6th Texas Infantry CIVIL WAR

Company B

Lone Star Rifles - Recruited primarily in Victoria County. Mustered in at Victoria, Texas on September 30, 1861.

Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934
Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865

Adcock, Alexander         Hilf, Charles             Schiewitz, Michael
Adcock, James             Hiller, Adam              Schott, Sebastian
Adcock, Lewis             Hoenes, Peter             Schraeder, Henry E.
Albert, J.                Hoffman, Sebastian        Schubert, Francis
Alexander, L.             Homan, A. B.              Schuchert, Ludwig
Alexander, Samuel         Jones, Anson B.           Schuppe, August
Auster, J.                Kaiser, Balthaser         Silverstine, L.
Beck, F.                  Kern, Jacob               Silverstine, S.
Beck, Louis               Klein, A.                 Sinner, S.
Biedermann, P. G.         Kolle, Frederick          Spaith, D.
Brown, Stanley            Kroschel, Louis           Spencer, J. A.
Carter, William H.        Langner, Oscar            Spencer, William H.
Clark, H.                 Leuschner, Charles A.     Stehr, August
Connery, James            Levy, S.                  Steinmetz, Louis
Couturier, Louis          Lewis, G. S.              Stewart, James 
Cunningham, Andrew P.     Lewis, John M.            Strauss, Frank
Curran, T.                Lobman, Samuel            Upstett, F.
Davidsburg, D.            Marks, Ernest             Vermillion, R. A.
Davidsburt, D. H.         Mehnert, Edward           Voight, A.
Dietz, John               Meyer, Sebastian          Voit, J.
Ernst, Joseph             Mitchell, J. S.           Wagner, August
Fiedler, William          McCarth, John             Walter, Charles
Fox, Jacob                Netter, J.                Waters, William D.
Franz, H.                 Pela, Victor              Weiss, Otto
Gabel, Joseph             Pickert, Joseph           Wertheimer, W.
Gensch, F.                Pilgram, John             Westly, J. H.
Gibson, John              Ponton, A. J.             Whellin, Edward
Gilbert, R. R.            Rider, William            Wilburn, T. L.
Hahn, John                Rieger, Benjamin          Woelffel, R.
Hanne, J. F.              Robinson, William         Wurz, A. N.
Hans, Jacob               Rupley, James A.          Wurz, Joseph
Heck, Christian           Sanders, James            Zahn, Hermann
Hermanns, H.              Sasse, F.                 Zmuda, M.

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