Fannin County, Texas Early Birth Records (Late 1800's to Early 1900's Birth Records from the Bonham, Honey Grove, Leonard, and Savoy area. From official state records.) - Fannin County, Texas Early Births - Page 4
Posted By: Date: Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 10:25 p.m.
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Apple Lawanda Joyce 17-Feb-1933 F Grant Bulah Apples Albert
Apple Thelma Joice 14-Jun-1932 F Frazier Hattie Apple Ollie Paul
Apple Winnie Rachel 22-Dec-1934 F Turman Una Apple Clerance
Apprels A. J. 2-Apr-1929 M Grant Bula Apprels A. J.
Archer C. E. 6-Aug-1929 M Maden Alice Archer C. E.
Archer Numan Glenn 24-Mar-1931 M Bartlett Loelar Archer Roy Vernon
Archer Vernon Elvin 20-Jan-1933 M Bartlett Lolear Archer V R.
Arie Hazzell 11-Sep-1932 F Lonsdale Emma Arie Plemon
Arledge Thomas E. 19 May 1875 M Unknown Fannie E. Arledge George W.
Armstrong D. O. 13-Apr-1932 M Isabela Bessie Lee Armstrong D. O.
Armstrong Elmo H. 28-Mar-1930 M Sherwood Minnie May Armstrong Benett
Armstrong Harold Dean 12-Mar-1933 M Sherwood Minnie Armstrong Ben H.
Armstrong James Ernest Lafay 3-Nov-1934 M Moree Lola Armstrong Jade Willis
Arney Henry Joe 27-Sep-1933 M Mitchell Willie Ina Arney Luther Franklin
Arney Lee 6-Jul-1931 M Mitchell Wilsie Arney L. F.
Arney L. F. 25-Feb-1929 F Ausburn Willie M. Arney L. F.
Arnold John Alton 9-Jan-1926 M Grider Cella Arnold John Alton
Arnold Robert Lee 10-Nov-1933 M Gilmer Francis Lee Arnold J. S.
Arnold Laura N. 18 Jun 1875 F Unknown M. B. Arnold G. J.
Arnold Lucy Lee 19 Jan 1875 F Unknown M. F. Arnold J. S.
Arrington Alma Fay 5-Mar-1930 F Helton Sallie Arrington Erastus
Arrington Erastus 5-Mar-1930 F Helton Callie Arrington Erastus
Ashford Nedra Sue 2-Oct-1934 F Whitlock Mary Belle Ashford Nephi Patton
Ashley James Eugene 18-Sep-1930 M Sloan Fay Ashley Herman
Aslice J. N. 23-Dec-1933 M Slacon Rosie Aslice J. N.
Asliee Horace Richard 9-Feb-1931 M Splaron Rosa Asliee Jasper Newton
Atkins Mildred Marie 17-Dec-1934 F Hart Maree Atkins William
Atkins W. R. 2-Dec-1932 F Harte Marie Atkins W. R.
Atnip Charles Allen 15-Feb-1926 M Christian Fannie Atnip John
Atnip John Loyd 25-Jul-1932 M Butler Ester Atnip Paul E.
Atnip Paula Joyce 26-Dec-1934 F Butler Esther Atnip Paul Elbert
Attesberry C. C. 7-Jan-1930 F Greenwood Gracie Attesberry C. C.
Atwood Edward B. 21-Apr-1932 M Madison Lizzie Atwood James B.
Auhiteker George 7-Jul-1930 M Doanell Ola Auhiteker George
Auhiteker George 7-Jul-1930 F Danell Ola Auhiteker George
Austin James Franklin 12-Oct-1933 M Smith Lillie Austin Thomas
Avant Stanley J. 14-Sep-1933 M Richardson Elean Edna Avant Emmit E.
Avants Charles Junior 2-Jul-1934 M Flores Noble Avants Charley
Avary Nancy Elizabeth 11-Nov-1931 F Fetter Mary Elizabeth Avary Will H.
Avels Gainnt 29-Oct-1932 M Leynch Maudie Avels Gainnt
Avent Laflorria Lorrine 22-Jul-1926 F Timmons Flarnce Jane Avent Luther Carl
Avery Richard Day 21-Oct-1928 M Socwell Grace Avery Richard Theo
Ayers John W. 8-Jul-1926 M Goatches L. Emma Ayers John W.
Ayers Billie Patsey 12-Oct-1934 F Briggs Hattie Ayers Woodroe
Ayers Peggy Joyce 5-Feb-1932 F Briggs Hattie W. Ayers Woodrow Wilson
Ayres Joe Bob 12-Nov-1934 M Orrick Geneva Ayres Wilburn Franklin
Ayres John Carroll 24-Mar-1933 M Nolen Lera Lucille Ayres James A.