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IOWA - Woodbury County - Correctionville High School Alumni - 1888-1899 - Marriage Search Engines - - -

From the Sioux Valley News, Correctionville, Iowa, 
June 14, 1900:


What Became of the Gradates of the Correctionville High School.

President Edmunds of the board of education in making his address 
last year to the graduating class remarked upon the fact that no 
graduate of the Correctionville high school had ever become a loafer 
upon the streets or a discredit to the school. Mr. Edmunds afterward 
made a list of the alumni and took considerable pains to ascertain 
the whereabouts and employment of each, and has kindly allowed the 
NEWS to publish it herewith together with a little additional data. 
Seventy-one students have gone far enough to be classified in the 
llth grade but while practically no graduates left before receiving 
diplomas. The list below contains only the members of graduating 


 - Olive Evarts is married to Eugene Overholser and lives on a farm 
near Evarts, South Dakota.
 - Laura Lanam is dead.
 - W. W. Overholser is married to Bertha Lothian and is a resident 
of Ireton, where he is postmaster and editor of the Ireton Clipper.
 - W. J. Carr completed a course at Cornell college and is now 
married and a minister in the Methodist church.
 - E. C. Bailey is assistant cashier of the Sioux Valley state bank 
of this town.


 - Etta Butler married Edward Fair and is now a resident of Ireton.
 - Anna Lothian married J. E. Lothian who died at Ida Grove a few 
days ago. Mrs. Lothian is now a teacher in the public schools at 
Kingsley, Iowa.
 - Nellie Gulliford is married to Mr. Ferney, a druggist of 
Des Moines, where she now lives.
 - Nellie Weeks is married to Geo. A. Bailey and resides in this 
 - Eva Bangs, since her graduation here, has taken part of a 
college course and is now a teacher in our public school.
 - Margaret Overholser has since graduation spent most of her time 
in teaching and is now teacher of the first primary department in 
our public school.
 - Alvin Kiggins is a resident of California.
 - Spencer Carr is married and is an attorney-at-law located at 
 - Vinnie Durrin seems to be practically unknown here and her 
history could not be ascertained.
 - Samuel Bean is married and is a resident of the State of Florida.


There was no graduating class in this year for the reason that, at 
that time, the course of study was changed and in the rearrangement 
it was impossible to graduate any of the students.


 - Ella Haworth is married to a Mr. Dart and at last accounts was 
living in Minnesota.
 - Maggie Rogers is a teacher in the public schools in this county.


There was no graduating class this year.


 - Mamie Overholser was a teacher in the public schools in this 
county until her death a few years ago.
 - Orfa Shontz since her graduation has taken part of a college 
course at the Iowa State college at Ames, and is now a stenographer 
in the law office of Earl Edmnnds at this place.
 - Lottie Gulliford is now a clerk in a store at Washta.
 - Lucretia Buckner is a teacher in the public school at Oto.
 - Charlie Rogers is a railroad postal clerk on good salary.
 - Edith Goncher has been a teacher in the public schools in this 
state and is now a student in the Iowa State normal at Cedar Falls.
 - Eva Batter since graduation has attended Cornell college and is 
now at home with her parents in this place.


 - Edith Metcalf since graduation has graduated from the Iowa 
State college at Ames, and has taken a special course in music in 
Chicago and is employed for the ensuing year as teacher of music 
in our public school.
 - Katheryne Robbins, since her graduation, has been a teacher in 
the public schools and has been employed in the second primary 
department in our public school for the past four years and is 
employed for the same position for the ensuing year.
 - Lova Gendreau is now a resident of Aurelia, Iowa.
 - Bert E. Hall, since graduation, has attended Leland Stanford 
University at Palo Alto. Cal., and has also taken part of a course 
at Grinnell college and one year in the law department at Iowa City 
and is now employed in his father's store.


There was no graduating class this year.


 - Velma Polley is married to Forrest Anderson who is landlord of 
the Thornton house.
 - Minnie Hardenbrook, Desire? Ross and Matilda Rogers are teachers 
in the public schools of this county.
 - Bertha Card is married to W. H. Miller of this place.
 - Augusta Markusen taught several terms in the public schools of 
this county and is now married to G. A. Williams and is a resident 
of this place.


 - Martha Markusen is now a resident of Colorado where she has just 
graduated from the Colorado State normal school and has found 
employment in the schools of that state.
 - Lenora Gendreau is now a resident of Aurelia, Iowa.


 - Mae Isbell was a teacher in the schools of this county for a 
short time when she married A. J. Davis and is now living at 
Salt Lake City, Utah.
 - Mabel McNear since graduation has attended the Iowa State 
college at Ames and is now a teacher in the public schools of this 
 - Sydney Goucher is also a teacher in the public schools.


 - Blanche Ehlers and Lyman Woodruff are now attending the Iowa 
State college at Ames.
 - Effa Castle and Edith Wagner are employed as teachers in the 
public schools in this county.
 - Nellie Allen has been visiting friends in the east nearly 
ever since her graduation.
 - Wilbur Edmunds has been employed most of the time since his 
graduation in the stores of this town.

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