Fannin County, Texas Early Birth Records (Late 1800's to Early 1900's Birth Records from the Bonham, Honey Grove, Leonard, and Savoy area. From official state records.) - Fannin County, Texas Early Births - Page 12
Posted By: Date: Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 10:25 p.m.
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Blanton William Harlin 2-Jul-1930 M King Mary Ethel Blanton William Newton
Blanton Bettie Partice 21-Dec-1932 F Baran Alice H. Blanton James J.
Blanton Betty Jo 13-Jul-1929 F Mullins Mary Blanton Loren J.
Blanton Billie Joe 23-Jul-1933 F Gooch Ollie Blanton W. C.
Blanton Daisy Vernelle 15-May-1928 F Teague Daisy Blanton I. M.
Blanton Jaudeen 28-Aug-1931 F Sieddenth Ruby Lee Blanton J. Ophell
Blanton Mary Elizabeth 28-Jun-1932 F Wadford Elizabeth MagnoliBlanton George Edward
Blanton Ruby Bernice 22-Sep-1934 F Wodford Elizabeth Blanton Ed
Blaschke Hubert Earl 7-Jul-1933 M Blaschke Martha Blaschke Rudy
Blassengame Elizabeth Ann 18-Jan-1929 F Hicks Viva Catherine Blassengame Earl
Blassingame Earl 23-Feb-1927 M Hicks Vira Blassingame Earl
Blassingame Vera Evelyn 9-Dec-1930 F Hicks Viva Edna Blassingame Ruebin Earl
Bledsaw Nellie May 16-Jun-1931 F Worley Elva Rosie Bledsaw Elmer Lee
Bledsoe J. R. 8-Nov-1931 M Price Ruby Bledsoe Olen
Blevins Donald Ray 2-Sep-1934 M Robinson Mable Blevins Lloyd
Blockerby Robert Ray 1-Feb-1933 M Davis Diola Blockerby Robert E.
Blocksheor Bille Joe 21-Mar-1928 F Lann Agruse Blocksheor Elvie C.
Blokey Earl 14-Nov-1928 F Ferry Inez Blokey Earl
Blosengame Jimmie Joyce 20-Sep-1928 F Cockerham Lucile Blosengame Roy
Blount Howard Lewis 23-Apr-1934 M Vermillion Cassie Blount Howard Lewis
Blount James Edward 28-Oct-1929 M Vermillion Cassie Marie Blount Howard L.
Blount Betty Ann 27-Jul-1932 F Vermillion Cassie Blount Howard
Blount Howard Lewis 7-Oct-1927 F Vermillion Cassie Pearl Blount Howard Lewis
Blount Verba Darline 23-Oct-1931 F Jackson Erma Blount Otto Lee
Blunt O. L. 10-Jan-1930 F Jackson Erma Blunt O. L.
Boatner Bruce Grabill 1-May-1932 M Grabill Margret Boatner Jess
Boatwright James Ray 21-Jan-1932 M Chandler Reba Ella Boatwright James Chesley
Boatwright Cora Lee 4-Feb-1933 F Cox Gerthie Mae Boatwright William Daniel
Boatwright Martha Ann 26-Mar-1930 F Johnson Jessie B. Boatwright Oscar C.
Bode Elaine Elisabeth 14-Sep-1928 F Wensels Elsie Bode Hugo J.
Bogewan Mary Ola 23-Apr-1926 F Welton Thelma L. Bogewan F. H.
Bohanon Carleton Merrel 13-May-1931 M Parkhill Eulala Bohanon Fred
Bohler Frank 26-Jan-1930 M Phillips Willie May Bohler Frank
Bohlmann Laura Luise 20-Jun-1933 F Menzoe Francis Bohlmann Ora
Boles O. D. 22-Jun-1931 F Baker May Boles O. D.
Bolin Joyce Elnona 28-Nov-1932 F Hilley Iola Beatrice Bolin Jack
Bolles L. D. 1-Sep-1932 M Sanford Zello Bolles L. D.
Bomar Olivia Jean 22-May-1926 F Daniel Mildred Bomar Foster C.
Bond Charlie William 27-Jan-1928 M Atkins Ethel Bond Charlie Wm
Bond L. D. 13-Apr-1927 M Sanford Zella Katherine Bond L. D.
Bond Loyd E. 12-Jan-1931 M Parks Myrtle Bond Tommie D.
Bond Roger Wayne 7-Sep-1934 M Sanford Zella Catherine Bond Loyd Dixie
Bond Dorthy Lucile 14-May-1926 F Bostie Grace Bond M. C.
Bond Mary Jo 4-Aug-1934 F Atkins Ethel Bond C. W.
Bond Wanda Lee 27-Sep-1929 F Sanford Zella Louise Bond Loyd Dixie
Bonds T. J. 22-Dec-1928 M Park Adie Bond Tommie
Boney Arlet Franklin 24-Sep-1930 M Alford Gertie Boney Henry Lee
Bonham James Weldon 12-Apr-1932 M Erwin Mary Bonham William Arthur