6th Texas Infantry CIVIL WAR

Company A

Lavaca Guards - Recruited primarily in Calhoun County. Mustered in at Victoria, Texas on September 27, 1861.

Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934
Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865

Allison, S. George        Harris, Henry H.          Nichols, John   
Barber, D. A.             Haynes, Christopher C.    Nimmo, Joseph W.      
Barton, S. H.             Haynes, James H.          Pearce, James H.
Bendon, J. W. H.          Hazle, William            Phillips, Alex H. Jr.  
Benedict, George B.       Hogan, John W.            Phillips, William W.
Blossman, F. E.           Holland, J. F.            Poston, William
Bosworth, J. H.           Holland, T. J.            Power, John 
Bradford, Samuel S.       Holt, James               Ragland, James
Breeden, David F.         Holt, Thomas J.           Randall, Oliver P. 
Birmingham, Charles       Hornburg, Henry           Riley, George J.
Britton, George W.        Johnson, George M.        Riley, T. W.
Burley, Sylvester         Johnson, James P.         Rose, George W.
Butts, John W.            Johnson, M. R.            Rose, John
Cantwell, William J.      Kell, George              Samuels, B.
Carlyle, William T.       Kleas, Philip             Seaman, Charles
Carpenter, Jeff B.        Knopp, John J.            Seery, Peter
Carpenter, W.             Knopp, Peter              Sims, Henry H. 
Casey, John               Kuhlenthal, Ed. C. T.     Smith, Edwin R.
Cherry, Robert W.         Landell, Edmond H.        Snider, William
Coleman, Thomas           Lewis, Josiah             Squyres, Lemuel 
Cox, John H.              Lindsay, John             Stanton, William E. 
Davis, Lewis C.           Lindsay, Thomas           Stapp, Christopher
Debroh, Isham             London, Max H.            Stehr, August 
Devroh, J. M.             Longneck, Simon K.        Surlan, Frederick 
Dial, H.                  Lowther, N. B.            Sutton, R. E.
Drake, James A.           Martin, Augustus          Taylor, Adolphus
Ebner, Frederick          Martin, Robert            Threlkeld, J. B.
Fink, Christian           Martin, Sebastian         Traber, Joseph 
Fowler, A. W.             Martin, William           Walker, E. H.
Gisler, Jacob             Maxwell, James            Walters, William. D.
Goodall, John             Maxwell, William W.       Waters, William D.
Hampil, Charles W.        Miller, John              Watters, Gilbert D.
Hanna, Albert             Moore, Bede               Wetherell, James E.
Harless, J. H.            McDonald, Lewis           Whelan, Charles
Harless, William D.       McDonald, William R.      Williams, Samuel
Harmes, Casper            McNamarra, William        Wilson, E. T.
Harrell, John E.          Newport, James A.         Wilson, J. W.

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