The golden wedding anniversary reception of ex-Senator and Mrs. William R. Crawford, of Franklin, was an event of the social life of that place Wednesday evening. Three hundred and twenty-five guests were recipients of the generous hospitality of the bride and groom of fifty years ago. Handsome and valuable gifts were showered upon them. Many out-of-town guests were present, including Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Stewart, Mrs. W. H. Wood, Miss Mary A. Stewart and the Misses Louise and Marjorie Stewart, all of this city.
The Titusville Morning Herald
Titusville, Pennsylvania
Saturday, December 14, 1901
Of Dr. and Mrs. J. T. Williams Was a Society Event of Dunkirk.
Tho golden wedding anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Julien T. Williams was a society event of Wednesday evening in Dunkirk. Dr. and Mrs. Williams received their guests in the drawing room under a canopy of smilax from which a floral wedding bell was suspended by golden-hued ribbons. Mrs. Williams wore a gown of grey crepe over silk of the same tint, with bodice trimmed with point lace. Her only ornament was a diamond and pearl
brooch, the gift of her children. Assisting in receiving the guests were the following children: Mrs. Henrietta Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Hinckley, Miss Adelaide Williams, Miss Mabel Williams and Mr. Gerald Williams and grand-daughter, Miss Geraldine Scott.
The guests in attendance who were present at the marriage in 1851 were Mrs. Louise Brigham, Mrs. John A. Townsend and ex-Mayor Charles E. Hequembourg, all of Dunkirk. The only other persons now living who attended the wedding are Mrs. James H. Lee, of Buffalo, and Mrs. Charles Flanders, of Chicago. During the reception an orchestra played delightfully and refreshments were served by a Buffalo caterer. A large bride's loaf was, according to old-time custom, cut by Mrs. Williams. At 12 o'clock the Virginia reel was danced with Dr. and Mrs. Williams leading. There were many guests from abroad, including Mr. E. K. Thompson, brother of Mrs. Wiliams, and Miss Louise Thompson, of this city. Dr. Julien Taintor Williams and Miss Julia King Thompson were married in Dunkirk Dec. 31, 1851, by Rev. Charles E. Hequembourg, father of Mrs. S. S. Bryan, of this city, at that time pastor of the Presbyterian church in Dunsvllle, N. Y. There were married on the same occasion Byron W. Clark and Miss Adeline A. Thompson, the
two brides being sisters. Both Dr. and Mrs. Williams were born in Dunkirk and have lived them all their lives.
The Titusville Morning Herald
Titusville, Pennsylvania
Tuesday, May 27, 1902
Invitations have been received in this city for the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bernhardt Eba of North Warren on Friday evening, June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Eba have many friends here who will congratulate them upon their completion of a quarter century of married life.
The Titusville Morning Herald
Titusville, Pennsylvania
Saturday, May 13, 1905
Married Twenty-Five Years Ago Yesterday — Entertained 200 Friends.
Friday was the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Orlo J. Marsh of West Main street.
Last night they entertained 200 friends in Odd Fellows' hall in commemoration of the happy event.
In rounding out their first quarter century of married life Mr. and Mrs. Marsh retain the
youthfulness of mind and heart that has so endeared them to a large acquaintance in Titusvville.
They were fairly overwhelmed with congratulations yesterday and last night.
Many flowers and gifts of silverware and oilier articles were sent to the residence and there was a large number of callers in the afternoon.
The reception began at 8 o'clock and continued for an hour.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh were assisted in receiving by Mr. and Mrs. Alva R. Akin, Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Waid, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. M. Reid.
They stood at the head of the ballroom to greet their guests and receive congratulations.
This room was decorated with roses, palms and ferns.
In the dining room were palms and pansies.
Carnations were used in the halls.
In the outer hall punch and light refreshments were served during the evening.
The dancing commenced at 9:30 o'clock, music for which was provided by McNaughton's orchestra.
Some of the dances popular twenty-five years ago were introduced, including the lancers and several quadrilles.
Those not caring to dance played cards at tables in the dining room.
Mr. Marsh has lived in Titusville for forty-four years, where he is known to nearly every resident.
For many years he has been engaged in the manufacture of gauge poles, for gauging oil tanks.
He holds a patent on the best pole made and manufactures them for the National Transit company and other oil purchasing concerns.
His wife was formerly Miss Jennie Hough of New York.
They began housekeeping in Titusville and have resided here continuously since their marriage.
Upon this occasion they will have the hearty good wishes of a host of friends, unable to be present last night.