Fannin County, Texas Early Birth Records (Late 1800's to Early 1900's Birth Records from the Bonham, Honey Grove, Leonard, and Savoy area. From official state records.) - Fannin County, Texas Early Births - Page 1
Posted By: Date: Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 10:25 p.m.
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Aaron Agnes Fay 21-Aug-1933 F Grishaw Easter Erra Aaron Thomas Alwa
Abbott F. E. 19-Jun-1930 M Parker Emalina Abbott F. E.
Abernathy David Ray 8-Sep-1932 M James Leona Mae Abernathy George Burnett
Abernathy Frances 12-Apr-1929 F Davis Winnie Abernathy Thos Leslie
Abernathy Frank Joseph 25-Jul-1927 M James Leona May Abernathy Geo Burnett
Abernathy James Daniel 2-Feb-1930 M James Leona Mae Abernathy George Burrette
Abernathy Raynell 27-Aug-1934 F Hargrove Margaret Abernathy Hollis R.
Adair Francis Donald 31-Dec-1933 M Wallace Donnia Adair Vernon
Adair John L. 21-Sep-1933 M Wilson Ola Bell Adair John L.
Adam Jack Dalton 22-Jun-1930 M Clemmons Eva E. Adam Willis A.
Adams Ethel Davis 17-Apr-1927 F Davis Ethel Burnham Adams Trie W.
Adams George Donnelly 15-Dec-1933 M McCrow Madge Irene Adams George Denison
Adams George Robert 3-Oct-1928 M Stephens Annie Bell Adams Louie
Adams James Houston 3-Jun-1933 M Early Temperence Etta Adams Herman Henry
Adams Reata Mae 26-Jun-1931 F Watkins Jessie Mae Adams J. Brock
Adams Walter Thomas 15-Aug-1929 M Durham Ruby Orline Adams Walter Sherman
Adams Welma Aline 8-Nov-1931 F Earley Temperence Etta Adams Herman Henry
Adamson Aubrey Neal 6-Nov-1932 M Rogers Annie Evelyn Adamson Johnnie Arbeth
Adamson Gloria June 7-Jan-1931 F Langham Irene Adamson William Russell
Adamson Hazel Ruth 29-Dec-1928 F Rogers Annie Adamson L. A.
Adamson Janie 7-Jan-1929 F Malone Virgie Adamson Gay
Adcock Maudine Eloise 24-Apr-1933 F Blackwell Maud Ethel Adcock Will
Addams Louie 20-Jun-1931 F Stephnson Annbell Addams Louie
Adkins Cordelia 28-Dec-1930 F Keen Zelma Adkinson A. B.
Adkins Mary Neva Mosley 2-May-1932 F Mosley Hazel Adkins Hugh
Adkisson Earnest E. 24-Mar-1927 M Kean Zelma Adkisson Albert
Adkisson Lewis 7-Nov-1928 M Keen Zluma Adkisson Albert
Adkisson Nettie Marie 24-Oct-1932 F Keen Zelma Adkisson Albert
Agenew Bettie Francis 31-Jul-1928 F Jestice Ruth Agenew Will
Agnew Jack Bennett 21-Nov-1930 M Watkins Florence Phoebe Agnew Edwin Joe
Agnew Raynell 4-Jan-1931 F Justice Ruth May Agnew William Boyd
Akin Bobby Scott 4-Apr-1933 M Madding Clarissa Akin A. C.
Akins Jerry Stafford 29-Jun-1932 M Morgan Violet Akins Joe Thompson
Akins Terry Clifford 29-Jun-1932 M Morgan Violet Akins Joe Thompson
Alaxander George David 14-Dec-1931 M Alaxander Bettie F. Alaxander George D.
Albers Anita Elizabeth 2-Sep-1928 F Kaspar Esther Albers Gustav Christian
Alderson Betty Jane 12-Jul-1930 F Long Anna Mae Alderson Richard Monroe
Alderson Dorthy Wendell 20-Oct-1933 F Long Anna Mae Alderson Richard Monroe
Alderson Richard Monroe 10-Nov-1931 M Long Anna Mae Alderson Richard Monroe
Aldridge Bessie Ruth 20-Jul-1932 F Buttler Lela Aldridge Ben
Aldridge Lindell Butler 1-Apr-1927 M Butler Lela Aldridge Ben
Alexander Audrey Pebble 25-May-1930 F Duncan Eulah Lee Alexander Erman Lee
Alexander Edna 24-Nov-1930 F Moore Edna Alexander Leonard
Alexander Ernest 11-Feb-1928 F Smith Ruby Alexander Ernest
Alexander Harold Dean 5-Feb-1926 M Lewis Ida May Alexander Fletcher
Alexander Homer Boyce 21-Feb-1933 M Blocknull Willma Pauline Alexander H. B.
Alexander Joe 14-Apr-1926 F Haywood Georgia Alexander Joe
Alexander Joe 14-Apr-1926 M Haywood Georgia Alexander Joe