Louisiana Genealogy Queries
When you need information for your Louisiana genealogy queries, you can use several methods to track down the data you want. It can be challenging, but only if you don't know where to begin and what to look for during your search. If you have an idea of where to start and are committed to finding the data, you will be able to.
Most people use genealogy searches either to work on family history documentation, for their own family or to help someone else complete their family tree. By working both online and offline, you can find a wide variety of resources, tools and tidbits of information to complete your genealogy project.
Where Your Louisiana Genealogy Queries Should Begin
If this is the first time you are trying to compile data to complete a family tree, you should consider employing the service of a paid or volunteer organization to help. These groups have a good working knowledge of what it takes to track down documentation and information for family heritage. This can be a great way to save time and effort.
Otherwise, the first thing you will probably want to look for during your Louisiana genealogy queries is vital records. Vital records are documents such as Louisiana birth records, marriage records or death records. You may also want to use resources including adoption records or divorce decrees. In some instances, even obituary records or Louisiana cemetery records can also give you the data you need.
What You Might Find
For the oldest records, you should consider using the census or Louisiana birth records. The census dates all the way back to 1790, and birth certificates for this state, through one website, started the same year, as well. Louisiana death records start from the year 1804 for some parishes, but may be slightly more challenging to locate.
This state actually has an extensive collection of vital records, probably sue to its rich history. You can also find Louisiana marriage records that date back to 1870 and naturalization records that, like the census, start in 1790. Though you will probably have to pay at least a small fee, you can have great success this way.
Other Possible Resources
Aside from using Louisiana vital records for your Louisiana genealogy queries, you can find information in other ways. You may be surprised at how much data you can retrieve from places such as immigration and naturalization records, Louisiana military records or even cemetery records. Louisiana has kept up with extensive documentation for the state and its residents, and you can benefit from this.