Delaware, U.S., Marriage Records, 1750-1954
Past In Review from 10-03-2002
100 years ago
Oct. 4 1902
St. Georges Items
C.M. Riley spent Monday in Wilmington.
Miss Sara Milligan has returned from Wilmington.
George Hill lost a horse on Saturday from lock-jaw.
John Lewis, of Wilmington, was in town on Sunday.
Fred Hyde and wife visited Delaware City on Saturday.
Dr. Dorsey W. Lewis, of Odessa, was in town on Sunday.
Miss Jennie Vail, of Dutch Neck, visited friends here Monday.
James Craig and wife, of Newport, are visiting their son near town.
Miss Bessie Jones left on Friday for an extended visit to friends in Chester, Pa.
Enoch Laws and wife were entertained over Sunday by A.N. Sutton and family.
Miss Nellie Ellison, of New York, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J.C. McCoy.
Mrs. Herbert Hopkins spent several days last week with relatives in Delaware City.
A dog supposed to have been suffering with the rabies, was killed by C. Bert Riley on Sunday.
Clarence Shaban, wife and daughter, of Smyrna, are visiting her brother, J. W. Carrow and family.
The Official Board of the M. E. Church will hold a business meeting at the parsonage this evening.
Miss Marion Hill has returned from Wilmington, where she spent several weeks with relatives.
Samuel S. Gray, of Seaford, spent several days with his parents, M. J. Gray and wife last week.
The Ladies’ Aid society of the M. E. Church held its monthly meeting at the residence of Mrs. James White on Thursday.
Charles Stapleford and family and Edgar Swan and family attended the funeral of Miss Alva Price in Wilmington on Friday.
George Lee, the infant son of George and Fannie Cann, who died in Delaware City on Thursday, was buried in the St. Georges’ Cemetery on Saturday.
The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church are making active preparations for their “Rummage Sale,” to be held a week, beginning on Saturday, October 11th.
Mrs. Mary Preston returned to her home in Unionville, Pa, on Wednesday. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs. A. N. Sutton, who will remain several weeks.
Misses Anna and Julia Ellison entertained the Twentieth Century Book Club at their home near Glasgow on Saturday evening. A number from this town being members, attended.
The fiftieth anniversary of the M.E. Church will celebrated on Sunday, October 12th. Several ex-pastors will be presented. Full announcement will be made in our letter next week.
The “Harvest Home” exercises held in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday evening were very interesting. A fine musical programme was rendered. The church was very tastefully decorated with fruit and flowers.
Miss Belle B. Lofland is visiting in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Lydia Coverdale spent part of last week in Smyrna.
N. J. Lofland, Jr., visited Wilmington relatives part of last week.
Miss Emma L. Vinyard was the guest of Smyrna friends last Sunday.
Preaching at the M.P Church tomorrow evening at 10:30.
Mr. Thomas Roe, of Massey’s, spent Saturday with Mr. George P. Statts.
Messers. R. D. Aiken and Custis Price spent Monday and Tuesday in the Quaker City.
D.S. Cannon, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Miss Belle B. Lofland last Saturday and Sunday.
75 years ago
Oct. 6, 1927
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. King, Jr., were Wilmington visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lafferty spent a weekend in Philadelphia recently.
Miss Esther Manlove, of Wilmington spent the weekend with her parents.
Mrs. Rose Evens, of Middletown, has been visiting Mrs. William Unruh, Sr.
Mrs. Van Sant, of Greensboro, Md., has been visiting Mrs. William Lafferty.
Mrs. Elizabeth Yerger, County health nurse was in town Thursday of last week.
Mrs. Lizzie Comegys, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wilson.
Miss Ruth Merritt spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Cora Bishop.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. William Smart motored to Baltimore, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew, of near New York City, have been visiting her mother, Mrs. Cora Bishop.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Eaton spent one day of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Jordan, near Bethel.
Mr. and Mrs. John Garner, Jr. and son, Junior, and Mrs. Padley were in Wilmington visiting Monday.
Mrs. Flora and Belle Davis and Miss Sadle Cavanaugh, of Elkton, visited Miss Josephine B. Stearns, Saturday.
Mr. Charles Price , Jr. and son, Ben, visited Mrs. Bernie Clarke, near Port Penn, Thursday and Friday of last week.
Sunday school Sunday morning at 9:30 o’clock; preaching, 10:30; Christian endeavor, 7 p. m., everyone welcomed.
Leonard G. Hampson who has been ill is improving.
Mrs. Alice Wilson has been visiting Smyrna visitors.
Mr. William Ennis has been visiting in Philadelphia, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Perey Wallace have been recent Wilmington visitors.
Mrs. Emma Wallace has been a recent visitor with Middletown friends.
Miss Catherine Whittington is the guest of Philadelphia, Pa. friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. William Given, of Wilmington, were Sunday guests of Odessa friends.
Mrs. William Roemer and Mrs. J.K Orrell have been recent Wilmington visitors.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Skean, of Chester Pa., have been recent visitors with Mrs. Lillie Craig.
Mrs. Harry Ward has been visiting her daughter Mrs. Samuel George, near Muehberger.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bingnear, of Chester, Pa., have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Muehberger.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Millborne and children, of near Milford, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Millborne’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Heller of Carney’s Point, N. J.: Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Yearsly and children, of Port Penn have been recent Odessa visitors.