Delaware, U.S., Marriage Records, 1750-1954
Past In Review from 05-23-2002
50 years ago
May 22, 1952
Community Council Fair On Saturday A Success
$850.00 Profit Reported;
Program Is Acclaimed By Youth Of Middletown
The Middletown Community Council held its most successful Spring Fair last Saturday afternoon. Receipts to date indicate a profit of about $850.00. The sum would have been greater had not most of the booths sold out completely before the end of the event.
Aside from the financial results which will be used to promote the Council’s Summer Playground Program, the Fair supplied excellent entertainment for those who attended. Children from the perambulater age to high school found plenty of fun and the stunts furnished laughs for the adults.
Though the Council realizes it is impossible to thank each one whose efforts contributed to the Fair’s success, it wants every one to know the efforts are appreciated.
The business men and stores of Middletown were chiefly responsible for the food used in the supper booth and this together with the food supplied by many of the interested women of the community was entirely sold out before closing time.
The generosity of the Volunteer Hose Co. in offering its splendid carnival grounds and in assisting in setting up the booths set the stage for not only a profitable affair, but also a most attractive one. If there was one feature standing out above all others, it was the ride on the shiny new brilliant fire engine, not only supplied but manned by the fire company.
At the Council’s next meeting various committee members will compile notes to make a record of this year’s Fair and which will be used to make next year’s Fair even more successful.
75 years ago
May 25, 1927
Miss Margaret Evans has just returned from a trip to New York.
Mrs. David Allen spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends in Wilmington.
Miss Eugenia Beasten was a weekend visitor at her cottage at Rehoboth last week.
Mrs. Merritt N. Willits, of Philadelphia, Pa., is in town visiting Miss Laura Willits.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Cochran of Washington, D.C. were in town one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Tweed were week-end guests of her father, Mr. William Whitlock.
Little Miss Frances Ann Dumstrey is spending this week with Dr. and Mrs. W.S.P. Combs.
Miss Virginia F. Hobbs, of Middle Neck, Md., was a week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. Esther W. Hobbs.
Mrs. J.C. Hynson is spending this week wither mother, who is quite ill at her home, Ginn’s Corner farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Allen were entertained on Sunday by Mayor and Mrs. Charles E. Hastings, of Seaford.
Mrs. Joseph Toner and little son, of New Castle, spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dugan.
Mr. John W. Webb, Jr., of Lincoln, was entertained over the week-end by his grandfather, Mr. William Whitlock.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker and children and Mrs. Kyle of Wilmington were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Price .
95 Years Ago
May 25, 1907
Benjamin M. West visited Smyrna on Saturday.
William Ginn, of near Odessa, visited town on Saturday.
Dr. T.A. Enos and son Thomas spent Friday in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wells are visiting relatives in Philadelphia.
Miss Ethel Dayett, of Clayton, visited Mrs. I. Pritchard on Monday.
Frank Watts, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with his parents here.
Miss Anna Sharpless spent Sunday at her home at Landenburg, Pa.
Miss Estella Lockerman entertained the Fort Nightly Society on Tuesday.
Mrs. John Webb, of near Odessa, spent Wednesday with I. Pritchard and wife.
Mr. Robert Anderson, Jr., of St. John’s College, visited Miss Edith Ginn Thursday.
Mrs. Carrie Johnson and daughter, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs. Harvey Naylor.
Earl M. Shockley, of Wilmington, visited his parents, L.B. Shockley and wife, over Sunday.
Misses Norma and Karline Hart visited their aunt, Mrs. James Wilson, in Smyrna, over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ginn, of Wilmington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Ginn, near town.
Mrs. William C. Money entertained the Phil Harmonic Society on Friday evening. Quite an enjoyable evening was had by all present.
Mrs. Voshell, of Smyrna, and Mrs. John Whitehouse and Mrs. Martin, of Wilmington, have spent the past week with William H. Money and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lockerman entertained over Sunday their sons, A. Lockerman, wife and daughter, of New Castle, and Leroy Lockerman, of Wilmington.