Barnard College, New York, NY
From Barnard Bulletin, Thursday, May 18, 1911
The marriage of Florence M. Wolff, '08, and William Klaber,
Columbia, '05, Ph. D., '07, will take place on June 24, 1911.
There have been a number of marriages among the Alumnae in
April. Mabel D. McCann was married on the evening of the 19th,
at Trinity Church, Brooklyn, to Mr. Henry Pierce Malloy.
Mr. Malloy has a law office in New York and is the Clerk of Kings
County. Three Barnard girls were among the wedding attendants: —
Alta Anderson, 1910, Adele Duncan and Elizabeth Thomson, 1911.
Mr. and Mrs. Malloy will live in Brooklyn at 324 McDonough Street.
Gladys A. Bonfils, 1910, was married on the evening of the 20th,
at the First Presbyterian Church of Jamaica to Mr. H. Lincoln
Rogers. After their wedding journey to England, Scotland and
Wales, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers will live in Clinton Park, Jamaica,
L. I.
Louise Comfort Tiffany, 1909, was married at her home, 27 East
72nd Street, to Mr. Rodman DeKay Gilder, a son of Richard Watson
Gilder. Mr. Gilder is a Harvard man.
Priscilla Dixon Hauton, 1909, was married at her home, to Mr.
Howland Auchincloss. Mr. Auchincloss is a Harvard man, and a
brother-in-law of Lee Alexander Auchincloss, 1909.
Josephine Prahl, 1908, was married quietly at her home on Ft.
Washington Avenue. Margaret H. Yates, 1908, attended her. Her
husband, Mr. Smith, is in the lumber business, and he and his
bride will make their home in West Virginia.
Mrs. Stahl (Mildred Farmer), 1905, has recently moved to 21
Danis Ave., New Rochelle, which will be her permanent address.
From Barnard Bulletin, Wednesday, October 9, 1912
Alumnae Notes
'07 Anne Carroll will not return to the school at Glencoe, Md.,
where she has taught for five years. She will live at home, in
Schenectady, and teach there.
'07 Irene Adams, who has completed one year at the New York
University Law School, did practical work with a law firm last
'07 Amalie Althaus spent the summer abroad traveling and
visiting relatives in Germany.
'07 Emily MacEwan went abroad in July with the German teachers
of the country.
'07 Elizabeth Tredwell was married in July to Mr. Homer Adolph
Stebbins, Syracuse, 1906, a lawyer of this city.
'07 Amalie Lowenthal was married in July to Mr. Wm. Schildgen of
Naugatuck, Conn., where he is a scientific agriculturist.
'07 Evangeline Cole is now on the Tribune, and her stories
appear on the third page.
'07 Margaret Bailey sailed on the Franconia from Boston on
July 9. She attended a Student Conference at Swanwich, Derbyshire,
and later sailed for China. Her address is 2 Avenue Road, Shanghai.
She will teach in St. Mary's School and later do evangelistic work.
'04 Nell Thomas received a B.S. from Teachers' College in June and
is teaching this year in the Gilbert School, Winsted, Conn.
'03 Ethel Wilcox was killed in July at Saranac Lake. It is thought
that she slipped and fell into the falls, for her body was
recovered from the river.
'05 Nan Fisher died from an operation for appendicitis on July 11.
'05 Beatrice Anderson is head of an employment bureau down town.
'08 Bessie Beers was married on June 13 in Jamaica to Mr. Edward R.
Carman, a lawyer. Her new address, is 13 Avalon Ave., Jamaica.
Ex-'08 Alicia Emerson is now the wife of Dr. Wm. Denton, an army
surgeon, now stationed at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
Ex-'09 Edna Tompkins-Stillman now has two children. Ruth Margaret
was born last Easter day at the Stillman's home in Amity, Ore.
'10 Gladys Bonfils-Rogers has a daughter, Ruth Alden, born on
August 2.
'10 Hazel Woodhull graduated with honors from Dr. Sargent's School
in Cambridge, and will teach this year in Northwestern University
of Evanston, Ill., or Western Reserve College for Women, Cleveland,
'09 Mildred Woodhull has announced her engagement.
'10 Grace Reeder is engaged in philanthropic work in Goshen, N. Y.
'11 Juanita Brown received a diploma in Domestic Science last June
and spent the summer teaching that subject in Camp Lanier, Me.
'12 Lucy Landru will teach French this year in the Harcourt Place
School at Gambier, Ohio.
'12 Edith Morris has accepted the position to teach mathematics
and history in the Roselle High School, N. J.
'07 Emma Cole-Young of San Jose, Cal., has a son, Gardner Gilbert.
'05 Abley Leland spent the summer in Alaska.
'09 F. May Ingalls was married to Mr. George Erie Beggs, Columbia,
on the evening of September 26 at the Collegiate Church. Mr. Beggs
is a bridge engineer, and the couple will make their home in
Florida, where Mr. Beggs has a position.
From Barnard Bulletin, Wednesday, April 30, 1913
Edna Margaret Fancher, 1910, has announced her engagement to J. Ferris
Darling, Cornell '07.
From Barnard Bulletin, Monday, October 20, 1913
More Alumnae Notes
Bessie Downs, class 1913, 186 Summit avenue, Jersey City, N. J.,
"W. O. P. S."
Mrs. W. Stuart Thompson (Muriel Gladys Slade), Class 1913, until
October 15, 1913, 552 W. 141st St., New York City; after October
15, 1913, American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece.
Esther Lois Burgess, class 1913, 35 Avenue du Belloy, Le Vesinet,
France Occupation; Taking lectures in art at the Louvre and
instruction in vocal cultivation.
Sally Pero, class 1913, 30 Convent avenue, New York City. Working
for M.A. in mathematics in Columbia.
Hella Bernays, class 1913, 301 West 106th street, New York City.
Occupation: Laboratory technician in the Rockefeller Institute of
Medical Research.
Ruth Osterberg, class 1913, 370 West 118th street, New York City.
Teaching in Austine Institute, Battleboro, Vermont.
Naomi Harris, class 1913, 234 West 103d street, New York City.
Student at Cornell University Medical College.
Harriet F. Hale, 1912, 487 Halsey street, Brooklyn. Substitute
teacher in German at the Girls' High School in Brooklyn.
From Barnard Bulletin, Monday, October 27, 1913
Gertrude Hunter, '10, to James Howard, '09 Yale, '14 Psi Upsilon
Skull and Bones, Union Theological Seminary.
Lucy E. Landru, '12, to Claude R. Fountain, A. B. Oregon '01. Ph.D.
Columbia '05, now professor of science in the University of Georgia,
Athens, Ga.
Agnes Shaw, '10, to Charles Ward Hussey, Stevens '08, of Yonkers,
N. Y.
Beth Lord, '07, to Walter Dumm, of Barringer High School, Newark.
Katherine Louise Rapp, '07, and Joseph Oakley Brown, N. Y. U. '09,
a civil engineer, on July 5.
Bessie L. Lewis, '06, and Lloyd F. Cooper, on July 3 at Stamford,
Conn. At home, 639 Fairfield Circle, Westfield, N. J.
Maude I. Klein, '08, and Charles H. Van Nostrand, on September 18,
at Floral Park, N. Y. At home in Floral Park.
Edith Van Ingen, '04, and Mr. Darling, of Brooklyn.
Mary Bailey, '10, and the Rev. Paul H. Barbour, on June 18. Mr. and
Mrs. Harbour will do church work in South Dakota.
To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meiklejohn (Lizette Metcalfe, '04), a
daughter, Jean, on September 27, at 535 E. Eighteenth street,
To Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Davis (Virginia Ralph, '06), a son, Joseph
Walter Jr., on April 19, at Red Bank, N. J.
To Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Molloy (Mabel McCann, '10), a daughter,
Dorothy, on September 22, at 55 Eighty-third street, Brooklyn.
Minnie R. Boulger, '04, still teaches in New York, but has moved
to 50 Ludlow street, Yonkers.
Abby P. Leland, '05. Ph.D., lectured in the summer school of the
University of West Virginia last summer with the rank and
remuneration of a full professor. She is now teacher-in-charge
of Public School No. 60, Manhattan.
Mrs. R. H. Gault (Annabel Lee, '06), whose husband is a professor
of psychology in Northwestern University, spent the summer in New
York, as Dr. Gault was connected with the, N. Y. U., summer session.
Irene B. Adams, '07, has had splendid opportunities for practical
legal work during the summer in the office of Dillon, Thompson &
Clay. She has been obliged to resign, as the last year in the New
York University Law School demanded all her time.
Mrs. A. S. Lawrence (Millicent Perkins, '07), has moved to The
Rectory, Hillsboro, N.C.
Three Barnard girls are teaching in the Hebrew Technical School for
Girls: Sophie P. Woodman, '07, has English; Grace C. Turnbull, '07,
has stenography and typewriting, and Edith London, '13, teaches
Mrs. Wm. T. Webb (Mary Murtha, '08) took an active part in the social
survey of Newburgh, N.Y., which was conducted for the city by the
Russell Sage Foundation last spring. Her work was on the housing
committee. She is treasurer of the newly organized college club and
is secretary of the Red Cross Committee of that city. Her husband
is chief engineer to the Quartermaster at West Point.
Mrs. Ed. F. de Monsiegle (Anna Hahn, '09) now lives at 507
Summerfield avenue, Asbury Park, N.J., where her husband practices
Mrs. M. L. Stillman (Edna Tompkins, '09) has been visiting her
parents in Upper Montclair, N.J. for the past two months. She
returned to her home in Amity, Ore., with her two children last week.
Maude Smith, '09, is secretary to the principal at Glen Ridge High
Levanchia Eaton, '11, is teaching at the Kent Place School, Summit,
Jessie D. Fox, '11, continues her work at the Girls' Academy, Albany,
Elizabeth Thomson, '11, accompanied her father to a printers'
convention in New Orleans in October.
Annie Van Buskirk, '11, is teaching in the Prospect Hill School in
Newark, N.J.
Edith M. Valet, '12, spent the summer abroad and is now in Texas,
where she is to act as maid of honor early in November.
Mrs. H. P. Molloy (Mabel McCann, '10) moved last May into her
beautiful new home which her husband has built at Bay Ridge,
opposite the grounds of the Crescent Athletic Club in Brooklyn and
only one block from the water.
Mary Line, '07, received a Columbia M.A. this June. She spent the
summer abroad.
Irene Murphy, '13, is teaching in Union, N.J.
Anne Carroll, '07, is instructor in general elementary science in
the High School at Wakefield, Mass.
From Barnard Bulletin, January 12, 1914
Alumnae Personals
Married, on January 1, 1914, at Nyack, New York, Jean M. Shaw
(1913) and Richard W. Horn, of Yonkers, N. Y.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William Schildtren (Amalie Lowenthal, 1907),
a son, William, on August 3, 1913 at Naugatuck, Conn.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Zucker (Marion Oberndorfer, 1911), a
daughter, Alice, November, 1913.
Mary Life, 1907 is studying in Berlin.
Cecil Dorrian, 1905, is abroad, engaged in writing a book.
Eva Vom Baur, 1909, editor of the Woman's page of the "Evening Sun,"
was guest of honor at a recent meeting of the Woman's Press Club of
New York.
Dorothy Eltzner, 1908, is back in this country, teaching, after two
years of foreign study.
Mrs. Edward M. Greene (Helen Carter, 1907), and her son, Robert,
accompanied Professor Greene to France this fall. Prof. Greene is
absent on leave from Butler College, Indianapolis, to spend the
year studying at various French universities.
Mrs. William T. Webb (Mary Murtha) has sailed for Porto Rico, where
her husband has accepted an engineering position.
Married, on December 22, 1913, at New Rochelle, New York, Esther E.
Beers and Robert Garry Brackett.
Alumnae Notes
Evelyn Cameron (special student 1912) was married on December 27,
1913, to Mr. Malcolm Marsh McDowell. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell will
reside at Easton,
Natalie Stewart, '11, has announced her engagement to Mr. Niles,
Yale '08.
Ruth Guy, '12, is studying medicine at Johns Hopkins.
Edna Booth, '12, is teaching physics and mathematics in one of
the Long Island high schools.
Miss M. Olive Barrick, '01, is recording secretary of the College
Club of Jersey City.
Mrs. Webb (Mary Murtha, '08), is secretary of the College Club at
Lillian Rosanoff, '09, is a Fellow in Clarke University, working
in physical chemistry.
Mary Calhoun is teaching English in Wilson College.
Frances Latzke, '12, is an instructor in French at the Indiana
State University.
The following marriages have taken place in the past year:
Jeannetta Studdiford, '01, to William M. Reed.
Bessie L. Lewis, '06, to Lloyd F. Cooper.
Jean Disbrow, '07, to Earl J. Hadley.
Katherine Rapp, '07, to Joseph O. Brown.
Helen Shoninger, '07, to Jerome Tanenbaum.
Maude Klein, '08, to Charles H. Van Nostrand.
Marguerite Newland, '08, to Albert Barron.
Gertrude Wells, '08. to Louis C. Marburg.
Florence Wyeth, '09, to Alan D. McLean.
Helen Phillips, '09, to Joseph J. Frank.
Beatrice Aron, '09, to George P. Coolidge.
Elsie Plant, '10, to Ely J. Kahn.
The Alumnae will serve tea from four to six in the Undergraduate
Study every Monday, beginning January 5, 1914. Those in charge are
Misses Long, Miller, Morgan, assisted by other alumnae.
From Barnard Bulletin, Monday, December 14, 1914
Dorothy Cheeseman, 1913, is with a theatrical stock company in
Richmond, Va. When last heard from the company was playing "The
College Widow."
Rhoda Freudenthal, 1913, was married to Mr. Edwin Berliner on
November 18th.
The marriage of Naomi Harris, 1913, and Mr. George M. Wolfson
took place on November 24th.
Lucile Mordecai Lieber, 1912, has a daughter, Constance, born
October 20th.
Mary Nammack, 1910, has announced her engagement to Mr. John
Dorothy Kirchwey, 1910, working under the Industrial Relations
Commission, is investigating conditions of women in industry.
Doris Long, 1907, is Dean of Women, and professor of English at
Lebanon College.