Delaware, U.S., Marriage Records, 1750-1954
Past In Review from 11-07-2002
100 years ago
Nov. 8, 1902
Mr. George Moore spent Sunday in Chester, Pa.
Mr. George S. Hopkins was in town one day this week.
Miss Susie Appleby is visiting Miss Melvina Derry.
Mrs. George V. Peverley spent Sunday in the Quaker City.
Mr. Albert Suydam, of Havre-de-Grace, Md., was in town Tuesday.
Mr. John McGuire, of Wilmington, was the guest of his parents over Sunday.
Mrs. Ida W. Owens and daughter, Miss Flora, have returned from Perryville, Md.
Mrs. William Ahern and Master Harry Gears spent Sunday with relatives in Wilmington.
Mrs. L. G. Sterner spent several days this week with her parents, and Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Parker.
Mr. H.M. Markley, of Philadelphia, was entertained by his sister, Mrs. C.J. Freeman this week.
Mrs. A.M. Brown, of Boston, Mass., is visiting her mother Mrs. Mary Reynolds of West Main Street.
Mr. R. Lawrence Taylor who has been employed in Wilmington for several months has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Harrington, of Philadelphia, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Julian Cochran.
Mrs. J.P. Crittendon and children of Philadelphia, are visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.H. Hardcastle.
Messrs. Leon DeValinger and Isaac Holan, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with H.C. DeValinger and family.
Miss Marion Cochran, of Elwyn, Pa., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Cochran, on East Main street.
Mrs. J.B. VanSant and Mr. Raymond Wilson, of Philadelphia, were the guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Wilson over Sunday.
Townsend Notes
Mr. S.S. Wilson, of Westminster, Md., spent Tuesday in town.
Mr. Jacob Van Dyke spent several days in town this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W.N. Watts are visiting friends in Still Pond, Md.
Miss Sallie Hollis, of Wilmington, is visiting, Mr. G.M.D. Hart.
The work on the M.E. Church, of Townsend, is progressing nicely.
Mr. George Larrimore and son went to their home in Seaford to vote on Tuesday.
Mrs. Harry Hart returned o her home in Philadelphia on Tuesday, after a weeks visit with her parents.
Mr. W.C. Pritchard, a student at the Jefferson Medical College, spent several days this week with his parents.
A zealous young Democrat, who came all the way from Philadelphia to vote, forgot to mark his ballot, and it was thrown out.
Miss Myrtle Townsend was given a surprise party by her friends on Thursday, in honor of her eighteenth birthday. A pleasant evening was spent by all. Miss Townsend received some very nice presents.
75 years ago
Nov. 10, 1927
Our Local News Happenings
Many Brief Paragraphs Gathered Weekly By Our Scribes
Tuesday several large flocks of wild geese flew over Delaware City section heading southwest.
The Delaware City National Bank has been designed by the Federal Government as an official depository for government money.
A large Chandler automobile owned by Wilmington man was destroyed by fire near Mt. Pleasant early Tuesday evening. The Volunteer Hose Company quickly extinguished the flame.
There was considerable ice Tuesday morning early on the inland ponds. Duck shooting for the past few days has been good and quite a few of the fowl were bagged around Delaware City on Friday and Saturday.
The Volunteer Hose Company responded to an alarm of fire Sunday morning last, when a chimney fire threatened to destroy the residence of James Savin, who resides on the “Williams” farm near “Sandy Branch.”
Edward M. Davis entertained the directors of the St. George’s Trust Company at a dinner one night last week at his home, “Longview,” near the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Those present were; Benjamin F. Vinton, Griflith Ellison, Frank Cleaver, Franklin rash, William B. Lester, Harry L. Gray, Albert Kumpel, Harry Lester, Harry C. Webb, Albert O. Gray, Jr., Harry V. Buckson and Edward M. Davis.
Trouble came thick and fast for James Lambert a farmer of near Salem Church, a short distance from Cooch’s Bridge, Sunday and Monday. On Sunday, Frank E. Haley of the Law and Order Society and members of the State highway police, raided Lambert’s farm. On the second floor of the wagon house they found a still and about 100 gallons of mash. There were also a number of empty barrels and barrels partly filled with water but not 28 barrels of mash as first reported.
Notes of Local Churches
Services of the Coming Week Announced By the Pastors
St. Anne’s church --- Episcopal
Rev. P.L. Donaghay, B.D., Rector.
Sunday, November 13th, The 22nd Sunday after Trinity.
Services: S.A.M. Holy Communion 10:30 a.m. Morning service and sermon.
11:45 a.m. Sunday School.
7:30 p.m. evening service and address.
The church School Service League has sent a Christmas missionary box to the Ven. J. Lundy Sikes, in the charge of the church’s work in the Canal Zone. The articles were displaced at the session of the Sunday school last Sunday; and everyone was enthusiastic over the many “happy and useful gifts” contributed to make glad the hearts of children in Panama.
The Clerical Brotherhood of the Diocese met in St. Anne’s Church on Tuesday together with a member of laymen representing almost all the parishes in the Diocese. Plans were formulated relative to the “Every Member Canvass” to be held this year, November 20th to December 4th. In the evening a service was held for he congregation, and the Bishop of the Diocese and the Rev. Elmer N. Schmuck. D.D. field Secretary of the Church, gave excellent addresses. The missionary quota for St. Anne’s parish is the same as last year, namely, $791.00. The National Council suggests the slogan “What kind of church would my church be if everyone in my church were just like me.” Pray-Work-Give. That Christ’s Kingdom may come, and His will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”
The American National Red Cross has asked that this Sunday be commemorated as “Red Cross Sunday.” “The Red Cross is the servant of all people; it is yours. We are merely the instrument for the moment, doing the work. Without the cordial help of the people, the work cannot be successfully accomplished.” In the past year the church and its people have contributed generously to funds required for the Red Cross services of relief in two of the most appalling catastrophes our country has suffered, the hurricane in Florida and the floods that swept down the Mississippi Valley.