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Obituaries from the Texas Telegraph, 1846

Houston, Harris County, Texas

Melancholy Accident--A young man named SHEAN, was lost overboard from the Steamboat Spartan on her return from Galveston, on the night of the 29th ult. He was the only son of his widowed mother who was on board. Her extreme grief at this shocking catastrophe can be better imagined that described. 1/7/1846

The Lost Found--We have learned with sincere pleasure, that Capt. KETCHUM who was lately supposed to have been murdered on his journey from Victoria to Corpus Christi, has arrived in safety in the American Camp. When we published the report, so generally believed at Victoria, we mentioned that it was possible that he had lost his way and gone by one of the prairie paths towards the coast or towards Bexar. Our friend of the LaGrange Intelligencer, however, published the report that he had been murdered without any such qualification, so general was the impression in that section that he had been murdered. The statement was received by Mr. INGRAM, one of the most intelligent and respectable citizens of Victoria, at whose house Capt. K. had stopped when in that place, and it was entitled to full credit...1/28/1846

The Hon. Wm. TAYOR, member of the House of Representatives, died at Washington on the 17th ult., quite suddenly. 2/11/1846

Died--In this city on the 26th day of November [1845], John W. NILES, aged 41 years. Baltimore papers please copy. 2/18/1846

Two brothers named FITZPATRICK were found dead in Galveston Bay about a fortnight ago. It is supposed that their boat upset in a storm. 3/18/1846

Died--At his residence in Montgomery County, on the 21st inst., of a pulmonary consumption, Mr. Frederick NIEBLING, in the 45th year of his age, formerly of Baltimore, but for the last ten years a resident of Texas. 3/25/1846

Commodore CRANE of the U.S. Navy, committed suicide at Washington on the 18th ult. It was supposed that the fatal deed was the result of insanity. 4/15/1846

Murder--It is our painful duty to announce that a most shocking murder was committed in this city on the evening of Thursday last, by a deserter as is supposed from the American camp. It appears that this man who calls himself Theophilus VINTON, had quarreled during the day with Mr. LOUI, but in the evening it was understood that they had become reconciled. LOUI was at the Alabama House and was just about to drink at the bar with some of his friends, when VINTON stepped up to him and stabbed him twice in the breast. He fell instantly and expired without speaking a word. The murderer was immedicately arrested and is now in jail to await his trial. This horrid event has cast a gloom over the city, which had been for several years so quiet and orderly that we had fondly hoped it would not again become the scene of tumult and bloodshed. 5/6/1846

Obituary--Died--In Washington of the 11th inst., William S. LUSK, aged 19 years. His illness was short and severe. Thus, just as he was ripening into manhood, is snatched from life, one the pride and hope of his fond and aged parents. His death has carried sorrow into a large circle of friends, to whom he was endeared by his many manly virtues. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away". 5/6/1846 Obituary--Died in San Felipe, Austin county, on the 28th ultimo, of consumption, Mr. Louis STRICKSTUN. Mr. STRICKSTUN was in the 27th year of his age. He was a native (I think) of New Jersey, from there he removed to Indiana, from whence he came to Texas about the month of January, 1840. Mr. STRICKSTUN was a young man of sterling worth; he was beloved by all who knew him; he was one of the unhappy Santa Fe prisoners, when perhaps he contracted the disease which resulted unfortunately in his death. The relatives of the deceased it is believed reside in New Albany, Indiana, but wherever they might be, they may rest assured that the deceased had every attention necessary bestowed upon him during his protracted illness. His untimely death is regretted by his numerous friends, which he had won for himself since his residence here. It remains only for me to add, that although he died in the bloom of youth, and although he was not a professing christian in his earlier days, yet he died in hope of a blessed immortality beyond the grave....Indiana papers will please copy. 5/20/1846

[The above obituary ran in the next issue of the paper with the name of the deceased changed to Louis THICKSTUN]

We find in the Corpus Christi Gazette, the following list of the names of the men that were killed at the camp of the Rangers, between Point Isabel; and the camp of Gen. Taylor, on the 30th ult.

"Edward RADCLIFF, the sergeant in command, and privates McCLIESTER, 
had merely camped with them for the night on his way to the camp."
There were 18 Rangers in the camp when the attack was made, the 
remainder retreated to Point Isabel. 6/3/1846 
Died--At Mr. DIETRICH's Hotel in Austin, on the 12th of May, instant, 
Gen. George WHITFIELD TERRILL. He was born in Nelson County, Kentucky, 
in 1803. He was the son of Col. James TERRILL, a favorite officer of 
Gen. Jackson during the last war. 6/3/1846 

Maj. BROWNE, of the 7th Regiment of Infantry, who was killed in the attack made by the Mexicans on his encampment opposite Matamoros, was a native of Vermont, and at the beginning of the war in 1812 enlisted in the army as a common soldier. On account of his merit he was promoted from the ranks of the officer of ensign, and served with great bravery and good conduct during the whole of the war. He was in nearly all the hard fought battles on the Niagara frontier in the year 1813 and '14. Before the close of the war he was promoted to the office of 1st Lieut., and afterwards rose by regular gradations to the rank of Major, in which capacity he has served for many years. He has been thirty-four years in the army, and has been much in active service in the various parts of the frontier. 7/1/1846

Capt. John RODGERS, a Cherokee Chief, died at Washington on the 12th ult. 7/15/1846

The official dispatches of Arista forwarded to the government immediately after the battles of the 8th and 9th May, are published in a Tampico paper...Gen. TOREJOHN, has died of fever since the battle. Another General whose name is not mentioned, is reported to have died of his wounds. Arista gives the following list of the officers who were killed or wounded:

Battle of the 8th--Killed: Captain Antonio RUBI, Lieuts. Pedro MATUREY, 
Francisco ROSAS, Francisco BATELLA.
Wounded: Capts. Ignacio GUTIERREZ, Juan GARIDO, Guadalupe CARDENAS, 
Telesford CARRION, Leonardo PECAZO, Fernando MARMI; Lieuts. Remigio 
O. SORNO, Antonio DAZA, Manuel MASTARCUO; Ensign Leopoldo MEJIA.
Battle of the 9th--Killed: Capts. Jose DELORIS RAMIREZ, Manuel ARANA, 
Pedro APESTEGULA; Lieuts. Francisco PACHEO, Antonio SOUSA; Ensign 
Wounded: Lieut. Cols. Francisco GARCIA CASANOVA, Mariana FERNANDEZ. 
Commander of the Squadron, Agnacio PENA. Captains Jose BARRIERO, Jose 
GAREUNO, Idelfonso VEGA, Mariano BLANCO, Jose FELEX VALEZ, Jose 
Mariana SANDI, Juan LARRONDO, Louis VARGOS, Camelo GRANADOS, Roman 
GIL, Francisco RIVAS. Ensigns Meguel GUTIERREZ, Christoval CASTRO.
All of the officers, except Capt. Pedro APESTEGULA and Ensign Jose 
MARTEL, who were drowned in crossing the river, died on the 
battlefield. Lieutenants Anselmo JUAREZ and Manuel MASTARENO, have 
since died of their wounds. 7/15/1846 

Died--In the city of Houston, July 2nd, 1846, Mrs. Nancy M. PEEL, consort of Mr. B. L. PEEL, aged about 24 years. Mrs. PEEL was a lady of amiable qualities; was a member of the Methodist Church, and died a most triumphant death. Seldon has it fallen to our lot to witness so bright an example of Christian Faith. "Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like hers." O. Fisher. 7/15/1846

Died--In this city on the 11th July, Joseph BAKER, Esq., Spanish Clerk in the General Land Office, a native of the State of Maine, aged about 42 years--The deceased emigrated to Texas sometime previous to the war, and was a man of the revolution. He had filled various important stations in his adopted country, with credit to himself and usefellness to those who had honored him with their confidence. His high sense of honor and probity and social qualities, has embalmed his memory in the hearts of a large circle of friends, while his varied attainments, general intelligence, and good humor, rendered him at once an instructive and pleasant companion and useful citizen. His friends every where, and they were many, will hear of his demise with bitter regret, and sigh that they can no longer meet his cordial and merry greeting. It will be gratifying to his relations abroad, to know that he received every attention during his illness, and that the last sad rites were performed with due solemnity, by a large number of citizens and friends. 8/19/1846

Died--In this city on Wednesday last, after a short illness, Joseph WAPLES, Esq., Chief Clerk of the Department of State, aged about 48 years. The deceased was a native of Delaware, and emigrated to Texas in about the year 1838, since which time he has filled several highly honorable offices with credit to himself and honor to his country. Mr. WAPLES was a member of the expedition commanded by Col. SNIVELY, which was disarmed by a detachment of United States dragoons commanded by Capt. COOKE in the year 1843. In private life he was respected by all who knew him for his many amiable and social qualities. In proof of the estimation in which he was held by the Masonic Fraternity--of which he was a member--reference is made to the resolutions of the Austin lodge, published in this paper. 8/19/1846

We learn from the N. O. Jeffersonian that Mrs [Mary Austin] HOLLEY, the authoress of one of the most valuable and interesting works on Texas, died in New Orleans on the 2nd inst., of yellow fever. This highly amiable and talented lady was endeared to a large circle of the most respectable and eminent citizens of Texas, and her loss will be deeply deplored in all sections of the State. It is consoling to learn that in her last illness she was attended by long cherished and most affectionate friends, and that she died with christian resignation. 8/26/1846

Died--On the 30th ult., William Henry, son of Matthew R., and Mary Ann WILLIAMS, Oakland Plantation, Brazos, aged seven years. 9/2/1846

Fears are entertained that Mr. Alley de CIPREY, late Charge d'Affaires of France to Mexico has been lost at sea, as the vessel in which he sailed has never been heard from. 9/16/1846

From the American Flag, Matamoros, Aug. 30, 1846: Gentlemen--The following is a statement, as far as I am able to give at this time, in ference to the explosion of the steamer Enterprise....The following is a list of the dead, scalded, or otherwise wounded, as far as is ascertained:

Drowned--Alex. BOSWELL, private in Capt. ALLENs' com. Texas Vol.; Thomas, 2nd cook of the boat. Badly Scalded, Burnt, or Bruised--W. A. COOK; M. CUNNINGHAM; J. C. HOWARD; W. E_____; Mr. ADAMS of N.O.; Mr. HICKLEY, clerk of Wm. MANN, sutler; B. F. CLARK, mate; W. TABOR, pilot; Capt. WOOD, Tex. Vol.; Wm. GRAY, of WOOD's comp.; Jos. GRIGSBY of St. Louis Reg. Mo. Vol.; Lieut. DENBRIG, Ky. Vol.; Thomas HENRY, Solomon MARTIN, Patrick KELLY, Frank POLLENT, deck hands. Slightly Scalded, Burnt, or Bruised--Capt. D. S. KELSEY, W. J. DOWING, of Corpus Christi, H. A. EMORY; Jacob BOWIN; C. B. COOK; Enoch TUCKER; Joshua WILSON; J. WHEELER, Christ'n KAUFMAN, J. HUMERICK, Matthew LAMON, of Capt. WOOD's company. At the last account received from Reynosa, the wounded were all doing very well, and with proper attention, will all recover. There is so far as we know, no blame to be attached to the Captain of the Boat, as he is well known in this section as an experienced steamboat Captain--having been master of different boats upon the Mississippi river, and the Texas coast; and I am convinced that Capt. D. S. KELSEY is entitled to the esteem of all parties for his conduct in this unfortunate affair. -Edmund F. NEWELL, Agent of Steamers Enterprise and Panola. 9/23/1846 U. S. Steamer Brownsville, Sept. 28, 1846. Sir: I left [not legible] at 7 A.M., with Captain Eaton (Gen. TAYLOR's Aid) with dispatches for Washington. He reports that Monterrey was taken on the 24th, after a hard fight of four days and a loss of five hundred in killed and wounded. ...The loss of Mexicans were about the same as ours. Gen TAYLOR had his horse disabled, and fought for a long time in the streets on foot. I send a list of the killed and wounded. Yours &c, A.Q. BRETH, Commander U.S. Steamer Brownsville.

Killed--Col. WALTON, Baltimore, Maryland 
Maj. BARBOUR, 3d Infantry 
Capt. McKARETT, 8th Infantry 
" WILLIAMS, Top. Eng. 
" L. MORRIS, 3d Infantry 
" FIELD, " " 
" GILLESPIE, Texas Rangers 
" ALLEN, Tenn. Vol. 
Lieut. TERRELL, 1st Infantry 
" IRWIN, 3d " 
" HAZLITT, " " 
" WOODS 4th " 
" HOSKINS " " 
Wounded--Maj. Gen. BUTLER, Vol. 
Col. McCLUNG, Mississippi Vol. 
" ABERCROMBIE, 1st Infantry 
Maj. ALEXANDER, Tenn. Vol. 
" LEAR, 3d Infantry, badly 
" MANSFIELD, Engineer Dep. 
Capt. BRINBRIDGE, 3d Infantry 
" LAMOTTE, 1st " 
Lieut. GRAHAM, 4th " 
" DILWORTH, 1st " 
" ROSSELL, 5th " 
" POTTER, 7th " 
" WAINWRIGHT, 8th " 10/7/1846 

Obituary--The painful duty has devolved upon us of announcing the death on yesterday of two of our old and most highly respected citizens. Capt. Francis S. EARLEY, of Washington county, had just returned to our city from the Army of Occupation, where he has been for the last six months in the service of his country. He is the victim of a disease that has proved more fatal to our volunteers than the arms of the enemy. On his arrival here he had already been so long the prey of disease, that his physician entertained very little hope of his recovery; and with the kindest and most unremitted attention of friends and physician, he yesterday expired at the Tremont, about 1 o'clock P.M. and was buried this day at half past 12 o'clock, with the honors of the Masonic Lodge to which he belonged - a very large procession of our citizens attending his mortal remains to that place of final repose appointed for all living. The death of Gen. Wm. S. FISHER, took place last evening at the hour of 6 P.M., and his funeral obsequies were performed today at the same hour and in the same manner with those of Capt. EARLEY, and also under the direction of Harmony Lodge, No. 6, of this city, of which he was a member. So brief was his sickness and so unexpected its fatal termination, that many of his intimate friends--and he had many, very many friends--were unapprised of his danger until they heard the sad tidings of his death. We are not well informed as to the nature of his fatal disease. Many are the mournful associations which will now crowd upon the recollections of his early companions in arms, who have fought, side by side, in many bloody and unequal conflicts, with this well tried patriot of our revolution. But the eventful drama of his life has suddenly and prematurely closed, and to the historian belongs the dury of portraying those social qualities that endeared him to his friends, those high and strictly honorable principles that governed his actions through life, and marked him as one of Virginia's noblest sons, as well as many public services, which have identified his name with the history of our country. Gen. FISHER has left behind him a youthful widow, to whom he had been wedded but a few months, and who, having been in our city but four or five weeks is now left among comparative strangers far distant from her surviving friends in Virginia. But she may have the consolation to know that in her bereavement she has the unfeigned sympathies of her lamented consort.--Gal. News. 11/2/1846

Died--On Buffalo Bayou, October 30, James, only child of John CARSON, Esq., aged 15 months. Alabama and Boston papers will please copy. 11/9/1846

Died--Jane Roxanna, daughter of James R. and Harriet A. JENKINS, died of croup at their residence in Washington, at one o'clock on the morning of the 20th October, aged one month and nineteen days. 11/9/1846 [The above notice ran again in the issue of 11/23/1846t with the name changed to Ione Roxanne JENKINS]

Died--At Brazos Santiago on Tuesday, October 27, of inflammation of the bowels, John SHAW, a native of Ireland, and late of Houston, Texas, aged about 50 years. He served in the 1st Regiment of Texas in defense of that country with credit to himself. Every attention was shown him during his last illness. 11/23/1846

Fratricide--We learn from the Red Lander that a young man in Sabine county, named SLAUGHTER, a few weeks since killed one of his brothers, and then attacked and wounded three other brothers and a young man who was on a visit to the family. The cause of this horrid outrage is not mentioned. Charity induces us to hope that it is attributable to insanity. 11/30/1846

Died, on the 15th inst., Harriet Jane WOODLIEF, consort of Col. D. J. WOODLIEF. The deceased was a daughter of the late Major Allen REYNOLDS, of the United States Army, and a native of the city of N. York. She died at the residence of her husband near Richmond. She supported her long and painful illness with exemplary resignation. Her husband with two children and a large circle of friends, mourn their bereavement. New York papers will please insert. 11/30/1846

Suicide--A German by the name Theodore E. HAUSDOEFFER, a tinner by trade, committed suicide in this city on the night of Monday last by hanging himself. This melancholy accident was probably occasioned by insanity. 12/7/1846

Died, on Monday the 23rd of November of Congestive Fever, at the house of her brother-in-law, H. F. GILLETT, in Independence, Rebbecca, youngest daughter of Wm. and Rebecca MAXEY, of Polk County, Texas, in the 15th year of her age. 12/7/1846

Died--In this city on the 20th inst., Mrs. Henrietta N., consort of Dr. John HANNAY, aged about 33 years. Mrs. H. was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and died in the triumphs of the Christian's faith, leaving a husband and several small children, and a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. 12/28/1846

Subjoined is the list of deaths in the general hospital at Matamoros since the 15th ultimo, as furnished by Dr. DWIGHT, surgeon United States Army:

James MURPHY, 2d artillery, company K; W. McGILL, 2d dragoons, company B; J. SWINK, Kentucky cavalry; J. FREEMAN, 1st artillery, company H; Walter WICK, 1st regiment, Indiana volunteers; James PHILLIPS, 1st regiment, Indiana volunteers; James ARCHER, 2d artillery, company I; Jos. ATCHISON, 3d regiment, Illinois volunteers; S. MARTIN, Tennessee cavalry; A. LAWRENCE, 1st regiment, Indiana volunteers; WINSLOW, quartermaster's department; E. HEARLY, 3d regiment Indiana volunteers; W. BERRY, 3d regiment, Illinois volunteers. 122/28/1846

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