6th Texas Infantry CIVIL WAR

Company C

Recruited primarily in Gonzales County. Mustered in at Victoria, Texas on October 3, 1861.

Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934
Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865

Alsup, Ludy C.            Dunlop, Colin             Nations, L. B.       
Alsup, R. J.              Finch, R.                 Nations, W. A.
Alsup, William R.         Flynt, Thomas L.          Norfleet, J. M.       
Anderson, A. R.           Frank, B.                 O'Neill, David
Baker, A.                 Gipson, Samuel            Ramsay, James          
Baker, Jesse              Hahn, Alex B.             Ramsay, Texas O. 
Baker, J. L.              Halfin, Eli               Reese, Charles  
Baker, Thomas             Halliburton, Meldrum M.   Roebuck, R.            
Barnett, James A.         Harrison, Charles         Sharp, Thomas C.
Barnett, J. P.            Henriquez, George         Shefsky, Henry 
Bass, Alonzo T.           Henson, W. H.             Shoemaker, David 
Batling Henry             Hilliard, G. W.           Steiner, L. 
Bellinger, W. R.          Hurley, William R.        Stevenson, John    
Benham, Lee               Jones, A. W.              Stroope, Isaac P.
Bloomberg, J.             Kelley, William           Stroope, John P.    
Botts, H. C.              Lewis, Harvey A.          Stroope, S. C. 
Bowerman, William         Light, Michael L.         Suton, J. L.  
Branch, James L.          Light, V. D.              Taylor, Daniel    
Britton, Cornelius        Light, W. R.              Taylor, Thomas R. 
Bryan, James W.           Malone, J.                Thetford, T. C. 
Burns, W.                 Martin, Thomas J.         Tumlison, J. L.       
Clark, F. B.              Murphy, David             Tumlison, John H. 
Connally, C.              McCaughan, John D.        Turner, John     
Conway, John              McCorkle, Eli A.          Tuton, James L. 
Cross, S. F.              McDonald, D.              Tyler, William G.  
Crozier, W. A.            McGinnis, Patrick         Wallace, E. M.     
Cummings, John F.         McVea, James A.           Wilson, W.   
Day, James R.             McVea, J. G.              Wolfe, J. A. 
Deitch, Solomon           McVea, John J.            Wooten, I. F. M. 
Derozier, Alex            McVea, Martin             Wooten, S. M.
Dick, T. A.

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