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[ Return to Index ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] - NEW YORK - Marriages, Separations, and Elopements 1880-1881

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Date: Saturday, 30 November 2024, at 5:46 a.m.

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014


(Note: a. Nov. 26, 1880 pages follow page one of Aug. 20, 1880 issue on NYSHA microfilm. b. Feb. 5, 1881 pages follow page one of Feb.4, 1881 issue on NYSHA microfilm. c. Nov. 25, 1881 pages follow page one of Dec. 2, 1881 issue on NYSHA mircrofilm.)

Allen-Monroe 5-25-80 Mr. James W. Allen to Miss Frances Monroe, both of Decatur in Worcester. WT 6-18-1880 p.3 c.1

Atkins-Silvernail 2-2-81 Mr. George Atkins and Miss Ophelia Silvernail, both of Worcester. WT 2-11-1881 p.3 c.1

Babcock-Dauly 1-15-81 Mr. Emory Babcock and Hattie Dauly both of Worcester. WT 11-18-1881 p.3 c.2

Backus-Tuthill No date Mr. A.P. Backus of No. Adams, Mass. & Miss Minnie Tuthill at Westford. WT 5-27-1881 p.3 c.1

Bell-Chase 10-20-80 Mr. Chas. E. Bell to Miss Annie A. Chase, both of Westford. WT 10-29-1880 p.3 c.2

Bell-McConnell 9-18-80 Dr. Bell to Miss Fannie McConnell, both of S. Worcester. WT 9-24-1880 p.3 c.1

Bellinger-Rickard 9-28-80 Mr.Marcus Bellinger, 81yrs. to ___Rickard, 77yrs in Midddleburgh. WT 10-29-80 p.3 c.1

Borst-Kinch Mr. Charlie Borst & Miss Louise Kinch, both of Westford. WT 2-11-1881 p.3 c.3

Bostwick No Date Mr. & Mrs George Bostwick of Maryland. Divorce proceedings. WT 3-5-1880 p.3 c.3&5

Boyce Mr. Charlie Boyce and wife return from wedding tour to Westford. WT 2-18-1881 p.2 c.4

Brown Supervisor Brown of Milford to Miss Mary____ of Cobleskill. WT 12-24-1880 p.2 c.3

Brownell-Brownell No Date Willis D. and Eldora of Schenevus, permanent legal separation. WT 4-8-1881 p.2 c.4

Brownell-Milks 12-31-79 Mr. Willis D. Brownell of Maryland to Miss Eldora Milks of Westford in Westford. WT 1-9-1880 p.3 c.5

Bunker-Hunt 2-15-80 Mr. Charles C. Bunker of Oneonta to Elizabeth, dau. of the late Mansfield Hunt in Central Bridge. WT 3-26-1880 p.3 c.1

Butler-Hobbs 10-26-81 Mr. Marvin Butler of LaGrange, OH formerly of Worcester to Miss Susie Hobbs of Masion, Ill. at LaGrange OH WT 11-4-1881 p.3 c.1

Cavalier-Cooley 10-16-81 Mr. Louis E. Cavalier and Miss Matie Cooley both of Yankton. Des. of wed. WT 11-4-1881 p.3 c.2

Chamberlain No Date Mr. D. Chamberlain to a bride form Bainbridge. WT 11- 12-1880 p.3 c.1

Chamberlain-Cowan 6-1-81 Mr. Charles R. Chamberlain of Worcester to Miss Lizzie Cowan, formerly of Worcester in No. Adams, Mass at home of Mr. Geo. Sellew. WT 6-10-1881 p.3 c.2

Clark Mrs. W. Clark of Maryland abandons family. WT 5-6-1881 p.2 c.3

Craim-Bailey 2-12-80 Mr. S. B. Craim of Mt. Upton to Miss Libbie A. Bailey of S. New Berlin. WT 2-20-1880 p.3 c.1

Crandall-Cole 10-31-80 Mr. John R. Crandall of Warnersville, NY to Miss Loveda Cole of Worcester. WT 11-5-80 p.3 c.1

Curley-Doran 6-19-81 Mr. A.J. Curley and Miss Doran, both of Oneonta. WT 6-24-1881 p.3 c.1

Davis-Elliot 11-17-80 Mr. Eugene W. Davis of Morris, NY to Miss Anna T. Elliot of Pittsfield in Westford.WT 11-26-1880 p.3 c.1

Delong-Golden No Date Mr.O. Delong of Worcester to Miss Emma Golden of Rensselaerville. WT 2-27-1880 p.3 c.1

Emmerson-Aldrich No Date Mr. Frank Emmerson to Mrs. Lydia Aldrich in Maryland. WT 8-19-1881 p.3 c.1

Esmay-Olmstead No Date Mr. M.J. Esmay to Miss Lucy Olmstead, dau. of I.M. Olmstead of S. Worcester. Letter des. wedding. WT 11-4-1881 p.3 c.3

Fitch-Lowell 3-13-81 Mr. Zalock Fitch of Cooperstown to Miss Olive Lowell of Schenevus. WT 3-25-1881 p.3 c.2

Follett-Hayner 9-15-80 Mr. John G. Follett of Norwich to Miss Sarah L. Hayner of Worcester in Schenevus. WT 9-24-1880 p.3 c.2

Francher-Clapper 6-5-81 Mr. Herman Francher of E. Worcester and Miss Ada Clapper of Worcester. WT 6-10-1881 p.2 c.4

Gage-Phelps 12-15-81 Prof. S.H. Gage of Ithica to Miss Susana Stewart Phelps at Morrisville. WT 12-16-1881 p.3 c.1

Gage-Seeley 9-22-80 Mr. George Gage to Miss Minnie Seeley, both of Charlotteville. WT 9-24-1880 p.3 c.1; WT 10-1- 1880 p.2 c.3

Graham-Baldwin 3-27-81 Mr. C.H. Graham, Esq. of Schenevus to Miss Rosebel Baldwin of Mohawk. WT 5-6-1881 p.3 c.3

Green-Pratt 12-7-81 Mr. T. Benton Green of Middlefield to Miss Emma Pratt. WT 12-16-1881 p.2 c.4

Green-Smorthit No Date At home of Mrs. Sarah Kehoe in Amsterdam, Mr. Charles Green of Saratoga & Mrs. Mary Jane Smorthit. WT 4-1-1881 p. 3 c.2

Hallock-Bailey No Date Mr. Lyman Hallock of Middlefield to Miss Hattie Bailey of S. Jefferson. WT 3-12-1880 p.3 c.1

Hanor-Boorn 8-16-81 Mr. Chas. B. Hanor to Miss Annie Boorn at home of Ansel C. Boorn WT 8-19-1881 p.3 c.1

Hathaway Mr. J.T. Hathaway of Maryland. WT 3-11-1881 p.3 c.1

Hines-Knapp 7-4-80 Mr. Percy W. Hines of Worcester to Miss Jennie M. Knapp of Unadilla. WT 8-13-1880 p.3 c.1

Holmes-Barnard 11-24-80 Mr. Arthur C. Holmes to Miss Emogene Barnard, both of Westford. WT 12-3-1880 p.3 c.3

Holmes-Bentley No Date Mr. James C. Holmes to Mrs. Daplinea V. Bentley both of Westford at Cyrus Hunt's home in Otego. WT 8-5-1881 p.3 c.1

Houghkirk-Winnie 4-13-81 Mr. Porter E. Houghkirk of Albany to Miss M.Amanda Winnie of New Scotland, NY. WT 4-22-1881 p.3 c.1

Hyde-Cook Mr. Fred R. Hyde to Miss Julia F. Cook in Middleburg. WT 6-25-80 p.3 c.1

Judson-Judson-Fuller Alledged bigamy. Col. E.C.Z. Judson married Anna Fuller of Stanford in 1871. Another lady, Mrs. Lavanche S. Judson claims he was already married to her. WT 4-29-1881 p. 3 c.3

Keegan-Mooney 12-28-80 Mr. Wm. Keegan of Schenevus to Miss Libbie Mooney of Worcester. WT 1-7-1881 p.3 c.1

Lefever-Lawyer 8-3-81 Mr. R.T. Lefever to Miss Frank A. Lawyer at Cobleskill WT 8-12-1881 p.3 c.2

Lewis-Conover Mr. Dow B. Lewis to Miss Mary Conover, dau. of Joel Conover in Cobleskill on the 5th inst. WT 1- 14-1881 p.3 c.2

Lockwood-Babcock 2-24-81 Mr. Lockwood to Miss Dora Babcock of E. Worcester. WT 2-25-81 p.2 c.5

Mallory-Ruton 2-12-80 Mr. P.W. Mallory of Worcester to Miss Alice Ruton of Schenevus in Richmondville.WT 2-20-80 p.3 c.3

McGinnis-O'Brien No Date Mr. James McGinnis of Worcester to Miss Maggie O'Brien of Schenevus at Schenevus WT 4-2- 1880 p.3 c.1

Miller-King 5-1-81 Mr. John R. Miller to Miss Alice A. King of Worcester at home of Abram King. WT 5-6- 1881 p.3 c.1

Morten-Salisbury 11-4-80 Mr. Allen Morten to Miss Jennie Salisbury, dau. of J.H. Salisbury in Way Cross, GA. WT 11-12- 80 p.3 c.2

Mullvaney-Boyling No Date Mr Frank Mullvaney of Newark, OH to Miss Mary Boyling, dau. of Michael Boyling of Worcester. Desc. of wedding. WT 9-24-1880 p.3 c.2

Olmstead No Date Mr. & Mrs. I.B. Olmstead celebration of silver anniversary, Nov. 8, 1880. WT 11-19-1880 p.3 c.2&3

Orr-Chickering 2-23-81 Mr. Henry S. Orr to Miss Jennie E. Chickering. WT 3-11-1881 p.3 c.1

Palmer-Hartwell 11-7-80 Mr. Fredrus Palmer to Miss Frankie Hartwell in Schenevus. WT 11-19-1880 p.3 c.3

Queal-Bannister 11-25-80 Mr. Irving Queal of Story City, Iowa to Miss Lucy Bannister in Evanston, Ill. WT 12-3-1880 p.3 c.2

Rifenburg No Date Mr. William Rifenburg & bride return from wedding tour to Maryland. WT 4-2-1880 p.2 c.3

Roseboom-Smith 12-7-81 Mr. Arthur Roseboom of Westford to Miss Julia E. Smith at Middlefield. WT 12-16-1881 p.2 c.4

Severson-Wilsey 3-21-80 Mr. Peter Severson and Mary J. Wilsey, both of Central Bridge. WT 4-2-1880 p.3 c.5

Seward No Date Crystal Anniversary of Mr. & Mrs. Emerson Seward of Schenevus. WT 12-3-1880 p.3 c.4

Sheldon-Sheldon Divorce bet. Henry M. Sheldon & Mary Jane Sheldon, nee Palmatier of Richmondville

Skidmore-Frederick No Date Mr. Eugene M. Skidmore of Richmondville to Miss Florence L. Frederick of Worcester in Worcester. WT 7-30-1880 p.3 c.1

Skinner-Van Duzon 1-12-81 Mr. Robert Skinner of Westford to Miss Cynthia Van Duzon in Decatur. WT 1-21-1881 p.3 c.1&2; WT 2- 5-81 p.3 c.2

Skinner-Wing 12-15-80 Mr. Amzy Skinner to Miss Bertha Wing at Westford. WT 12-24-80 p.3 c.1&2. WT 1-14-1881 p.3 c.4

Slater-Goodenough 11-10-81 Mr. L. Slater to Miss Henrietta Goodenough. WT 11- 18-1881 p.3 c.2

Smallin-Beers 2-29-80 Mr. Martin Smallin of Maryland to Miss Libby Beers on So. Hill. WT 3-5-1880 p.3 c.5

Smith-Schmerhorn Mr. Wm Smith, son of Lester Smith to Miss Ida Schmerhorn WT 11-25-1881 p.2 c.4

Smith-Starkweather No Date Celebration of 5th anniversary of wedding of Charles E. Smith & Flora E. Starkweather on Nov. 17, 1880. WT 11-12-80 p.3 c.1; WT 11-26-80 p.3 c.2

Smith-Chase No Date Mr. Fergerson Smith to Emer Chase in Schenevus. WT 11-26-1880 p.3 c.3

Smith-Smith 8-3-81 Mr. William J. Smith of Cornersville, IN and Miss Cora L. Smith of Cobleskill WT 8-12-1881 p.3 c.1

Soden-Gill 5-19-81 Mr. George W. Soden to Miss Maggie E. Gill, both of Morris in Morris. WT 5-27-1881 p.3 c.1

Squires-Thurber 2-24-81 Mr. Herbert W. Squires to Miss Libbie A.Thurber of E. Worcester, dau. of D.W. Thurber. WT 2-25-1881 p.2 c.5; WT 3-11-1881 p.2 c.5

Staats-Keese 5-1-80 Mr. Edward P. Staats of Albany to Annie F. Keese, dau. of G. Pomeroy Keese in Cooperstown. Des. of wedding. WT 5-7-1880 p.2 c.1

Starkweather-Queal 4-21-81 Mr. Asher Starkweather of Oneonta to Miss S. Anna Queal of Bainbridge in Oneonta. WT 4-29-1881

p.3 c.2

Starkweather-Snyder 5-1-81 Mr. Eugene Starkweather of Worcester to Miss Lillian E. Snyder of Westford. Des. of wedding & letter to editor. WT 5-6-1881 p.3 c.3&4

Starr-Lamoure 5-6-80 Mr. Charles E. Starr to Miss Emma Lamoure in Schenevus. WT 5-7-1880 p. 3 c.4

Stever-Sutphen Mr. Irving Stever and Miss Anna Sutphen in Westford. WT 11-25-1881 p.2 c.4

Story-Short 1-4-81 Mr. James E. Story to Miss Isadore Short in Cooperstown. WT 1-14-1881 p.3 c.3

Swift Mr & Mrs. Stephen Swift of Maryland celebrate 20th anniversary with party on Jan. 6, 1881. Description. WT 1-28-1881 p.3 c.3

Tator-Mattice 10-20-81 Mr. Wellington Tator of Schenevus to Violetta Mattice of Richmondville. WT 10-28-1881 p.3 c.1

Thompson No Date Dr. J Thompson of Westford & bride, party. WT 1-9-1880 p.3 c.4

Tipple-Foland 12-22-80 Mr. Henry Tipple to Miss Kittie Foland, both of Worcester. WT 12-24-80 p.3 c.2

Utter-Hull 1-19-81 Mr. J. C. Utter to Miss Amelia Hull, Jan. 19, 1881. Des.of wedding. WT 1-14-1881 p.3 c.1; WT 1-28-81 p.3 c.4; WT 2-5-1881 p.3 c.2.

Van Wie-Stillwell 2-2-81 Mr. John Van Wie of Milford to Miss Mary A Stillwell of Schenevus. WT 2-11-1881 p.3 c.1

Warner-Kelse 1-26-81 Mr. Chas. Warner to Miss Cynthia Kelse in Carlisle, Scho. Co. WT 2-5-1881 p.3 c.3

White-Gillett 12-1-81 Mr. William F. White to Miss Amanda I. Gillett, both of Middlefield. WT 12-16-1881 p.2 c.4

Wilber-Snyder 11-2-81 Mr. Clifford S. Wilber of Schenevus to Miss Ada B. Snyder in Westford. WT 11-25-1881 p.2 c.4

Wolcott-Ridge 12-7-81 Mr. Watson Wolcott to Miss Arilla Ridge, both of Worcester. WT 12-16-1881 p.2 c.4

Worth-Norman 3-18-80 Mr. Harvey Worth of Central Bridge to Elmina Norman of Schenevus. WT 4-2-1880 p.3 c.5

Wright-Lang 11-23-80 Mr. Charles Wright of Worcester to Miss Jennie Lang of Schenevus in Worcester. WT 11-19-1880 p.3 c.3; WT 11-26-1880 p.3 c.1; WT 12-3-1880 p.3 c.2

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014

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