6th Texas Infantry CIVIL WAR

Company H

Recruited primarily in Calhoun, Lavaca and Victoria Counties. Mustered in at Victoria, Texas on March 27, 1862.

Civil War Pension Index: General Index to Pension Files, 1861-1934
Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
Civil War Prisoner of War Records, 1861-1865

Andrews, Lafayette        Harvey, Robert B.         Newport, James A.
Atchinson, William J.     Hensoldt, Arno            Nimmo, Joseph W.  
Atwell, James             Hiershery, August         O'Riley, Edward 
Barwold, Edward           Hogan, Granville          Patton, John  
Bindrick, George          Hogan, J. F.              Pettus, John P. 
Black, Augustus           Hogan, Robert             Polte, S. R. 
Brightwell, Charles R.    Hughes, James             Power, John   
Brightwell, John A.       Ingram, Jasper            Ray, William L.  
Bums, John                Johnson, George M.        Rice, Stephen E. 
Carden, Joseph W.         Kay, John W.              Romero, Louis 
Chichester, William G.    Kinsella, Edward          Roovy, John  
Cocke, S. F.              Kuhlenthal, Ed. C. T.     Ross, W. J. M. 
Coller, Frank             Linkenhoker, William P.   Rowland, J. G. 
Cox, Charles W.           Longnecker, Albert        Sampson, James A.
Cox, Harvey H.            Manes, John               Sanchez, Marion
Cox, John H.              Moore, Samuel Jr.         Seamen, Charles
Cox, Joseph H.            Moses, E. M.              Sessions, Henri W. 
Crenshaw, Moses           Muckey, Bill              Sims, Henry H.  
Cromwell, Alex G.         McCord, James A.          Sims, John M. 
Delaney, Philip           McLeod, Alexander         Spencer, William N.  
Fagan, Joseph             McLeod, Angus             Stapp, Hugh S. 
Finlay, George P.         McLeod, Murdock           Tanner, John 
French, James A.          McLoud, Malcolm           Traylor, Pascal M. 
Gaylord, Edward H.        McNamara, William         Venables, William L.
Gisler, Jacob             Neal, James H.            Wilburn, George M.
Harvey, Henry B.

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