Windsor Marriages (Second Book) 1704-1850
G. R. Maude, Town Clerk
February 1906
(Part 2)
Thomas Kelcy of Windsor and Hannah Dugles of New London were married December 11th 1723
Zebulon King and Keziah Loomis were married December 8th A.D. 1743
Timothy King and Sarah Fitch both of Windsor were married April 19th A.D. 1753
Titus King and Mindwell Loomis both of Windsor were married June 1st A.D. 1761
Martin Kent of Suffield Ohio and Lorenda Hatheway of Windsor were married 16th June 1825
Mr. King of Enfield and Eliza Andrus of Windsor were married 24th November 1825
Samuel King of Enfield and Eliza Andrus of Windsor were married the 24th November 1825
Enoch Kingsbury and Fanny Goodman were married 1st November 1830
Windsor February 19th 1832 Shirley Kellogg and Lydia Griswold were married this day
Alexander Johns and Anna M Ellsworth both of this town were married March 30 1834
Seymour Kingsbury and Almira Brown were married Febr 4th 1835
Philo Joy of Amherst Mass and Mary A Mallory of Windsor were married 15th Nov 1835
This certifies that 12th May 1841 Abicil King of Suffield and Melinda Loomis of Windsor were married
Charles Kuchel and Mary Morton Clark both of Hartford were married 16th day January 1849
Charles King of Hartford and Maria C Olmsted of Windsor were married June 17th 1850
Hezekiah Loomis and Mary Porter were married April ye 30th 1690
John Loomis, son of Joseph and Esther Gillet were married August 30 1705
Samuel Lars and Abigail Hass both of Suffield were married October ye 6th 1709
Hard to read this line - could be: John Loomis Junr and Bonianna King of Suffield that they have published according to law {no date}
Daniel Loomis Junr and Elizabeth Barber were married November ye 10th 1709
Job Loomis and Abigail Filley were married April ye 27 1710
Joseph Loomis Junr of Windsor and Mary Cooley of Springfield were married Jun 28 1710
Josiah Loomis and Elizabeth Kelcy were married January 22 1707/8
John Loomis, Daniel's son and Ann Enno John Enno's daughter were married April 24 1712
Noah Loomis and Sarah Morton both of Windsor were married May 7th 1713
Sgt Daniel Loomis and Widow Hannah Drake both of Windsor were married July 9th 1713
David Loomis and Elizabeth Horman were married November 24 1715
Stephen Loomis and Mabel Hoskins were married December ye 7th 1715
Isaac Loomis and Hannah Egleston both of Windsor were married April 26 1716
Joshua Loomis and Deborah Cooley of Springfield were married October 26 1715
Ichabod Loomis and Hephzibah Loomis were married December 20 1716
Nathanael Loomis and Ann Allyn both of Windsor were married March 27th 1718
Aaron Loomis and Deborah Egelston both of Windsor were married Febr 5th 1718/19
Abraham Loomis and Isabel Egelston both of Windsor were married Febr 5 1718/19
Timothy Loomis, son of Timothy Loomis of Windsor and Hannah Phelps, daughter of Timothy Phelps of Hartford were married April the 5th A.D. 1722
Jonathan Loomis and Sarah Higly both of Windsor were married December 24th 1723
Moses Loomis and Rebekah Loomis both of Windsor were married Aug 12th 1725
Benjamin Loomis Junr and Joanna Alford both of Windsor were married December the 9th 1725
Henry Loomis of Windsor and Ruth Bidwell of Hartford were married April the 13th A.D. 1727
Mooses Loomis of Windsor and Elizabeth Bidwell of Hartford were married December the 17th A.D. 1729
Hezekiah Lane, lately belonging to the town of Rye in the county of Westchester and in the province of New York in New England, now residing in the town of Windsor in the colony of Connecticut and Rebeckah Kelcy of said Windsor we
John Loomis and Abigail Elsworth both of Windsor were married April 5th A.D. 1733
Eliakim Loomis and Mary Loomis both of Windsor were married December 4th A.D. 1735
Jonah Loois and Anna Skinner both of Windsor were married June 19th 1734
Uriah Loomis and Hannah Wolcutt both of Windsor were married June the 2nd A.D. 1737
Gershom Loomis and Mary Grant both of Windsor were married June A.D. 1736
Job Loomis and Hannah Enno both of Windsor were married 1736 {no month or day}
Odiah Loomis and Jane Allyn both of Windsor were married November the 1st A.D. 1739
Ichabod Loomis and Dorethy Loomis both of Windsor were married Jan 25th 1738/39
Mr. Nathaniel Loomis ye 2nd and Widow Ruth Newberry both of Windsor were married March 9 1740/41
Abel Loomis and Eunis Porter both of Windsor were married November 3rd A.D. 174_
Stephen Loomis Junr and Grace Loomis both of Windsor were married June 9th 1743
Nathaniel Loomis and Deborah Loomis both of Windsor were married Sept 22 1743
Isaac Loomis Junr of Windsor and Sarah Gillet of Hartford were married March 10 1742/43
Reuben Loomis and Ann Moore both of Windsor were married December 2 A.D. 1742
Nathaniel Loomis ye 3rd and Margret Bissell both of Windsor were married December 12th 1745
Obed Leimberlon and Elisabeth Taylor both of Windsor were married August ____
Reuben Loomis and Rebeckah Goodrich both of Windsor were married Feb 5th A.D. 1745/46
Timothy Loomis and Sarah Talcott both of Windsor were married Jan 31 A.D. 1748/49
Seth Loomis of Windsor and Esther Kelcey of Hartford were married March 1 (illegible year)
Gideon Loomis and Joanna Loomis both of Windsor were married Dec 8th 174_
Joseph Loomis and Keziah Loomis both of Windsor were married Jan 23 1752
John Loomis Junr and Redexselena Wolcott both of Windsor were married June the 8th A.D. 1756
En. Timothy Loomis and Jerusha Bissell both of Windsor were married November 3 1763
Jesse Ladd and widow Rachel Joham both of Windsor were married Sept 10th 1766
Amasa Loomis of Windsor and Hannah Hurlburt of Hartford were married July 16 A.D. 1761
Ruben Loomis and Susannah Filley both of Windsor were married August 17 1769
Simeon Loomis and Kezia Moore both of Windsor were married March 23 A.D. 1769
George Loomis of Windsor and Anne Loomis of Suffield were married December 7th A.D. 1780
George Loomis of Windsor and Reumah Moore of East Windsor were married December 29 A.D. 1791
James Loomis and Fanny Barber were married 14th Dec 1820
Nathanie Lynde of Brookfield Mass and Eunice Austin were married March 26th 1822
George Latimer and Eunice Rowland were married Nov 16th A.D. 1826
Gurdon Loomis and Merim Warner were married 21 Jan 1830
Willard Loomis and Abagail Warner of Windsor were married Febr 17th 1830
Elizer Latimer and Betsey McLean were married 15th November 1830
Harvey Latimer and Almira Weston were married April 11th 1831
{cannot read first name} Loomis and Nancy Loomis were married 8th May 1834
William S Loomis of Granby and Elizabeth Griswold of Windsor were married April 11 1838
Samuel O Loomis and Charlotte Bliss were married June 2 1849
Joel A Loomis and Fancy E Thomas both of Windsor were married 24th March 1850
John Moore senr and Mary Farnsworth were married December 17 1701
Thomas Marshall and Mary Drake were married March 2nd 1686
Thomas Moore and Deborah Griswold both of Windsor were married December 12th 1695
Eliakim Marshall of Windsor and Sarah Leet {cannot decipher last name} of Gisford were married August 23 1704
Edward Moore and Mary Taintor both of Windsor were married Aprill 4th 1705
Mr. Jonathan Marsh of Windsor and Mrs. Margaret Whiting of Hartford were married July ye 13th 1710
Samuel Miller and Abigail Hatheway were married November y 1st 1710
John Moore Junr and Abigael Strong were married February ye 8th 1693/4
Joseph Mather and Elizabeth Stoughton were married November 12th 1713
William Mitchelson and Mary Howard were married April 26 1713
Samuel Marshall and Abigael Phelps both of Windsor were married July 12th 1706
Pellatiah Mills of Windsor and Martha Chapman of Colchester were married July the 5th A.D. 1720 about an hour and half by sun at night
Amos Moore and Martha Owin both of Windsor were married May 21 1720
Jacob Monsell and Phebe Loomis both of Windsor were married Febr the 15th 1718
David Marshel and Sarah Phelps both of Windsor were married Decr 15th 1721
John Moore Junr and Abigail Stoughton daughter of Capt Thomas Stoughton both of Windsor were married December 2nd A.D. 1724
Thomas Marshel Junr and Elizabeth Tudor both of Windsor were married October 9th 1725
Doctr Samuel Mather and Hannah Buckland both of Windsor were married May the 15th A.D. 1723
Peter Mills Junr and Ruth Loomis both of Windsor were married Febr the fifth A.D. 1726/7
Mr. John Mackmoran and Elizabeth Gaylord both of Windsor were married January the 10th A.D. 1727/8
Daniel Mills of Windsor and Jerusha Steel of Hartford were married Febr 12th A.D. 1729/30
Thomas Mugleston and Sarah Bliss both of Windsor were married December 13th A.D. 1733
Samuel Millington, new residing in Windsor, late of Coventrec and Ann Elgar of Windsor were married April the 23rd A.D. 1733
Ebenezer Moore and Esther Bridge both of Windsor were married January 10th 1733/34
Joseph Moore and Elizabeth Allyn both of Windsor were married May 29th 1735
John Morton and Jane Williams both of Windsor were married May 7th 17- {smeared year}
Edward Moore of Windsor and Elizabeth Taintor of Windsor, late of Branford were married September 18th A.D. 1735
Daniel Marshel and Hannah Drake both of Windsor were married November 11th A.D. 1742
Eliakim Marshel and Sarah Hodge both of Windsor were married November 10th A.D. 1743
Samuel Marshel Junr and Joannah Cook both of Windsor were married November 17th A.D. 1743
Calkin Muncil and Mary Booth both of Windsor were married May 19th A.D. 1743
Pelatiah Mills Junr and Hannah Owen both of Windsor were married March 29th A.D. 1743
Jesse Hosford and Elizabeth Alford both of Windsor were married October 1st A.D. 1747
Noah Marshel and Ruth Cook both of Windsor were married January 19th A.D. 1748 {hard to read year}
Daniel Marshel of Windsor and Martha Sterns of Toland were married June 23 A.D. (illegible year)
Elisha Muncil and Kezie Taylor both of Windsor were married December 27th A.D. 1750 {best guess on year}
Jacob Muncil Junr and Sarah {last name smeared} both of Windsor were married January 2nd A.D. (illegible year)
Gurdon Munsel and Lucy Styles both of Windsor were married November 7th A.D. 1751
Simeon Moore and Hannah Barber both of Windsor were married November 22nd 1753
Ruben Miller and Elizabeth Thrall both of Windsor were married July 17th A.D. 1755
John McMorren and Mindwell Thrall both of Windsor were married February 16th 1758
Abner Marshall and Hannah Marshall both of Windsor were married January ye 4th A.D. 1759
Eliakim Mather and Sarah Newberry both of Windsor were married December 4th A.D. 1755
Jonathan Mason and Abigail Dorchester both of Windsor were married August 29th A.D. 1754
John Mean and Lucie Rockwell both of Windsor were married January 14th A.D. 1761
Josiah Moore and Ann Gillet both of Windsor were married November 18th day A.D. 1762
Elisha Moore and Hannah Moore 3rd both of Windsor were married December 3 day A.D. 1761
Nathaniel Newel of Windsor and Abigal Eborn of Tolland were married November 13th A.D. 1754
Nathaniel Mather Junr and Hannah Filley both of Windsor were married November 11th day 1762
Ruben Miller and Esther Brisell both of Windsor were married Febr 12th 1766
Edward Moore Junr and Ruth Parsons both of Windsor were married January 28th 1773
Oliver Mather and Jemima Elsworth both of Windsor were married March 21st day 1778
Abijah Moore and Abigail Drake both of Windsor were married August 20th A.D. 1772
Theophilus Moore and Hulda Griswold both of Windsor were married May day 1779
Theophilus Moore and Elizabeth Rowel both of Windsor were married November 18th 1790
Asa Moore of Windsor and Huldah King of East Windsor were married November 1st 1790
Orson Moore of Windsor and Abigail Gillet of Torrington were married January 17 1797
Addison Moran of Suffield and Miss Laura Allyn of Windsor were married July 31st 1820
Titus Mearham and Anna Holcomb were married June 22 1820
George Murphy and Susan Denslow were married November 23rd 1820
Taliott Mather and Julia Pickett were married January 11th 1821
William Marsh of Hartford and Huldah Wilson of Windsor were married May 9th 1822
Jasper Morgan and Abagail Chaffe both of Windsor were married March 10th 1823
Harlow Moore and Seliana Case were married May 4th 1825
Jesse Miner of Vernon and Hannah Pomeroy of Windsor were married June 10th 1825
Harry W Miner of Vernon and Mehitable Griswold of Windsor were married April 11th 1827
William Marble of East Windsor and Maria Holcomb were married October 17th 1826
Titus Mearham and Miss Plum both of Windsor were married April 2nd 1827
Erastus Manley and Abigail Brown were married Jan 15th 1835
Joseph Newbery and Sarah Loomis, daughter of Jonathan Loomis were married March ye 2nd 1708/9
Benjamin Newbery and Ruth Porter both of Windsor were married Aprill 24 1717
Mr. Roger Nubery and Mrs. Elizabeth Wolcutt, both of Windsor were married August 29th A.D. 1727
Jonathan North of Farmington and Mary Wolcutt of Windsor were married Augustg 28th 1730
Benjamin Newberry and Jerusha Stoughton both of Windsor were married Feb 13th 1745/6
Joseph Newberry Junr and Sibble Stoughton both of Windsor were married July 6th A.D. 1749
Joel Nash and Luriviah Sadd, both of Windsor were married June the 11th day 1754
Roger Newberry and Hannah Allin both of Windsor were married January 9th day A.D. 1759
Phinehas Nash of Windsor and Susannah Ladd of Tolland were married February 27th 1755
Isaac Newton and Sarah Lovett both of Windsor were married April 19th A.D. 1758
Mr. Roger Newberry of Windosr and Eunice Ely of Springfield were married July 29th A.D. 1762
Thomas Newberry and Doroth Mather both of Windsor were married December 8th 1763
Asahel H Nearing and Mary Ann Latimer both of Windsor were married 19th October 1820
Samuel (middle initial) Norton of Hartford and Elizabeth Allyn of Windsor were married April 12th 1832
Lucius Newberry and Eunice M. Filley both of Windsor were married Sept 15 1834
James Newberry Junr and Lucretia Latimer both of {cannot decipher} were married October 1st 1834
Samuel Osborn Junr and Abigaell Egleston were married May 1704
Benjamin Osband and Persilla Hulse both of Windsor were married June 11 1720
Samuel Osband Junr of Windsor and Mary Phelps of Infield were married April 14th 1725
Nathanael Owin and Mary Griswold both of Windsor were married July 2nd A.D. 1729
Samuel Owin and Margerit Griswold both of Windsor were married November 19th 1730
John Osborn and Sarah Stiles both of Windsor were married April 15 A.D. 1730
Jedediah Owin and Ruth Phelps both of Windsor were married October 4th A.D. 1735
Sergt Samuel Osborn of Windsor and Hannah Phelps of Enfield were married July 20th A.D. 1737
Joseph Osborn and Martha Styles both of Windsor were married December 30th A.D. 1736
Zebedy Osband and Abigail Osbornd both of Windsor were married Jan 8th 1746/7
Ezekiel Osband and Abigail Watson both of Windsor were married April 12th 1744
Asahel Owen and Debrah Drake both of Windsor were married June A.D. 1752
Israel Osband of Windsor and Damaras Becraft {hard to determine last name} of Weatherfield were married April 18th 1751
Elijah Owen of Windsor and Lydia Clark of Symbury were married March 8th Day A.D. 1762
Deacon Samuel Owen and the widow Mary Fyler were marryed February 26th Day A.D. 1783
Rev. Peter C Oakley and Mariah Loomis were joined in marriage in Windsor on the 12th September 1827
Nathanaell Phelps and Hannah Bissell were married March 28 1700
Benjamin Phelps and Hannah Birge both of Windsor were married Aprill 12th 1705
Samuell Phelps and Abigaell Enoe both of Windsor were married Aprill ye 3rd 1707
Timothy Phelps, smithy and Rachel Moore were married December ye 10th 1707
John Phelps and Elizabeth L {could be Lewis - can't make it out} were married January ye 15 1707/8
David Porter and Ann Phelps were married January ye 15th 1706/7
William Phelps son of Timothy Phelps and Abigaell Mudy {hard to make out} were married December 7th 1699
William Phelps son of Timothy Phelps and Ruth Barber were married Aprill ye 18th 1706
Isaac Pinny of Windsor and Abigael Filly daughter of John Filly were married January ye 26th 1709/10
Joseph Phelps son of Capt Tim Phelps and Sarah Gillet were married Feb 22 1709/10
Daniel Porter of Windsor and Mindwel Alexand of Northhampton were married Febr 19 1706/7
Cornelous Phelps and Sarah Marshfield were married November ye 2nd 1704
Josiah Phelps John Phelps son and Abigael Griswold Ens Jos Griswold's daughter {hard to read} were married June ye 21 1711
Nathaniel Porter of Windsor and Elizabeth Gillet of Colchester were married June 4th 1712
Samuel Phelps son of Josiah Phelps and Rachell Owen were married August 28 1713
Ephraim Phelps and Sarah Owen both of Windsor were married December 30th 1714
Joseph Peck and Margarett Stiles both of Windsor were married February 23 1714/15
Joseph Phelps grandson of Capt Tim Phelps and Ann Ennos were married {no date given}
Steven Palmer and Sarah Barber both of Windsor were married October 17th 1717
Humphery Pinney of Windsor and Abigail Demen of Hartford were married July 22nd 1717
Nathanael Pinney son of Sergt Nathanael Pinney and Elizabeth Carrier were married January 12th 1716/17
John Porter and Sarah Hill both of Windsor were married June the 27th 1723
John Palmer Junr and Deborah Filley both of Windsor were married Sept 12th 1723
Ebenezer Phelps and Mindwell Egelston both of Windsor were married December ye 7th 1727
John Phelps Junr and Sarah Cornish both of Windsor were married October 24th A.D. 1728
Daniel Phelps and Mindwell Buckland both of Windsor were married November 9th A.D. 1728
Caleb Phelps and Mary Moore both of Windsor were married December the 24th A.D. 1730
Daniel Phelps and Sarah Strong both of Windsor were married March 23rd 1726/7
Benjamin Phelps and Rachel Brown both of Windsor were married June the 24th A.D. 1731
James Pasce of Windsor and Hannah Orsband of Enfield were married July A.D. 1725
Josiah Phelps and Ann Griswold both of Windsor were married September 14th A.D. 1733
Josiah Phelps of Windsor and Hannah Saxton of Simsbury were married December 18th 1724
Hezekiah Porter of Windsor and Hannah Ashley of Westfield were married October 30th 1734
Amos Porter of Windsor and Ami Gains of Glasenbury were married December 22nd 1737
Simon Pearson and Ruth Faler {or Taler} both of Windsor were married December 25th A.D. 1738
Nathanael Porter of Windsor and Elizabeth Dod of Hartford were married October 3rd 1738
Samuel Palmer of Windsor and Ruth Pratt of Hartford were married April the 6th 1739
Aaron Phelps of Windsor and Mercey Kent of Suffield were married August 13th A.D. 1742
Samuel Person of Windsor and Jerusha Cibbe of Enfield were married January ye 17th 1739/40
Daniel Phelps Junr and Damaris Loomis both of Windsor were married February 28th A.D. 1744/5
Noah Pinney and Mary Allyn both of Windsor were married September 30th A.D. 1744
Jacob Phelps and Abigail Alford both of Windsor were married December 30th 1745
Cornelious Phelps and Hannah Phelps both of Windsor were married March 24th 1742
Timothy Phelps and Margrat Gillet both of Windsor were married April 24th A.D. 1746
John Palmer ye 3rd and Jerusha Allyn both of Windsor were married December 3rd 1748/9
Doct Hezekiah Phelps of Windsor and Lydiah Griswold of Symsbury were married Febr 21 1749/50
Ephraim Person and Hannah Barret both of Windsor were married April 23 175_ (illegible)
Eli Palmer and Elizabeth Gillet both of Windsor were married April 1st A.D. 1756
Caleb Phelps and ye widow Mary Henderson both of Windsor were married June 22nd 17 (illegible year)
The Rev Mr. Joseph Perry of Windsor in Connecticut and Mrs Sarah Lawrence of Groton in the Massachusetts were married October 24th day A.D. 1755
John Palmer Junr and the widow Jerusha Wadsworth both of Windsor were married March 4th A.D. 1762
Joel Palmer and Anne Haydon both of Windsor were married July 23rd Day A.D. 1761
Elisha Pendal and Irena Boyanton both of Windsor were married April 15th A.D. 1762
Hezakiah Parson and Ann {last name missing} both of Windsor were married July the 15th A.D. 1756
John Phelps 3rd of Windsor and Elizabeth Pinney of Symsbury were married March 10th A.D. 1762
Mr. Jonathan Palmer and Widow Hannah Hubbard both ofWindsor were married January 19th 1764
Abigail the wife of Daniel Pinney dyed June the 15th day A.D. 1766
Noah Paulk of Windsor and Rachel Pasko of Stafford were married December 13th A.D. 1764
Jerijjah Phelps and ye widow Sarah Bissell both of Windsor were married February 10th 1763
Mr. Bildad Phelps and Mrs. Eunice Phelps both of Windsor were married January 5th 1763
Charles Phelps Junr and Ann Cook both of Windsor weremarried April 13th A.D. 1776
Isaac Pinney Junr and Sabra Phelps both of Windsor were married February 22nd A.D. 1781
Austin Phelps and Deborah Moore both of Windsor were married October 27th/29th A.D. 1768 {cannot determine day}
Lancelot Phelps and Jerusha Pinney both of Windsor were married July the 6th 1779
Luther Prat of Granby and Eliza Latimer of Windsor were married Aug 30th 1820
Josiah Phelps Junr and Emely Allyn were married December 26th 1820
Sardus Peck and Elizabeth W Robinson both of Windsor were married 8 March 1821
Chauncey Pease of Springfield Mass and Betsey or Elizabeth Holcomb of Windsor were married 7th Nov 1821
Oliver C Phelps of Simsbury and Sally Hubbartd of Windsor were married Jan 1 1822
Josiah Phelps and Susanna Holcomb were married Nov 6th 1822
Edward Phelps of Simsbury and Lamitha Hubbard of Windsor were married Nov 28th 1822
Horatio Pinney and Eunice Mary Ann Allyn both of Windsor were married March 28th 1824
Hayden G Peck of Simsbury and Lucinda Griswold of Windsor were married December 9 1824
William Perkins of East Hartford and Charlotte Mack of Windsor were married April 6th 1825
Silas Perkins of East Hartford and Mary F Youngs were married May 4th 1825
Jonathan J Parsons and Mary C Griswold were married December 1st 1825
Julius Pease and Mary Griffin were married at Windsor on March 23rd 1826
William L Perkins and Julia Gillett were married November 8th 1826
Nelson Pasco and Charlotte King were married February 1st 1827
Israel I Palmer and Flora Wells were married Dec 3rd 1828
Hiram Parsons of Sandisfield Mass and Emely Stephens of Windsor were married September 11th 1831
Daniel Phelps and Delia Drake both of Windsor were married April 4th 183_ (illegible)
Joel Palmer and Emily Barber were married Feb 19 1834
Philo Porter of Ellington and Clarissa B Skinner of Windsor were married March 29th 1838
Allen N Prior of Somers and Jane E Norton of Enfield were married May 21 1863
Osci {hard to read name} Pease of Enfield and Selina McIster of Windsor were married 12 Nov 1848
Luther Porter and Sarah Ann Ellis both of Windsor were married Feb 12 1850
Thomas Rowel Junr of Windsor and {cannot read first name} Stedman of Hartford were married March 16th 1699/700
Josiah Rockwell of Windsor and Rebeccah Loomis of Lebanon were married December 14th 1713
Joseph Rockwell Junr and Hannah Huntington were married ye 11th or 15th of November 1714
James Rockwell and Abigail Loomis both of Windsor were married November the 7th A.D. 1728
James Rockwell of Noriage and Lois Porter of Windsor were married June 28th A.D. 1734
Daniel Rowel and Eunice Brown both of Windsor were married June 23rd A.D. 1736
Job Rockwel and Meriam Haydon both of Windsor were married January the 20th A.D. 1736/7
David Rockwel of Windsor and Margrit Vanhorn of Springfield were married Feb 22nd 1735/6
John Roberts and Mary Allyn both of Windsor were married October 22nd A.D. 1734
Daniel Rockwel of Windsor and Margerit Loomis of Lebanon were married Febr 20th A.D. 1732/3
Thomas Towel and Hannah Elmer both of Windsor were married December 7th A.D. 1743
John Rowel and Mary Filley both of Windsor were married January 4th A.D. 1743/4
Joel Rockwell and Sarah Drake both of Windsor were married December 3rd A.D. 1741
Mr. Mathew Rockwell and Jemima Cook both of Windsor were married Janry 19th A.D. 1743/4
Hezekiah Read and Hannah Hadlock both of Windsor were married February 16th 1746/7
Ebenezer Rockwell Junr and Lucy Barber both of Windsor were married August 16 1749
Elles Rushell and Jane Catharine Wolcott both of Windsor were married November 15th day A.D. 1751
Isaac Rockwell and Desire Munsell both of Windsor were married July 22nd day A.D. 1764
Charles Rockwell and Abigail Wolcott both of Windsor were married April the 9th day 1764
Ebenezer Read and Mary Fitch both of Windsor were married December 6th day 1759
John Raft {last name hard to read} and Patience Denslow both of Windsor were married March day A.D. 1763
James Roberts and Jerusha Talcott both of Windsor were married October 5th day A.D. 1766
Philander Rowel of Windsor and Joana Haze of Symsbury were married January 5th 1775
Alphanus Rockwell and Selene Bower both of Windsor were married at Windsor 19th day of December 1821
Joel Rockwell of Granville Mass. and Monimia Clark of Windsor were married at Windsor on the 7th July 1823
Hervey Risley of East Windsor and Minerva Loomis were married June 23rd 1825
John Ellis and Silence Rockwell both of Windsor were married the 13th day of October 1826
Elisha Robers of Windsor and Ann A Lathrop of Middletown were lawfully married December 6th 1826
Eri Risley of East Hartford and Chloe Dunlap of Windsor were married September 20th 1826
Owen Rockwel of Terrisvill and Ann Frnacis of Windsor were lawfully married April 25th 1827
Roger Rawley of Bennington New York and Mahala Latimer of Windsor were joined in marriage February 8th 1829
John Smith and Abigaell Rockwell were married November ye 9th 1704
Thomas Skinner and Sarah Grant were married July ye 19th 1705
William Stratton and Abigaell Moore were married January ye 17 1705/6
John Stoughton Junr and Eunice Bissell both of Windsor were marred May ye 28 1706
John Spenser of Suffield and Experience Gibbs of Windsor were married October ye 30th 1706
Jonathan Stiles and Sarah Egleston were married January ye 12th 1708/9
William Stoughton and Elizabeth Stickland were married July ye 6th 1710
Richard Skinner and Sarah Gaines were married December 25th 1702
Joseph Stedman and Sarah Taylor both of Windsor were married June ye 7th 1709
Sgt Israel Stoughton and Mary Birge both of Windsor were married May ye 7 1713
John Stiles Junr and Mary Osborn both of Windsor were married May 1713 {day smeared}
Isaac Skinner and Hannah Moore were married December 5th 1716
Deacon Joseph Skiner and Ester Drake both of Windsor were married August 21st 1718
Remembrance Shelding of Hartford and Hannah Drake of Windsor were married Febr 19th 1718/19
Thomas Stoughton Junr of Windsor and Mehetable Lothrup of Norwich were married October 3rd 1722
Ebenezer Styles and Ann Drake both of Windsor were married November 2nd 1725
Benjamin Smith of Springfield and Hannah Phelps of Windsor were married Febr 22nd 1725/6
Daniel Skinner and Abigail Smith both of Windsor were marryed March the 6th 1727/8
John-wareham Strong and Abigial Thrall both of Windsor were married November the 30th A.D. 1727
Richard Skinner and Mary Gillet both of Windsor were married Sept 5th 1727
Nathanael Stoughton and Martha Elsworth both of Windsor were married September the 11th 1729
Samuel Styles and Mary Phelps both of Windsor were marryed Febr the 19th A.D. 1729/30
Ebenezer Styles and Sarah Pinney both of Windsor were married January the 28th A.D. 1729/30
Sergt John Styles and Elizabeth Taylor both of Windsor were married May the 19th A.D. 1724
Daniel Stoughton and Joanna Allyn both of Windsor were married Sept 3rd A.D. 1730
John Soper and Phebe Moore both of Windsor were married January 20th A.D. 1730/31
Samuel Strong and Martha Stoughton both of Windsor were married December 12th A.D. 1734
Asahel Spencer and Sarah Cook both of Windsor were married December 25th A.D. 1736
Noah Sparks and Margeret Strong both of Windsor were married July 29th A.D. 1736
Sergt William Stoughton and Marth Wolcutt both of Windsor were married July 17th 1735
John Strong and Heph-zibah Wolcutt both of Windsor were married November 10th A.D. 1737
John-wareham Strong and Azubah Griswold both of Windsor were married March 27th 1734/5
William Stroughton Junr and Abigail Wolcott both of Windsor were married Febr 8th 1743/4
Thomas Sadd Junr and Waitsfill Rockwell both of Windsor were married May 31st 1744
Benjamin Stoughton and Elisabeth Bartlett both of Windsor were married December 26 1744
Samuel Skinner and Sarah Ward both of Windsor were married March 24th A.D. 1741
David Skinner and Elisabeth Elsworth both of Windsor were married November 20th 1728
Azariah Skinner and Azispah Mikelson both of Windsor were married August 10th 1749
Benjamin Skinner of Windsor and Prudence Easton of Hartford were married Nov 9th 1747
Nathaniel Strong and Rachel Stoughton both of Windsor were married June ye 2nd 1747
Epaphras Shelding and Eunice Allyn both of Windsor were married April 30th 1752
Remembrance Shelding Junr and Sarah Egelston both of Windsor were married January 31st 1751
William Sheperd and Hannah Gillet both of Windsor were married March 28th A.D. 1754
Nathaniel Strong and Elizabeth Grant both of Windsor were married April 20th A.D. 1755
Azriah Skinner and Persilla Stevason both of Windsor were married March 16th A.D. 1758
John Slade and the Widow Martha Gleson both of Windsor were married September 12th 1751
Jonathan Sesford of Windsor and Suzanna Butt of Canterbury were married November 1st 1759
Thomas Sexton and Sibbel Foster both of Windsor were married November 26th day A.D. 1759
Gedion Searl of Windsor and Cynthia Shetland of Hartford were married September 9th 1762
John Skinner of Windsor and Sarah Canada of Hartford were married November 21st A.D. 1762
Remembrance Shelden and Marcy Keeny both of Windsor were married March 17th A.D. 1762
Oliver Skinner and Mary Rockwell both of Windsor were married January 26th Day A.D. 1763
Daniel Skinner Junr and Esther White both of Windsor were married May 15th Day 1765
James Slade and Experience Parker both of Windsor were married June 14th A.D. 1750
Abel Strong of East Windsor and Elizabeth Wakeman Moore of Windsor were married March the second day A.D. 1775
Elisha Bebee Strong and Dolly G. Hooker were married June 24th A.D. 1813
John Stanwood of Newberryport MS and Caroline Graham of Windsor were married at Windsor on the 30th November 1820
William Shepard of Farmington and Sally Higsley of Windsor were married 29th Nov 1821
Chester Sedgwick of Hartford and Cyrene Drake of Windsor were married 27 Nov 1822
James H Spencer of Windham and Pamela G Gillett of Windsor were married at Windsor January 19th 1823
Uriah Smith and Fanny Cook were lawfully married on the 13th day of July 1823 both of Windsor
Harvey Stoughton and Frances Pinney were married according to law October 8th 1823
Elisha Shepherd Jr of Hartford and Aurelia Eloner {hard to determine last name} of Windsor were married at Windsor May 20th A.D. 1824
I solemnized the marriage of James Smith of Morrisvill, state of New York and Sally Hubbard of Windsor Windsor June 15th 1824
John C Smith of Wallingford and Mary Brown of Windsor were married on the 25th October 1824
Samuel W Stoughton and Emely Griswold both of Windsor were married November 22 1824
{blank} Smith and Anne Brown both of Windsor on the 12th October 1824
Oiliah L Sheldon and Candace Marshall were married according to law August 1st 1826
Samuell Thrall and Elizabeth Owen both of Windsor were married October ye 25 1706
Samuell Tudor and Joanna Taylor were married February ye 7th 1708/9
Benoni Trumble and Sarah Drake were married August ye 31st 1709
William Fullor of Symsbery and Damiris Cornish of Windsor were married April ye 12 1711
Nathaniel Taylor and Ruth Styles both of Windsor were married May 31 1711
Ammi Trumble and Ann Burnham were married May 9th 1711
John Thrall Junr of Windsor and Mary Roberts of Hartford were married May the 4th A.D. 1727
Ens. William Thrall and Hannah Thrall both of Windsor were married October the 11th A.D. 1728
Hugh Tomson and Elizabeth Elsworth both of Windsor were married January 11th A.D. 1727/8
Moses Thrall and Elizabeth Fyler both of Windsor were married Feb the 4th A.D. 1730/1
Mr. Samuel Tudor of Windsor and Mrs. Mary Smith of Midletown were married December 10th A.D. 1729
Ammi Trumbel and Sabra Gaylord both of Windsor were married November the 9th 1738
John Thomson Junr and Ame Elsworth both of Windsor were married May 24th 1753
Charles Thrall of Windsor and Hannah Clark of Symsbury were married March 24 A.D. 1744
Job Thomson and Rhoda Crane both of Windsor were married July 12th A.D. 1750
John Thrall of Windsor and Rebeckah Davice of Harwinton were married October 18th 1748
Ezekiel Thrall and Elizabeth McMorran both of Windsor were married July 26th 1763
Joel Thrall and Roxana Green both of Windsor were married at Windsor on the 23 November 1820
Hiram Thrall and Melissa Griswold both of Windsor were married at Windsor on the 6th December 1821
William Terry and Nancy Harris were lawfully married December 24th A.D. 1821
I hereby certify that Horace Thrall and Eliza Wilson both of Windsor were joined in marriage and the marriage was solemnized by me this day dated at Windsor March 18th 1823
Joel Thayer of Palmyra state of New York and Nancy Selden were married 30th September 1823
Jason A Taintor and Maria T Green both of Windsor were lawfully married June 25th 1829
Henry Thompson of Enfield and Candis Phelps of Windsor were lawfully married June 10th 1829
Mr. George Tuttle of Hartford with Miss Mary Loomis of Windsor were married 8th Jan 1832
Curtis Tuttle of Otis Mass and Prudence Loomis were married according to law Sept 17 1833
Married in Windsor April 21 1839 Josiah Stanwatt of Haddam to Mrs. Betsy Clark of Windsor
Wm H. Sears of Glatenberry and Catherin Anderson of Wethersfield were married June 27th 1842
Hannibal Trylor of Fowler Ohio and Belinda Lamberto of Windsor Conn were married June 2nd 1850
Ruel Vanhorn and Delia Stiles was lawfully married on the 21st December 1820
Warren Viberts of Springfield MS and Caroline Phelps of Windsor were married July 27th 1841
Daniel White of Hatfield and Anne Bissell of Windsor were married July 6th 1704
Charles Wolcot and Elisabeth Hawly were married December ye 19th 1706
William Wolcot and Abiah Hawly both of Windsor were married November 5th 1707
Ebenezer Wilcokon (or Wilcoxon) and Martha Gaylord were married January ye 15 1707/8
Samuell West and Dorithie Egleston were married February ye 24th 1708/9
John Wilson and Mary Marshell were married June ye 16 1709
Joshua Willis Junr and Mercy Danks were married May ye 19 1709
Daniel White of Windsor and Elisabeth Bliss of Norwich were married April 25 1710
John Winchel and Martha Enno were married January ye 3rd 1705/6
Nathan Waples of Hartford and Grace Egleston daughter of Thomas Egleston of Windsor were married August ye 3rd 1714
Henry Wolcot Junr of Windsor and Abigael Cowley of Springfield were married December ye 28 1716
Jacob Wills of Windsor and Dinah Peck of Norwich were married May 17th A.D. 1720
Samuel Wilson of Windsor and Jemima Lewis of East Haddom were married May the 9th 1723
Robert Westland of Windsor and Thankfull Addams of Simsbury were married May the 9th 1723
John Wells of Dearfield and Sarah Allyn of Windsor were married January the 2nd A.D. 1728/29
Roger Wolcutt Junr and Marah Newberry both of Windsor were married October the 10th A.D. 1728
Leiut Henry Wolcutt and Mrs. Hannah Porter both of Windsor were marryed April 11th A.D. 1727
John Wolcutt of Windsor the 3rd of that name and Mary Hawley of Midletown were married Janr 9th 1734/5
Robert Winchel of Simsbury and Lydia Hollebirt of Woodberry were married September 6th A.D. 1733
William Wallis and Anne Porter both of Windsor were married Sept 9th A.D. 1738
Ebenezer Watson and Ann Trumble both of Windsor were married December 31st A.D. 1741
Samuel Watson and Elizabeth Mather both of Windsor were married Feb 25th A.D. 1741/2
William Wolcott Junr Esq and Mrs Abigail Abbott were married Feb 26th A.D. 1746/7
Jacob Webster and Azubah Barber both of Windsor were married January 19th A.D. 1748/9
Phinehas Wilson and Mary Palmer both of Windsor were married Nov 21st A.D. 1750
Zebulon Webb Junr of Windsor and Mahtable Huntington of Wendham were married Nov 24th A.D. 1748
Joseph Winchel of Suffield and ye widow Anne Denslow of Windsor were married April 11th 1751
Doct Alexander Wolcutt of Windsor and Mary Richards of New London were married April 3rd 1745
William Webster and Mary Watson were married June the 3rd A.D. 1731
Nathan Webb and Margret Kellogg both of Windsor were married March 20th A.D. 1755
John Warner and Margret Loomis both of Windsor were married December 25th 1754
John Watson and Anna Bliss both of Windsor were married July 1st day A.D. 1767
Lamson Wells Junr and Hannah Orsband Junr both of Windsor were married February 20th A.D. 1757
Moses Wright of Windsor and Chloe Heat of Farmington were married October the 8th day A.D. 1773
Amos Westland Junr of Windsor and Mary Brown of {no dates}
Horace Walbridge of Stafford and D. Emeline Anskus were married July 4th 1821
William Welch and Amelia Stiles both of Windsor were married August 14th 1821
Daniel Webster and Rhoda Fyler both ofWindsor were married October 14th 1821
Charles Woodard and Eliza Hills were married December 23rd 1823
Harlow Wells of Farmington and Almira Kelsey of Windsor were married October 22nd 1823
Moses Wilson and Weatly Ann Barnes both of Windsor were married February 5th 1824
Hiram Wells of Hartford and Maria Marshall of Windsor were married July 22nd 1824
Carlis Warfield of Hartford and Laura King of Windsor were married December 9th A.D. 1824
Henry White of East Windsor and Jerusha Barber were married June 9th 1825
Alvin Walds of Benington New York and Nancy E. Butler of Windsor were married October 16th 1825
Samuel Wilson and Delia Chapman were married November 29th 1827
Ammi Wilson and Betsey Burr both of Windsor were married July 3rd 1828
William Watson of Torringford and Melissa Cadwell were married Jan 30th 1828
Timothy Wells and Huldah Phelps both of Windsor were married July 20th 1828
Asahel C Washburn of Royalton Vermont and Rhoda Emma Grant were married September 24th 1828
Ralph G. Wells of Farmington and Eunice E Allyn of Windsor were married October 28th 1829
Asahel William and Emeline Ciesar were married October 1st 1829
Timothy Woodworth and Mary Cooley were married September 28th 1829
Nathaniel Whiting of West Hartford and Mahala Cadwell were married March 31st 1831
John Ward and Clarissa Holcomb were married December 25th 1833
Albert G. Wickware of Bristol and Rebecca G. Griswold of Windsor were married January 20 1834
Rev Andrew Yates and Hannah A. Hooker were married June 11th A.D. 1810
James Youngs and Martha Hunt both of this town were lawfully married 27th April 1834