Fannin County, Texas Early Birth Records (Late 1800's to Early 1900's Birth Records from the Bonham, Honey Grove, Leonard, and Savoy area. From official state records.) - Fannin County, Texas Early Births - Page 21
Posted By: Date: Thursday, 14 July 2022, at 10:25 p.m.
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Cabe A. K. 5-Jun-1929 F Clements Oma Ann Cabe A. K.
Cads H. T. 27-Dec-1932 M Keen Pearl Cads H. T.
Caflinger Cathryn Lorine 2-Jan-1928 F Kennedy Connie Caflinger E. B.
Cahoune Fred 26-Aug-1929 M Ganther Ethel Calhoune Fred
Cain Clarence 9-Dec-1933 M Dunlap Ollie Mae Cain Clarence
Cain Clarence Jefferson 9-Dec-1933 M Gunlap Ollie Mae Cain Clarence Jefferson
Cain Doyle Wayne 12-Oct-1931 M Weatherspoon Mamie G. Cain Willard E.
Cain Dwight Dale 21-Dec-1933 M Weatherspoon Mamie G. Cain William E.
Cain Bunery Joe 10-Apr-1934 F Hunter Ruby J. Cain Enich E.
Cain George F. 6-Oct-1932 F Stanford Emma G. Cain George F.
Cain Mary Lucile 28-Jul-1926 F Walker Lucile Cain Cain Albert Boscom
Caine Walter L. 18-Aug-1926 F Debord Sallie Caine Walter L.
Caldwell Billy Joe 14-Feb-1929 M Vanhooser Sletha Caldwell Arther Traynor
Caldwell Hugh Smith 2-Sep-1930 M Rice Della Caldwell Will
Caldwell Newman Gearl 7-Apr-1932 M Vahooser Annie Shetha Caldwell Arthur Traynor
Caldwell Truman Earl 7-Apr-1932 M Vanhooser Annie Shetha Caldwell Arthur Traynor
Caldwell Mary Elizabeth 24-Mar-1929 F Ferguson Laosa Caldwell Henry T.
Caldwell Wanda Lee 29-Jun-1928 F Wallace Myrtle Caldwell Clebern C.
Caldwell L. E. ?? Mar 1876 M Unknown M. P. Caldwell T. J.
Caldwell Martha 15 Jun 1874 F Unknown Lucy Caldwell David
Calhoun Igene 13-Nov-1926 M Gunther Esther Calhoun Fred
Call Joe Earl 7-Sep-1931 M Meeks Oliveria May Call F. S.
Call Royce 30-Sep-1931 M Williams Willie Call William R.
Call Doris Merle 5-Nov-1929 F Williams Willie Call W. R.
Call Loyce 30-Sep-1931 F Williams Willie Call William R.
Call Sophia Luella 6-Jan-1934 F Williams Willie Call W. R.
Callahan David 17-Jul-1928 M Scott Elsie Callahan George B.
Callahan Dortha Gale 8-Jun-1926 F Scott Elsie Ann Callahan George Bradford
Calloway Alvin Taylor 29-Jul-1933 M Ford Zaradah Madeline Calloway Fred Medley
Calvary Benny Bob 11-Nov-1930 M Burras Verna Calvary V. L.
Calvary Barbara Allen 5-Jul-1930 F Philly Mary Calvary W. C.
Calvery James Copeland 14-Oct-1931 M Philley Mary Ellen Calvery William Copeland
Calvery V. L. 12-Apr-1928 M Burras Verner Calvery V. L.
Cambell Martha Ellen 27-Jul-1930 F Nevill Mildred Cambell Malcombe
Cambron Elda Fay 25-Dec-1929 F Custer Lula Emma Cambron Luther C.
Cambron Gladis Ray 2-Nov-1927 F Custer Lula Cambron Luther C.
Campbell Billie Joe 30-Sep-1930 M Walker Ruth M. Campbell Homer W.
Campbell Carl Thomas 24-Feb-1927 M Walker Ruth Campbell Homer
Campbell Harold Lee 20-Aug-1934 M Walker Ruth Campbell Homer
Campbell Joe Carlton 20-Oct-1932 M Hill Verna May Campbell Lawrence
Campbell Johnnie Frank 19-Sep-1934 M Patterson Birtha May Campbell J. C.
Campbell Walter 28-Aug-1934 M Watson Lucille Campbell Walter
Campbell Bettie Gene 8-Apr-1931 F Hutton Bessie M. Campbell Dan E.
Campbell Billie Joy 6-Feb-1929 F Williams Alpha Lee Campbell S. N.
Campbell Carolyn 4-Sep-1932 F Nevill Mildred Campbell Malcolm
Campbell Elida Jim 26-Dec-1928 F Lavery Grace Campbell Charley Marvin
Campbell Frances Louise 25-Oct-1927 F Hutton Bessie May Campbell Dan E.
Campbell Francis Louise 11-Oct-1927 F Lowry Grace Campbell Charlie Marvin