Scanned text:
Lorna Barbeau Helen Fischer
Elsa Bittrich Florence Giroux
Nasen Curtin Delore Gareau
Anna Condon Fred Johnston
Stewart Conant Annabella Jones
Norma Dunstan Charles McNickle
Viola Whitnall Ruth MacDonald
Mildred Vine Reuben Mehring
Ruth Daoust Mercedes Mellon
Mabel Hoeft Clarence Nicholls
Irene Hill Frederick Paull
Nelson Dupuis Jeanette Rillston
Earl Frank Lloyd Senglaub
Lois Paull Homer Slonaker
Carrie Lord Catherine Smith
Marie Guibord Beatrice Trevarrow
Stella Gries Frederica Williams
Bernice Quirk Howard Williams
James Riddle Gwenith Dunstan
Florence Elliott Veronica Cuddihy
Louise Fretter Lenore Kirschweng
Leone Frenette Margaretta Norum
Cecelia Pillion Marion Demarois
Guess what this is?
It is large ; it is bright it is clever; it is versatile; it is popular; it is good; it is vivacious; it is beautiful; it is all that you could desire it to be. Well seeing it is so hard for you to guess we may as well tell you.
It is the Sophomore class!
Maybe we have not described it completely enough for you to guess. Well in that case, we will go more into detail.
First, we will consider our president. Reuben Mehring. What person in high school has had a more brilliant career? His personal affairs appear to be very trying, especially in connection with a certain fair-haired Freshman girl. Next comes our vice-president. Stewart, considered one of our best declaimers. Usually the secretary follows the vice-president in rank, so we have Jeannette. the famous Caesar shark, who takes great pleasure in living on twenty-four hours a day. The treasurer generally follows the secretary and this person is no other than Lorna. who is acknowledged the best winker in high school.
Now as we have finished with our officers let us consider some of our nonofficial members. The first, no doubt. who claims our attention is Lois. What person in the Sophomore class is able to claim more E plusses than she? Herfavorite subject sems to be geometry. Next in turn comes Stella, a demure and shy little girl, but nevertheless one held in great esteem by all her classmates. We also have Elsa. better known as "Dutch." She certainly has the ability of a poet. Just ask permission of Miss Davidson to read one of her productions. That will prove it. We also possess Homer, who at the present time is suffering from a broken collar bone which does not seem to prevent him from walking daily to Linwood.
Among the talented ones we possess there is Ruth Daoust, a fine musician. She certainly is to be classed as an expert before the ivories. Speaking of music we must not forget to mention Frederica and her vocal ability.
Going from the aesthetic to the athletic. we come to Charles. better known as "Pickle." who will lead the eleven to glory on the gridiron next year. Backing him up. we have Frederick and Lloyd, who are considered good football players. As for Delore, he does not seem to grow any. His favorite occupation during assembly periods seems to be reading novels and magazines. Behind him sits Earl Franks. Biology is his favorite pass time, whether it is the subject. or the teacher, which attracts him we cannot say. Farther down the aisle, we have Henry. probably better known as "Heine." He is the best natured fellow you ever would care to meet. Whether there is any cause for it or not he is always grinning or smiling. At the head of this row in the assembly room we have Nasen, who is another, almost six-footer. He takes great pleasure in attending school and very often wishes he were only just commencing.
Then we have Ruth. better known as "Mac." She intends to join the Red Cross Association later on in life. but at present. she contents herself with a certain senior boy. Who is the dear. sweet girl that occupies the seat in front of Ruth? Why that is Carrie to be sure. Every one likes her. why shouldn't they? Then across from Carrie we have Mildred with the fair curly locks. She intends to become a stenographer, 'tis thought.
Down in the left hand corner as you enter the assembly room. you will find the seat once occupied by Margaret. Before her sat Florence, who was once upon a time fond of wearing rubbers to the English class. She also likes car-