Delaware, U.S., Marriage Records, 1750-1954
Past In Review from 09-26-2002
100 years ago
Sept. 27, 1902
Harry Howell spent Sunday in Philadelphia.
Miss Agnes Cochran is the guest of Baltimore friends.
Prof. And Mrs. W.J. Bickett spent Sunday in Baltimore.
Mrs. J.R. Brown is spending sometime in Reading, Pa.
Mrs. Cora Gallagher, of Dover, has been visiting Mrs. J.E. Ginn.
Miss May Roe, of Massey’s, is the guest of Miss Addie Cochran.
Miss Elizabeth Alexander, of Washington, D.C. is visiting Mrs. J.L. Shepherd.
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Cochran, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with friends near town.
Mrs. Clifton Wood and little daughter, of Philadelphia, have been visiting Mrs. J.L. Parsons.
Mr. Paul Messick left Tuesday for Philadelphia, where he will attend Delancey College.
Mrs. Harry P. Shapley and daughter, of Smyrna, spent several days this week with her parents here.
Miss Eliza Green left this week for Oak Lake Seminary, Philadelphia, where she will resume her studies.
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. Pharo and son have returned to their Philadelphia home after spending sometime with relatives here.
Messrs. Walter Taylor and William Freeman, Jr., have returned to their homes here, after spending sometime in Philadelphia.
Mr. Richard Hodgson visited Wilmington on Tuesday.
D.P. Hutchison, spent Monday and Tuesday in Wilmington.
Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Watts and daughter spent Sunday in Cecilton.
S.S. Wilson, of Westminster, Md., spent Sunday with his parents.
Miss Jeanette Townsend, of Virginia, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Stradley.
Mr. Harold Whitehouse, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with Townsend friends.
Miss Margaret Weldon has accepted the position of bookkeeper with J.S. Lattomus.
The work on the new church is progressing nicely. It is now about ready for the slate roof.
The W.C.T.U., of New Castle County, held a conference on “Methods” on September 19th, in Townsend M.E. Church.
Mr. and Mrs. John Townsend gave a party September 19th, in honor of the 21st birthday of their son, Samuel Townsend.
Junior Endeavor tomorrow at 2 P.M.
Mr. T.C. Lynch was an over Sunday visitor in Wilmington.
Mr. Smith, of Cecilton, was the guest of relatives in town Monday.
Miss Daisy Day was the guest of Mrs. L.P. King one day last week.
Miss Mary Jones, of Baltimore, spent Saturday and Sunday in town.
Mr. Harry Jones, of Earlville, was the guest of friends in town Monday.
Mr. M.L. Vinyard was the guest of his nephew, N.J. Lofland, Jr., last Monday.
Mrs. Lydia Coverdale was the guest of her daughter Mrs. Thomas Coverdale at Smyrna, part of last week.
A special sermon to young men tomorrow evening at 8 o’clock. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone.
Mr. Walter Aiken, proprietor of the Howard Home, Elkton, was entertained at the Gillespie Home, the guest of his brother, Mr. R.D. Aiken, last Tuesday.
Senior Christian Endeavor prayer meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 o’clock. Topic: “Missions; missionary heroes. Cheerful Amid Adversity.” Acts 27:22-36.