Abilene Christian College - Class of 1937
"Prickly Pear"
Abilene, Taylor County, Texas

LAST NAME      FIRST NAME           TYPE                POSITION                  FROM                      GROUP          ITEMS
=========      ==========           ====                ========                  ====                      =====          =====
FREE           W. H.                Board of Trustees   President                 Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
CHAMBERS       E. D.                Board of Trustees   Vice-President            Glenn, TX                 N/A            N/A
JENNINGS       G. L.                Board of Trustees   Vice-President            Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
MANLY          Hollis L.            Board of Trustees   Sec.-Treasurer            Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
ALLEN          S. N.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Christoval, TX            N/A            N/A
ARLEDGE        J. S.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
BACON          S. A.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
BIRCHFIELD     G. W.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Fort Worth, TX            N/A            N/A
COLLINS        J. B.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Big Spring, TX            N/A            N/A
COONER         R. L.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Goldthwaite, TX           N/A            N/A
DABNEY         Allen D.             Board of Trustees   Member                    Eastland, TX              N/A            N/A
CRAWFORD       E. L.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
ECHOLS         Clyde                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
FOSTER         Otto                 Board of Trustees   Member                    Cleburne, TX              N/A            N/A
HAYS           Harvey               Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
HARVEY         H. C.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
HELVEY         G. C.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
HUTCHISON      C. T.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
JONES          Wade                 Board of Trustees   Member                    Childress, TX             N/A            N/A
GUNN           William              Board of Trustees   Member                    Amarillo, TX              N/A            N/A
MCGINTEY       J. B.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Terrell, TX               N/A            N/A
MARTIN         R.                   Board of Trustees   Member                    Lubbock, TX               N/A            N/A
MCKINZIE       J. E.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
MILLER         Robert               Board of Trustees   Member                    Ozona, TX                 N/A            N/A
MANLY          J. E.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
POWELL         J. R.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Tuscola, TX               N/A            N/A
PEPPER         George               Board of Trustees   Member                    Sweetwater, TX            N/A            N/A
REESE          J. C.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
RUSSELL        T. A.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Abilene, TX               N/A            N/A
RAMBO          D. B.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Huntsville, TX            N/A            N/A
SHERROD        B.                   Board of Trustees   Member                    Lubbock, TX               N/A            N/A
WATSON         J. W.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Colorado                  N/A            N/A
WADE           C. A.                Board of Trustees   Member                    Sweetwater, TX            N/A            N/A
COX            James F.             Faculty             President                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Bio, Photo
MORRIS         Don H.               Faculty             Vice-President            Abilene, TX               N/A            Bio, Photo, Signature
ADAMS          Dr. Walter H.        Faculty             Dean of Students          Abilene, TX               N/A            Bio, Photo
BISHOP         Mrs. Clara           Faculty             Registrar                 Nashville, TN             N/A            Bio, Photo
SMITH          Lawrence L.          Faculty             Bursar                    Abilene, TX               N/A            Bio, Photo, Signature
ARLEDGE        Lylian Grace         Faculty             Asst. Professor           Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
BALEY          Mrs. Clarence E.     Faculty             Asst. Professor           Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
BASKERVILLE    Amelia               Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
BAXTER         Elizabeth            Faculty             Director                  Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
BELCHER        Gilmer L.            Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
BELL           R. C.                Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo, Signature
BIRCHITT       Trentie              Faculty             Supervisor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
BROWN          W. Earl              Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
BURFORD        Leonard              Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
COGDELL        Mrs. B. H.           Faculty             Matron                    Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo, Signature
CRAIN          D. W.                Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
DOWELL         W. M.                Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
DOWELL         Mrs. W. M.           Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
EHRESMANN      Margaret             Faculty             Asst. Professor           Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
FREEMAN        James E.             Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
GARRETT        Mrs. Retta Scott     Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
GIBSON         J. P.                Faculty             Physician                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
GILBREATH      Mrs. Orbie Grimsley  Faculty             Supervisor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
HAILEY         Homer                Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
LEWIS          Hosea H.             Faculty             Asst. Professor           Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
LOCKE          Mrs. C. B.           Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
MALONE         Pat                  Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
MCFARLAND      Mrs. Ora             Faculty             Hostess                   Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
MOORE          Burnya Mae           Faculty             Instructor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
MORLAN         G. C.                Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
MORRIS         A. B.                Faculty             Manager                   Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
MULLINGS       Marcus Evans         Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo, Signature
NELSON         Elizabeth            Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
POWERS         Ruby                 Faculty             Supervisor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
RAMBO          Essie                Faculty             Supervisor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
ROBERSON       Charles W.           Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
SCHUG          Howard L.            Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
SCRUGGS        G. A.                Faculty             Supervisor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
SIKES          Mrs. W. C.           Faculty             Superintendent            Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
SMITH          W. R.                Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo, Signature
TREAT          J. W.                Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
TREAT          Mildred Sellers      Faculty             Asst. Professor           Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
VAUGHN         Evabel               Faculty             Asst. Instructor          Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
WALKER         Elishia Deane        Faculty             Asst. Instructor          Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
WATSON         Jewell               Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
WATSON         Norene               Faculty             Supervisor                Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
WEEMS          J. Eddie             Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
WITT           Paul C.              Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo
YOWELLS        W. M.                Faculty             Professor                 Abilene, TX               N/A            Photo                   
HOWARD         Morris               Student Council     President                 Unknown                                  Photo, Letter
EDWARDS        Paul F.              Student Council     Vice-President            Nashville, TN             Seniors        Photo, Signature
MINCHEW        Doris                Student Council     Secretary                 Unknown                                  Photo
DAY            Vivian               Student Council     Jr. Representative        Unknown                                  Photo
FAVER          Dudley E.            Student Council     President, Sr. Class      Sweetwater, TX            Seniors        Photo, Letter, Signature
GARNER         Otis                 Student Council     President, Jr. Class      Quanah, TX                Juniors        Photo                   
MCCALEB        Earl                 Student Council     President, Sophomore      Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
PENDERGRASS    Harvey               Student Council     President, Freshman       Quinlan, TX               Freshmen       Photo, Signature
STEVENS        John C.              Student Council     Forensic Manager          Richland, TX              Juniors        Photo                   
BAULCH         J. W. "Dub"          Student Council     Athletic Representative   Unknown                   Seniors        Photo                   
COWAN          Sonny                Student Council     Athletic Representative   Unknown                                  Photo                   
ADRIAN         Marjorie             Student                                       Trent, TX                 Seniors        Photo
ANDERSON       Marguerite           Student                                       Haskell, TX               Seniors        Photo, Signature
BADGETT        Kenneth R.           Student                                       Port Arthur, TX           Seniors        Photo
BARTON         Fred J.              Student                                       Lynn, AL                  Seniors        Photo, Signature
BAXTER         Batsell Barrett      Student                                       Nashville, TN             Seniors        Photo
BIXLER         Omar Loren           Student                                       Kansas City, KS           Seniors        Photo
BROWNLOW       Leroy                Student                                       Gainesville, TX           Seniors        Photo, Letters, Signature
BRYAN          Alvis A.             Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
BURKHART       John                 Student                                       Lamesa, TX                Seniors        Photo
CAMPBELL       Juanita              Student                                       Pioneer, TX               Seniors        Photo
CAMPBELL       Thomas               Student                                       New Philadelphia, OH      Seniors        Photo
CARRUTHERS     Robert Richard Lee   Student                                       San Angelo, TX            Seniors        Photo
CLARK          Agnes                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
COWAN          James                Student                                       Belton, TX                Seniors        Photo
CRENSHAW       Pleasant             Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Seniors        Photo
DANIELSON      Eleanor              Student                                       Birmingham, AL            Seniors        Photo
DAVIS          Curtis Lee           Student                                       Lubbock, TX               Seniors        Photo
DIPPREY        Thomas Eual          Student                                       Seymour, TX               Seniors        Photo
DAUGHERTY      Walter               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
EWING          Hettie Lee           Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
FAILS          Viola                Student                                       Megargel, TX              Seniors        Photo
FLENNIKEN      Lucille              Student                                       Lamesa, TX                Seniors        Photo, Signature
FRITZ          Madalene             Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
GARNER         Howard               Student                                       Quanah, TX                Seniors        Photo
GRIFFITH       Don                  Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
HARP           Mildred              Student                                       Albuquerque, NM           Seniors        Photo
HART           Mary Jo              Student                                       Baird, TX                 Seniors        Photo
HELVEY         G. C., Jr.           Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
HOFFMAN        Christine            Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
HOWARD         Morris               Student                                       Dallas, TX                Seniors        Photo
HUDSON         Willie               Student                                       Linden, TN                Seniors        Photo
JOHNSON        Lois                 Student                                       Anson, TX                 Seniors        Photo, Signature
KING           Price                Student                                       Harrold, TX               Seniors        Photo
KIRBY          Kenneth              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
LAWRENCE       H. Arden             Student                                       Sinton, TX                Seniors        Photo
LEATHERS       Mary Alice           Student                                       Blum, TX                  Seniors        Photo
LEWIS          LeMoine G.           Student                                       Midlothian, TX            Seniors        Photo
LINK           Joyce                Student                                       Clarendon, TX             Seniors        Photo, Signature
MCCALEB        Sarah Lee            Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
MCCOLLUM       Pyeatt               Student                                       Clyde, TX                 Seniors        Photo
MCCOWN         Ida                  Student                                       Odessa, TX                Seniors        Photo
MCDANIEL       Julia May            Student                                       Memphis, TN               Seniors        Photo
MANLY          Evelyn               Student                                       Lueders, TX               Seniors        Photo
MAYFIELD       Wanda                Student                                       Clarendon, TX             Seniors        Photo, Blessing
MOLLOY         Kathryn              Student                                       Hollis, OK                Seniors        Photo, Signature
MOSER          Kennie Louise        Student                                       Lubbock, TX               Seniors        Photo, Signature
NEWMAN         Kelly G.             Student                                       McLean, TX                Seniors        Photo
REED           Iva                  Student                                       Boulder, CO               Seniors        Photo
REYNOLDS       Eloise               Student                                       Beaumont, TX              Seniors        Photo
RICHERSON      Ruth M.              Student                                       Hedley, TX                Seniors        Photo
ROLLINGS       Adolphus             Student                                       Altamont, TN              Seniors        Photo
ROSS           Charles              Student                                       Mt. Enterprise, TX        Seniors        Photo
ROSS           Nelson N.            Student                                       Corsicana, TX             Seniors        Photo
SCOTT          Pierce               Student                                       Trent, TX                 Seniors        Photo
SELLERS        Frances              Student                                       Coolidge, TX              Seniors        Photo
SLOAN          W. A.                Student                                       Roscoe, TX                Seniors        Photo
SMALL          Arlene               Student                                       Cordell, OK               Seniors        Photo, Signature
SMITH          V. T.                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
STONE          Robert               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
TURNER         Mary Lou             Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
TYLER          R. D.                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
WATSON         Elzabelle            Student                                       Colorado                  Seniors        Photo, Signature
WEEMS          Alma                 Student                                       Temple, TX                Seniors        Photo
WHITE          Willie Cleone        Student                                       Abilene, TX               Seniors        Photo
YOUNG          Jessie L.            Student                                       Hope, NM                  Seniors        Photo
HORNE          Evelyn Ezell         Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Seniors        Photo
SMITH          Oscar, Jr.           Student                                       Houston, TX               Seniors        Photo
BANOWSKY       Blanche              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
BENNETT        Weldon B.            Student                                       Lubbock, TX               Juniors        Photo
BLANTON        Crystal              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
BRADLEY        Leonard K.           Student                                       Phil Campbell, AL         Juniors        Photo
BROWN          Chanda               Student                                       Robert Lee, TX            Juniors        Photo
BUSH           Carl                 Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
CARUTHERS      La Nelle             Student                                       Moody, TX                 Juniors        Photo
CLONTS         Doris                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
COPELAND       Rhoda                Student                                       Blackwell, TX             Juniors        Photo
CRANFILL       Milton               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
DAY            Vivian               Student                                       Brownwood, TX             Juniors        Photo
DUNN           Mary Eugenia         Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
EDWARDS        Buna                 Student                                       Big Spring, TX            Juniors        Photo
FARMER         Frank                Student                                       Dawson, TX                Juniors        Photo
FARMER         Guss Dunn            Student                                       Dawson, TX                Juniors        Photo
FINLEY         Elizabeth            Student                                       Sabinal, TX               Juniors        Photo
FINCH          ElMeta               Student                                       Elk City, OK              Juniors        Photo
FOGARTY        Jewel                Student                                       Augusta, KS               Juniors        Photo, Blessing
GREEN          Ruth                 Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
GUILD          Claude               Student                                       Caldwell, ID              Juniors        Photo
HAMPTON        Edwin                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
HAYS           Conard               Student                                       Clyde, TX                 Juniors        Photo
HORNBACK       Ferne                Student                                       McCamey, TX               Juniors        Photo
HUFF           Cecil                Student                                       Tucumcari, NM             Juniors        Photo
JOHNSON        Lona                 Student                                       Crowell, TX               Juniors        Photo, Signature, Letter
KAUFMAN        Hanford              Student                                       Dongola, IL               Juniors        Photo
KELSY          Raymond C.           Student                                       Idalou, TX                Juniors        Photo
LANDERS        Raybourn             Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
LITTLE         Duard                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
LYNCH          William Mardell      Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Juniors        Photo
MARTIN         Thay                 Student                                       Red Springs, TX           Juniors        Photo
MCCULLY        Mary                 Student                                       Rule, TX                  Juniors        Photo
MCGEEHEE       Nida                 Student                                       Jacksonville, FL          Juniors        Photo
MCGREGOR       LaVerne              Student                                       Troup, TX                 Juniors        Photo
MCREYNOLDS     Eilene               Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Juniors        Photo
MCWHIRTER      Ileta                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
MILLIKEN       Callie Faye          Student                                       Lovelady, TX              Juniors        Photo, Signature
MINCHEW        Doris                Student                                       Breckenridge, TX          Juniors        Photo
MOSELEY        Oleta                Student                                       Olden, TX                 Juniors        Photo
NEEDHAM        Annie Laurie         Student                                       Fort Worth, TX            Juniors        Photo, Signature
OLIVER         Wyatt                Student                                       Dora, TX                  Juniors        Photo
ORR            Forrest              Student                                       Vernon, TX                Juniors        Photo
POPE           Bill                 Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
PRESSLEY       Walton               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
REED           Hope                 Student                                       Colton, CA                Juniors        Photo
REESE          Helen                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
REYNOLDS       Mary Louise          Student                                       Hamlin, TX                Juniors        Photo
HAGGARD        Mary Ruth            Unknown                                       Unknown                   Unknown        Blessing, Signature
RHEA           Margaret Ann         Student                                       Mt. Pleasant, TX          Juniors        Photo, Signature
ROBISON        Totsy                Student                                       Ozona, TX                 Juniors        Photo
SEELYE         Jewell               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
SELLERS        Oscar W.             Student                                       Coolidge, TX              Juniors        Photo
SHAHAN         Norma                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
SMITH          Jane                 Student                                       Stamford, TX              Juniors        Photo
SMITH          Hollis               Student                                       Throckmorton, TX          Juniors        Photo
SMITH          Wilma Dee            Student                                       Clarendon, TX             Juniors        Photo, Blessing
SOSBEE         John                 Student                                       Anson, TX                 Juniors        Photo
SPAIN          Carl                 Student                                       Opelika, AL               Juniors        Photo, Signature
STALLWORTH     Mrs. G. P.           Student                                       El Campo, TX              Juniors        Photo
STOUGH         Sara Edna            Student                                       Montgomery, AL            Juniors        Photo
TALLMAN        Ozro H.              Student                                       Port Dalhousie, Ontario   Juniors        Photo
TAYLOR         Earnest Dale         Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
TRIPLETT       Silas                Student                                       Bridgeport, AL            Juniors        Photo
UPTON          Crystal              Student                                       Isoro, TX                 Juniors        Photo
WADE           Weldon               Student                                       Rotan, TX                 Juniors        Photo, Signature
WALKER         Dorothy              Student                                       Waxahachie, TX            Juniors        Photo
WALKER         Virginia             Student                                       Dallas, TX                Juniors        Photo
WILLIAMS       Margaret Ann         Student                                       Abilene, TX               Juniors        Photo
WILLIAMS       Treon                Student                                       Roscoe, TX                Juniors        Photo
WINBORN        Otis                 Student                                       Pinon, NM                 Juniors        Photo
YOUNG          Loyace N., Jr.       Student                                       Canton, TX                Juniors        Photo
ALEXANDER      Violet               Student                                       Winters, TX               Sophomores     Photo
BACK           Charlie Marie        Student                                       McLean, TX                Sophomores     Photo, Signature
BALLARD        Manly                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
BARGSLEY       Virgil               Student                                       Ranger, TX                Sophomores     Photo
BEAMAN         Norman H.            Student                                       Hico, TX                  Sophomores     Photo
BENNETT        Henry                Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Sophomores     Photo
BERNARD        George               Student                                       San Antonio, TX           Sophomores     Photo, Signature
BILLINGSLEY    Reba Jo              Student                                       Frankston, TX             Sophomores     Photo, Signature
BIRCHITT       Clarence H.          Student                                       Throckmorton, TX          Sophomores     Photo
BLACKWELL      Samuel E.            Student                                       Tipton, OK                Sophomores     Photo
BLEDSOE        Marjorie             Student                                       Winters, TX               Sophomores     Photo
BOBO           Daisy Maude          Student                                       Ranger, TX                Sophomores     Photo
BOOKOUT        Evelyn               Student                                       Dallas, TX                Sophomores     Photo, Signature
BOWMAN         Dorothy Marie        Student                                       Edcouch, TX               Sophomores     Photo
BRADFORD       Imotha               Student                                       Arlington, TX             Sophomores     Photo
BRANCH         Maldene              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
BRISCOE        Coyt "Skeeter"       Student                                       Electra, TX               Sophomores     Photo, Blessing
BUCHANAN       Parthenia            Student                                       Coahoma, TX               Sophomores     Photo, Signature
BURKHALTER     Katherine            Student                                       Throckmorton, TX          Sophomores     Photo
BURKHART       Delbert              Student                                       Lamesa, TX                Sophomores     Photo
CLARIDA        Ruth                 Student                                       Vernon, TX                Sophomores     Photo, Signature
COFFMAN        Kate                 Student                                       Granite, OK               Sophomores     Photo, Signature
COMBS          Georgia Deane        Student                                       Galveston, TX             Sophomores     Photo
COMBS          Murrel Joy           Student                                       Galveston, TX             Sophomores     Photo
COX            Mary Goree           Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
COX            Virgie               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
CRASS          Manera               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
CRASS          Marton Taylor        Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
DABBS          Dorothy              Student                                       Kansas City, MO           Sophomores     Photo
DAUGHERITY     Jack                 Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
DAVIS          Mildred              Student                                       Lubbock, TX               Sophomores     Photo
DUCKWORTH      Jo Bill              Student                                       Secretary (Soph)          Abilene, TX    Sophomores         Photo
ELLIS          Gerald               Student                                       Smithville, Ontario       Sophomores     Photo, Signature
FAULKNER       Merlin               Student                                       Goldthwaite, TX           Sophomores     Photo
FISHER         Vera Mae             Student                                       Junction, TX              Sophomores     Photo
FUSTON         Mary Evelyn          Student                                       Vernon, TX                Sophomores     Photo
GIBSON         Norine               Student                                       Granite, OK               Sophomores     Photo, Signature
GIBSON         Richard              Student                                       Washington DC             Sophomores     Photo
GILBERT        Jacqueline           Student                                       Oklahoma City, OK         Sophomores     Photo
GILILLAND      Melvin E.            Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
GRAHAM         Davida               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
GULLEY         Roy                  Student                                       Ballinger, TX             Sophomores     Photo
HAILEY         Mary Ida             Student                                       Wilcox, AZ                Sophomores     Photo
HANEY          Marie                Student                                       Roscoe, TX                Sophomores     Photo, Blessing
HAYS           Marjorie Belle       Student                                       Hamlin, TX                Sophomores     Photo
HATCHER        Nolan                Student                                       Texarkana, TX             Sophomores     Photo
HARDEN         Clyde                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
HAY            Alpha                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
HERMANN        Ernest               Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
HOLTON         John Watson          Student                                       Detroit, MI               Sophomores     Photo, Signature
HOOD           Floyd                Student                                       Claude, TX                Sophomores     Photo
HUFF           Fay                  Student                                       Tucumcari, NM             Sophomores     Photo
JACOBS         E. W.                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
LEWIS          Annie Laurie         Student                                       Spur, TX                  Sophomores     Photo
LEWIS          Loretta              Student                                       Midlothian, TX            Sophomores     Photo
LEWIS          Roland               Student                                       San Antonio, TX           Sophomores     Photo
MANUEL         Lorene               Student                                       Tipton, OK                Sophomores     Photo, Signature
MARCHANT       Gwendolyn            Student                                       Carroll, IA               Sophomores     Photo
MCBEE          Calloway             Student                                       Lavernia, TX              Sophomores     Photo
MCCASLAND      Ocoee                Student                                       Bradshaw, TX              Sophomores     Photo
MCCLUNG        Paul                 Student                                       Boyd, TX                  Sophomores     Photo
MCCOWN         William              Student                                       Roscoe, TX                Sophomores     Photo
MCKNIGHT       June                 Student                                       Hale Center, TX           Sophomores     Photo, Signature
MELTON         Orbin                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
MERWIN         Helen                Student                                       Port Arthur, TX           Sophomores     Photo
MICKEY         Wayne E.             Student                                       Seymour, TX               Sophomores     Photo
MILAN          Mildred              Student                                       Eliasville, TX            Sophomores     Photo
MILLER         Eugene               Student                                       Ozona, TX                 Sophomores     Photo
MILLER         James                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
MORTON         Mabel                Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Sophomores     Photo
O'NEAL         Richard              Student                                       San Bernardino, CA        Sophomores     Photo
ORR            Charles              Student                                       Electra, TX               Sophomores     Photo
ORR            Doris                Student                                       Vernon, TX                Sophomores     Photo, Signature
REAGAN         Patricia             Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
REESE          Eilene               Student                                       Junction, TX              Sophomores     Photo
REYNOLDS       James W.             Student                                       Lelia Lake, TX            Sophomores     Photo, Signature
RICHARDS       Gertrude             Student                                       Fort Worth, TX            Sophomores     Photo, Signature
ROBERSON       Katherine            Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo, Signature
ROGERS         Marcell              Student                                       Quanah, TX                Sophomores     Photo
SAVAGE         Luther G.            Student                                       Gainesville, TX           Sophomores     Photo
SHIPMAN        Charles              Student                                       Garden City, TX           Sophomores     Photo
SMITHSON       Edna Mae             Student                                       Dalhart, TX               Sophomores     Photo
STIVERS        Louis, II            Student                                       Bell, CA                  Sophomores     Photo
STOVALL        Johnnie Lee          Student                                       Dallas, TX                Sophomores     Photo
TOLSON         Leona                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Sophomores     Photo
VOSS           Stanley              Student                                       Gotebo, OK                Sophomores     Photo, Note
WEBB           L. D.                Student                                       Wilson, OK                Sophomores     Photo
WHEELER        Joyce                Student                                       Prospect Station, TN      Sophomores     Photo, Signature
WHITE          Ruth Iris            Student                                       Wichita Falls, TX         Sophomores     Photo
WILSON         F. W.                Student                                       Los Angeles, CA           Sophomores     Photo
ZELLNER        Louise               Student                                       Loraine, TX               Sophomores     Photo
ALLEN          Anna Lee             Student                                       Sanderson, TX             Freshmen       Photo, Note
BADGETT        Marjorie Dee         Student                                       Port Arthur, TX           Freshmen       Photo
BARNES         Nan                  Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
BEAUCHAMP      Joetta               Student                                       Snyder, TX                Freshmen       Photo
BLACK          J. O.                Student                                       Seminole, OK              Freshmen       Photo
BLACK          Lola Joyce           Student                                       Lubbock, TX               Freshmen       Photo
BURCHAM        Fern                 Student                                       Eden, TX                  Freshmen       Photo
CATHEY         Geraldine            Student                                       Rankin, TX                Freshmen       Photo
CLONTS         Mildred              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo, Signature
COFFEE         Una Jo               Student                                       Pampa, TX                 Freshmen       Photo
CONNELL        Lloyd                Student                                       Clyde, TX                 Freshmen       Photo
COOK           Charlene             Student                                       Lovington, NM             Freshmen       Photo
COOP           Wyvonne              Student                                       Breckenridge, TX          Freshmen       Photo
COX            Sewell               Student                                       Canyon, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
COX            Wesley               Student                                       Canyon, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
CRABTREE       Elroe                Student                                       Dunn, TX                  Freshmen       Photo
CRAIG          Nick P., Jr.         Student                                       Vernon, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
DAVIS          Glen                 Student                                       Lubbock, TX               Freshmen       Photo
DAVIS          Ouida                Student                                       Eliasville, TX            Freshmen       Photo, Signature
DAWKINS        Eilene               Student                                       Breckenridge, TX          Freshmen       Photo
DEMENT         Ray                  Student                                       Leonard, TX               Freshmen       Photo
DEVENY         Esther               Student                                       Austin, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Letter, Signature
DICK           Charles              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
DURHAM         Violet               Student                                       Rotan, TX                 Freshmen       Photo
ELROD          J. W., Jr.           Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Freshmen       Photo
EPPERSON       Catherine E.         Student                                       Llano, TX                 Freshmen       Photo
EUBANK         Jewel                Student                                       Brady, TX                 Freshmen       Photo
EVANS          Ramsey               Student                                       Crane, TX                 Freshmen       Photo
FOSTER         Rulene               Student                                       Sterling City, TX         Freshmen       Photo, Signature
FOUTZ          Edith                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo, Signature
GARRISON       Mary Jane            Student                                       Amarillo, TX              Freshmen       Photo
GIBBS          Raymond              Student                                       Two Buttes, CO            Freshmen       Photo
GRACEY         Mattie Jo            Student                                       Brownfield, TX            Freshmen       Photo
GRAY           Ruthelle             Student                                       Carrizo Springs, TX       Freshmen       Photo
GREEN          Alma Fern            Student                                       Brownfield, TX            Freshmen       Photo, Signature
GRIFFIN        Marjorie             Student                                       Dallas, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
GUTHRIE        Emma Sue             Student                                       Rocksprings, TX           Freshmen       Photo
GUTHRIE        John Perry           Student                                       Rocksprings, TX           Freshmen       Photo
HARDGRAVE      Jack                 Student                                       Sanderson, TX             Freshmen       Photo
HEATH          Frances              Student                                       Lawton, OK                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
HENTHORN       Leon                 Student                                       Kansas City, MO           Freshmen       Photo
HICKS          J. C.                Student                                       San Antonio, TX           Freshmen       Photo
HILER          Eula                 Student                                       Dilley, TX                Freshmen       Photo
HISE           Bobby                Student                                       Cross Plains, TX          Freshmen       Photo
HOWELL         Roland               Student                                       Breckenridge, TX          Freshmen       Photo
HUFF           Winona               Student                                       Dallas, TX                Freshmen       Photo
JACKSON        Giles                Student                                       Wilson, OK                Freshmen       Photo
JOHNSTON       Herman, Jr.          Student                                       Farmersville, TX          Freshmen       Photo
JONES          Charlexa             Student                                       Quanah, TX                Freshmen       Photo
JONES          Frances              Student                                       Amarillo, TX              Freshmen       Photo
KENNEDY        Marie                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
KING           Leslie               Student                                       Harrold, TX               Freshmen       Photo
LANOTTE        Rosemary             Student                                       Post, TX                  Freshmen       Photo
LAYTON         Roy                  Student                                       Teague, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
LEWIS          Jack                 Student                                       Midlothian, TX            Freshmen       Photo
LEWIS          Jaxie                Student                                       San Antonio, TX           Freshmen       Photo, Signature, Letter
LEWIS          Russell A., Jr.      Student                                       Carrizo Springs, TX       Freshmen       Photo, Signature
MAY            Lazelle              Student                                       Joaquin, TX               Freshmen       Photo
MCCALEB        Pauline              Student                                       Wilcox, AZ                Freshmen       Photo
MCDONALD       Chesley              Student                                       Cedar Bayou, TX           Freshmen       Photo
MCKINNIS       Virginia             Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
MCWHIRTER      Lila                 Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
MOORE          Lucy                 Student                                       Merkel, TX                Freshmen       Photo
NELSON         James                Student                                       Corsicana, TX             Freshmen       Photo
NIBLACK        Mary Ann             Student                                       Lubbock, TX               Freshmen       Photo
MIZE           Lawrence             Student                                       Crosbyton, TX             Freshmen       Photo
NORRIS         Tom E.               Student                                       Dallas, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
NORTH          Charles              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo, Signature
ORR            Graham               Student                                       Vernon, TX                Freshmen       Photo
PETTIGREW      Guy                  Student                                       Houston, TX               Freshmen       Photo
PITTARD        William              Student                                       Des Moines, NM            Freshmen       Photo, Signature
PRICE          William H.           Student                                       Phoenix, AZ               Freshmen       Photo
PRITCHETT      Nelta                Student                                       Spur, TX                  Freshmen       Photo
PRUITT         Everett              Student                                       Munday, TX                Freshmen       Photo
QUEEN          Nolyne               Student                                       Weatherford, TX           Freshmen       Photo
REDMAN         Russell              Student                                       Dallas, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
REED           Cecile Irene         Student                                       Sterling City, TX         Freshmen       Photo
REID           Doris                Student                                       Winters, TX               Freshmen       Photo
ROBERSON       Bill                 Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
ROBERTS        Wanda                Student                                       Taft, TX                  Freshmen       Photo, Initials
ROLLINGS       Ashley               Student                                       Altamont, TN              Freshmen       Photo
SCOGGINS       Geneiva Drue         Student                                       Robert Lee, TX            Freshmen       Photo
SELLERS        Doris                Student                                       Coolidge, TX              Freshmen       Photo
SELMAN         Laginia              Student                                       Mt. Calm, TX              Freshmen       Photo, Signature
SIKES          Moy                  Student                                       Clovis, NM                Freshmen       Photo
SMITH          Eugene D.            Student                                       Encino, NM                Freshmen       Photo
SMITH          Frances              Student                                       Ballinger, TX             Freshmen       Photo
SMITH          Melba                Student                                       Tye, TX                   Freshmen       Photo
SMITH          Ruth                 Student                                       Ballinger, TX             Freshmen       Photo, Signature
STARNES        Lula Mae             Student                                       Texarkana, TX             Freshmen       Photo, Signature, Letter
STEWART        Ray                  Student                                       Junction, TX              Freshmen       Photo
STOREY         Stanley J.           Student                                       Valliant, OK              Freshmen       Photo
TURNER         Mary George          Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
WALES          Phillip              Student                                       Florence, TX              Freshmen       Photo
WALKER         June                 Student                                       Dallas, TX                Freshmen       Photo
WALLER         Robert A.            Student                                       San Antonio, TX           Freshmen       Photo
WATSON         Mae                  Student                                       Colorado                  Freshmen       Photo
WELCH          Louie                Student                                       Slaton, TX                Freshmen       Photo, Signature
WHITE          Evelyn               Student                                       Brownfield, TX            Freshmen       Photo
WILLIAMS       Dora B.              Student                                       Eastland, TX              Freshmen       Photo
WILLIS         Valeda               Student                                       Taft, TX                  Freshmen       Photo
WIMMS          Jimmy                Student                                       Fairview, OK              Freshmen       Photo
WINKLES        Estelle              Student                                       Nugent, TX                Freshmen       Photo
WISDOM         Lu Dame              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
WITTER         Helen                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Freshmen       Photo
WOODRUFF       Denley               Student                                       Kress, TX                 Freshmen       Photo
YATER          Cora Fay             Student                                       San Antonio, TX           Freshmen       Photo
YOUNG          David Ennis          Student                                       Mt. Hope, AL              Freshmen       Photo
CARRUTH        Marlin               Student                                       Tipton, OK                Extras         Photo, Signature
FINCH          Dan                  Student                                       Elk City, OK              Extras         Photo
MCDONALD       Willie James         Student                                       Normangee, TX             Extras         Photo, Signature
MCKINZIE       Brian                Student                                       Abilene, TX               Extras         Photo
SHIPMAN        Corrine              Student                                       Abilene, TX               Extras         Photo
SKIPWITH       Floyd                Student                                       Burkburnett, TX           Extras         Photo
COTTRELL       John H., Jr.         Student                                       Little Rock AR            Extras         Photo
HARRELL        Orpha Emogene        Student                                       Roosevelt, OK             Extras         Photo, Signature
NELSON         Elizabeth            Student                                       Meadow, TX                Extras         Photo
OVERBY         Laurell              Student                                       Muskogee, OK              Extras         Photo
PATTON         Hershel E.           Student                                       Whitesboro, TX            Extras         Photo
PATTON         Marshall E.          Student                                       Whitesboro, TX            Extras         Photo
RICHEY         John Frazier         Student                                       Sabinal, TX               Extras         Photo
SCOTT          Rex                  Student                                       Trent, TX                 Extras         Photo
STIMSON        Elva                 Student                                       Burkburnett, TX           Extras         Photo
FRENCH         Jo Kathryn           Student                                       Abilene, TX               Extras         Photo
GOODNIGHT      Charles, Jr.         Student                                       Killeen, TX               Extras         Photo
HOBBS          Anna Lou             Student                                       Abilene, TX               Extras         Photo
ROBERTS        Clyce                Student                                       Sweetwater, TX            Extras         Photo
ARLEDGE        Margaret             Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
BRYAN          Joye                 Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
HAGGARD        Ruby                 Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
HAILEY         Vernelle             Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
HOLLY          Owen                 Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
JOHNSON        Irene                Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
MCCOWAN        Mary                 Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
SEELYE         Christine            Student, Academy                                                        Seniors        Photo                                                
JENNINGS       Ellene               Student, Academy                                                        Sophomores     Photo                                                
MARTIN         Dorothy              Student, Academy                                                        ?              Photo                                                
MCKENZIE       Maurine              Student, Academy                                                        Sophomores     Photo                                                
BACON          Gloria               Student, Academy                                                        Sophomores     Photo                                                
MOLLOY         Faye                 Student, Academy                                                        Freshmen       Photo                                                
OWNBY          Geraldine            Student, Academy                                                        Freshmen       Photo                                                
RAMSEY         Mike                 Student, Academy                                                        Grammar Sch.   Photo                                                
REEVES         Evelyn               Student, Academy                                                        Freshmen       Photo                                                

Lula Mae Badgett
Widow of Kenneth B. Badgett; member of Community Church of Christ
BROOKVILLE - Lula Mae Starnes Badgett, 85, of Brookville, died Sunday, July 21, 2002, after a lengthy illness.
Lula Mae was the daughter of Warren and Lillie Starnes.
In 1947, she married college friend and minister, Kenneth R. Badgett. 
She and her husband served several churches in Louisiana, Delaware and Pennsylvania during their 46 years of 
They resided in Brookville from 1967-1975, returning there to retire in 1993.
Lula Mae received a bachelor's degree from Abilene (Texas) Christian University and a master's degree from 
North Texas State University.
After completing a dietetics internship at the University of Indiana (Indianapolis) Medical Center, she 
became a therapeutic dietitian and instructor in the Harris College of Nursing in Fort Worth, Texas.
At the time of her death, she was a member of the Community Church of Christ in Clarion.
Lula Mae's pride and joy became her family.
She is survived by two great-grandchildren, Theophilus and Naomi McCracken; seven grandchildren, Thad, Victor 
and Stephanie McCracken, Danielle and Ryan Rhodes, and Natalie and Brendan Voss; and many nieces and nephews.
In addition to her husband and parents, a brother, Trine Starnes, preceded her in death.
Her daughters, Margi (Mrs. Dan) Rhodes, Anita (Mrs. Dave) McCracken and Beth (Mrs. Norman) Voss invite all to 
join them in the celebration of her life at the visitation from 5-8 p.m. Thursday (today), July 25, and the 
funeral at 11 a.m. Friday, July 26, in the McKinney Funeral Home in Brookville.
Interment will follow at the Beechwoods Cemetery.

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