Delaware, U.S., Marriage Records, 1750-1954
Past In Review from 10-17-2002
100 years ago
Oct. 18, 1902
Mrs. Leslie Schreitz has been visiting in Wilmington.
Miss Sybilla Jones was a Smyrna visitor n Monday.
Mr. Ernest Solway has accepted a position with H.P. Shapley, of Smyrna.
Mr. Lucian Green, of Delaware College, has been the guest of his mother.
Miss Mattie Roberts, of Chicago, Ill., is visiting her grandparents on Lake Street.
Miss Edna Baird has returned from an extended visit to her home near Dover.
Mrs. James Hamilton and little daughter, of Wilmington, are guests of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Burrows, of Wilmington, have been visiting relatives here.
Mr. Walter C. Atkinson, of Wilmington, was the guest of friends in town on Sunday.
Mrs. George Pinder, of Mt. Pleasant, was the guest of relatives several days this week.
Mrs. Andrew Holten and daughter, Miss Lizzie, spent Sunday and Monday in Philadelphia.
Mrs. W. P. Cullen and grandson, Master Claude Fouracre are guests of Wilmington relatives.
Mrs. Kate Hanna and two children have returned to Philadelphia after spending several days with relatives here.
Mr. Robert L. Johnson has accepted a position with H. S. Beasten, and will enter upon his new duties next Monday.
Mrs. Edward S. Jones will leave this morning for Atlantic City where she will stay for several days.
Mrs. John Webb and daughter, Mrs. Charles Dickerson, and Mrs. Harry Lightcap, of Odessa, spent several days this week in Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dempsey and little daughter Pauline, of Newport, Del., spent several days. Mr. Jones will join her on Sunday.
Rev. C.T. Wyatt D. D., and Misses Mary Adkins and Elizabeth Shepherd were delegates to the thirteenth annual convention of the Easton District Epworth League this week.
Wedding invitations have been issued for the married of Miss Ethelinde Crisfield Dennis to the Rev. Luther A. Oats, on Thursday evening, October 30th, at the home of the bride elect “Beverly,” near Pocomoke, Maryland.
Warwick Happenings
The chestnut crop is reported to be large this season.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Aiken, of Earleville, spent Sunday in town.
Mr. Charles Crawford, of near Sassafras, spent Sunday in town.
Warwick will be represented in the cake walk at Dewey Park.
Senior Christian Endeavor next Sunday evening at 7:15 o’clock.
Miss Alemedia Holden, of Chesapeake City, spent Sunday at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Merritt spent Sunday with relatives near town.
Mr. John Price , of Massey, was the guest of friends in town in Wednesday.
Mr. T. Baryard Vinyard who has been at Ellendale for the past eight weeks has returned home.
75 year ago
Oct. 29, 1927
St. Paul’s M. E. Church Odessa
Rev. William T. McGuire, Minister.
The special two-week program will be launched next Sunday morning October 23, with full attendance of the Sunday school which meets at 10 o’clock. Let every scholar report on time.
Ex-Pastors of the church will be presented during the week and preach in the following order:
Sunday 11 a.m. Rev. J.P. Otis; 7:45 p.m. Rev. Walter E. Gunhy, D.D., Superintendent, Dover District. Monday Rev. E.H. Derrickson.
Tuesday Rev. J. Howard Gray.
Wednesday Rev. R.S. Hodgson.
Thursday Rev D.J. Givan.
Friday Rev. J.L. Sparkling.
An evening service will be held at 7:15 o’clock.
The Sacred Concert which was to have been held on Friday evening, October 21, has been postponed until Friday evening November 1.
The program for October 30 – November 6 will appear next week.
Let everybody join us in making this program a success.
Bethesda M.E. Church
Rev. W.A. Hearn, Minister.
Services for Sunday, October 23.
Samuel Brockson will have chare of the Brotherhood devotional meeting at 9:30 o’clock Morning worship and sermon by the pastor at 10:30 o’clock. The theme is “God’s Dwelling Place.” Special numbers by the choir will be: “some Blessed Morning”; Soprano solo, “O Lord, Rebuke Me Not”, Miss Wiley.
Sunday School at 11:15 o’clock.
Evening worship and sermon at 7:30 p.m. “A Commanding Voice” will be the pastors theme. The choir will sing, “Make a Joyful Noise”; Solo, “Jesus Only”, Miss C. Denney.
Mid-week service every Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock.
Immanuel M.E. Church, Townsend
Sunday school, 10 a.m.
Morning Worship, 11 a.m.
Epworth League, 7:30 p.m.
“Go home thy friends and tell what great things Jesus hath done for thee” is the text of the morning sermon. The Epworth League topple is “Christ Winning His Comrades” and the leader is Miss Dorothy Beardsley. The pastor will conduct revival services at Blackbird in the evening.