Delaware, U.S., Marriage Records, 1750-1954
Past In Review from 06-25-2003
100 years ago
June 20, 1903
Mrs. Isaac Staats visited Wilmington this week.
Mr. Henry Gill is erecting a residence on East Main Street.
Mrs. J. T. Roberts, of Odessa, is visiting Townsend friends.
Miss Estella Lockerman visited Miss Emma Fritz on Sunday.
Mr. William Salmon, of Chicago, Ill., was in town on Wednesday.
Mr. Harry Eaton, of Wilmington, spent Sunday with Mr. J. A. Hart.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart, of Philadelphia, visited their parents on Sunday.
Miss Ethel Ernest, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Staats.
Miss Annie Hewitt, of Philadelphia, is visiting her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Disch.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pritchard, of St. Georges, visited Townsend friends on Sunday.
Miss Winnie Price , of Still Pond, Md., spent this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Watts.
Mrs. J. Clarence Hutchison visited Mrs. Perry Othoson, near New Castle, on Thursday.
Miss Lena Staats, of Middletown, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Staats.
Mr. Elisha McCabe, of Selbyville, Md., spent several days with Mr. M. B. Donovan this week.
Mrs. L. Whitehouse of Wilmington, spent several days with Mrs. W. H. money this week.
Mr. D. B. Jones attended the commencement exercises of Delaware College, Newark, on Wednesday.
Mrs. Margaret Welch has returned from an extended visit with her sons at Wilmington and Montchanin.
Mrs. D. B. Jones, Miss Mary Money and Miss Winnie Price visited Miss Mamie Pierce, near Cecilton, Thursday.
Mr. J. L. Dickinson has moved two stables out on the Pastime Drive Park. He is thinking of building a restaurant in town.
Miss Anna Sharpless, one of the teachers the Townsend school, returned to her home near Landenburg, Pa., on Thursday.
75 years ago
June 21, 1928
Social News of Middletown
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Shallcross Jr., Entertained on June 12th
Mrs. Olin Davis, of near Sassafras, Md., entertained quite a few friends at Bridge one day recently.
Miss Eugenia Beasten was hostess one day last week at her cottage at Rehoboth when she served a buffet luncheon to a large party of friends that motored down from town, in honor of her niece, Miss Catherine Beasten and two nephews, Lentz Rothwell, of Hatsboro, Pa., and Joseph Beasten of town.
Mrs. Williams T. Connelle was hostess to some friends at a luncheon served at the Sesqui Tea House, near Dover, on Monday of this week, afterwards returning to her home on Green Street, where the afternoon was spent playing bridge. Among the guest were: Mrs. Henry Bradford, of Little Bohemia, Md., Mrs. William Bradford, Mrs. William Biggs, Mrs. J. Frank Biggs, Mrs. Richard Cann, of Newark, Miss Bessie Bradforf, of Wilmington and Miss Laura Willits, of town.
Mrs. Emory W. Hukill was hostess one day this week at one of the most attractive parties that has been given this season, where she entertained at a number of tables of bridge. Her guests were: Mrs. Butz, Mrs. Beardsley, of Wilmington, Miss Alice Brown, Odessa, Mrs. Clarence Aspril, Wilmington, Mrs. James Woodall, Georgetown, Md., Mrs. Lloyd Bragdon, Mrs. G. Lindsey Cochran, Mrs. John Hukill, Mrs. Dorsey Lewis, Mrs. Malcom Cochran, Mrs. John Heldmyer, Mrs. Mailly Davis, Mrs. Henry Schroeder, Mrs. Harry Brady, Miss Frances Watkins and Miss Helen Shallcross. Most attractive prizes were given the ones holding high score, which were: Mrs. Butz, Miss Alice Brown, Miss Frances Watkins and Mrs. Malcolm Cochran. Afterwards Mrs. Hukill served a most delicious supper.
50 years ago
June 18, 1953
Central Grange Holds Last Meeting of Season
Chairmen Give Reports: Youth Program Given By Mrs. Haffen, Williams
Central Grange No. 61, of Port Penn met on Tuesday night with Worthy Master R. Ransom Elston, presiding.
The following chairmen on committees gave reports of progress of their committees: H. Vaughn Ginn, Community Service; Mrs. Daniel Williams, Youth; Harvey E. Moore, Legislative; Ways and Means, Joseph Schmidt. Mrs. Schmidt announced that the Grange will have an auction sale some time this summer to help the Building Fund. Any person or business interested in contributing some items which can be sold (old or new), please contact Mr. Schmidt or Mr. Ginn so that it can be noted. The auction will be held on the lawn of Mrs. Ginn’s home.
E. C. Phillips gave a very full report on the activities of New Castle County Pomona Grange Hall, Glasgow, on June 4th.
Mr. Elston gave a report of a dinner meeting at Capital Grange Hall, Dover, when all Masters and Deputies of the state met with the State Master.
Sample Home in Sharondale Open to Public on Saturday
Ralph V. Watts, owner of Watts Construction Co., South Catherine Street, Middletown, said today the first sample home in a new restricted section of town known as Sharondale will open Saturday.
Sharondale is located on land adjoining the public school, South Broad Street.
Individuality has been stressed in the plans for Sharondale which for an expenditure of close to $1,000,000 when completed in 1955.
An exterior color scheme has been worked out by a representative of the Sherwin-Williams paint company.
A layout of the different homes and color schemes for each section has been made. Some of the variations include two or three bedrooms, dinette-kitchen or separate kitchen and dining room. Some homes will be built with garages. Noticeable differences on the outside include regular “A” roofs on some and flat roofs on others.
On the inside of the homes there will be a choice of paint or patterns with a selection of colors and patterns.
Hardwood floors will be featured throughout with a choice of color for tile floors in the kitchen and bath. The baths will have ceramic tile walls.