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been and you will win much respect. My ardent love for the faculty I bequeath to Charles McNickle. To you, Charles, I also leave my Mozart tendencies, you know "Music has a magic power to charm the savage beast."
We, Amanda Falerios and Cecil Dunn, sharing the same seat in the assembly room all year feel that we ought to name our bequests together. Our inclination to worry we leave to Irene Hill. Don't even let a little thing like a failure, cause you the least discomfort or annoyance. I, Cecil. leave my champagne shoes to Irene also, and my hobby of rushing to teachers to make up lost work promptly, after my infrequent absences, I will to Lurene Burgan. I, Amanda, leave my racing facilities to William Tappe, only do not overdo it William. When the last bell has been ringing four minutes and you arc almost to your seat take a chance on having it peal out a few more silvery tones.
I, Roland Parks, do bequeath my giant height to Thelma Goldsworthy and my first honor, I leave, to he striven for by Fletcher Pearce and Bernice Roberts. The meek manner of displaying my knowledge, which I have shown all through my High School 'Career, I leave to anyone who is in need of such modest tendencies.
I, Laurence Edward Chabot, do give and bequeath the girlish roses op my cheeks to Harold Brown. My talkativeness and all my historical knowledge, I also will you Harold.
I, Willis John Curren. bequeath my reserved manned to Alvin Sincock, with all my ministerial tendencies. All the time I spent entertaining the girls in our school I leave to Elmer Swanson. I assure you, Elmer it will not be time lost.
I, Wilfrid Hocking, do leave my proclivity to appear at public assemblages to William St. Pierre. The cares and worries connected with the editorship of the "Blue and Gold" I think Alice Hall capable of carrying on her fair shoulders. Yes. Alice it is a very responsible position but I shall be satisfied if you succeed as well as I have. To Mary Reding I bequeath the skill and forethought, with which I conducted the German Club meetings.
Prudence Marie Turner, do leave my dramatic qualities to Hilma Falerios. With this excellent start Hilma, some day I hope to see your name ranked with the great actresses of the world.
My sociable and entertaining attributes, which have been apparent to all, I also bequeath to Hilma.
I, Laura Aline Cake, after careful thought, have decided to bequeath my constancy cf affection to Zeldon Pelland to cherish at least during the remainder of his High School career. Those winsome ways and pleasant smiles of mine I bestow on Ruth MacDonald.
I, Elwood Vivian, do give and bequeath to Lloyd Singlaub my meek manner of conciliating people. Never consume perfectly good time arguing for I have found it will not bring you to your goal. My bright optimistic disposition I leave to anyone who could take care of so much sunshine. That taking way. by means of which I gained possession of all the pencils in the school, I leave to you also Lloyd.
I, Edythe Dorice Pascoe, do will to Harold Toplon my love for geometry and my geometry text, however much, it grieves me to part with it. My indolent and masculine ways I bestow on Marcie Erd. Seldom take a book home Marcie for if discovered, your fellow students never have the same feeling toward you.
I, Frances Schnotalla, give my pessimistic views to Elsa Bittrich. The success I have had in collecting advertisements for our annual. I leave to the people concerned in the same line of work next year.
I, Reuben Satterley, do leave my excellent record in football to be divided among the' team. But the present worry my life is "who will be able to fill the prominent place I have held?" To Fred St. Pierre, I will my daintily rimmed spectacles as I think he will be able to appreciate them their full value. My fondness for cake morning, noon, night and at various other intervals of the day. I give to Reuben Mehring, though T know it would make many other little hearts happy.
I, Jeanette Marcotte, leave my winning ways to Gwenith Dunston. My capableness in Domestic Science. which has caused my popularity with the students at 52 A. M. I bequeath to Jean McKenzie. The original ideas which I portray on Civic Questions I will to Estell Weis, to keep up the interest of the class.
I, Alida Remillard do bequeath to Agnes Bluth, my blue sailor suit and foulard hair ribbon. Press the dress often, Agnes, to do justice to my mem-