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[ Return to Index ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] - NEW YORK - Marriages, Separations, and Elopements 1937-1938

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Date: Saturday, 30 November 2024, at 5:46 a.m.

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014


Abelove-Shoor Mr. Martin Abelove of Schenectady and Miss Augusta Shoor. Bride former Worcester Cent. Sch. teacher. At Schenectady. WT 6-15-38 p.1 c.3

All-Bruce Mr. Morris All of Charlotteville and Miss Helen Bruce, dau. of Lester S. Bruce of So. Worcester. WT 12-29-37 p.5 c.1

Allen-Sisum Mr. Earl R. Allen, son of George M. Allen of Worcester and Miss Vivian Sisum, dau. of Lynn M. Flint of Westford. Des. of wedding. WT 7-7-37 p.1 c.4

Ames-Barker Mr. Frankllin J. Ames, son of Wm. Ames of Stamford and Miss Sara E. Barker, dau. of Mrs. Rachel Barker of Worcester. Description of wedding. WT 6-30-37 p.1 c.2&4

Anteman-Hill Mr. William H. Anteman of E. Worcester and Helen M. Hill, kin of Wm. Palmater of Schenevus. Des. of wedding. WT 6-30-37 p.1 c.4

Arndt-Miller Mr. William F. Arndt of St. Louis MO and Miss Lucy Miller of E. Worcester. At Washington D.C. WT 10-20-37 p.1 c.3

Atwell-Wagner Mr. Robert Atwell of Cooperstown and Miss Mabel H. Wagner of Pheonixville PA. WT 8-10-38 p.1 c.5

Baldwin-Decker Mr. Giles Baldwin of Harpersfield and Emma E. Decker of Decatur on Feb. 21, 1885. At Worcester. WT 8-17-38 p.2 c.2

Banker-Lyon Mr. Irving J. Banker of Schenevus, formerly of Worcester, and Mrs. Libbie Lyon of Afton. WT 3-17-37 p.6 c.1

Barton Fiftieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Barton of/at Center Valley. Description. WT 3-24-37 p.1 c.4

Beardsley-Schleichter Mr. John A. Beardsley of Worcester and Miss Dorothy Schleichter of Jefferson, dau. of Luther J. Schleichter of Jefferson. Des. of wedding. WT 6-29-38 p.1 c.3

Beck-Larsen Mr. Edward Beck, son of John Beck of Waterville and Mildred Larsen, dau. of Eric Larson of Westford. Des. of wedding. WT 8-3-38 p.8 c.3

Bitner Mr. and Mrs. William Bitner, 50th anniversary, Oct. 9th. Dad of Henry Bitner of So. Hill. WT 10-20-37 p.5 c.1

Bobnick-Milavec Mr. Stanley Bobnick of West Hill and Miss Frances Milavec, dau. of Jas. Milavec of Tuscan. WT 12-1-37 p.5 c.1

Boland-Boyle Mr. Harold F. Boland and Kathleen Boyle Boylan of Newport NH. WT 6-22-38 p.1 c.5

Bolt-Baldwin Mr. Donald Bolt of Worcester and Miss Esther Baldwin, dau. of Harry Baldwin. Engaged. WT 3-3-37 p.1 c.3

Brandow-Wade Mr. George E. Brandow, son of Floyd Brandow of Roxbury NY and Miss Adelaide L. Wade, dau. of Lewis M. Wade of Worcester. At Ithaca. WT 6-1-38 p.1 c.4; Des. of wedding. WT 8-24-38 p.1 c.3&4

Bulson-Krejci Mr. Emmons Bulson, son of John D. Bulson of Worcester and Miss Edith Krejci, dau. of Milo Krejci of Decatur. Des. of wedding. WT 6-2-37 p.1 c.4; WT 6-23-37 p.5 c.1

Burlingame-Brush Mr. Billings G. Burlingame, son of Elizabeth Burlingame of Worcester and Miss Marion L. Brush, dau. of Chas. A. Brush of Oneonta. Des. of wedding. WT 8-3-38 p.1 c.2, 3&4

Bush-McClintock Mr. Wilber Bush, son of Marian Bush and Nellie McClintock, dau. of Arthur McClintock. All of So. Hill, So. Worcester. WT 6-9-37 p.3 c.1 & p.6 c.1

Cahill-Bruce Mr. John T. Cahill and Mildred Bruce, dau. of Dr. and Mrs. M. Bruce of Richmondville. Engaged. WT 8-24-38 p.2 c.2

Cattella-McRorie Mr. John D. Cattella, son of James Cattella of Oneonta and Bessie H. McRorie, dau. of L.D. McRorie of Oneonta (form. of Westford). WT 4-21-37 p.1 c.5

Clark Mr. and Mrs. Ford Clark of Westford, 28th wedding anniversary. WT 12-15-37 p.4 c.1

Clark Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark of Worcester, 20th anniversary party. WT 1-27-37 p.5 c.1

Colbeck Spearation between John Colbeck and Hannah M. Colbeck (of Worcester?) refereed. WT 3-17-37 p.3 c.1

Cole Mr. Clyde Cole of Coblekill obtains divorce in Reno Nev. from Alice Osterhout Cole. WT 11-24-37 p.1 c.5

Cubral-Carr Mr. Leonard J. Cubral (Cabral?) of Upper Darby PA and Madge E. Carr, dau. of Frank Carr of Avoka PA. Kin of Mrs. Rev. E.L. Martin. WT 1-12-38 p.1 c.2; Des. of wedding WT 7-6-38 p.2 c.2

Cummings-Becker Mr. George L. Cummings of Mt. Vernon and Miss Gertie M. Becker of Kinderhook. WT 9-1-37 p.3 c.5

Darrin-Banner Mr. Neil Darrin and Miss Dorothy Banner of Elmira. At Howes Cave. WT 6-8-38 p.1 c.5

Davidson-Sexsmith Mr. Henry L. Davidson of Poughkeepsie and Clara E. Sexsmith of Oneonta, dau. of George Moore of E. Worcester. At E. Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 11-16-38 p.1 c.4

Davis Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis of Richmondville, 5oth anniversary, April 25th. WT 4-27-38 p.2 c.2

Davison-Dickter Mr. Gordon Davison of Rochester, son of Robt. W. Davison of Worcester and Isabel Dickter, dau. of Isabel Dickter of Rochester. Des. of wedding. WT 6-1-38 p.1 c.5

Delancey Fiftieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Delancey of Worcester. WT 11-30-38 p.5 c.1

DeSenna-Ritter Mr. Ralph DeSenna and Miss Ruth Ritter. At Schenevus. Both of Westford? WT 3-23-38 p.6 c.1

Dexter-Utter Mr. Earl A. Dexter of Hobart and Mary Utter, dau. of Charles Utter of So. Hill near Worcester. WT 5-5-37 p.1 c.4

Dixson-Strain Mr. Charles H. Dixson of Unadilla and Miss Esther E. Strain, dau. of Clarence Strain of Unadilla. WT 3-30-38 p.1 c.4

Dox Fiftieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Dox of Richmondville, Oct. 26th. WT 10-27-37 p.7 c.4

Dubbin-Ghode Mr. Floyd Dubbin, son of Sam Dubbin of Elk Creek area and Miss Virginia Ghode, dau. of Chas. Ghode of Schenevus. WT 6-23-37 p.3 c.5

Dutcher Ralph Dutcher and bride of Schenectady visiting Elk Creek area. Dutcher form. of Elk Creek. WT 3-16-38 p.2 c.3

Dykeman Rev. and Mrs. L.A. Dykeman, 50th anniverary, Dec. 20th. Of Worcester. WT 12-14-38 p.5 c.1; Descritpion WT 12-21-38 p.1 c.5; WT 12-28-38 p.8 c.2

Edwards-Cummings Mr. Borden H. Edwards of NYC and Miss Beulah M. Cummings, dau. of Lee H. Cummings, form. of Worcester and now of NYC. WT 3-2-38 p.5 c.1

Evans-Kenyon Mr. Howard Evans of Westford and Miss Mary Kenyon of Maryland. At Worcester. WT 12-8-37 p.5 c.1

Fancher-Strong Mr. Percy Fancher of Esperance, son of Isabelle Fancher, and Miss Elizabeth Strong, dau. of Wm. Strong of Westford. At Rural Grove. WT 2-9-38 p.1 c.3; WT 2-16-38 p.4 c.1

Ferris-Boynton Mr. James Ferris, son of Rosetta Farris and Emma M. Boynton, dau. of A.J. Boynton, all of Worcester. WT 1-6-37 p.1 c.4

Florio-Simmons Mr. Raphael Florio, son of Vincent Florio of Cobleskill and Miss Elise Simmons, dau. of Chas. Simmons. WT 7-6-38 p.5 c.1

Fox-Longwell Mr. DeForest E. Fox of Elmira, form. of Worcester, and Miss Beulah M. Longwell of Elmira. WT 3-9-38 p.5 c.1

Freemier-Baker Mr. Harry Freemier of Hyndsville, Schoharie Co. and Dorothy Baker, dau. of Lynn Baker of Worcester. Description. WT 9-7-38 p.1 c.4

Garrigan-Osborn Mr. Ralph Garrigan of Middlefield Center and Barbara Osborn, dau. of Victor Osborn of Kingston. Shower. WT 11-24-37 p.5 c.1; Description. WT 12-1-37 p.1 c.5

Giglio-Snyder Mr. Peter L. Giglio of Schenectady and Alida Snyder, dau. of Minnie Snyder of So. Valley. Description. WT 3-3-37 p.8 c.3

Guenther-Somerville Mr. Earl P. Guenther, son of Herbert E. Guenther of Mineola L.I. and Miss Ivah S. Somerville of NYC, niece of Andrew J. Davis of Worcester. Engaged. WT 6-2-37 p.5 c.1

Head-Schwab Mr. Charles Head, son of Bert Head of E. Worcester and Helen Schwab, dau. of late Joseph Schwab of Worcester. At Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 9-14-38 p.1 c.4

Henness Golden anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Henness, Dec. 31st. Married in Summit. Description.WT 1-6-37 p.4 c.1 & p.5 c.1

Iannelli Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iannello of Brooklyn (NYC cop), newlyweds, visiting Worcester. WT 7-27-38 p.5 c.1

Johns-Hill Mr. Raymond J. Johns, son of Floyd Johns of Summit and Ruth M. Hill, dau. of Fenton Hill of West Hilll near Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 11-10-37 p.1 c.3

Johnson-Bull Mr. J. Burdette Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl F. Johnson of Worcester and Miss Ruth E. Bull, dau. of Anna Bull of RD No.1. Engaged. WT 8-11-37 p.1 c.2

Kelly-Scott Mr. Clifford O. Kelly, son of Dennis Kelly of Clarkson and Miss Beulah B. Scott, dau. of Burdette Scott of Royal Oak MI. Bride is kin of M.R. Cummings of E. Worcester. At Royal Oak MI. Des. of wedding. WT 10-6-37 p.3 c.5

Kilmer-Muehl Mr. Myron R. Kilmer, son of late Wm. Kilmer of Howes Cave and Anna F. Muehl, dau. of Matt Muehl of Schenevus. Des. of wedding. WT 10-26-38 p.2 c.2

Kinch Fiftieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kinch in PA. Kin of Mrs. Van Whiteman of Westford. WT 8-4-37 p.4 c.1

Koker-Kenig Mr. Joseph Koker Jr. of So. Hill and Antonia Kenig, dau. of John Kenig of Cleveland OH. At Worcester. Description. WT 2-3-37 p.1 c.4

Lansing Fifty-fourth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Z.L. Lansing of Westford. WT 2-17-37 p.4 c.1; anniversary. WT 2-16-38 p.4 c.1

Lape-Fancher Mr. Milton Lape, son of Jacob Lape of Cobleskill and Catherine B. Fancher, dau. of Eli Fancher of E. Worcester. WT 1-6-37 p.1 c.4

Lindley-Thorne Mr. Truman Lindley of Canton Miss. and Miss Helen Thorne, dau. of Ralph Thorne, form. of So. Worcester. At Canton Miss. WT 3-30-38 p.1 c.4

Mabie Twenty-Fifth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mabie of So. Valley area. WT 12-1-37 p.8 c.3

Mattice-Ritton Mr. William S. Mattice, son of Edwin Mattice of E. Worcester and Edna Ritton of Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 3-9-38 p.1 c.3

Maurer-Strail Mr. Harry P. Maurer and Miss Edith M. Strail, both of Syracuse. WT 6-9-37 p.1 c.2

McMullen Thirtieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. David H. McMullen of RD #3 Worcester, Jan. 4th. Description. WT 1-5-38 p.1 c.4

Milavec-Friery Mr. James Milavec of Worcester and Miss Alice Friery, dau. of John Friery of Schenevus. Des. of wedding. WT 9-15-37 p.5 c.2

Miller-Stilwell Mr. Walter S. Miller, son of C.E. Miller of Altoona PA and Miss Vera E. Stilwell, dau. of Rev. Winthrop Stilwell of Frostburg MD. Kin of Isaac B. Gage of Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 7-7-37 p.2 c.2

Moot Fiftieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moot of Richmondville on the 15th. WT 1-27-37 p.2 c.2

Morse-Dugan Mr. David M. Morse of Denver and Elizabeth A. Dugan, dau. of John Dugan, form. of Worcester and now of Roxbury. WT 7-28-37 p.5 c.1

Muehl-Gadway Mr. Martin J. Muehl of Worcester and Catherine S. Gadway, dau. of David Gadway of Chasm Falls. Des. of wedding. WT 6-30-37 p.1 c.3

Norton-Hill Mr. Lewis Norton and Miss Bertha Hill, dau. of Adrian Hill of E. Worcester. At Pleasant Brook. WT 4-20-38 p.1 c.4

Payne-Finewood Mr. Alden C. Payne of Rochester and Louise Finewood of Clifton Springs. WT 10-26-38 p.8 c.3

Peeters-Pitcher Mr. Martin Peeters, son of Henry Peeters of Westford and Miss Emma C. Pitcher, dau. of Claude Pitcher of Maple Valley. (Peters?) WT 2-23-38 p.4 c.1; Horning WT 3-2-38 p.4 c.1

Penska-Dedek Mr. Joseph Penska of Yonkers and Miss Frances Dedek of E. Worcester. WT 10-20-37 p.1 c.4

Potter-Spencer Mr. H. Howard Potter of Oneonta Plains and Ruth Spencer, dau. of C.H. Spencer of Oneonta. Des. of wedding. WT 10-27-37 p.1 c.3

Reed-Sweet Mr. Donald H. Reed of Schoharie, son of Osa and Ada Reed of Worcester, and Miss Ethel M. Sweet of Flint MI, dau. of H.V.D. Sweet. At NYC. WT 1-5-38 p.1 c.3

Reightmyer Mr. Ivan Reightmyer (of Richmondville?). At Syracuse. WT 9-8-37 p.2 c.2

Robinson-Lane Mr. Harry Robinson, son of late Clarence Robinson and Lena B. Lane, dau. of Christopher Lane of Harpersfield. Description. WT 2-3-37 p.1 c.4

Roe Mrs. Alice Roe of Cobleskill seeks divorce from Eli Roe of Worcester. WT 7-29-38 p.1 c.4

Royal-Bolt Mr. Charles L. Royal of Albany, son of Everett P. Royal of Glens Falls and Evelyn Bolt, dau. of Dr. F.E. Bolt of Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 5-4-38 p.1 c.3

Runyun-Vandervoort Mr. Richard Runyun of Mohawk and Miss Wanda Vandervoort. At Ilion. WT 8-11-37 p.1 c.2

Ryder-Cummings Mr. Glenn L. Ryder, son of Wm. Ryder of Worcester and Miss Alice D. Cummings, dau. of Floyd Cummings of Oneonta. Des. of wedding. WT 7-21-37 p.1 c.3

Sawyer-McClintock Mr. Harold O. Sawyer, son of Joshua Sawyer of Worcester and Miss Georgia McClintock, dau. of Arthur McClintock of So. Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 12-29-37 p.1 c.4

Schaffer-Pitts Mr. Ellis Schaffer, son of Harry Schaffer of Cobleskill and Bertha Pitts, dau. of Rosetta Pitts. WT 12-7-38 p.1 c.3

Shafer Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Shafer of Richmondville, 47th anniversary. WT 3-23-38 p.2 c.2

Sheldon-Decker Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Sheldon of Ilion and Miss Ruth Decker of Maryland. At Worcester. WT 2-24-37 p.1 c.4

Skillen-Johnson Mrs. Edward Skillen, son of Squire Skillen of Middlefield and Gladys Johnson, dau. of Chas. Johnson of Cooperstown. Des. of wedding. WT 7-6-38 p.2 c.2

Smith-Snyder Mr. Matthias E. Smith, son of Albert E. Smith of Worcester and Charlotte C. Snyder, dau. of late V. Guy Snyder of E. Worcester. At Binghamton. Des. of wedding. WT 10-13-37 p.1 c.4

Smith-Whiteman Mr. Menzo Smith, son of John Smith of Worcester to Lora Whiteman, dau. of Van Whiteman of Westford. Des. of wedding. WT 10-6-37 p.1 c.4 & p.4 c.1

Snyder-Treadwell Rev. George C. Snyder, son of Rose M. Snyder of Worcester and Miss Susan C. Treadwell, dau. of James Treadwell of Fairfield Conn. Engaged. WT 4-27-38 p.1 c.4; Des. of wedding. WT 6-22-38 p.8 c.3

Sperry Helen Sperry, sister of Aimee Sperry of So. Worcester. At Clarks Landing PA. WT 8-4-37 p.2 c.3

Sperry-Cooper Mr. Deforest Sperry, son of Bruce Sperry of Worcester and Mrs. Alice Cooper. Description. WT 6-1-38 p.1 c.5

Stamp-Pike Rev. Lloyd Stamp, form. of Worcester H.S., and Miss Elizabeth Pike. At Syracuse. WT 7-20-38 p.5 c.1

Staruck-Merill Mr. Leo Staruck of Schenevus and Miss Catherine J. Merill of Oneonta. At Worcester. (Merrill?) WT 2-9-38 p.5 c.1

Staudohar-Worden Mr. Joseph A. Staudohar of Decatur and Miss Elsie A. Worden of E. Worcester. At Worcester. WT 2-24-37 p.5 c.1

Stone-Bouhgton Mr. Everett Stone of Stamford and Addie Boughton of E. Worcester. At Worcester. WT 1-20-37 p.5 c.1

Stringer-Sobers Mr. Lynn Stringer, son of William Stringer of Worcester and Miss Aurilla Sobers of Oneonta. WT 5-18-38 p.5 c.1

Terrell Golden anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Terrell, Dec. 31st. Married in Summit. WT 1-6-37 p.5 c.1

Terrell-Daniels Mr. Spencer Terrell and Miss Winifred Daniels. Both of Elk Creek area? WT 7-13-38 p.2 c.3

Thurber Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Thurber, 65th anniversary. WT 3-16-38 p.5 c.1

Thurber-Coffin Mr. Louis A. Thurber of E. Worcester, son of A.A. Thurber of Worcester, and Mrs. Ina B. Coffin, dau. of Mr. and Mrs. James Mead of E. Worcester. At Schenectady. WT 7-14-37 p.1 c.3

Thurber-Johns Mr. Herbert L. Thurber of Richmondville and Ruth A. Johns, dau. of Alfred Johns of near Charlotteville. Des. of wedding. WT 9-8-37 p.2 c.2

Travis-Richmond Mr. George E. Travis, son of Geo. E. Travis of Schenevus and Miss Virginia L. Richmond, dau. of Fred A. Richmond of Hastings-on-Hudson. At Albany. Description. WT 3-2-38 p.1 c.4

Truax-Bedell Mr. Ernest Truax, son of C.E. Truax of Worcester and Miss Alice Bedell, dau. of Henry M. Bedell of Merrick L.I. Description of wedding. WT 7-7-37 p.1 c.3&4; WT 7-14-37 p.2 c.3

Tyler-Hunt Kenneth R. Tyler, son of Raymond Tyler and Miss Grace A. Hunt, dau. of Erwin V. Hunt. Shower. WT 9-7-38 p.5 c.1; Des. of wedding. WT 10-5-38 p.1 c.4

Usalatz-Roseboom Mr. Michael Usalatz of Worcester and Miss Vera Roseboom, dau. of Dorr Roseboom of Westford. At Schenevus. Description. WT 10-20-37 p.1 c.4

VanDusen-Keith Mr. Harold VanDusen, son of Ray VanDusen of Butt's Corners and Miss Margaret Keith, dau. of Gourley Keith of the "county". At New Berlin. Description. WT 3-30-38 p.1 c.4

Waid Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waid, 25th anniversary celebration. Of Worcester? WT 10-20-37 p.1 c.3

Ward George H. Ward of Worcester RD#2. Bigamy charged. WT 3-9-38 p.1 c.4; WT 3-23-38 p.1 c.5

Ward-Stilwell Mr. Howard F. Ward, son of Melvin M. Ward and Miss Doris E. Stilwell, dau. of Rev. Winthrop Stilwell, all of Frostburg MS. Granddau of Isaac. B. Gage. Description of wedding. WT 7-7-37 p.2 c.2

Waterman Fiftieth anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waterman of Worcester area. Description. WT 7-28-37 p.4 c.1 & p.5 c.1

Weber-Warner Mr. William L. Weber of Worcester and Ethel L. Warner, dau. of Percy Warner of Worcester. At Sharon Springs. WT 8-31-38 p.1 c.4

Weiland-Cobb Mr. Andre Weiland of Hartwick Seminary and Rose Cobb of Milford. WT 6-1-38 p.5 c.1

Whitcomb-Wade Mr. Leonard C. Whitcomb, son of Frank B. Whitcomb and Anne B. Wade, dau. of A.C. Wade. At Oneonta. Description. Both of Worcester? WT 7-7-37 p.1 c.5

Winchell Sixty-third anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Winchell of E. Worcester, Feb 14th. WT 2-16-38 p.5 c.1

Wright-Bailey Mr. Gordon H. Wright, son of Harry Wright of St. Petersburg Fl and Miss Louise Bailey, dau. of Edward Bailey of Ft. Myer Fla. At Ft. Myer. WT 6-30-37 p.5 c.1

Zaneker-Bucholz Mr. Teddy Zaneker and Miss Evelyn Bucholz, both of Riverhead L.I. Description. WT 2-17-37 p.4 c.1

Zemlak-Yonke Mr. John Zemlak of E. Worcester area and Mrs. Agnes Yonke of No. Worcester. At Worcester. WT 11-30-38 p.1 c.4

Zitko-Davis Mr. John Zitko of E. Worcester and Julia Davis. At Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 9-15-37 p.8 c.3

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014

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