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Miscellaneous Marshall County, Iowa Deaths
Compiled from the Marshalltown Times-Republican - Marriage Search Engines - - -

First Name:
Last Name:

=========       ==========         ===     ========      ==========
Acuff           Quentin             83     Marshalltown   10/4/2001
Akkerman        Herman              92     Grundy Center  10/7/2001
Allen           Walter              95     Hill City      9/30/2001
Anderson        Christian K.        50     Toledo         2/25/2001
Anderson        Erna                85     Toledo         12/20/200
Anderson        Ida Mae             72     Marshalltown    3/7/2001
Anderson        John D.             42     Eldora         10/7/2001
Angle           Ronald              62     Marshalltown   5/21/2001
Anson           Wilma               97     Marshalltown    2/1/2001
Armstrong       Leona C.            82     Tama            2/4/2001
Arney           Mildred C.          97     Marshalltown   12/15/200
Arnold          Clifford D.         83     Conrad         3/13/2001
Asp             Orville T.          90     Gilman         10/12/200
Backen          Mildred Irene       71     Tama           3/25/2001
Ballard         Lynn                44     Marshalltown    3/3/2001
Barker          Viola M.            70     Marshalltown   3/10/2001
Batesole        Harold E.           72     Marshalltown   2/26/2001
Bear            Raymond             85     Marshalltown   5/14/2001
Beecher         Rexine              85     Union          2/12/2001
Bell            Louise              90     Marshalltown   10/9/2001
Benda           Fred                83     Tama           10/10/200
Bengen          Ruth                63     Dike           10/14/200
Biddle          Wanda               69     Marshalltown    2/4/2001
Bingaman        Jay                 89     Marshalltown   2/11/2001
Binko           Fred                81     Cedar Rapids   4/29/2001
Bogaert         Opal "Dottie"       97     Marshalltown   3/19/2001
Bohnsack        Lucille             88     State Center    3/1/2001
Bollman         Richard             69     Marshalltown   2/14/2001
Bond            Carroll T.          99     Marshalltown   2/19/2001
Bowie           Sharon              67     Marshalltown   10/5/2001
Bowyer          Nancy L.            65     LeGrand        5/19/2001
Breed           James               67     Marshalltown   5/21/2001
Brew            Russell W.          78     Marshalltown    2/5/2001
Bridgeman       Olga                93     Marshalltown   1/10/2001
Briggs          Debra               49     Marshalltown   2/21/2001
Brimhall        Ruth Alene          78     State Center   7/31/2001
Brown           Francis I.          82     Marshalltown   3/20/2001
Bru             Lois                84     Marshalltown   2/13/2001
Buchwald        James H.            80     Waterloo       3/14/2001
Buck            Ila                 96     Collins         5/2/2001
Bumstead        Emery               85     Eldora          2/5/2001
Burke           Garrett             68     Sarasota, FL   4/30/2001
Burns           Dora                89     Gilman         2/11/2001
Burns           Dora I.             89     Gilman         2/11/2001
Burns           Pearle E.           97     Marshalltown   10/4/2001
Campbell        Ted                 74     Cedar Rapids   2/11/2001
Carlson         Marvin K.           76     Marshalltown    3/3/2001
Carnes          Quenton E.          77     Marshalltown    3/9/2001
Caslavka        Vincent G.          82     Traer          2/22/2001
Chapin          Hazel               93     Tripoli        5/15/2001
Christensen     Harold              93     Traer          10/13/200
Christians      Jennie E.           84     Wellsburg      3/28/2001
Christy         Morris              86     Marshalltown   5/10/2001
Clemens         Ray                 59     Marshalltown   3/26/2001
Cluster         Patricia J.         68     Marshalltown   3/20/2001
Cockerham       Myrl                87     Hubbard        5/13/2001
Collins         Michael             62     Marshalltown   10/11/200
Copeman         Alta H.             98     Grundy Center   2/2/2001
Crawford        Darrell "Deed"      77     Marshalltown   3/14/2001
Crouse          Ruth                94     Conrad          3/6/2001
Cullor          Orval L.            83     Marshalltown    2/7/2001
Cullor          Doris               81     Marshalltown   9/29/2001
Daugherty       Genevieve           85     Marshalltown   5/21/2001
Davis           Oval L.             78     Baxter         3/11/2001
Davis           Donald L.           64     Marshalltown   5/19/2001
Davis           Ruth Elizabeth      73     Marshalltown   10/15/200
Davison         Lela                90     Eldora         5/11/2001
Dean            Ernest H.           82     Marshalltown   3/16/2001
Dean            Margaret            81     Boone          9/28/2001
Delgadillo      Angel Elizabeth     Infant Marshalltown    3/1/2001
DeNeui          Ernest              88     Wellsburg      2/20/2001
DenOuden        Margretta C.        90     Grundy Center  2/20/2001
Devick          LeRoy               82     Marshalltown    5/9/2001
DeVries         Ralph               88     Holland        5/16/2001
Dilley          Gladys              60     Eldora         5/17/2001
Dinsdale        Lydia A.            88     Traer          3/15/2001
Dixon           LeRoy B.            66     Gilman          2/8/2001
Dixon           LeRoy B.            66     Jasper County   2/8/2001
Dobbrunz        Meta C.             100    Eldora         2/12/2001
Dolash          William             85     Tama           3/27/2001
Dougherty       Katherine           88     Marshalltown   2/11/2001
Eberline        Verne               70     Wellsburg      2/13/2001
Eichorn         Ralph E.            97     Marshalltown   2/19/2001
Elliott         Ada K.              92     Marshalltown   3/21/2001
Ellis           Martha              73     Marshalltown   5/16/2001
Escalante-Suare Jose Feliciano      57     Marshalltown   1/28/2001
Evans           Harvey              85     Marshalltown   3/18/2001
Ewalt           Ralph               82     Marshalltown   10/16/200
Fahling         De Vere A.          77     Tama            2/8/2001
Faulkner        John                       Marshalltown   3/14/2001
Ferrin          Elmer               83     Marshalltown   5/15/2001
Ferriss         Denny               33     Marshalltown   2/19/2001
Fiscus          Lawrence            88     Liscomb        3/30/2001
Flinkenger      Ethyle Mae          88     Hubbard         3/5/2001
Forbes          Cynthia Kaye        44     Traer          3/29/2001
Foss            Ronald              62     Moline         5/16/2001
Fox             Hershell            83     Marshalltown   3/12/2001
Frank           Marie A.            86     Ames           5/14/2001
Fulks Sr.       Harold U.           78     Marshalltown    2/6/2001
Fuller          Ben                 92     Marshalltown   9/30/2001
Gardener        Lilla               89     Marshalltown   10/4/2001
Gast            Eleanor             69     Eldora         5/22/2001
Gauch           Mrs. Helen D.       93     State Center   10/5/2001
Geiken          Clara                      Wellsburg      2/21/2001
Gienger         Twila E.            89     Conrad         10/10/200
Gilbert         Dale                85     Marshalltown   3/14/2001
Goecke          Raymond             80     State Center   10/17/200
Gohring         Ronald Leon         67     Marshalltown   10/10/200
Gray            Gerald R.           81     Haven          2/26/2001
Gray            Leonard             68     Bangor-Union   1/30/2001
Green           Tom                 54     Marshalltown   9/28/2001
Grego           Leonard L.          62     Eldora         2/23/2001
Gross           Janet Corbin        66     Conrad
Gross           Janet Corbin        66     Stover         4/29/2001
Haefner         Amy                 96     Marshalltown    3/3/2001
Hagedorn        Bruce               45     Liscomb        3/11/2001
Hall            Dorothea            92     Marshalltown   3/27/2001
Handsaker       John A.             82     Colo            2/5/2001
Hare            Everett M.          82     Marshalltown    2/1/2001
Harem           Donald              71     Marshalltown   2/11/2001
Harms           Nellie              74     Eldora          5/1/2001
Harrison        Russell             84     Marshalltown    2/4/2001
Hart            Charlotte M.        72     Marshalltown   3/14/2001
Hayes           Melvin              79     Marshalltown   2/13/2001
Hays            Cindy               92     Marshalltown   10/8/2001
Hazel           Ethel E.            78     Marshalltown   10/15/200
Herald          Gerald              53     Marshalltown    5/5/2001
Herrera         Eduardo             15     Marshalltown   10/2/2001
Higginbotham    William             73     Tama           10/2/2001
Hill            Alice B.            82     Marshalltown    5/5/2001
Hilleman        Rocelia M.          89     State Center   10/6/2001
Hines           Donavon C.          88     Toledo         2/23/2001
Hippen          Herman              95     Wellsburg      2/20/2001
Hirsch          Bert                       Marshalltown   2/18/2001
Hobbs           Phyllis             78     Marshalltown   2/22/2001
Hoeppner        Ruth                79     Traer           2/9/2001
Houseal         Edward              82     Marshalltown   9/28/2001
Howard          Randall B.          52     Marshalltown    2/5/2001
Hudachek        Lafayette           85     Marshalltown   2/17/2001
Huffaker        Ruby                84     Baxter          2/2/2001
Hulbert         Michael Lindy       72     Marshalltown   3/18/2001
Hulne           Bonnie D.           76     Grundy Center  10/13/200
Hulshizer       Nicholas            2      St. Anthony    9/27/2001
Hunt            Mernon              61     Marshalltown    2/4/2001
Hunt            Mernon              61     Marshalltown    2/4/2001
Hunt            Neola               84     Knoxville      10/16/200
Huntley         Mae                 97     Marshalltown   10/1/2001
Husak           MaryAnn             69     Toledo         2/11/2001
Ingebritson     Sylvia              93     Adel           2/26/2001
Izer            Verna               60     Newton         10/2/2001
Jackson         Guy                 81     Marshalltown   2/27/2001
Jackson         Wynona M.           81     Melbourne      5/15/2001
Jacobs          Ruth                90     Garwin         12/2/2000
Janssen         Genevieve L.        89     Eldora          3/9/2001
Jensen          Edith               76     State Center   1/31/2001
Jessup          Wilbur              99     Marshalltown   3/21/2001
Johannes        Kory                7      Gilbert        3/17/2001
Johnson         Delores             70     Marshalltown   5/11/2001
Jones           Gwendolyn           87     Dysart          5/8/2001
Karns           Stanley L.          62     Marshalltown   3/27/2001
Keahna Sr.      Dennis L.           63     Tama            3/5/2001
Kebschull       Kenneth E.          62     Eldora         3/27/2001
Keiser          Louis W.            83     Brooklyn        2/1/2001
Kern            Marvin G.           74     Traer          3/30/2001
Kieda           Walter              43     Grundy Center  10/4/2001
Kieler          Neva                86     Marshalltown    3/8/2001
Kirchner        Trudy M.            77     Toledo          3/2/2001
Knights         Helen D.            84     Marshalltown    2/5/2001
Konicek         Gladys              78     Tama            2/6/2001
Krepps          Clarence W.         86     Marshalltown    2/6/2001
Krueger         Sharon              57     Iowa Falls     3/13/2001
Kuhlman         Bernerd             90     Hubbard        4/28/2001
Lamb            Helen F.            85     Grinnell       2/28/2001
Lane Jr.        William A.          80     Marshalltown   3/25/2001
Larsen          Christopher         25     Kalona         10/3/2001
Lasley          Ada                 79     Toledo         3/18/2001
Lasley          Nigel Kane          11     Tama           10/6/2001
Lewis           Dorothy Leone       82     Lincoln        3/11/2001
Lopez           Adolfo Pedro        infant Marshalltown   5/14/2001
Lorenz          Alice A.            83     Reinbeck       5/12/2001
Lorenzen        Caroline H.         94     Marshalltown   3/20/2001
Lounsberry      Robert              82     McCallsburg    2/10/2001
Loymachan       Esther Hayden       81     Knoxville      2/23/2001
Lundberg        Gustave             94     Marshalltown   2/23/2001
Lurvey          Loren F.            56     Marshalltown   3/27/2001
Manley          Mary                72     Rhodes         1/31/2001
Mannetter       Gilbert G.          82     Hubbard        2/23/2001
Manning         Wayne               71     Bakersfield    4/29/2001
Marling         George L.           82     Marshalltown   3/16/2001
Martin          Helen M.            83     Baxter         2/19/2001
Martin          Gladys Irene        92     Toledo         3/24/2001
Martin          Maxine F.           88     Cedar Rapids   3/25/2001
Matchie         Francis "Pete"      77     State Center    3/1/2001
Mayes           Juanita             40     Tama           4/28/2001
McCarty         Everett L.          76     Marshalltown    3/3/2001
McDonnell       Roderick B.         73     Marshalltown    3/6/2001
McGowan         Dorothy             69     Traer          2/16/2001
McHenry         James P.            85     Floyd          3/21/2001
McIntyre        Donald L.           75     Reinbeck       1/31/2001
McKelvey        Wayne               80     Marshalltown    3/2/2001
McMains         Richard O.          67     Malcom         2/21/2001
Mehlisch        Mr. Raymond E.      68     Zearing        4/30/2001
Mehlisch        Eva C.              90     Marshalltown    5/6/2001
Meling          Richard W.          60     Marshalltown   2/12/2001
Meyer           Eldon               79     Holland        2/22/2001
Middleton       Tamara S.           39     Marshalltown   2/11/2001
Miglia          Mario               89     Marshalltown   3/26/2001
Miller          John G.             81     Marshalltown   2/27/2001
Mitchell        Lillian R.          87     Marshalltown   10/9/2001
Modlin          Lulu A.             89     Des Moines     10/6/2001
Moninger        James A.            90     Marshalltown   3/27/2001
Moore           Mae                 97     McCallsburg    2/16/2001
Moore           Marjorie F.         78     Marshalltown   2/27/2001
Mooty           Robert W.           76     Grundy Center   3/6/2001
Muckler         Dolores             72     Gilman         3/10/2001
Munson          Laura               100    Eldora         2/19/2001
Nassen          Carroll             87     Hubbard        2/14/2001
Navara          Sylvia              99     Marshalltown   2/14/2001
Nederhoff       Annie               84     Wellsburg       2/5/2001
Nelsen          Beryl               78     Traer          3/21/2001
Newcomb         William D.          67     Montour        10/16/200
Neymeyer        Milton              70     Marshalltown   5/14/2001
Nichols         Evelin G.           69     St. Anthony    3/14/2001
Nitzke          Julian H.           89     Fort Dodge     2/20/2001
Novotny         Genevieve E.        82     Tama           3/21/2001
Nygren          Racinda             48     Melbourne      1/22/2001
Ohnesorge       Thelma              52     Marshalltown    5/6/2001
Oxenfield       Charlene            81     Marshalltown    3/9/2001
Parkinson       George L.           86     Toledo         3/19/2001
Parmenter       Margaret L.         79     Gilman          3/2/2001
Pedersen        Richard J.                 Marshalltown   8/27/2000
Perry           Ada                 94     Eldora         2/18/2001
Perry           Rene                45     Marshalltown   2/19/2001
Perry           Lowell G.           86     Ferguson       10/9/2001
Peters          Ray                 72     Reinbeck        2/4/2001
Pettiecord      Geraldine           86     Toledo          2/9/2001
Pfantz          Florence            99     State Center   10/2/2001
Philp           Dorothy             89     Reinbeck       3/28/2001
Picard          Leona A.            82     Marshalltown    2/3/2001
Pierce          Dorothy             97     Marshalltown   5/20/2001
Pierson         Genevieve           84     Marshalltown   10/10/200
Plowman         Richard Allen       70     Garwin         5/21/2001
Poland          Neva                81     Iowa Falls     3/29/2001
Poole           Mrs. Randy L.       46     Grinnell       5/19/2001
Porter          Donald W.           79     Reinbeck       10/6/2001
Powers          Erma                89     Tama           4/30/2001
Prazak          Virginia            91     Marshalltown   5/13/2001
Price           Mrs. Maxine E.      75     Toledo         3/22/2001
Reinier         David               51     Tama           3/16/2001
Ribby           Mildred             79     Toledo          3/3/2001
Riccio Sr.      Louis               75     Marshalltown   2/18/2001
Richey          Vaughn              41     Marshalltown   9/29/2001
Riebkes         Marvin A.           77     Wellsburg       3/3/2001
Riemenschneider Roscoe              88     Des Moines     3/15/2001
Riese           Erma                88     Colo           3/14/2001
Riggins         Lance               56     Marshalltown    2/2/2001
Risius          Gerald              69     Union          2/23/2001
Rops            Rita                81     Melbourne       3/3/2001
Rouse           Mr. Harold F.       87     Marshalltown   10/7/2001
Rowden          Virginia            83     Gladbrook       3/3/2001
Rowen           Wanda               84     Union           2/7/2001
Ruby            Mildred             79     Toledo          3/3/2001
Rudkin          Charles             65     Collins         3/8/2001
Runner          Jeanette            78     Marshalltown    5/5/2001
Salazar         Alexandra R.        17     Marshalltown    5/6/2001
Sanchez         Mario               Infant Marshalltown    3/8/2001
Sass Sr.        John W.             77     Gladbrook       3/1/2001
Saver           Mildred             88     Clutier         2/8/2001
Schelker Sr.    Richard             74     Albia          3/16/2001
Schermerhorn    Kathleen R.         72     Newton         10/16/200
Schrader        David 'Dog' Allen   41     Tama           4/28/2001
Schuler         Howard              69     Marshalltown   3/29/2001
Schwartz        Ben                 80     Marshalltown   3/14/2001
Seda            Leila (Mrs. Fred)   77     Marshalltown   3/15/2001
See             Raymond "Boxy"      82     Tama            3/5/2001
Sells           Fern M.             88     Toledo         2/27/2001
Severidt        Harold              86     Marshalltown   10/2/2001
Severtson       Joris M.            88     McCallsburg    3/27/2001
Shaffer         Doris M. "Dot"      90     Marshalltown   3/10/2001
Shank           Marvin Dean         50     Marshalltown   10/9/2001
Shapiro         Barbara                    Marshalltown   4/25/2001
Sharp           Roland              70     Lincoln         2/9/2001
Shepard         Larry T.            60     Marshalltown   3/30/2001
Shipley         Esther              81     Grinnell       3/19/2001
Shirley         Isabell             99     Grinnell       2/18/2001
Siemens         Alvena              93     Gladbrook       2/1/2001
Sienknecht      Vincent             88     Gladbrook      9/29/2001
Silfer-Terry    Brenda              43     Marshalltown   2/10/2001
Simmons         Orville J.          86     Albia          10/11/200
Simpson         John R.             86     Gilman          2/7/2001
Slinghuff       Helen L.            82     Toledo         2/24/2001
Smith           Clifford G.         61     Green Mountain  2/4/2001
Smith           Richard             70     Collins         1/3/2001
Snyder          Shirley M.          77     Marshalltown    3/7/2001
Sommerlot       Robert W.           77     Marshalltown   10/10/200
Spearing        Robert              29     Unionville     5/16/2001
Speas           Vernon              81     Marshalltown   2/24/2001
Speer           Eugene L.           57     Marshalltown    2/8/2001
Spencer         Jessie B.           95     Marshalltown   3/27/2001
Squire Jr.      William John        34     Tama           3/15/2001
Stabenow Sr.    Larry               56     Marshalltown    5/9/2001
Steelman        Elma                94     Union          10/15/200
Steelman        Elma                94     Hubbard        10/15/200
Stephenson      Orval               84     Traer          10/6/2001
Stewart         Frank D.            86     Eldora         1/31/2001
Stipp           Lois                89     Marshalltown    2/2/2001
Stone           Esther              93     Marshalltown   5/20/2001
Stonehocker Jr. Oliver              83     Marshalltown   9/30/2001
Stramer         Lois                77     Watkins        5/16/2001
Strike          Robert W.           75     Ames           3/19/2001
Strom           James               89     Marshalltown   5/22/2001
Struss-Kirchner Dr. Andrea          56     Iowa City      4/29/2001
Tanner          Jeanette            61     Arizona        2/17/2001
Tett            Eloise              89     Zearing        5/17/2001
Thede           Wayne R.            72     Reinbeck       2/15/2001
Thede           Elvin               86     Gladbrook      3/18/2001
Thede           Luella              92     Traer          4/30/2001
Thompson        Cheryl              53     Albion         2/15/2001
Thompson        Robert              85     Gilman         3/19/2001
Tomas           William A.          86     Tama           3/22/2001
Tomlinson       William R.          88     Marshalltown   1/31/2001
Trowbridge      Robert              78     Marshalltown   9/27/2001
Troxel          LuVerne W.          95     Melbourne      3/26/2001
Tufte           Mrs. Maurice Ruth          Gilman         10/10/200
Turbett         Beryl               90     Toledo          2/7/2001
Untiedt         Evonne M.           63     Traer          5/19/2001
Upah            Ronald              65     Marshalltown   5/16/2001
Updegrove       Phil                65     Mesa, AZ        2/4/2001
VanHauen        Herman              81     Grundy Center  10/16/200
VanZee          Matilda             82     Pella          5/19/2001
Vavra           Irene L.            82     Toledo         2/19/2001
Veren           James               73     Haverhill      3/28/2001
Vincent         G.W. Bill                  Diamondhead Mis4/28/2001
Vine            Wendell             83     Marshalltown   2/11/2001
Vokoun          Almeata F.          82     Marshalltown   3/29/2001
Wagner          Clenard             72     Marshalltown   1/31/2001
Waldo           Lester              42     Marshalltown   5/13/2001
Walker          James W.            65     Des Moines     10/16/200
Warford         Beth L.             39     Grundy Center   2/1/2001
Warner          Lisa                44     Toledo         5/10/2001
Wehrman         Harold              94     Eldora         5/16/2001
Whitebreast     Horace              86     Tama            2/3/2001
Wikle           Ada                 85     Marshalltown   3/22/2001
Willard         Ailan               87     Gilman          3/4/2001
Willig          Deborah             51     Crystal Lake    5/2/2001
Wilson          Marie               82     Eldora          2/9/2001
Wilson          Jeanann             71     Marshalltown   3/18/2001
Wilson          Mrs. Jeanann (Mackey)      Marshalltown   3/18/2001
Winters         Eldon E.            51     Iowa Falls      3/2/2001
Wirstlin        Dorothy Mary        78     Marshalltown   3/13/2001
Wolf            Ruth                92     Knightsville    3/1/2001
Wolfe           Esther Mae          79     Marshalltown   2/16/2001
Wood II         Paul E.             46     Union           2/1/2001
Wright          Dale                74     Marshalltown   2/12/2001
Wunn            Emory H.            71     Marshalltown   3/25/2001
Young           Richard D.          73     Traer          3/11/2001
Zeineiss        Carl                70     Marshalltown    3/1/2001
Ziemke          Laura M.            98     Clemons         3/9/2001
Ziesman         Harold W.C.         85     Eldora         2/25/2001

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