New Rochelle High School
New Rochelle, Westchester Co., NY
The Faculty and alumni of the New Rochelle High School for that year.

(These are autographs found throughout the book.  Click on a name to see the scan.)
Addis, Barbara
Addis, Barbara West
Ajemian, Kersen G.
Anderson, "Jimmie"
Anderson, Richard
Bailey, Katharine
Bartlett, Floyd J.
Berry, Alfred
Bromback, Arthur
Byrne, Francis X.
Byrne, Kay
Campbell, Jane
Carroll, L. Grace
Carson, "Duckie"
Childs, Bill
Clarke, Edith
Cotter, Ruth
Craig, Donald
Curmeen, Charles F.
Denny, John W.
Dix, Judith
Donovan, Robert A.
Drew, Anthony
Durfee, Henry G.
Hanson, Vic "Two Gun"
Harms, Emil George
Heintz, George
Hollett, Virginia
Hoover, Eleanor W.
Howatt, James
Howatt, Jerry
Howland, W. Kenneth
Hyans, Stuart R.
Jackson, James
Jones, Wesley R.
Joseph, Gertrude
King, "Jerry"
Knight, Betty
Larsen, George
Lion, Sid M.
Maxwell, Lloyd
Mayer, Marjorie
McCahill, "Bunty"
McGowan, Emmett
McKenna, William
McKenna, William H.
McKesson, Bill
Mellars, "Dot"
Miller, J.
Mueller, Bill
Nirenberg, William
O'Connell, "Hula"
Osterhaudt, Leslie
Osterhaudt, Leslie
Paul, Jr., Herman L.
Rose, Adrian C.
Ruhl, Alma G.
Sundermeyer, Harry
Swan, Jr., Bill
Sweeney, J. Michael
Teller, Hubert "Chink"
Thackeray, Marion
VanBaalen, Jr., William
Wagner, Gus
Wallace, Jr., James A.
Wardle, Ethelyn
Wheeler, Ethel C.
Young, Charles


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