Fannin County, Texas Early Birth Records (Late 1800's to Early 1900's Birth Records from the Bonham, Honey Grove, Leonard, and Savoy area. From official state records.) - Fannin County, Texas Early Births - Page 48
Posted By: Date: Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 10:25 p.m.
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Fulfer Charles Ernest 18-Nov-1932 M Lettrell Vera Bertha Fulfer James Walter
Fulfur Mary Ann 30-Sep-1934 F Littrell Vera B. Fulfur Walter
Fulks Robert Thomas 22-Apr-1930 M West Ina Fulks Ronie
Fullar Emma Lee 5-Jul-1930 F Darris Viola Fuller Seth
Fullen James Earl 17-Aug-1933 M Brimer Beulah May Fullen James David
Fuller Chester Leon 23-Apr-1926 M St. John Beatrice Ophelia Fuller J. B.
Fuller Joe Lee 6-Jan-1930 M Howell Hattie L. Fuller Floyd L.
Fuller Marion 18-Sep-1933 M Powell Hattie Fuller Floyd L.
Fuller Raymond Edward Wall9-Jan-1931 M Vanlandingham Edna Ruth Fuller John Edward
Fuller Troy Lee 30-Apr-1927 M Kent I. F. Fuller Rob H.
Fuller Winnieford Lee 19-Jan-1929 M Harris Lillie Fuller R. J.
Fuller Dorothy Marie 13-Jun-1928 F Mason Dora Fuller Ruben
Fuller Dortha Gene 18-Jan-1928 F St. John Ophelia Fuller Jack B.
Fuller G. Allie 12-Sep-1926 F Atwood Bettie Fuller G. Allie
Fuller Helen Catherine 26-Feb-1931 F Brimer Eula May Fuller J. David
Fuller Ima Jean 27-Oct-1929 F Atwood Bettie Fuller George A.
Fuller Lanell 29-Aug-1931 F St. John Ophelie Fuller J. B.
Fuller Martha Jane 15-Jun-1931 F Howell Hattie L. Fuller Floyd L.
Fuller Paulie Jane 23-Aug-1934 F Harris Lillie Mae Fuller Richard Joseph
Fuller Velma Juanita 3-Nov-1931 F Overman Nora Mae Fuller George N.
Fuller Velvia 17-Oct-1932 F Perdue Ethel Fuller Jake George
Fuller Claudius D. 28 Jul 1873 M Unknown S. E. Fuller H. E.
Fulp Mary Lois 25-Sep-1931 M Lane Maybelle Fulp Walter D.
Fults Benny Ray 24-Jan-1934 M West Inez Fults Romie
Fults Fannie Belle 3-Jul-1932 F Fults Inez West Fults Romie
Furtch Luvella 23-Nov-1926 F Bogar Bertha Furtch Frank
Furteh Jimmie Lee 29-May-1931 M Stewart Pauline Furteh Richard
Futch C. E. 3-Sep-1927 M Brown Rachael B. Futch C. E.