Miscellaneous Broome County, New York
Obituary Extracts
Wednesday 4/15/98
Charles E. Bachman, 90, of Owego, died Tuesday. Susie Slater Eiffler, 88, of Kirkwood, died Tuesday. Alfred A. Fortunato, 79, of Binghamton, died Tuesday. Robert N. Fox, 67, of Johnson City, died Monday. Frank S. Harlec, Sr., 81, of Binghamton, died Tuesday. Paul M. Jenks, 82, of Saratoga Springs, died Tuesday. Robert W. Kissel, Sr., 80, of Day Hollow Rd., Endicott, died Monday. Mildred L. Lynch, of Binghamton, died Tuesday. Arlene M. Mullen, 61, of Montrose Turnpike, Owego, died Tuesday. Kenneth Rodney Stevens, 78, of Okeechobee, Fla., formerly of Binghamton, died Monday. Wednesday 1/27/99 Rose W. Bronsky, 86, of Binghamton, died Tuesday. Marjorie Coney, 73, of Owego, died Tuesday. Nelda N. Lamoreaux, 72, of Sidney, died Tuesday. Ann Munsie Smolinsky, 70, of Coos Bay, Oregon, died Friday. Margarethe Anne Sparr, 88, of Binghamton, died Thursday. Ethel D. Sweet, 97, of Johnson City, died Monday. Hazel Mae Woodford, 96, of Deposit, died Monday. Wednesday 4/28/99 Donald Cassidy, of Vestal, died Monday. Edward J. Golden, 70, of Binghamton, died Tuesday. Harold Louis Gross, of Endwell, died April 19. Donald G. McCausland, 79, of Roscoe, N.Y. and Palm City, Fla., died Thursday. Joyce Nelson, 62, of Whitney Point, died Monday. Irene G. Raymo, of Endicott, died Saturday. Theresa (Mandyck) Rozboril, of Endicott, died Tuesday. Annette M. Showalter, 71, of Newark Valley, died Tuesday. Rocco Spaziano, 70, of Pottstown, Pa., died Monday. Wednesday 11/03/99 Jeannette K. Ayres, 94, of Endicott, died Tuesday.
Allen Memorial Home, Endicott.
Wednesday 5/10/00 Chester Adam Bieloski, 56, of Lawrenceville, Pa., died Monday. Tuttle-Yeisley Funeral Home, Hallstead, Pa. Henry F. Diller, Jr., 75, formerly of Vestal, died Monday. Barber Memorial Home, Johnson City. Marjorie Belle Edwards, 88, of Williamsport, Pa., died Monday. Zacharias Funeral Home, Deposit. Robert W. Ferris, 79, of Williston, Vt., died Sunday. Kenneth Jesse, 80, of Harford, Pa., died Monday. Bartron Funeral Home, Montrose, Pa. Carl Kadlec, 75, formerly of Binghamton, died Monday. Richard Kovac, 65, formerly of Johnson City, died May 1. James H. Mikels, Sr., 79, of Maine, died Tuesday. MacPherson Funeral Home, Newark Valley. Edward D. Owens, 85, of Ocala, Fla., died Thursday. C.H. Landers Funeral Chapel, Sidney. Estella F. Roberts, 85, of Windsor, died Tuesday. Wm. R. Chase & Son Funeral Home, Windsor. Walter E. Szkodzinski, 44, of Binghamton, died Monday. Vincent Vesci, 88, of Binghamton, died Monday. J.F. Rice Funeral Home, Inc., Johnson City. Wednesday 6/07/00 Thelma M. Breese, 86, of Binghamton, died Tuesday. Ernest H. Parsons Funeral Home, Inc., Binghamton. Catherine Helen Cody, 89, of Susquehanna, Pa., died Monday. Hennessey's Funeral Home, Susquehanna, Pa. Helen M. Croop, 86, formerly of Windsor, died Sunday. Wm. R. Chase & Son Funeral Home, Windsor. Paul D. Dibble, 51, of Glen Aubrey, died Monday. Wm. R. Chase & Son Funeral Home, Port Dickinson. Keith C. Hurlburt, 73, of Venus, Fla., died May 27. Dowden Funeral Home, Sebring, Fla. Rosa Keech, of Vestal, died Monday. Allen Memorial Home, Endicott. Linda Leidig, 56, of Lititz, Pa., formerly of Binghamton, died Tuesday. Wm. R. Chase & Son Funeral Home, Port Dickinson. Ethel Louise Lindhorst, 70, of Lounsberry, died Sunday. Sutfin Funeral Chapel, Nichols. Charles Nelson, formerly of Vestal and Susquehanna, Pa., died Saturday. Robert M. Sanfelice, of Endwell, died Thursday. DeMarco-Fritsch Funeral Home, Endicott. Dorothy D. Tollack, 80, of Endwell, died Sunday. Leon Pucedo Funeral Home, Inc., Endicott. Wednesday 7/05/00 Stanley R. Bush, Sr., 83, of Binghamton, died Monday.
Wm. R. Chase & Son Funeral Home, Port Dickinson.
Wednesday 8/16/00 Doris A. Brown, 84, of Vestal, died Sunday. James
V. DeMarco and Son Funeral Home, Port Dickinson. Also: Miller Funeral Home,
Wednesday 10/11/00 Marion Parry Brock, 87, of Binghamton, died Tuesday.
Barber Memorial Home, Inc., Johnson City.
Wednesday 11/29/00 Ethel M Barrow, 97, of Johnson City, died Tuesday
Barber Memorial Home, Inc, Johnson City