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Early Presbyterian Cemetery
Wilmington, New Castle County, Delaware

First Name:
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Extracted from:

               HISTORY OF DELAWARE, 1609 - 1888.

               J. Thomas  Scharf, A.M., LL.D.,

            PHILADELPHIA: L.J. RICHARDS & CO. 1888.

THE PRESBYTERIAN CEMETERY, at the corner of Market and Tenth Streets, 
dates back to the erection of the old church on that site in 1740. 
There is a large number of handsome monuments and other mortuary 
memorials. The following are among the names and inscriptions:

Gunning Bedford, born in Philadelphia, 1747, graduated at Nassau 
  Hall, New Jersey, 1771; Attorney-General of Delaware; one of her 
  Delegates to Convention that framed the Constitution of the United 
  States; first Judge of District Court of the United States, in the 
  district of Delaware.

Jane Ballareau, wife of Gunning Bedford.

Samuel Erwin, Sr., died of yellow fever, August 30, 1798, aged
forty-six years.

John Erwin, May 30, 1797, aged seventy years.

Allan Thomson, born 1788, died 1884.

William Hemphill, born 1743, died 1823.

John Boyd, died December 8, 1837, in his seventieth year.

William S. Boyd, born 1805, died 1886.

John McKinley, M.D., born in Ireland, 1721, died in Wilmington, 1796. 
  He settled in this country early in life and engaged in the 
  practice of medicine. He was the first President of the State of 
  Delaware under its first Constitution, and after the Declaration 
  of Independence.

Susan, wife of Caesar A. Rodney, and daughter of Captain John Hunn, 
  born 1775, died 1839.

Captain John Hunn, died April 22, 1810, aged sixty-four years.

Captain Henry Geddes, died 1833, aged eighty-four years. He was an 
  officer in the Revolution. His wife, M. Latimer, died at the age 
  of eighty-five.

James Latimer, died 1807, aged eighty-seven years.

Henry Latimer, M.D., born 1752, died 1819.

Robert White, a native of Ireland, died 1820, aged sixty.

James Gardner, a native of Ireland, 1844, aged sixty-eight.

John Hyndman, March 1, 1850, aged eighty years.

Benjamin Chandler, born 1781, died 1856.

Alexander H. Hamilton, died 1838, aged thirty-four years.

Archibald Hamilton, Esq., October 4, 1841, aged fifty-nine years.

Lydia Monro Gilbert, daughter of Dr. George S, Monro, and wife of 
  Rev. E.W. Gilbert, President of Delaware College.

George Monro, M.D., born 1760, died 1819.

Jemima Monro, daughter of Colonel Haslet, who fell at the battle of 
  Princeton, and wife of Dr. Monro, died July 19, 1824.

Robert Frame, born 1800, died March 19, 1847.

Jennette M. Clayton, wife of Robert Frame, born 1805, died 1848.

Samuel Harrison, a native of Ireland, died 1831, aged eighty-four.

John Fleming, died 1827, aged seventy-four years.

Joseph Hamilton, July 25, 1850, aged sixty-six years.

John Long, October 15, 1813, aged sixty-three years.

Isabella Wigton, died 1850, aged seventy-eight years.

Colonel Thomas Kean, died of yellow fever, 1802, aged fifty-five.

Mary Kean, wife of Thomas Kean, died 1817.

Theophilus Jones, 1864, in his eighty-fifth year.

John H. Barr, born December 25, 1801, died 1879.

John B. Dauphin, died December 26, 1810.

Joseph Thomas, M.D., died November 28, 1835, aged thirty-one years.

John Simpson, July 21, 1816, aged sixty-three years.

Joseph Miller, Esq., 1798, of yellow fever, aged thirty-three.

Rev. John Martin Connell, a victim of the railroad tragedy at 
  Burlington, New Jersey, August 29, 1855, born in 1819.

Rev. Thomas Read, D.D., pastor of First Presbyterian Church of 
  Wilmington, died 1823, aged seventy-eight years. He was a minister 
  of the gospel for over fifty years, and the first Presbyterian 
  missionary in Southern Delaware. His wife died at eighty-five.

Thomas Wallack, December 17, 1786, aged seventy-seven years.

Samuel Stewart, born in County Tyrone, Ireland, died in Brandywine 
  Hundred, 1773, aged sixty-six. Margaret, his wife, died at eighty-

John Brown, born in County Down, Ireland, 20, died 1857, aged

James Brown, died 1864, aged eighty-two years.

Valentine McNeal, native of Ireland, 1834, aged seventy-five. 
  Margaret, his wife, 1845, aged eighty-two.

George Cleland, native of Ireland, 1827, aged forty-four years.

John Cleland, born in Ireland, 1787, died 1852.

Mark Elliott, died 1788, aged seventy-eight years.

Ebenezer A. Smith, M.D., died May 5, 1815, aged sixty-one years.

Robert S. Smith, M.D., his son, 1825, aged thirty-six.

Captain Patrick O Flinn, died July 7, 1818, in his seventieth year.

Andrew McKee, died aged seventy-seven years, and Mary, his wife, aged 
  seventy-two years.

Andrew McKee, died October 3, 1793, aged seventy-five years, and his 
  wife, Isabella, June 24, 1781, aged sixty-one years.

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