Scanned text:
Front Row - Raymond Bergstrom, Jack Challener, Ellis Hillmar, Jack Kartub, James Leriotis, Earl Schwirian, Frank Kees
Second Row - William Harrison, John Peterson, Jack Bailey, Robert Balderson. Donald Jackel. Harry Osterman, John Klimchak, Mr. Schad
Third Row - Milton Halpern, Harold West, Richard Maine, Donald Hirshberg, Jack McGinnis, Reed Hopke, Donald Lutsko
Aim of the Club - To create, maintain, and extend throughout the school and community high standards of Christian character.
John Shaw Memorial Hi-Y was organized in 1928.
President Ray Bergstrom
First Vice President Jack Challener
Second Vice President Ellis Hillmar
Recording Secretary Jack Kartub
Asst. Recording Secretary Richard Maine Corresponding Secretary .. James Leriotis Asst. Cor. Secretary .... Harry Osterman
Social Secretary Ronald Lutsko
Asst. Social Secretary Robert Balderson
Treasurer Earl Schwirian
Assistant Treasurer Philip Baird
Chaplain Frank Kees
Assistant Chaplain Jack Bailey
Secretary of Projects William Harrison Co-ordinating Secretary Harold West
Timing Secretary John Klimchak
Keeper of the Hi-Y Box Donald Jackel Bulletin Board Chairman . Jack McGinness Athletics Chairman Donald Hirshberg
Publicity Chairman Milton Halpern
General Chairmen for Juniors Reed Hopke, John Peterson
Carl Aston Arthur Hartman William Long William Pollock
Jack Bailey Don Hirshberg Jack Lowden Dave Rosenberg
Ronald Beal Carl Heltzman Ronald Lutsko Ronald Sandmeyer
Alex Black Jack Karrub Richard Maine Earl Schwirian
John Challener Frank Kees William Martin Andrew Simak
Henry Dansak John Klimchak Jack McGinness Franklin South
George Flowers Charles Lalley Ted McKenna Frank Thompson
Harold Gillespie Richard Vorce James McKenzie Harold West
Tom Wampler Jay Lawson Bion Merry
Milton Halpern James Leriotis John Peterson