationally in the early 19th century. As a result, most of the passport applications in this collection are from the late 19th to early 20th centuries.
The amount of information found on the applications also varies. Earlier passport applications required relatively little information, containing only the applicant's name, birth date, residence, and destination.
Later applications contain significantly more information such as an applicant's name, address, birth place, birth date, occupation, ship name, destination, oath of allegiance, prior destinations, age, and even physical descriptions (height, eye color, forehead, nose, mouth, chin, hair color, complexion, etc.). Of particular interest, these later applications also contain a photo of the applicant and the information of a friend or family member vouching for their citizenship.
This collection is composed of NARA publications M1372 and M1490.
U.S. City Directories
City directories contain an alphabetical list of adult residents and heads of household, often with their spouse, with addresses and occupations and additional information. This collection is a huge genealogical compilation from 25,468 city directories published in 1860-1960 across the United States, created exclusively by MyHeritage using advanced machine learning technologies developed specifically for this purpose. It comprises 1,3 billion individual records that have been consolidated (to reduce duplication) to hundreds of millions of aggregated records, each featuring the same individual who lived in the same set of addresses during a span of years.
U.S. Yearbooks, 1890-1979
This is one of the largest collections of digitized US yearbooks in existence, providing unprecedented genealogical coverage of individuals who went to high schools in the United States throughout a period of 90 years. Yearbooks are excellent genealogical records that include personal portraits and group photographs. These books can give a researcher insight into students, faculty, and staff who attended or worked at a school. The yearbooks in this huge compendium are primarily from high schools, which in the United States normally comprise grades 9 to 12 or 10 to 12.
U.S. Yearbooks Name Index, 1890-1979
This collection contains almost 290 million records corresponding to individuals identified and consolidated through name-spotting techniques and algorithmic analysis. A student or faculty member often appears in a yearbook several times. Part of the work conducted to produce this collection merges all occurrences of the same name in a yearbook into one record with references to the pages where the person is mentioned. Records in this collection will list the person's name, often their gender, school's name and location, and likely residence based on the location of the school. Additional work was done to identify the grade of the students to be able to infer their age and an estimated year of birth for some of the records.
United States, Border Crossings from Canada, 1895-1956
This collection consists of manifests and other border crossing records of citizens and aliens entering the United States through Canada at various ports of entry from 1895 to 1956. The most common information available includes the individual's name, age, gender, date of arrival, and arrival port. The records may also include marital status, birth date, birth place, last residence, destination, port of departure, and nationality--as well as the names and addresses of family members both in the United States and the home country.
American Overseas Military Burials, 1917-1974
This collection contains records of military personnel interred or memorialized at permanent American military cemeteries and memorials operated by the [link url="https://www.abmc.gov/" title="American Battle Monuments Commission" target="blank"]. The records contain name, date-of-death, rank, unit, serial number, military branch, conflict, cemetery or memorial location, and other information which can include the plot location and medals received. Most of the sites are located outside of the USA except for three memorials in Honolulu, New York City, and San Francisco.
United States, National Register of Scientific and Technical Personnel, 1953-1956
This collection consists of survey responses from social and natural scientists gathered between 1953 and 1956. The individuals in question are primarily from the fields of biology, geology, physics, psychology, and mathematics. Records may contain the following searchable information: first and last name, gender, year of birth, place of employment, name of society, and subject of the individual's highest earned degree.
United States, Index of Court Cases, 1833-2018
This collection is an index of descriptions of court cases from various state and federal courts of the United States and its territories overseas. Records contain the following searchable information: the first and last name of plaintiffs and defendants, the full name of the case, the date of the decision in court, and the court's jurisdiction. The name of the court, the docket number, and the first and last page of the volume.
United States, Index of Navy and Marine Corps Awards, 1925-1994
This collection is an index of awards issued by the US Navy or Marine Corps during the 20th century. The majority of the records pertain to service in the Vietnam War or a later period of service before the turn of the century. Records may contain: the first and last name of the service person, the approved award, the date the award was approved, the branch of service or corps, and the individual's rank.
US Naturalization Records, New England, 1791-1906
This collection is an index of naturalization documents filed in courts in the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont from 1791 to 1906.
US World War II Prisoners of War, 1941 - 1946
This collection includes information about U.S. military officers and soldiers and U.S. and some Allied civilians who were prisoners of war between December 7 1941 and November 19 1946. Using copies of reports from the International Committee of the Red Cross, the agency produced records on U.S. military and civilian prisoners of war and internees, as well as for some Allied internees.
Korean War Casualties, 1950 - 1957
This collection contains records about U.S. Army officers and soldiers who died or were wounded in the Korean War, between 1950 and 1957"
U.S. Army Casualties 1961 - 1981
Records of Deceased, Wounded, Ill, or Injured Army Personnel, Including Dependents and Civilian Employees, documenting the period 1/1/1961 - 12/1981
This collection contains information about U.S. Army personnel and their dependents who died or were injured worldwide, including missing in action and prisoners of war. Approximately 85 percent of the records relate to the Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975.
Historic U.S. Maps
This collection includes United States property atlases, antiquarian maps, nautical charts, birds-eye views, special collections (celestial maps, portraits, and other historical images), as well as directories and other text documents.
Alumni Lists by DistantCousin Genealogy
This collection includes school alumni records (Yearbooks, alumni publications, etc.) and scanned images from publications concerning school alumni.
City Directories by DistantCousin Genealogy
This collection includes city directory records and scanned images.
Military Records by DistantCousin Genealogy
This collection includes Military Records, Rosters, Casualty Lists and scanned images.
Vietnam Casualties, 1956 - 1998
Records on Military Personnel Who Died, Were Missing in Action or Prisoners of War as a Result of the Vietnam Conflict"