Scanned text:
used that awful word for the third time. He exclaimed rather sharply, "Oh, if a girl walked up here from the post office in a drenching rain you would say, 'Perhaps she'd get wet.' " "Yes sir," answered the pupil, ''she might have had a rain coat. rubbers and an umbrella."
Another amusing incident is from the biology class. The (lay's lesson covered "The introduction of the tsetse fly into the United States." Mr. Howard asked a student, "How did the tsetse fly get into this country?" The student having a vague idea of the day's lesson tried to bluff her way through by saying a-a-a-athea tsetse fly came over a-a-a-a- over from Europe in-in-in- the straw." "Oh !" said Mr. Howard. "it was well packed, wasn't it ?"
We staged two plays during the year, and although they took up a good deal of our time a nice little sum of money was realized which we spent for outside reading books. Examinations came round again, most of us passing. One of our members even jumped over the junior year and became a sedate Senior.
Our Junior year found us hale and hearty. We determined to live up to the cognomen of "Jolly Juniors" to the best of our ability. Our mischieviousness even crops through in our Junior characters. A Junior girl shoved a poor helpless little puppy- dog into 'Mr. William's parlors. When the science teacher looked out to see who the culprit was he saw only a gentleman standing in the hall.
We wonder if anyone saw "Babe" Goldsworthy, "Bobbie" Hill and "Grandpa" Hosking playing football in
the hall with a wastebasket? It was great. There is no doubt that "Grandpa" will be next year's football coach.'
Our Junior year is almost finished. Soon we must take our place as the aristocrats of the school. Our one ambition is to be worthy of the places vacated by the briiant, live class of '17.
Judson Nester - Making wonderful discoveries in Chemistry.
Harold Brown - Teaching Freshmen how to blush.
Paul Mayrand - Running a Beef a la Mode Restaurant.
Oliver Jacques - Still mystifying us.
Agnes Bluth - in the South chasing "Coons."
Marcie Erd - The greatest novelist of the day. Her latest work is a serious dissertation on "Why a fat woman should wear stripes around instead of down."
Hilma Falerios - Giggling yet.
"Babe" Goldsworthy - Catching (logs for science teachers.
Yvonne Gregory - Still dancing.
Lenore Kirschweng - Giving dancing lessons to Thomas Parks.
Alice Hall - Still an "ish ga bibble."
Myron Odgers - Manufacturing toys for the "kids."
Thomas Parks - Instructing "Pickle" McNickle how to grin.
Fletcher Pearce - Memorizing.
Zeldon Pelland - Ask Lorna.
Gaston Pichette - Shocking girls - with electric wires.
Estelle Leveque - Still flirting.
Herman Schinkel - Making sauerkraut.
Jean McKenzie - Following the "North" star.
Irene Hill - Staying at home and acting rather "Spry" in her old age.
Cora Maigret - Housekeeping.
Florence Brown - Selling dry goods for Abraham.
Lucile Meyers - Ash Richard's son.
Mary Reding - Walking a Mil-O-day in order to grow.
Bernice Roberts - Standing before the White House with a "Votes for Women" banner.
Alvin Sincock -
"Billy" St. Pierre - Managing dog races.
Elmer Swanson - Trying to run Harold Brown out of business.
Wiiam Tappe - Laughing
"Flat" Toplon - Still bluffing.
Gwenith Dunstan - Singing "Arthur, where art thou going?"
Estelle Weis - Talking.
Louise Fretter-Manufacturing LARGE test tubes and filter paper.
Lloyd Senglaub - Oh. well !
Annabelle Jones - Oh. well!
Norma Dunstan - The only woman that's a CongressMAN.
Stephen Ketterer - Singing "Du, du, liegst mir im Herzen" at the German Aid Society meeting.
Tell us:
Why Judson never loses his temper. Why Harold B. is so bashful. Why Paul never grew.