William Stovall to Martha Ann Prock, 7 May 1850, by Jacob Gillespie, M. G.
Zodak N. Snodgrass to Mary Emeline Rutter, 7 May 1850, by Jacob Gillespie, M G.
James W. Wallace of Jackson County, Mo. to Sarah Wallace, 7 May 1850,
Jacob Gillespie, M.G.
James H. Martin to Letitia Elliott, 1 Jan. 1851, A.V.C. Schenck
William Barker to Jane Cornstock, 12 Oct. 1850, Thos. Callaway, M.M.E.C.S.
(Recorded 20 Jan. 1850?)
Hiram Shockley to J.W.R. Moore, at the residence of Jesse Moore, 10 Jan. 1850,
H.J.V. Reed, P.
Brattaen Poteet to Frances Alexander, 6 Feb. 1851, Rev. Thos. A. Bracken
Alexander Sebastian to Elizabeth Shadley, 24 Feb. 1851, Edmund Wagoner, M.
Peter Heermann to Frederika Hemme, 17 Jan. 1851, A.G.G. Francke, O.M.
Thos. S. Gorham to Sarah F. Gorham, on the 9th instant, T. N. Gaines
(Recorded 11 March 1851).
Ephraim D. Ferree to Mary Ann Greffen, 16 Dec. 1850 Joseah Leake, M.G.
Thomas E. Buckley to Emely C. Taylor, 19 Dec. 1850, Joseah Leake, M.G.
Samuel Soper to Deana P. Iles, 16 Jan. 1851, Sela Hudson, J.P.
Jarard I. Clang to Elvira P. Hawkins, 23 Dec. 1850, David M. Cleborn, J.P.
Walter Mulkey to Hetty A. Roy, 1 Jan. 1851, David M. Cleborn, J.P.
William Skeggs to Georgeanna Reed, 18 March 1851, John A. Harrison
David S. Beaty to Mary Walker, 16 Mar. 1851, William H. Reisse, M. Me. Ch.
Andrew J. Graham to Lucinda E. Hale, at the home of Mr. Street Hale,
26 Feb. 1851, F.L.B. Shaver, M.G.
Zachariah Johnson to Alpha Ann McLureon, 23 Feb. 1851, Isaac N. Bledsoe, J. P.
Andrew J. Graham to Lucinda E. Hale, at the home of Mr. Street Hale,
26 Feb. 1851, by F.L.B. Shaver, M.G.
John Greer to Miss Dook, (Doak) March 1851, W.G. Mathews, J.P.
John Fickle to Elizabeth Davenport, at the home of J.B. Davenport,
24 Jan. 1851, by William Lankford, J.P.
Addison F. Dalton to Rebecca J. Roades, 26 Mar. 1851, James G. Dalton, P.G.
Uriah C. Wilcoxson to America J. Hutchisin, 17 Ap. 1851, J. Gillespie, M.G.
James M. Wallace to Margaret B. Landers, 9 Jan. 1851, Jacob Gillespie, M.G.
Gilbert Jennings to Mariah E. Whitsitt, 10 Mar. 1851, John R. Whitsitt, P.G.
Champress T. Ridge to Mary Ann Lamn, 20 Apr. 1851, E. Roth, M.G.
William Harns to Mary Adams, 1 Mar. 18tl, Henry Farmer, M.G.
Thomas Fitzpatrick to Leonora Davis, 1 May 1851, J.L. Yantes, M.G.
William Callaway to Virginia Hutsberry, 12 Mar. 1851, F.A. Morris, M.G.
Robert Puckett to Frances Etherton, 12 Mar. 1851, F.A. Morris, M.G.
Walter M. Smallwood to Emma Renihard, 22 May 1851, J.W. Dunn, R.
Patrick Haughey to Mary Carr, 25 May, 1851, Bernard Dounelly, C.P.
Dr. John Bull to Mary Blackwell, 5 June 1851, F.A. Morris, M.G.
David M. Shatley to Martha Ann Childers, (ward of said county)
19 June 1851, by Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
William Ingram to Ann Hicklin, 29 May 1851, by James Barker, M.M.E.Ch. S.
Joseph E. Carpenter to Mary Ann Hemshere, 29 May 1851, Josiah Loake, M.G.
William Hickman to Rosette Foster, 20 June 1851, Thos. Callaway, M.G.
J.N. Carter to Elizabeth Lee, 17 July 1851, by Rev. Thos. N. Bracken
Frederick Miller to Mary Scullin, 27 Aug. 1851, by B.B. Wilson, J.P.
Henrich Schmidt to Christine Klengemann, 15 Aug. 1851. J.M. Quast, O.M.
Gibins Masterson to Grace E. Campbell, 18 June 1851, by James H. Houx, P.G.
Marriage Contract between Thomas Rubey of Jackson Co., Mo., and
Magdaline Patten of Davis Co. Mo. Filed 30 Oct. 1850, in
Davis Co. Filed 3 Sept. 1851 Lafayette Co. Mo.
Barnard Kearney to Lavina Skaggs, 9 Sept. 1851, Allen Wright, El. C. Ch.
Addison C. Philpott of Jackson Co., Mo., to Mrs. Sarah Morris,
15 June, 1851, by James Walton, J.P.
Abner Ward to Margaret Mulkey, 6 July 1851, David M. Welborn, J.P.
William Pratt to Malinda Mulkey, 6 July 1851, David M. Welborn, J.P.
William Thaxton to Barshan Ann Campbell, 17 Sept. 1851, W.W. Suddath, (Rev.)
Mr. Hays to Martha Bratton, 21 Sept. 1851, By W.W. Suddath, (Rev.)
John M. Fleming to Tabitha S. Bradford, 5 oct. 1851, Edward Roth, M.G.
James Powers to Angeline Phelps, 3 Oct. 1851, Edward Roth, M.G.
Green Patterson to Neomy Lagston, at the home of Smith Jackson,
Rec. 8 Oct. 1851. Isaiah Spurgin O.P. of Bap. Ch.
Sylvanus Collins Griswold to Locky Ann Arnold, 7 Oct. 1851, Jno. A. Harrison
Robert Buchanan to Elizabeth Sanders, 22 June 18tl, Munford Pelley, M.G.
John T. Taylor to Louisa Guynn, 30 Aug. 1851, Thos. Wallace, M. M.E.Ch. S.
Ezekeal C. Leach to Caroline F. Jarboe, 3 Nov. 1851, Jno. B. Vivion
Carl Bergmann to Dorathea Deeke, 24 Oct. 1851 John M. Quast, O.M.G.
James H. Bacon of St. Louis, to Kate A. Schenak, 2 Oct. 1851, A.V.C. Schenck
Oliver Houx to Elizabeth Belle, 25 Nov. 1851 Edward Roth, M.G.
Irwin Williams to Margaret F. Eagan, 13 Nov. 1851, James Barker, P.G.
James A. Rankins to Martha C. Williams, 29 Oct. 1851, James Barker, P.G.
James J. McCormick to Mary M. Scott, 25 Dec. 1851, Allen Wright, El. C. Ch.
John Mardice to Margaret Puckett, 27 Oct. 1851, Phares Ferrell, J.P.
George W. L. Bunkes to Mary A. Bratton, 2 Nov. 1851. James H. Houx, P.G.
Andrew Jackson Slusher to Sarah Jane Wood, 25 Nov. 1851. T.N. Gaines
J.G. Russell to Miss Sarah Martin Fishback, 31 Dec. 1851 T. N. Gaines
Ezra Boyer to Susan E. Wainwright, 22 Jan. 1852 Allen Wright, El. C. Ch.
John Zack to Mrs. Louisa Hoppe, 8 Dec. 1851 Edward Roth, M.G.
Thos. H. Edwards to Judith Green, 5 Feb. 1852, Rev. Thos. A. Bracken
Charles L. Ewing to Willie Ann Ewing, at the home of Chatham S. Ewing,
16 Dec. 1851 C. G. Macpherson, M.G.
Thomas Cheatham to Eliza Cheatham, 25 Jan. 1852, J.D. McHatton, El. C. Ch.
W. W. Suddath to Miss M. M. Stapp, 25 Dec. 1851, Robert D. Morrow, P.G.
Charles W. Young to Mary Gillespie, daughter of Jacob Gillespie,
23 Feb. 1852 John Warden
Calvin W. Furlong to Mrs. Sarah Bullard, 13 Jan. 1852, Fletcher Wells, M.G.
John W. Tate to Margaret Warren, 12 Feb. 1852 Allen Wright, El. C. Ch.
L.L. Berry to Jane L. Marshal, 29 February 1852 Allen Wright, El. C. Ch.
James D. Harwood to Bettie Carter, 12 Feb. 1852 T. N. Gaines
Samuel Ball to Sarah A. McGren, 29 Sept. 1851 D.L. Russell, P. Bapt. Ch.
A.B. Earle, of the town of West Port, to Martha C. Ryland, (bride being under-
age, father consented) 4 Mar. 1852, D.L. Russell, P. Bpt. Ch.
James W. Wallace to Samantha V. Carr, 11 Mar. 1852 Mosby Arnold, O.M.
John White to Elizabeth Perrie, 30 Dec. 1851 Jno. A. Harrison
Samuel B. Farres to Mary Ward, 1 Jan. 1852 David M. Welborn, J.P.
Nicholas C. Ponge to Mary Sparks, 11 Jan. 1852, Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
William R. Helm to Elizabeth Barker, 22 Feb. 1852 Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
Elihu Ashcraft to Nancy Sparks, 23 Jan. 1852, Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
Reubon W. Shockley to Mrs. Anna Moore, 10 Feb. 1852, D. S. Holdman, M.G.
Jacob McReynolds to Tilitha Cooper, 5 Apr. 1852, James G. Dalton, P.G.
Hillory O. Whitehurst to Betheny E. Fox, 8 Apr. 1852, N.S. Pleachee, M.G.
John McCortney to Margaret Thomas, 11 Mar. 1852, W. G. Mathew, J.P.
G.W. Young, (M.D.) to Martha Barnett, 20 Apr. 1852, Addison V.C. Schenck
F.W. Golladay of Nashville, Tenn. to Sarah Eugenia Stratton,
20 April, 1852, Addison V.C. Schenck
Patrick Higgins to Eliza Hawlwell, 2 May 1852, Thomas Cusack, C. Pr.
William I. Anderson to Ann Mary Lee, 28 Apr. 1852, Thos. Callaway, M.
Charles M. Young to Valina A.J.S. Mahan, 2 Ap. 1852, P.O. Clayton, T. E.
Vincent Moore to Elizabeth Thomas, 11 Mar. 1852, F. S. Fishback, J.P.
Leftwick Francis to Nancy Barker, 11 Apr. 1852, Thos. Callaway, M. M.E.Ch. S.
Thomas Augustine Webb to Elizabeth Nancy Buford, 6 Apr. 1852, E. Roth, M.G.
Elis Proctor to Mary Fickee, 9 Mar. 1852, Edmund Wagoner, M.
James M. Ewing to Stacy Amanda Stapp, 6 May, 1852, Robert D. Morrow, P.G.
William F. Edenton to Mary Ann Trotter, 3 June 1852, Nathaniel Peachee, M.G.
Thomas Harbough to Margaret James, 11 June, 1852 Mosby Arnold, M.M.E.Ch.S.
Justin Shore to Caroline Meadow, 18 June 1852, Jas. H. Houx, P.G.
Samuel Snead to Mary Ury, 9 June 1852, J. A. McHatton, El. C. Ch.
Thomas A. Ogden of Warrensburg, to Ann E. Shewalter, 3 June 1852, A.V. Schenck
David O. Daniel to Susanna Iles, 12 Feb. 1852 L. Hudson, J.P.
Ira McDowell to Elvira Cowin, (widow) 8 Feb. 1852, L. Hudson, J.P.
Joel Snyder to Elizabeth Gleaves, 24 June 1852, Henry Farmer, M.G.
Charles Case to Sarah Sinclair, 27 June 1852, J.A. McHatton
Elijah Littlejohn to Mariam Finch, 29 June 1852, Nathan Scarritt, M.G.
James Daugherty to Amanda M. Gantier, 8 July 1852, Jas. H. Houx, P.G.
John W. Allen to Martha W. Clayton, 15 Aug. 1852, Daniel Russell, P. Bapt. Ch.
Thomas Brown to Cathren A. Stewart, 13 June 1852, S. Hudson, J.P.
Charles A. Witt, of the County of Boon (sic) to Martha E. Williams,
5 Aug. 1852, Elder John Warden
Amos E. Sivals to Mary R. Tucker, 8 July 1852, Amos Horne, M.G.
Frederick Mehl to Margaret Klingenberg, 4 Sept. 1852 J.M. Quest, M.G.
Joseph Piatt to Mary Jane Henseley, 4 July 1852, James M. Myers, M.
Henry S. White to Jane Buchanan, 12 Sept. 1852, John Warden
David Kirkpatric to Frances J. White, 3 May last, (rec. 13 Sept. 1852,) by
John Warden
August Deihr to Mary Ann Baecking, 5 Sept. 1852, L. Hudson, J.P.
Lawrence Grubart to Mary Westerhouse, 18 Apr. 1852, P. Patterson, J.P.
John Schuls to Dorathea L.E. Myre, 31 Mar. 1852, P. Patterson, J.P.
Ezra R. Hickman to Susan D. Wetzell, 8 Sept. 1852, Nathan Scarrett, M.G.
Samuel H. Kennady to Rebecca A. Wilborn, 12 Feb. 1852, D.M. Wilborn, J.P.
Mordicai M. Cook to Christina Davis, 24 June, 1852, D.M. Wilborn, J.P.
Bevill Whitworth to Phebe Ferrell, 19 Aug. 1852, D.M. Wilborn, J.P.
Equilla White to Elizabeth Barker, 12 Aug. 1852, Edmund Wagoner, M.
Joseph Menter to Marga Ann Coe, 22 Sept. 1852, Edmund Wagoner, M.
George Adamson to Martha Jane Cundiff, 22 Aug. 1852, Thos. Wallace, M.G.
Edward Price Lee to Apphia S. Arnold, 16 Sept. 1852, Thos. Wallace, M.G.
John Felps to Nancy Prim, 10 Aug. 1852, W. G. Mathew, J.P.
Leonidus McGee to Margaret Matise, 8 Aug. 1852, Lee J. Sharp, J.P.
George W. Salisbury to Elizabeth Sawyer, 6 Oct. 1852, L. J. Sharp, J.P.
Ephraim Pool to Irramintta Martin (Morton?)26 Sept. 1852, J. A. McElroy, J.P.
Henry Wever to Mary Rodemann, 9 Oct. 1852, L. Hudson, J.P.
Hopkins Bryant to Mary E. Bennett, 18 July 1852, Phares Ferril, J.P.
William P. Moore to Mrs. Mary E. Young, 3 Nov. 1852, D.L. Russell, P.
William Whitehurst to Mrs. Hetty I. Miller, 19 Oct. 1852, D.L. Russell, P.
Luke H. Brown to Catharine Johnson, 14 Nov. 1852, Nathaniel Peachee, M.G.
George F. Bowers to Frances E. Elmore ? 22 Sept. 1852 Robt. D. Morrow, P.
James T. Hagood to Elizabeth Schoolin, 11 Nov. 1852, A.V.C. Schenck, P.P.Ch.
John J. Kesterson to Sarah Foster, 31 Oct. 1852, Isaac P. Bledsoe, J.P.
Wm. J. Barker to Elizabeth J. Helm, 16 Sept. 1852, Isaac P. Bledsoe, J.P.
Daniel Horne to Clementine Seawell, 30 Sept. 1852 Mosby Arnold, M.M.E.Ch. S.
Hiram Bennett to Pernelia Bacon, daughter of Mrs. Bacon who gave her consent,
19 Dec. 1852, Henry C. Wallace, J.P.
John Cunningham to Catharine Carr, 21 Dec. 1852, Thomas Cusack, C. Pr.
John Newton, Esq. to Nancy C.H. Rice, 28 Dec. 1852, David Hogan, M.G.
Joseph F. Hassell to Lucy V. Tebbs, 24 Sept. 1852, Dan A. Veitch
John G. Frizzell to Hannah Meadows, both of Saline County, Missouri
29 Dec. 1852, at Waverly Mo., E.M. Edwards, J.P.
James Hand to Ann Elizabeth Carnohan, 10 Jan. 1853, A.V.C. Schenck, P.Pr.Ch.
James Trunnel to Rebecca Hays, 19 Oct. 1852, Jno. P. Harrison
Henry E. Hough to Gertrude S. Relf, 14 Oct. 1852, Jno. A. Harrison
Mathias Reed to Nancy Kearney, 16 Jan. 1853, Hord Young, J.P.
Michael Blattman to Catharine Faukel, 22 Jan. 1853 Lee J. Sharp, J.P.
Thomas S. Rogers, of Clinton, Henry Co., Mo. to Lucinda Fletcher,
1 Dec. 1852, J. Boyle, M.
Thomas B. Fowler to Winefred Smith, 14 Dec. 1852, J. Boyle, M.
Neckolas Segward to Ann Baimger, 29 Jan. 1853, Lee J. Sharp, J.P.
Friederick Maier to Henrietta Ellink, 22 Dec. 1852, J.J. Quast, M.G.
William Bannister of Clay County, to Lydia Ann Grass, 28 Jan. 1853,
Isaac Bledsoe, J.P.
Addison Hook to Miss M.C. Carlyle, 20 Jan. 1853, W.W. Suddath, M.G.
Charles O. Grimes to Mary Wainwright, 20 Jan. 1853, Henry Fisher
Thomas R. Braves to Mary Thorpe, 12 Feb. 1853, L.J. Sharp, J.P.
Daniel McQueen to Mrs. Jemema Sawyer, 16 Feb. 1853, L.J. Sharp, J.P.
J.C. Schneider to Mrs. Elizabeth Wiley, 17 Feb. 1853, A.V.C. Schenck, P.
Mathias Houx to Elizabeth S. Bradley, 17 Feb. 1853, J. H. Houx, M.G.
Arie Helms to Lucinda Adaline Proctor, 13 Feb. 1853, Edmund Wagoner, M.
Andrew Jackson Cocks to Ann Dorsay Glover, 19 Jan. 1853, Ed. Wagoner, M.
John Newton Russell to Mary Ann Hill, 6 Jan. 1853, Edmund Wagoner, M.
James Harvey Gaston to Susan Ann Helm, 19 Dec. 1852, Ed. Wagoner, M.
John Aull to Mary Ellen Metur (Meteer) 22 Feb. 1853, A.V.C. Schenck, P.
Lucien M. Major to Sarah J. Ridge, 10 Feb. 1853, Wm. C. Batchelor, M.G.
Wm. H. Barker to Permelia Hatton of Johnson Co., Mo. 23 Jan. 1853,
Stephen W. Barker, J.P.
W.S. Rennick of Jackson Co., to Julia A. Ward, 24 Feb. 1853, James Martin, M.
Michael L. Campbell to Martha M. Younce, 12 Dec. 1852, David H. Horne
Jonas Medor of Johnson Co., to Elizabeth Johnson, 15 Feb. 1853, by
Fletcher Wells, M.G.
Thomas Love, (Low) to Mary Wilburn, 5 Apri. 1852, Jesse Gallemise, M.G.
Henry Coursey to Alcey Mahew, 27 Mr. 1853 H. Young, J.P.
William Finley to Prudence Renick, 29 Mar. 1853, C.A. Davis, M.G.
Thomas W. Cobbs to Lucy E. Thornton, of Boone Co., 16 Jan. 1853,
at Waverly, Mo., by Edward Roth, M.G.
Andrew J. Page to Bersheba Kouts, 24 Mar. 1853, Robt. Glenn, M. Pres. Ch.
William W. Porter to Harriet Lauderdale, 23 Feb., 1853, Mosby Arnold, M.G.
David Carlyle to Catherine A. Hall, 7 Apr. 1853, M. Arnold, M. M. E. Ch. S.
Robert Schoumaker to Maria Elizabeth Schurman, 2 Feb. 1853,
Charles Kresse, Bap. M.
Peter Westerhouse to Anna Holcam 19 Apr. 1853, Henry C. Wallace, J.P.
Robert Sanifer to Josephine Goodhue, 28 Apr. 1853, L.J. Sharp, J.P.
Frederick Wilhelm Diekenhorst to Latharina Maria Bokstiel, 27 April 1853,
A. Francke, O.M.
Rev. James B. Harbison to Martha L. McCord, 26 Apr. 1853, Rev. T.A. Bracken
William A. Chanslor to Malissa Emison, 28 Apr. 1853, I.A. McHatton, El. C.C.
James O. Vaughn to Harriet R. White, 21 Apr. 1853, Edward Roth, O.M.
Edwin Lee of Saline Co., to Anna Patterson, 19 May 1853, Rev. T.A. Bracken
Benjamin F. Larkin to Emmaline S. or L. Arthur, 16 Mar. 1853, by
L. Hudson, J.P.
Solomon McGee to Sidney Ann Parks, 12 Dec. 1853, L. Hudson, J.P.
Mathias Ley to Lucy McDowell, eo Nov. 1853, L. Hudson, J.P.
James A. Wiley to Catherine Cattron, 3 Mar. 1853, David M. Welborn, J.P.
Michael Leachy to Bridget McDonnell, 28 May 1853, Thomas Cussack, C. Pr.
Witt: Patrick Maguire and Margaret McDonnell
Joshua Cummings to Elizabeth McLure, 25 May 1853, James Walton, Justice
Sam C. Pool to Mary Ann Mathews, 11 Apr. 1853, William Lankford, J.P.
At the home of Nancy Mathews.
Walter Donaldson to Margarett Buchanan, 6 May 1853, William Lankford, J.P.
James Scott to Mrs. Martha A. Gaulden, 5 May 1853, James Dalton, M.G.
Cornelius R. Chinn to Sally A. McHatten, 21 Apr. 1853, Allen Wright, El. C.C.
John B. Hagood to Letittia S. Schooling, 14 July 1853, A.V.C. Schenck, P. Pr. C.
I. G. Webb to Miss E. C. Carter, 9 June 1853, Edward Roth, M.G.
Samuel Teen to Rachael Wood, 13 Apr. 1853,
Edward Murphy to Malinda Moss, 21 Apr. 1853
Both these marriages recorded
5 July, 1853, but not signed.
Francis Marion Dabney of Barry, Ill. to Elizabeth Tweedie, 20 July 1853,
A.V.C. Schenck, P. Pres. Church
Burwell Starke to Frances S. Hatchett, 24---1853, (recorded 4 Aug. 1853)
Edward Roth, M.G.
Thomas A. Ish of Saline Co., to Martha A. Ish, 2 Aug. 1853, P.G. Rhea, M.G.
Marriage Contract between Benjamin Emmerson of Scott Co., Ky. and Bethany
Elgin also of Scott Co., Ky. Filed in Scott Co., Ky. 20 Aug.
1847, filed in Lafayette Co., 4 Aug. 1853
Frances M. Cockrill to Miss A.D. Stapp, 21 July 1853, W.W. Suddath, M.G.
Joshua B. Campbell to Sarah Graves, 29 May 1853, Mosby Arnold, O.M.
G.L. Moad of Cole Co., Mo. to Miss Sidney E. Sanders, 4 Aug. 1853,
James Martin, M.G.
W.P. Tyree to Kate Powell, 17 Aug. 1853, Rev. Thos. A. Bracken
William Hucher to Mary Westerhouser, 13 May 1853, Dan A. Veitch, J.P.
Charles Liss to Louise Miller, 15 Aug. 1853, Prier Patterson, J.P.
William Rusk to Mary Peals, 8 July 1853, Prier Patterson, J.P.
James A. Tipton to Louisa Frances Rankin, 27 Mar. 1853, Joseph White, M.G.
James L. Buchanon to Ellen Ann Rankin, 27 Mar. 1853, Joseph White, M.G.
Larken Skaggs to Emily Jane Mitchell, 18 Aug. 1853, Allen Wright, El. C. Ch.
John L. Theimon(Thurnon) to Mary Jane Miller, 31 Aug. 1853, H.C. Wallace, J.P.
Job Meadow to Nancy Hann, 16 June 1853, Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
Henry M. Laughlin to Martha Whitsitt, 10 Aug. 1853, C. A. Davis, M.G.
Louis Ross (Rope-Rose) to Mary Shrader, 19 Aug. 1853, G. G. Francke, O.M.
James M. Taylor to Miss LeGrand Anderson, 29 Sept. 1853, A.V.C. Schenck, P.
John T. Hill to Elizabeth Corder, 5 Sept. 1853, John Knight, P.G.
John M. Rice to Susan Ann Crouse, 17 Oct. 1853, D. Hogan, M.
Johnathan R. Huff to Elizabeth M. Godfry-Goodfrey, 18 July 1853, P. Ferrill, J.P.
Patrick Holwell to Jane Johnson, 18 Oct. 1853, James Murphy, C. Pr.
William Clarke to Bridget Murphy, 16 Oct. 1853, James Murphy, C. Pr.
John Bu(a)rnett to Harriett A. Rickenbrig of Monroe Co., 24 Oct. 1853,
Edward Roth, O.M.G.
Charles Whitng to Lucy Webb, 25 Sept. 1853, Edward Roth, O.M.G.
Marriage Contract filed 4 Nov. 1853, between Frederick Newhouse and
Mary F. Dierking, both of Lafayette Co., Missouri
Henry Menke to Mary Hoetkam, 11 Nov. 1853, Henry C. Wallace, J.P.
John A. Barker to Hannah McClure, 19 Oct. 1853, Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
John Wesley Young to Vienna McClure, 13 Nov. 1853, Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
Moses Chapman to Laura O. Waddle, 20 Aug. 1853, N. H. Price, J.P.
Franklin D. Smith to Louisa Wooton, 18 Sept. 1853, Hard Young, J.P.
M. C. Wallace to Nancy B. Ewing, 1 Dec. 1853, C. A. Davis, M.G.
Milton Ewing to Sarah Butler, 7 Dec. 1853, C.A. Davis, M.G.
Sebastian Poisal to Elizabeth Freeman, 13 Sept. 1853, Benj. Kidd, M.M.E.Ch.
John Heinn Fredrick Oelscheager to Sophie Corethea Caroline Dierking,
2 Dec. 1853, P. Welsch, M. Ev. Church
James Pointer to Elizabeth A.P. Manim, 20 Oct. 1853, Sela Hudson, J.P.
Frederick Neuhouse to Mary F. Dierking, 4 Nov. 1853, Allen Wright, El. C. C.
Karl Prendan to Anna Eliza Naper, 7 Jan. 1854, Henry C. Wallace, J.P.
Clemmen Riesterer to Emily Myre, 22 Dec. 1853, Prier Patterson, J.P.
Lewis R. Harrison to Mary Davis, 3 Jan. 1854, George Graham, J.P.
Isaac E. Paul to Mary E. Page, 13 Nov. 1853, E. Roth, M.G.
John Nichols to Mary Ann Harma(o)n, 7 Feb. 1854, Rev. Thos. A. Bracken
Jerry Sanders to Maria(?) Davis, 9 Feb. 1854, L. J. Sharp, J.P.
Samuel Wilson to Mrs. Jane or June Macey, 12 Jan. 1854, R. Glenn, M.G.
Stephen A. Barker to Arena McClure, 9 Feb. 1854, Isaac N. Bledsoe, J.P.
Samuel W. Lambeth of St. Louis, to Kate R. Stevenson, 20 Feb. 1854,
A.V.C. Schenck, P. Presb. Church
Jas. T. Stevenson to Ann E. Houx, 24 Jan. 1854, C.A. Davis, G.M.
James M. Dinwiddie (widower) to Mrs. Laurana M. Preston (widow)
28 Nov. 1850, Benj. Kidd, M. M. Ch. Filed for record 2 Mar. 1851, and
recorded 3 Mar. 1854.
John Low of Kentucky, to Eliza Vivion, 21 Feb. 1854, J. W. McGarney, Ev.C.C.
John Venable to Mary A. Johnson, 6 Apr. 1852, Martin Corder, M.
James Bushrod Corder to Louisa E. Garnhart, 14 Mar. 1854, M. Corder, M.
Ruphus M. Kesterson to Mary Johnston, 12 Feb. 1854, James Walton, Justice
Hiram Weeden to Mary M. Marquis, 7 Mar. 1854, Allen Wright, Ev. C. Ch.
John Feree to Purneicia Whitehurst, 9 Mar. 1854, Allen Wright, Ev. C. Ch.
John C. Jackson to Mary Ann McCammet, 15 Mar. 1854, S. Hudson, J.P.
Heinr Freidr Dankenbring to Dortheea Louisa Fiene, 23 Dec. 1853,
F.P. Welsch, M. Ev. Church
Friedr Dierking to Sophie Fangmann, 17 Feb. 1854, F.P. Welsch, M.Ev. Ch.
Daniel K. Murphy to Fidelea C. Leach, 2 or 20 Feb. 1854, Ben. Kidd. M.
William H. West to Eliza A. Wiles, 14 Feb. 1854, Jas. G. Dalton, M.G.
Obediah Bounds to Parthena Hicklin, 6 Apr. 1854, Allen Wright, El. C. Ch.
John Johnson to Mary Cox, 7 Mar. 1854, J.W. McGarvey, Ev. C. Church
James H. McHatton to Elizabeth Monroe, 23 Apr. 1854, A. Wright, El. C.Ch.
James M. Clark of Johnson County, Mo., to Rebecca Craft, 23 Apr. 1854,
Barnett C. Jones, M.
Frederick Fangmann to Sophia Meyer, 18 Apr. 1854, Rudolph Havighorst,
P. in charge of the M.E. Church German Society
Johnson Mulkey to Elizabeth Worthington, 1 May, 1853, D.M. Welborn, J.P.
David Clark to Sarah A. Worthington, 16 June 1853, David M. Welborn, J.P.
Jno. (Q?)A. Shafford to Elizabeth A. Atteberry, 24 Jan. 1854, D.M. Welborn
Henry Dierking to Mary Wilhelmine Wehrs, 24 Mar. 1854, J. G. Francke, O.M.
James Green to Sallie Young, 23 May 1854, Thos. A. Bracken, M.G.
John Robinson Graves of Fayette Co., Ky., to Mary Elizabeth Tarlton,
6 June 1854, Edward Roth, M.G.
Martin Mooney to Mary Cox, 4 June 1854, James Murphy, C. Priest
Thos. J. Bradley to Mary Ann Cooper, 6 Apr. 1854, Samuel Swinford, M.G.
Hugh Johnston to Elizabeth Wilson, 1 June 1854, James Walton, Jr.
Moses Grovin to Susan McCool, 14 Mary 1854, J.A. McHatton, El. C. Ch.
William Prewett to Janie (Jennie) Grasher, 20 Apr. 1854, J. W. McGarvey, Ev.
Ehraim Hiatt to Elizabeth Bailey, 8 June 1854, j.A. McHatton, El. Ch. of Christ
William Meyer to Dorethea Fangmann, 26 May 1854, Rudolph Havighorst, P.
Christian Frike to Mary Elizabeth Mepenbrink, 18 June 1854, R. Havighorst, P.
William Scott to Mrs. Elizabeth Herman, 18 June 1854, Lee J. Sharp, J.P.
W.H. Ruffin to Agnes K. Chadwick, 13 June 1854, A.V.C. Schenck, M.
Gabriel B. Long of Georgetown, Kentucky, to Sarah Ann Hawkins,
17 April 1854, J. Boyle, P.
Benj. J.T. Randle of St. Clair Co., Ill. to Elizabeth Fletcher Martin,
27 June 1854, J. Boyle, Preacher
T.M. Parker to Abagel Rush, 31 May 1854, C.A. Davis, M.G.
John McFaden, Jr. to Evaline Catron, 30 May 1854, C.A. Davis, M.G.
Michael Fitzgerald to Luzetta Matilda Mozier, 20 June 1854, J. Walton, J.P.
Dr. G.P. Herndon to Bethie G. Baird, 18 July 1854, Rev. T. A. Bracken
(This marriage recorded 2nd time, bride's name spelled Bettie.)
Milton Drewy Meyers to Eliza Ann Arthur, 26 July 1854, J. Boyle, M.
Henry William Winder to Mary Elizabeth Wilker, 5 Aug. 1854, S. Hudson, J.P.
Conrad Pfeiffer to Margret Delmore, 7 Aug. 1854, S. Hudson, J.P.
John A. Cardin to Elizabeth C. Finch, 27 June 1854, E. Roth, M.
Lewis Meadly to Elizabeth J. Jones, 15 June 1854, E. Roth, M.
Sam'l H. Heald of California to Martha C. Cobb, 22 June 1854, W.W. Suddath, M.
Archibald Patterson to Margaret Johnson Cochran of Shelby Co., Missouri,
11 Aug. 1854, J. Boyle, M.
Robert R. Moore to Mary M. Ewing, 24 Aug. 1854, Jas. G. Dalton, M.G.
Heinr Fette to Louise Wallner, 13 Apr. 1854, J.P. Welsch, M. Ev. Ch.
Scott Graeg to Mrs. Flora Ward, 10 Sept. 1854, Rev. W. M. Leftwich
Geo. O. Washburn to Ann E. Burns, 7 Sept. 1854, A.V.C. Schenck, M.
France Henig Engelman to Gertrude Graf, 7 Sept. 1854, R. Havighorst, P.
Ezra Booyer to Bettie Wainwright, 3 Sept. 1854, Henry Fisher
Thos. H. Steins to Matilda Agnes Murray, 18 Sept. 1854, James Murphy, C. Pr.
Raley Porter to Judith Hale, 13 Sept. 1854, J. Boyle, M.
John Lowe to Jane Worthington, 11 June 1854, Jese Gallimore, M. Pres. Ch.
John Cowie to Ann E. Clayton, 8 Aug. 1854, C.A. Davis M.G.