Miscellaneous Thomas County, Georgia News ItemsThomasville, Georgia News Items
Thomasville, Georgia News Items from the January 28, 1901 Issue of the Atlanta Constitution
Miss Araminta Culpepper has returned from Rome, where she has been attending Shorter college. Mr. and Mrs. Captage, of Valdosta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stephens here. Mrs. H. H. Fudge, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ramsey on Dawson street, has gone to Jacksonville, Fla. Miss India Turner, of Quitman, who has been visiting Mrs. A. P. Taylor, on Madison street, has returned home. Mrs. Eugene Black, of Atlanta, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. H. Randall, at the Randall house. Miss Stella White, of Henderson, N.C., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. B. White here. Ms. J. S. Smith and Mrs. J. M. Jones, of Boston, are visiting Judge and Mrs. W. M. Jones, on Madison street. The Misses Malone and Mr. Barclay Malone, of Atlanta, are visiting the Misses Huson, on Dawson street. Mrs. E. G. Prindle, Mrs. F. A. Luce and Miss Katherine Luce, of Chicago, are guests of Mrs. Mallette, on Dawson street. Mrs. Mary McPherson, of Atlanta, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Frank Ansley, here. Miss Sandwich, of Thomaston, and Miss Thurman, of Athens, who have been visiting Miss Jennie Winn Dillon, on Dawson street, for some time, have returned to their homes. Colonel and Mrs. A. R. Lawton, of Savannah, who have been guests of Mrs. J. B. Scott, on Jackson street, for several days, have returned home. Miss Susie Beazley, of Florida, is visiting relatives here. Mrs. S. C. Miller, of Ohio, who has been visiting relatives here for some time, has returned home. Mr. J. C. Strawbridge and wife, of Philadelphia, have arrived and occupy their home on the park for the winter. Mrs. T. W. Canfield and children, of Manistee, Mich. have returned here to spend the winter. Miss Fannie Chisholm is visiting Mrs. W. E. Thomas, in Valdosta. She will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Frank McRee, at Kinderloo, before returning home. Mrs. J. F. Stuart and Miss Frances Stuart, of Chicago, who spent last winter here, are again guests of Mrs. Mallette, on Dawson street. |