Delaware, U.S., Marriage Records, 1750-1954
Past In Review from 06-20-2002
50 years ago
June 26, 1952
Young Democrats club Installed New Officers
Club To Mail Notices Of Registration To Voters Of Two Lower Hundreds
A meeting of the Young Democrat’s Club of Blackbird and Appoquinimink Hundreds was held in the Blackbird Community Center, Wednesday, June 18th, at 8:00 o’clock. The new officers and committees are as follows:
President, James Mullen; vice president, Roland Nowland; secretary, Louise Staats; treasurer, Temple Heinold; publicity, Wm. K. Smith.
The following committees were appointed for the year:
Program, Jesse Watson; recreation, James Sylvester, Wm. Brown, Leonard Reed; refreshments, Wm. K. Smith, Norman Younger, Freddie Robinson.
The club is going to mail each box holder in the two hundreds a notice of the coming registration days, so that everyone will be contacted, and for the advantage of those who do not receive the local and daily papers.
Representative Howard Deakyne gave some views on the political situation. He stressed party unity, and the need for real teamwork in the coming election.
Mrs. Mary David, the new chairman for Blackbird Hundred, was welcomed as an honorary member. Mrs. David has the full cooperation of the club in her new undertaking.
The club membership is still open and anyone desiring to become a member or attend the monthly meetings is welcomed at anytime.
The next meeting will be held July 16th in the Blackbird Community Center.
The yearly party will be held Thursday evening, July 10th, at Joseph’s Grove with music by Wilson Bailey.
75 years ago
June 23, 1927
Mrs. Percy Wallace has been a recent visitor at Rehoboth.
Mrs. Gertrude Butler is spending some time at the Odessa Inn.
W.J. Davenport, of North Carolina, has been visiting A.B. Rose.
Mrs. Catherine Gremminger has returned from a visit at Delanco, N.J.
Mr. And Mrs. John Stidham of Wilmington, have been recent Odessa visitors.
Mrs. F. Matthers and daughter, of Langhorne, are guests of Odessa relatives.
Mrs. Thomas Taylor has been entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Green.
Miss Edna Whittington, of Philadelphia, Pa., spent Sunday at her home on High Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wallace and family have been recent visitors at Crystal Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright and daughter, of Wilmington, have been visiting Odessa friends.
Mrs. Clarence Toppin and daughter, Miss Elva Toppin, have been visiting Mrs. Elizabeth Long.
Mrs. I.G. Webb and daughter, Miss Mary Webb, and Mrs. Daisy Johnson, of Townsend, have been recent Odessa visitors.
Mrs. Maude Robinson and Mrs. Gertrude Vincent, of Wilmington, have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Reed have been entertaining Mr. and Mrs. G. Reed and Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Bloomingstock, of Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Muehberger, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wallace and John Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Ennis were recent visitors in Chester and attended the graduation exercises of Miss Mary Bignear.
95 Years Ago
June 22, 1907
Mr. Walter Ingram, of New Castle, spent Sunday with his family here.
Miss Mary Money is spending sometime with friends in Wilmington.
Miss Lillian West spent Wednesday with Miss Sadie Weldon of near town.
Miss Margaret Weldon, of Middletown, spent Sunday with her parents near town.
Miss Elizabeth Voshell, of Smyrna, is visiting Mrs. William H. Money this week.
Mr. Walter Ginn, of near Smyrna, spent Tuesday with his mother Mrs. Margaret Ginn.
Preston Kemp and Clark Beck, of Delaware City, spent Sunday with Edward Hart and family.
Mr. James A. Hart, who has been on the sick list for the past week is much improved at present.
Mrs. Lowler and Mrs. Daniels of Earleville, Md., were visiting Mrs. John Morris, of near Smyrna, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Warner Greenwood, of Easton, Md., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. George M.D. Hart this week.
Miss Jeanette Townsend left town Thursday for Jamestown, Va., where she will spend the summer with her brothers and she will also visit the exposition.
Children’s Day was observed by the members of the Union M.E. Sunday School last Sunday afternoon. It was well attended and was made very interesting by the delightful programme.