Scanned text:
Shoot ! 1916-1917.
Captain, Milo Wiesenauer.
Manager and Coach. Mr. Howard.
W. Curren
W. Kline
Z. Pelland
R. Satterly
W. St. Pierre
M. Wiesenauer
Team Opponents Lakes
Lake at Dollar Bay .. 35
Lake at Calumet .... 14
Lake at Painesdale 27 5
As you see by the scores we were outclassed. This is due as you know to the fact that we have had no place to practice. We will not bore you with an individual analysis, but we can say that the team pulled together. Next year's team will have a chance to show what kind of stuff it is made of by wiping off the above scores, and reversing them.
Lake Linden has always been noted for its good basketball teams and we arc sorry thru no fault of our own, to have had to put up such a bad showing. Anyway, 1917-1918, clean 'em up for us!
HIT IT OUT! 1917.
We can not say much about the baseball team for we do not know of whom it will be composed so early in the season. The probability is that not many outside games will be played. If class games arc indulged in we hope that the seniors and whatever other class plays with us will win out.
Candidates for the team will probably be Lord. Curren, Satterly, Vivian, Parks, Wiesenauer, Riddles, Tonlon, McNickle, Pelland, St. Pierre. Mehring, Stark, Senglaub, Kettenbeil, Bryan and others too numerous to mention. A good team ought to be picked from the above and a winning team at that.
We do not know why it is. but beyond a doubt our High School has not the baseball spirit that it formerly had. Why couldn't something be done to remedy this? Why not everybody get out and try to make the team a good one by trying out for it and by boosting for it, win or lose, as if it were a thing to be proud of as it should he? Everybody get back of the team, and you, players.— Hit it out!
Here's to the players so bold and true, May they ever stick to the gold and blue.
If they win they all will yell,
If they lose they will so - "Well."
And strive for honor a little more, Trying to reverse that awful score.
With an end run let 'em roam,
And therefore bring the bacon home.
Or a basket they can shoot,
And give the other team the boot.
If in baseball, he should slide, He'll be on the winning side.
All thru H.S. to get ahead,
He will almost work off his head.
Here's to the players so bold and true, May they ever stick to the gold and blue. —" Wies.
Dedicated to the High School Team. Taken from "Hammer" Act. III Scene I.
To run or not to run ; that is the question;
Whether 'tis better on the whole, to linger
With apparent safely on the bases
Or to pluck up courage, repel stagnation.
And thus determine (to) leave them?
To dash — to slide
Aye, more — and by a slide to say we win,
The laurels and loud prolonged applause,
Success is heir to, 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished.
To spring — to slide
To slide! and miss the base; aye, there's the rub,
For in that slide amiss what pangs may come.
When we have sauntered off the field.
To rest among competitors! Lake Linden's record
Must be sustained, whatever be the cost :
For who would bear the taunts and jeers of men.
The comrades's slight, the small boy's reprobations,