Fannin County, Texas Early Birth Records (Late 1800's to Early 1900's Birth Records from the Bonham, Honey Grove, Leonard, and Savoy area. From official state records.) - Fannin County, Texas Early Births - Page 121
Posted By: Date: Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 10:25 p.m.
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Sabola G. 10-Apr-1932 M Candanosa Adela Sabola G.
Sadler D. J. 1-Dec-1929 M Brewer Virgie V. Sadler D. J.
Sadler D. J. 18-Nov-1933 M Brewer Virgie Sadler D. J.
Sadler Glenn Neale 13-Jan-1929 M Slagle Dora Sadler Jewell E.
Sadler Jack David 18-Aug-1928 M Brewer Virgie Sadler D. J.
Sadler Joe Charles 23-Oct-1928 M Morton Josie C. Sadler Ernest H.
Sadler Lowell B. 30-Jul-1933 M Hilliard Glodis Ibera Sadler Houston Bernie
Sadler Patsy Gene 24-Jun-1932 M Doty Lena S. Sadler J. C.
Sadler Betty Sue 22-Feb-1932 F Slagle Dora D. Sadler Jewell E.
Sadler Melva Gene 7-Dec-1933 F Doty Una Sadler Creed
Sadler Wanda June 11-Feb-1932 F Brewer Virgie Mae Sadler Drewery Jack
Sagley Loyd S. 11-Feb-1930 F Young Oneta Sagley Loyd S.
Salmon Burnie Anheny 15-Mar-1934 M Harpper Junetie Salmon Joseph
Samlley Louis W. 29-Nov-1929 M Gober Odell Odell Smalley Jno F.
Samuel Fred Ray 8-Nov-1934 M Duke Brucilla Samuel B. W.
Samuel Martha Marie 5-Dec-1927 F Duke Brucella Samuels B. W.
Samuells B. W. 28-Jan-1932 F Duke Burcele Samuells B. W.
Samuels Mack 16-Aug-1929 M Churchwell Myrtle Eloise Samuels Mack
Sanchez Inez 7-Mar-1930 F Petty Rosey Sanchez John
Sanchez Mary Rita 15-Sep-1934 F Perez Rosie Sanchez John
Sandefur Jerry Ray 22-Jul-1933 M Frye Audrey Mae Sandefur George William
Sander D. Wayne 24-Dec-1931 M McNobb Leana Sander Wayne
Sander Murell 9-Oct-1934 M Johnson Jewel Sander Cleaveland
Sander Clarice Marie 8-Jul-1934 F Sabriefee Elizabeth Sander Alfred C.
Sanders Billie Kellum 21-Sep-1930 M Kellum Hermoin Sanders Clifton
Sanders Frank Mearthor 15-May-1931 M Sanders Electura Sanders J. C.
Sanders Gerome 22-Nov-1928 M Spencer Pearl Sauders Sanders Gerome
Sanders Terry Lee 29-Apr-1931 M Terry Forest Sanders Earl
Sanders Walter C. 2-Mar-1933 M Pyles Josie Sanders Walter C.
Sanders William Engene 9-Sep-1934 M Pyles Josie Sanders W. C.
Sanders Alice Verdenia 21-Mar-1933 F Clary Nancy Mildred Sanders Taylor Wallace
Sanders Dollie Mae 27-Dec-1929 F Barnett Thelma Sanders Bennie Greenville
Sanders Eloise 12-Aug-1933 F Lawson Ethel Sanders Jess Ernest
Sanders Marjorie Bernice 9-Sep-1930 F Clary Nancy Mildred Sanders Taylor Wallace
Sanders Mary Elizabeth 5-Jul-1932 F Sanders Lillian Sanders John
Sanders Nancy Thayola 29-May-1934 F Clary Nancy Mildred Sanders Taylor Wallace
Sanders Norma Perl 9-Feb-1932 F Pyles Josey Sanders W. C.
Sanders Vickie 10-Sep-1928 F Clary Nancy Mildred Sanders T. N.
Sanders Wanda Glossell 3-Nov-1932 F Barnett Thelma Odell Sanders B. G.
Sanderson Wandadell 4-Nov-1928 F Norris Retha Relda Sanderson Elmer Thomas
Sandford Marvin Rice 26-Dec-1933 M Starnes Martha D. Sandford Sam
Sanford Allen Leon 28-Dec-1934 M Newton Dovie Stanford M. A.
Sanford Bobby Gene 25-Sep-1927 M Stames Martha D. Sanford S. H.
Sanford Gladys Marie 29-Apr-1927 F Cherry Lillian Jewel Sanford Joe H.
Sangester H. B. 30-Dec-1930 F Bobb Bearthie Sangester H. B.
Sangster Dallas Edward 1-Dec-1933 M Brock Beckey Sangster Charlie Walter
Sangster Lavoy Hugh 8-Feb-1930 M Gaines Dollie Sangster Hugh W.