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[ Return to Index ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] - NEW YORK - Marriages, Separations, and Elopements 1947-1948

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Date: Saturday, 30 November 2024, at 5:46 a.m.

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014


(Note: The WT January 14, 1947 issue may in fact be the January 14, 1948 issue and follows the January 8, 1947 issue on the NYSHA microfilm.)

Allen-Horton Mr. Stewart G. Allen of Worcester, son of Geo. M. Allen and Miss Dora A. Horton of Elmira NY. At Unadilla. WT 7-28-48 p.1 c.4

Angle-Haskins Mr. Wm. Angle and Margaret Haskins, both of Cobleskill. At Worcester. WT 4-23-47 p.1 c.2

Armbruster-Elmore Mr. John L. Armbruster of Sloansville, son of Louis Armbruster of Esperance and Henrietta Elmore, dau. of Leroy Elmore of Decatur. WT 7-28-48 p.1 c.2; Des. of wedding WT 8-11-48 p.1 c.4

Atkinson-Geercken Mr. Chester B. Atkinson of Tuckertown NJ and Dorothy M. Geercken, dau. of Edwin Geercken of Milford, form. of Worcester. Des. WT 12-22-48 p.1 c.4

Austin-Brooker Mr. Marvin H. Austin of Amsterdam and Freda L. Brooker, dau. of Edmund Brooker. At Amsterdam. Shower WT 12-1-48 p.5 c.1; Des. of wedding WT 12-8-48 p.4 c.1

Ballard Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Ballard of Roxbury, 61st anniversary, Thanksgiving Day. WT 12-10-47 p.1 c.5

Ballard-Whalen Mr. Harry J. Ballard of Cooperstown and Mrs. Gladys D. Whalen, dau. of Anna Davis of Cooperstown. Des. WT 2-18-48 p.1 c.3

Bantham-Basil Mr. Harry C. Bantham Jr. and Mary L. Basil, dau. of James Basil of Yonkers. At Bolton Landing NY. WT 5-19-48 p.1 c.5

Bennett-Crumpton Mr. Geo. Bennett, son of John Bennett of Westford and Dora Crumpton of Burmingham England. At Westford. Des. WT 6-11-47 p.4 c.1

Benson Mr. and Mrs. Bert Benson of Decatur, 15th anniversary. WT 6-25-47 p.3 c.5

Berry-Rode Mr. William Berry and Emma Rode, dau. of Peter Rode of Decatur. At Astoria NY. WT 11-12-47 p.2 c.2

Bingham-Bigelow Mr. Walter H. Bingham of Schenectady and Mrs. Grace L. Bigleow of Worcester. Des. WT 7-14-48 p.1 c.5

Bobnick-Donnelly Mr. Lewis J. Bobnick Jr. of Milford and Anna T. Donnelly, dau. of Paul F. Donnelly of Binghamton. WT 10-27-48 p.1 c.4

Bolton-Wayman Mr. Robert J. Bolton of Schenectady and Virginia Wayman, dau. of Robie Wayman of Richmondville. At Worcester. WT 10-8-47 p.1 c.4&p.8 c.3

Boynton-Bruce Mr. Leon Boynton of Richmondville and Flora Bruce of Cobleskill, dau. of Alton Bruce. Des. of wedding. WT 7-7-48 p.1 c.4

Buckingham-Roseboom Mr. Stephen Buckingham, son of Wesley Buckingham of Crogham and Winifred H. Roseboom, dau. of Horace H. Roseboom. Engaged. WT 5-12-48 p.4 c.1; Shower WT 9-1-48 p.4 c.1

Burnett-Weaver Mr. Ellis Burnett and Gertrude Weaver. At Jefferson. WT 10-6-48 p.4 c.1

Busk-Truax Mr. Chas. Busk of Jefferson and Florence Truax of Worcester. At E. Worcester WT 11-12-47 p.6 c.2

Campo-Provost Mr. Thomas Campo Sr. of Worcester and Mrs. Kathryn Provost of Newark NJ. At Worcester. Des. WT 8-13-47 p.1 c.3

Campo-Shannon Mr. Thomas Campo Jr. of Worcester and Rose M. Shannon of Westford. WT 12-1-48 p.1 c.2

Carson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carson of Cooperstown, 6th anniversary. WT 1-29-47 p.5 c.1; anniversary. WT 1-28-48 p.1 c.2

Chamberlain-LoPiccalo Mr. D. Carl Chamberlain and Mary J. LoPiccalo, dau. of Samuel LoPiccalo of Auburn. Des. WT 10-8-47 p.4 c.1

Chamberlain-Wahl Mr. Adelbert Chamberlain, son of Carl A. Chamberlain of Westford and Minna E. Wahl, dau. of J. Andrew Wahl of Cooperstown. Des. of wedding. WT 7-14-48 p.4 c.1&2

Chermack Mr. and Mrs. Louis Chermack of Worcester, 50th anniversary, June 7th. WT 6-11-47 p.5 c.1

Clark Mr. and Mrs. Ford Clark, of Westford, 39th anniversary. WT 12-15-48 p.4 c.1

Clay-Moak Mr. Charles Clay of Scotia and Mrs. Mary Moak of Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 1-14-47 p.1 c.4

Coleman Divorce bet. Doris Pierce Coleman, Plantiff and Frederick T. Coleman, Defendent. Legal ad. WT 9-29-48 p.4 c.2; Divorce granted WT 12-1-48 p.1 c.4

Colvin-Stapleton Mr. Andrew C. Colvin and Imogene F. Stapleton. In Oneonta. WT 1-21-48 p.1 c.2&p.4 c.1

Coon-Mabie Mr. James H. Coon, son of Harold Coon of Maryland and Betty J. Mabie, dau. of Arba Mabie of Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 8-27-47 p.1 c.5

Corsall-Horning Mr. John J. Corsall and Ethel G. Horning. At Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 4-2-47 p.1 c.5

Davie-Ryder S-Sgt. Ernest W. Davie of Walton and Ruth L. Ryder of Essenlengenon-Neckar Germany. In Germany. WT 7-16-47 p.1 c.5

Deming-Shafer Mr. Robert A. Deming, son of Minnie Deming of Glens Falls and Wanda A. Shafer, dau. of Revillo Shafer of Howes Cave. At Cobleskilll. Des. of wedding. WT 10-6-48 p.1 c.5

Dettling Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Dettling of E. Worcester, 50th anniversary, Jan. 16th. Des. WT 1-22-47 p.8 c.3

Diamond-Moore Mr. Theodore Diamond, son of Geo. Diamond of Middleburgh and Ruth Moore, dau. of Henry Moore of E. Worcester. At Worcester. WT 5-19-48 p.8 c.3

Donley-Burton Mr. Geo. M. Donley of Albany and Doris Burton, dau. of E. B. Burton of RD1 Worcester. Des. WT 4-2-47 p.1 c.5

Dugan-Dibble Mr. Wm. H. Dugan of Schenectady and Jennie Dibble of Worcester. At Schenectady. WT 10-15-47 p.1 c.3

DuMont-Duffy Capt. Alonzo DuMont, son of John DuMont of Decatur and Marion Duffy, dau. of John J. Duffy of Albany. Des. of wedding. WT 4-9-47 p.1 c.5

Farnum-Campbell Mr. Robert L. Farnum, kin of Eva Milks of Worcester and Betty J. Campbell, dau. of Geo. Campbell of Schenevus. Des. of wedding. WT 8-27-47 p.1 c.3

Fuller-Brierton Mr. Kenneth Fuller, son of Mrs. Van Slade of Barnerville and Betty J. Brierton of Howes Cave. At Cobleskill. Des. WT 9-3-47 p.8 c.3

Gillaspie Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillaspie of Oneonta, 25th anniversary. WT 7-9-47 p.3 c.1

Gillaspie-Langston Mr. Leon Gillaspie, form. of Worcester and Miss Genevieve Langston of Tallahassee FL. At Tallahassee. WT 8-25-48 p.5 c.1

Grady-Gamble Mr. Paul Grady, son of Ruth Grady of So. Worcester and Marion Gamble, dau. of J. Marshall Gorham of Englewood N.J. At Oneonta. WT 3-12-47 p.3 c.5; shower WT 3-26-47 p.3 c.5

Graig-Henrickson Mr. Vernon Graig, son of Harry Graig of Charlotteville and Gladys Henrickson, dau. of Teller Henrickson of Jefferson. WT 10-13-48 p.1 c.4

Hafey-Travis Mr. Gerald J. Hafey, son of John L. Hafey of Holyoke Mass. and Madeline Travis, dau. of Geo. Travis of Schenevus. Des. of wedding. WT 10-15-47 p.1 c.4

Hall Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hall of E. Worcester, 54th anniversary, Feb. 15th. WT 2-18-48 p.8 c.3

Hall-Horton Mr. Morey B. Hall, son of Thomas W. Hall and Jean M. Horton. At Troy. WT 10-20-48 p.1 c.3

Herzog-Preston Mr. Charles K. Herzog, son of Andrew Herzog of E. Worcester and Muriel R. Preston, dau. of Anthony Preston of Decatur. Engaged. WT 4-30-47 p.1 c.3; Des. of wedding. WT 7-23-47 p.1 c.4& p.2 c.2

Higgins-Coons Mr. Wm. Higgins of Oneonta. Kin of Martin Pickard and Robt. Fouth of Westford, and Margaret Coons of Oneonta. Des. WT 10-15-47 p.4 c.1

Hill-Nielsen Mr. Kenneth Hill, son of Fenton Hill of Worcester, and Grace A. Nielsen, dau. of Alfred Nielsen of Worcester. Engaged. WT 1-1-47 p.5 c.1; Des. of wedding WT 3-12-47 p.1 c.4

Hillis Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillis of So. Worcester. 52nd anniversary, March 6th. WT 3-12-47 p.4 c.1

Hillis-Burdick Mr. Arthur Hillis, son of George Hillis of Davenport and Daisy Burdick, dau. of Raymond Burdick of Brookfield. At Brookfield. WT 6-9-48 p.1 c.5

Hollenbeck-Rider Mr. Willard R. Hollenbeck of Worcester and Mrs. Gladys Rider of Oneonta. At Cobleskill. Des. of wedding. WT 4-23-47 p.1 c.3

Hollenbeck-Sullivan Mr. Lewis D. Hollenbeck and Mrs. Ethel Sullivan, both of Oneonta. At Worcester. Des. WT 3-3-48 p.5 c.1

Hughes-Truax Mr. L. Edward Hughes, son of Joseph Hughes of Oneonta, form. of Worcester and Helen Truax, dau. of Curtis E. Truax of Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 1-21-48 p.1 c.4

Hunt-Richardson Mr. Harold E. Hunt, son of Erwin V. Hunt of Worcester and Almeda F. Richardson, dau. of Burt Richardson of Lockport NY. WET 8-18-48 p.1 c.3

Huntington-Gaylord Mr. Robert L. Huntington, son of Lowell Huntington of Westford, and Jane A. Gaylord, dau. of J.B. Gaylord of Oneonta. Des. of wedding. WT 1-1-47 p.1 c.3; shower WT 1-29-47 p.4 c.1

Ives Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Ives of Maryland, 50th anniversary, Aug. 5th. WT 8-6-47 p.1 c.3

Jackson-Brown Mr. Donald Jackson of W. Fulton and Vernice Brown, dau. of Ivan Brown. At Richmondville. WT 3-31-48 p.5 c.2

Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bert Johnson of Cooperstown, 50th anniversary. WT 2-26-47 p.1 c.2

Jones-Mereness Mr. Allen E. Jones of Cobleskill, son of Anna Butler of Worcester and Irene Mereness, dau. of Fenton Mereness of Cobleskill. At Newtonville NY. WT 9-24-47 p.1 c.4

Jorgensen-Bozanic Mr. Stewart Jorgenson, son of John Jorgenson of Crawfordville IN and Anna Bozanic, dau. of John Bozanic of So. Hill. Engaged. WT 8-11-48 p.5 c.1; Des. of wedding. WT 9-8-48 p.1 c.3

Keck-Ramsey Mr. James C. Keck, son of Chas. C. Keck of NYC and Margaret Ramsey, dau. of Wm. Ramsey of W. Hill. Des. WT 9-10-47 p.5 c.1

Keller Mr. and Mrs. Joesph Keller of Westford, 30th anniversary. Party. WT 8-6-47 p.4 c.1

Kindle-Johnson Mr. Wm. K. Kindle of Columbus OH and Sylvia L. Johnson, dau. of Mauritz Johnson of Rensselaer, form. of Westford. Engaged. WT 2-18-48 p.4 c.1; WT 5-19-48 p.4 c.1

Klinklowsky Ms. Annette Klinklowsky. At Seymour Conn. Kin of Peter Kowansky of Westford. WT 5-19-48 p.4 c.1

Lansing-Emerson Mr. Ronald C. Lansing of Oneonta and Dorothy J. Emerson, dau. of J.Fred Jenks of Oneonta. WT 9-24-47 p.5 c.1

Larsen-Martin Mr. Robert Larsen and Marilyn Martin. At Schenectady. WT 7-7-48 p.3 c.5

Laube-Keller Mr. Ernest C. Laube Jr., son of Dewey Casiburi of Brooklyn and Madeline J.

Keller, dau. of Joseph Keller of Westford. Engaged. WT 5-28-47 p.4 c.1; Shower. WT 10-29-47 p.6 c.1; Des. of wedding WT 11-5-47 p.4 c.1

Lehman-Whitaker Mr. Carroll B. Lehman Jr. and Mildred Whitaker, dau. of C.L. Whitaker

of Oneonta. Engaged. WT 3-26-47 p.1 c.2; des. of wedding WT 4-16-47 p.1 c.4

Lent-White Mr. James A. Lent, son of Mrs. Florence Elderkin of Otego and Ruth White, dau. of Fenton L. Hill of Worcester. WT 7-28-48 p.1 c.4

Lewis Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis of Albany, 50th anniversary. WT 6-30-48 p.1 c.2

Lewis-Boardman Mr. Milton R. Lewis, son of Ray Lewis of Little Falls and Marjorie R. Boardman, dau. of Guy Boardman of Schenevus, form. of Worcester. WT 7-16-47 p.1 c.5

Lines-Welch Mr. Bradley T. Lines and Alberta Welch. At Fly Creek. Des. WT 10-1-47 p.2 c.2

Lucaskevege-Gaylord Mr. Frank Lucaskevege Jr. of Oneonta and Edith Gaylord, dau. of J.R. Gaylord of Oneonta, form. of Worcester. WT 9-22-48 p.5 c.1

Mabie-Coombs Mr. Robert A. Mabie, son of Arba Mabie and Catherine V. Coombs, dau. of Wm. Smith of E. Worcester. At Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 9-17-47 p.1 c.5

Marvlja Mr. and Mrs. John Marvlja of E. Worcester. Wedding supper.(Mravlja?) WT 7-14-48 p.6 c.1

Masker-McAdams Mr. Charles H. Masker of Oneonta alledged bigamy with Wandita J. McAdams who he married June 1947 while still married to Jeane Thorne Masker who he married in Dec. 1945. WT 10-1-47 p.1 c.3

McCabe-Caiazza Mr. Robert McCabe and Ernestine Caiazza. At Granville. WT 9-15-48 p.1 c.2

Maxon-Millias Mr. Newell L. Maxon of Sidney and Neva Millias, dau. of Joel Millias of Otego. Engaged. WT 4-9-47 p.1 c.5

McAllister Rev. and Mrs. George McAllister of E. Worcester, 50th anniversary, May 4th. WT 4-28-48 p.5 c.1; Des. WT 5-5-48 p.1 c.3

McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Everett McIntyre of Center Valley, 25th anniversary. Party. WT 12-24-47 p.3 c.1

Mereness-Hughey Mr. Ivan Mereness, son of Wm. Mereness of W. Hill Decatur, and Mildred Hughey of Schenevus, dau. of Eli Brown of Cambridge NY. Engaged. WT 1-22-47 p.1 c.4; Des. of wedding. WT 6-4-47 p.1 c.4

Miller-Derby Mr. Harold Douglas Miller, son of A.D. Miller and Joan M. Derby, dau. of Lewis Derby of Jordon NY. Des. WT 6-18-47 p.5 c.1

Millias-Chamberlain Mr. Donald C. Millias, son of Otho Millias of Worcester and Barbara Chamberlain, dau. of Jesse Chamberlain of Cobleskill. Des. of wedding. WT 8-20-47 p.1 c.4

Moore Mr. and Mrs. Otis Moore of Jefferson, 50th anniversary. WT 9-15-48 p.8 c.3

Mostar-Davis Mr. James H. Mostar, son of John Mostar of Albany and Edith Davis, dau. of John Davis Sr. of Worcester. Des. WT 8-18-48 p.1 c.4

Mostar-Wightman Mr. Donald Mostar, son of Joseph Mostar of Cobleskill and Velma M. Wightman, dau. of Mrs. Val Russ of Maryland. Engaged. WT 9-22-48 p.8 c.3

Muehl Mr. Jakob G. Muehl Jr. of Worcester and Viola L. Lewis, dau. of Wm. L. Lewis of Schenevus. Des. of wedding. WT 4-23-47 p.1 c.3

Muller-Sause Mr. Robert A. Muller of NYC and Victoria A. Sause, dau. of E. J. Sause, form. of Worcester. At Bronx NY. WT 9-8-48 p.5 c.1

Multer-Langford Mr. Smith L. Multer of E. Orange NJ, form. of Worcester, and Mrs. Beatrice Langford of Orange NJ. WT 6-4-47 p.1 c.5

Mumford-Nachtigall Mr. Donald Mumford, son of Howard Mumford of Cooperstown and

Mary Nachtigall of Cooperstown, dau. of John Nachtigall of Decatur. Des. WT 9-15-48 p.1 c.3; Des. of wedding WT 9-22-48 p.1 c.5

Naples-Mongillo Mr. Albert Naples, son of Frank Naples of Oneonta, form. of Worcester and Virginia Mongillo, dau. of Pasquale Mongillo of Oneonta. Des. of wedding. WT 11-12-47 p.8 c.3

Nelson-Cady Mr. Henning Nelson of Schenectady and Shirley J. Cady, dau. of Ambrose Cady of Waverly form of Worcester. WT 8-13-47 p.5 c.1

Nelson-Hren Mr. Joseph B. Nelson and Angelina F. Hren, dau. of Frank Hren. Des. of wedding. WT 1-1-47 p.1 c.4

Oliver-Loucks Dr. Ward L. Oliver of Cobleskill, son of Geo. Oliver of Summit and Virginia Loucks, dau. of Clarence Loucks of Gloversville and Sharon. Engaged. WT 2-12-47 p.1 c.3

Oliver-Robbins Mr. Raymond Oliver of Davenport and Mrs. Allie Robbins of Worcester. WT 11-5-47 p.5 c.1

O'Neil-Kirkpatrick Mr. Richard J. O'Neil and Louise Kirkpatrick, form. Worcester Cent. Sch. teacher. At Warwick. WT 6-25-47 p.5 c.1

Oslin-Fleming Mr. Alva B. Oslin of Port Huron MI and Lorna Fleming, dau. of Austin B. Fleming of Pittsford, form. of Worcester. Engaged. WT 7-30-47 p.8 c.3; WT 9-3-47 p.1 c.3

Palmater-Marchant Mr. Burton A. Palmater, son of T.E. Palmater of Westford and Phyllis K. Marchant, dau. of Jas. Marchant of Towbridge England. Des. of wedding. WT 5-7-47 p.4 c.1&2

Parslow-Kelley Mr. Kent Parslow of RD1 Schenevus and Jean Kelley of RD2 Cooperstown. At Westville. WT 1-8-47 p.1 c.5

Paulin-Hill Mr. Harry M. Paulin, son of Anton Paulin of Decatur and Flossie Hill, dau. of Herman Hill of Oneonta. Engaged. WT 10-15-47 p.1 c.4; WT 11-5-47 p.1 c.3

Pierce-Chamberlain Mr. Orrin J. Pierce of Worcester and Ione K. Chamberlain, dau. of Carl A. Chamberlain of Westford. Engaged. WT 10-27-48 p.4 c.1; shower WT 11-3-48 p.5 c.1; wedding WT 11-17-48 p.1 c.3

Pitt-Kingsley Mr. Nicholas Pitt Jr., son of N.J. Pitt of Worcester and Virginia Kingsley, dau. of Frank Kingsley of Cobleskill. WT 1-29-47 p.5 c.1

Preston Mr. and Mrs. Reuben T. Preston of Decatur, 27th anniversary. WT 5-5-48 p.5 c.1

Preston-Brown Mr. Robert F. Preston, son of Reuben Preston of Worcester and Dorothy Brown, dau. of Spencer Brown of So. Valley. Des. WT 9-24-47 p.1 c.3

Preston-Kersmanc Mr. Willis J. Preston, son of Reuben Preston of Decatur and Mildred Kersmanc, dau. of Frank Kersmanc. Engaged. WT 6-18-47 p.1 c.3; Des. of wedding. WT 11-12-47 p.1 c.3; Belling WT 11-19-47 p.2 c.2

Preston-Preston Mr. Raymond Preston and Muriel L. Preston, both of Decatur. At Westville. WT 8-4-48 p.5 c.2

Preston-Tompkins Mr. Chas. Preston of Cooperstown RD2 and Clara Tompkins of Milford RD1. At Hartwick. WT 6-16-48 p.3 c.3

Radez-Wharton Mr. Henry F. Radez, son of Joseph Radez of Richmondville, and Beverly A. Wharton, dau. of Ernest A. Wharton of Summit. WT 1-22-47 p.1 c.4

Redden-Mould Mr. Geo. C. Redden, son of James Jefferson of Newburg, and Louise I. Mould, dau. of Jay Mould of Westford. Des. of wedding. WT 8-27-47 p.4 c.2

Risley-VanAlstyne Mr. Edwin Risley of Hartwick and Mrs. Ethyl VanAlstyne of Cherry Valley. At Cherry Valley. WT 7-21-48 p.4 c.1

Rivenberg-Genter Mr. Clayton Rivenberg of Albany and Mrs. Emma Genter of Albany form.of Westford. At Worcester. WT 5-14-47 p.1 c.2

Robinson-Phillips Mr. Harold E. Robinson, son of Emmett Robinson and Helen Mae Phillips, dau. of Arthur Phillips of Davenport. WT 6-30-48 p.1 c.2

Roe-Roe Mr. Louis Roe, son of Wm. Roe of So. Hill and Corabelle Roe, dau. of Ernest Roe of Worcester. At Davenport. WT 7-14-48 p.1 c.3

Roseboom Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Roseboom of Westford, 55th anniversary, Dec. 13th. WT 12-15-48 p.4 c.1

Rosenweig-Chamberlain Mr. Chas. D. Rosenweig of Rochester and Ethel E. Chamberlain, dau. of Lynn Chamberlain of Maryland. WT 7-30-47 p.5 c.1

Rury Mr. and Mrs. Orra Rury of E. Worcester, 50th anniversary, Mar. 21st. Party. WT 3-24-48 p.8 c.3

Sablyak-Habinc Mr. Dan Sablyak of Springboro PA and Carolina Habinc of Cleveland OH. WT 10-20-48 p.1 c.2

Safford-Dhyne Mr. Harry G. Safford, son of Ralph Safford of Altamont, form. of Worcester, and Edythe Dhyne, dau. of J. Dhyne of Detroit MI. Engaged. WT 2-12-47 p.1 c.3; Invites WT 5-21-47 p.3 c.1

Sahrbacker-Beardsley Mr. Edward Sahrbacker and Helen Beardsley, dau. of Carl J. Beardsley of Fergusonville. At Davenport. WT 8-25-48 p.6 c.1

Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sawyer of Davenport Ctr., 14th anniversary. WT 3-19-47 p.5 c.2

Sawyer-Ludwig Mr. Jay Gordon Saywer and Herta A. Ludwig, dau. of Elizabeth Hof of Kelsterbach Germany. At NYC. Des. WT 3-19-47 p.5 c.2

Shafer-Lewis Mr. Don C. Shafer of Schoharie and Elsie V. Lewis, dau. of David H. Lewis of Albany. WT 8-6-47 p.1 c.3

Shattuck-Denny Mr. James Shattuck of E. Worcester and Mrs. Flossie Denny of Scotia. WT 4-30-47 p.8 c.3

Shaver-Dykeman Mr. Gerald A. Shaver, son of Myron Shaver Sr. of Cobleskill, and Elizabeth J. Dykeman, dau. of Floyd Dykeman of E. Worcester. Engaged. WT 4-16-47 p.1 c.4; Des. of wedding WT 5-21-47 p.8 c.2

Sherman-Bishop Mr. James R. Sherman and Dorothy A. Bishop, dau. of Howard R. Bishop. Des. of wedding. WT 10-22-47 p.1 c.4

Sisson-Walker Mr. John Sisson and Mrs. Mable Walker, both of E. Worcester. WT 8-11-48 p.8 c.3

Smith-Doubleday Wedding at Cooperstown. WT 6-25-47 p.1 c.2

Smith-Fish Mr. Edward C. Smith of Ames NY and Leona Fish of Cooperstown, dau. of Ida Fish of W. Davenport. At Cooperstown. Des. WT 5-21-47 p.3 c.1

Sperbeck-Pitt Mr. Ward W. Sperbeck, son of Orville Sperbeck and Katherine M. Pitt, dau. of Nicholas J. Pitt. At E. Worcester. Des. WT 6-11-47 p.5 c.1

Stevens-Butler Mr. Francis A. Stevens and Belva T. Butler. At E. Worcester. WT 12-15-48 p.1 c.5

Stilwell-Platts Mr. Gordon L. Stilwell of Worcester and Florence J. Platts, dau. of Donald Platts of Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 10-15-47 p.1 c.4

Stone-Cooper Mr. James D. Stone USN, son of Clyde B. Stone of Johnson City TX and Genevieve M. Cooper USN, dau. of Howard B. Cooper of E. Worcester. Engaged. WT 8-18-48 p.1 c.4

Stryker-Ritchie Mr. Frederick J. Stryker, son of F.J. Stryker of W. Hill Rd and Dorothy M. Ritchie of Altamond. Des. WT 7-9-47 p.8 c.3

Taber-Hill Mr. Carl Taber of Delanson and Laura M. Hill, dau.of Fenton Hill of Decatur. Engaged. WT 1-7-48 p.1 c.4

Tait-VanDuyne Mr. Wm. Tait Jr. son of W. Tait Sr. of Stratford NJ and Ruth VanDuyne, dau. of Stanley J. VanDuyne of Nutley NJ. Engaged. WT 7-14-48 p.1 c.5

Tauzel-VanVaerenburgh Mr. John L. Tauzel and Victorine VanVaerenburgh, dau. of Pierre VanVaerenburg of LaHestre Belgium. At Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 9-8-48 p.1 c.4

Thomas-Palmer T-Sgt. Edward W. Thomas USA, and WAC Sgt. Eloise A. Palmer, dau. of Leroy Palmer of Schoharie, form. of Edmeston. In Panama Canal Zone. WT 7-16-47 p.1 c.5

Towner-Pierce Mr. Ernest Towner Jr. of Ithaca and Blanche Pierce, dau. of LaRue Pierce of E. Worcester. Des. of wedding. WT 7-9-47 p.1 c.3

Travis-Horton Mr. Roger O. Travis of Rochester, form. of Schenevus and Lucille M. Horton, dau. of Harold W. Horton of Rochester. WT 8-4-48 p.5 c.1

Truax-Hasselbach Mr. Orlo Truax, son of Curtis Truax and Minna Hasselbach of Oneonta. WT 10-6-48 p.1 c.2

Valaster-Hooks Mr. Frank Valaster and Paulena W. Hooks, dau. of Chas. Hooks of Mt. Vision. At Waterdown NY. WT 12-8-48 p.1 c.3

VanValkenburgh Mr. and Mrs. John L. VanValkenburgh of Roxbury, 69th anniversary, July 19th. WT 7-28-48 p.1 c.3

Vaughn-Milavec Mr. Kenneth G. Vaughn, son of Ralph Vaughn of E. Worcester and Ann M. Milavec, dau. of James Milavec. Des. of wedding. WT 2-19-47 p.1 c.3 & p.2 c.2

Voight Mr. and Mrs. Fred Voight of Furnaceville, 20th anniversary. WT 11-5-47 p.8 c.3

Vroman Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vroman of Pulaski, newlyweds, visiting Westford. WT 5-7-47 p.4 c.1

Waid-Roberts Mr. Albert Waid, son of Dorr Waid of Worcester and Beulah Roberts, dau. of Lee Roberts of Middlefield. Des. of wedding. WT 4-16-47 p.1 c.4

Walsh-Merrill Mr. Clifford W. Walsh, son of Harry Walsh of Cobleskill, and Barbara Merrill, dau. of Walter Merrill of E. Worcester. Des. WT 7-23-47 p.1 c.3

Westfall-PeRue Mr. Earl S. Westfall of Schohaire and Mrs. Ethel G. PeRue of Cobleskilll, dau. of late Geo. W. Gage form. of Worcester. At Howes Cave. WT 2-19-47 p.1 c.4

Whiteman Mr. and Mrs. Van Whiteman of Worcester, 52nd anniversary, Dec. 24th. Party. WT 12-31-47 p.3 c.1; 53rd anniversary. WT 12-29-48 p.5 c.1

Williams Mr. and Mrs. H.T. Williams of Westford, 25th anniversary. Description. WT 4-16-47 p.8 c.3

Wilsey-Stevens Mr. Clarence Wilsey and Mrs. Pearl A. Stevens, both of So. Worcester. At Worcester. WT 4-23-47 p.1 c.2

Winans-Hamilton Son of Earl H. Winans of Catskill and Miss Hamilton, form. of CA. At Catskill. WT 6-2-48 p.5 c.1

Wood-Bulson Mr. DeForest C. Wood and Minnie L. Bulson, both of Worcester. At Binghamton. Des. WT 10-22-47 p.1 c.3

Woodbeck Divorce granted to Ethel Woodbeck of Richmondville from husband Louis Woodbeck. WT 1-21-48 p.1 c.5

Wright-Mornhinweg Mr. Charles F. Wright and Phyllis E. Mornhinweg of Glens Falls NY. At Hoosick Falls. Des. of wedding. WT 3-26-47 p.1 c.5

Zogg-Wayman Mr. Alfred Zogg and Mary J. Wayman, dau. of Dr. Leon Wayman of Oneonta. WT 7-2-47 p.5 c.1

U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014

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