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[ Return to Index ] [ Read Prev Msg ] [ Read Next Msg ] - GEORGIA - Early Newspaper Articles - 2

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Date: Saturday, 30 November 2024, at 5:46 a.m.

23 October 1893 edition of The Atlanta Constitution
(Atlanta, GA):

A CRUSHED FOOT -- Henry Upshaw, a train hand on the East
Tennessee Road, had his foot crushed yesterday near Rockmart,
while coupling freight cars. He was placed on the train and
brought to Atlanta and taken to his home on Windsor Street,
where the foot was dressed by Drs. Danforth and Howell.

This Well-Known Lady Passed Away at Her Home Yesterday.
Mrs. Dr. C. A. Stiles died at her home in this city last night at
7:15 o'clock.
This will be sad news to the many friends of this good lady,
who was held in the highest esteem throughout the community.
The arrangements for the funeral have not, as yet, been completed.
The remains will probably be taken to Savannah today.

May 31, 1896
Atlanta Constitution Newspaper

A Very Interesting talk with Captain Edward Hopkins,
Who was at Harper's Ferry With His Company - He was the First to Seize Brown when the Door Was Battered Down.

Jackson, Georgia., May 23. (Special) There is nothing half so interesting to the sons of soldiers of the confederacy as to listen to the events and incidents of the civil war told by one who today remembers them as but incidents of yesterday.

To hear of these heroic deeds makes our patriot blood course more rapidly through our veins, and we utter a half expressed wish that we could have been a witness and a party to some of the stirring scenes in a courageous struggle for right principles.

Some days ago we came across an old confederate in the person of Captain Edward R. Hopkins, originally of Virginia, whom he found to be quite full of interesting reminiscences and unrecorded incidents of the armies to Virginia during the 60's and of that volcanic period just previous to the outbreak of the civil war.

Captain Hopkins, like all Virginians, is a free talker, and delights to interest hearers with a description of those perilous times. He was a member of the famous YOUNG GUARDS, OF RICHMOND, commanded by CAPTAIN JOHN S. RADY. The YOUNG GUARDS were organized at Richmond on May 10, 1791, and is today one of those live historic military organizations whose names will live as long as the country has a history. Just here we might add that they are only a few of these old companies who have preserved their original names. Among them are to be found yet in existence the Chatham Artillery, of Savannah, which claims to be the oldest military organization in the United States. Other old ones are: The Washington Artillery, the Seventh regiment of New York, Old Guards of new York, and the Putnam Phalanx of Hartford, Conn.

Possibly the most interesting part of Captain Hopkin's experience as a soldier was that experience so vividly remembered by him in the capture of Old John Brown of Ossawatomie, at Harper's Ferry, on the early morning of October 16, 1859. Previous to this time Brown had led a border warfare in Kansas against the promoters of slavery. He was by far the most ardent abolitionists of his time. He was a descendant of the pilgrims who came over in the Mayflower. His intense hatred for slavery dates back to the time when he was a boy and chanced to see a slave cruelly beaten by his master. He then and there made to himself a solemn vow to "kill American slavery".

This vow he never forgot, but made a desperate effort in later years to perform it. His depredations began in Kansas, several of his opposers for their advocacy and practice of slavery. Later Brown continued his efforts in Missouri, fighting against slavery as he went. Finally he made a direct march for the stronghold of slavery in Virginia, hoping to gain followers Virginia, hoping to gain followers among the slaves and others in sympathy with his plan of liberation. In this, however, he was disappointed. Reaching determined followers, made a bold attack where an immense stock of arms was kept. With a handful of well armed men he succeeded in frightening the guards and gained possession of the arsenal.

He then made prisoners of some of the chief men of the town after terrorizing the whole village. At this time HENRY A. WISE was governor of Virginia, and he called out the entire force of the state of militia to resent Brown's attack. So, on Tuesday morning of the 18th of October, 1859, just a break of day, the arsenal was recaptured. Brown and his men had taken refuge in the engine room of the arsenal. The door was battered down and Born, with a few of his men were taken. The others escaped.

CAPTAIN HOPKINS, whose likenes is here presented, came to Harper's Ferry with the Young Guards to assist in the capture. He helped to batter down the doors and was among the first to seize Brown and his companions, who offered no resistance whatever.

Captain Hopkins remembers Brown as distinctly as if the events had transpired yesterday. Brown, he says, was a tall man of thin visage, a quick penetrating eye and bushy hair; age about 60 years. After the capture Brown was taken to Charleston, about 12 miles from Harper's Ferry, the county seat of Jefferson County.

Captain Hopkins was left to assist in keeping guard over the jail until some disposition was made of the prisoner's case. Every day for several weeks, he says, he visited Brown in his cell and talked with him about the attempted liberation of the slaves. He says that Brown would always talk freely about his plans, which came to a sudden termination. The prisoner gave no trouble at all to his attendants and seemed not at all distressed over his fate.

The noted abolitionist was tried by court martial for treason and was found guilty after a fair and impartial trial. His counsellors made no efforts to secure further favors from the court, being satisfied with the trial and judgment of the jury.

Captain Hopkins was present at the trial and heard the testimony and the verdict read. He relates that though those were unusual scenes and rather exciting, there arose no disturbance out of the action. Brown was condemned to be hanged on December 2, 1859. It was a public hanging., at which thousands were present. The execution tok place just on the suburbs of Charleston in an open field, in the center of which there rose an elevation, on which the gallows was erected. Captain Hopkins being a carpenter, he was commissioned to erect the scaffold, which he did with his own saw and hammer.

Brown was escorted to the gallows from the prison by the LEXINGTON CADETS, PERSBURG BLUES, THE DISMAL SWAMP RANGES and the RICHMOND HOWITZERS. Governor Wise and his staff occupied seats on the scaffold during the execution.

Brown had nothing to say on the scaffold, which he ascended with a steady step. He was impatient and expressed a desire to have the thing done quickly and over with.

After the drop through the trap the body hung just 25 minutes, when Captain Hopkins assisted the physicians in cutting it down. The rope used as Captain Hopkins remembers, was a small hempen one about the size of an ordinary window cord.

Brown's wife came over from Kansas a day or two before he husband was hanged and was present in Charlestown when the execution took place. She took charge of the body, which was taken back to Kansas for burial among the scenes of his early depredations.

This ended the career of a man whose daring and courage were indeed remarkable. Whatever his faults may have been he had the courage to lose his life for that which he considered to be right. Brown had the foresight to predict the result of the then bitter feeling against slavery and said before his death "I, John Brown, am not quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done.

About 18 months afterwards it is true that the north and south were bitterly fighting each other and a northern regiment on its way to the contest was singing: "John Brown's body lies smold'ring in the ground, but his soul is marching on." Governor Wise said of John Brown: "He inspired me with great trust in his integrity as a man of truth." He said also: "They are mistaken who take Brown for a mad man. He is a bundle of the best nerves I have ever saw-cool, collected and indomitable. In Brown's last speech at the trial he declared that his only object had been to liberate the slaves and that he did not intend to commit murder or treason or to destroy property. "I feel" said he, 'no consciousness of guilt."

It is remarkable that when the republican party, which so bitterly opposed to the extension of slavery, nominated Abraham Lincoln for the presidency in 1860, he strongly denounced the action of John Brown as "lawless and unjustifiable". Several years after the war, when Captain Hopkins was traveling alone in Kansas in the neighborhood of Brown's old home, he was overtaken by night on the road. He turned in for the evening at a farmhouse close by a road. After supper with the rude and rugged countryman of Kansas incidentally the events of the late war were brough up and the raid of Brown was commented upon by Captain Hopkin's host.

The host denounced in the bitterest terms those that had put to death old Brown and said that he had sworn vengeance on Brown's captors if he ever while in life should cross one of them. In the meantime Captain Hopkins had never intimated that he was a rebel and when his host for the night began to use such significant language he kept exceedingly quiet on the subject, and says for one night he was compelled to be a blue-coat.

Captain Hopkins saw hard service all during the struggle and with the YOUNG GUARDS was at Gettysburg and Appomattox. He is now 60 years old and has never been sick a day but looks ready and willing to go to the field again should it be necessary.

A. A. Rose

The Atlanta Constitution
Atlanta, Ga,
Friday Morning June 27, 1890

The Killing of Whatley
He Was Quarreling With a Negro Gambler Who Shot Him

Covington, Ga. June 26. (Special)

Full particulars of the killing of Robert Whatley by Charles Glover, colored, near Alomn a few days ago, have not been obtained. The facts so far developed show that there was a party of negroes who had been gambling nearly all night and Whatley had been selling Whiskey to them. Charles Glover had won the money of another negro and Whatley was giving the looser some points about how to play cards, when Charles Glover asked Whatley what He had to do with the matter he replied that he had nothing to do with the matter, but was willing to "stake" the other negro in the game between him and Charles. Charles Glover then cursed him and threatened to kill hi, and in a few moments said that he would kill him and any way, drew his pistol and fired on Whatley, killing him almost instantly. Charles Glover has not yet been captured and his whereabouts is unknown. It is suspected that several other negroes were in some way implicated in the killing, and two have been arrested and lodged in Jail.

Church Directory
Oct 29, 1876 - Sunday
The Atlanta Constitution

Page 2 of 4

St. Luke's Church, Corner Walton and Spring Streets, Rev. GEORGE McCAULEY
Rector. Divine service at 10:30 a.m. and at night at 7:30 Sunday school at
4:00 p.m. The public are cordially invited. Seats free.

Second Baptist Church Corner of Washington and Mitchell Sts. Rev. A. T.
Spalding, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7:115 p.m. by the Pastor.
The public and especially strangers cordially welcomed.

St. Paul's M. E. Church, S, Corner Bell and Hunter Streets -- Rev. W. A.
DODGE, Pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. by the pastor. Sunday
school at 3:00 p.m. sharp.

First Baptist Church Corner Walton and Forsyth Sts. Rev. Dr. GWIN Pastor.
Sermon at 10:30 a.m. to children. The public and especially strangers in
the city, cordially invited to attend.

First Methodist Church Rev. Dr. HARRISON, pastor. Preaching at 11:00 a.m.
by Rev. J. MITCHELL and 7:30 p.m. by Rev. J. B. Ford.

Payne's Chapel, Luckie Street, Rev. T. H. TIMMOUS, pastor. Preaching by
Rev. E. Q. Fuller, DD of the M E Church, 7:15 p.n. by Rev. J. A. THURMAN of
the M E Church

Evans Chapel - Corner Chapel and Stonewall Streets.
Rev. W. C. Dunlap, pastor in charge.
Preaching Rev. J. A. Thurman
P.M. Rev. J. H. Smith

Trinity Methodist Church, Corner of Whitehall and Peters St. Rev. W. F. COOK,
Preaching p.m. Rev. M. Freeman, DD
Pm. - Rev. Jas Mitchell

Sixth Methodist Church - South junction Peachtree St. and Merritt's Avenue
Rev. W. C. Dunlap pastor
Rev. L. D. Ellington - AM
Rev. W. E. Tarpley - PM

Louisville and the Short Line

No other line can equal it.
C. R. Kelly - Gen Ticket Agent
John Kilkeny - Gen Pass Agent
John MacLeod - Gen Sup't
Louisville, KY

Academy of the Visitation
Near Wheeling West Virginia
Parents in quest of a first class school for their daughters will do well to
investigate the claims of this celebrated academy. For thoroughness in
every dept. of female education, Mt. de Chantal ranks pre-eminently high.
These facts united to the exceedingly moderate rates of board and tuition
(200 per annum) will we trust secure to this school as large and desirable
a patronage in the future as it has enjoyed in the past. For further
particulars apply for prospective to the Directress of Mount de Chantal,
Academy of the visitation near Wheeling, West Virginia.

Important to the ladies

MRS. A. F. PICKERT has now on hand a fine stock of Millinery ruches, ties
and sash ribbons. Also a fine assortment of Hair goods, in all the shades,
hair and hat ornaments in all the latest designs, and other goods too
numerous to mention. 45 Whitehall St.

CHURCH Directory

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Sunday January 13, 1861



Ten more U.S. arsenals, forts and other government properties, including the important Pensacola, Fla. Navy Yard, were seized by southern states--or republics, as some of them are now--this week.
As was the case last week, the forts fell without bloodshed. This evidently was due in part to the woefully undermanned condition of the installations.
Florida and Alabama troops took the Pensacola Navy Yard and it's $156,000 worth of ordinance stores yesterday. The Yard commander Capt. J. Armstrong, wired Washington: "Having no means of resistance, I surrendered and hauled down my flag."
The troops also seized Forts San Carlos Barrancas and McRee in the harbor area. But a U.S. garrison at Barrancas, commanded by Lt. Adam Jacoby Slemmer, had moved swiftly into old, long vacant Fort Pickens on Santa Rosa Island, and thus the U.S. kept a strategic position at the mouth of the deepest harbor on the Gulf of Mexico.
Demands made yesterday for Fort Pickens' surrender were rejected.
Lt. Slemmer had occupied Ft. Pickens after receiving an order to do his utmost to prevent the seizure of the Pensacola forts--an order mailed to him in a small pink envelope, addressed in a woman's hand, apparently so it would escape detection by Alabama authorities handling the mails.
Capt. Armstrong, apparently dazed by the wild events of recent days, and wishing to have specific instructions from Washington before taking action, wrote for orders and received only instructions to keep the government informed and to be vigilant in protecting public property. His own men were divided on what action to take, and the elderly captain wept like a child before turning the yard over to the secessionists.
Louisiana seized the Baton Rouge arsenal after it was surrounded by 600 state troops. Troops moved into Forts Jackson and St. Philip (40 miles below New Orleans on the river approach to the city), Fort Pike on Lake Pontchartrain and the U.S. barracks two miles below New Orleans,
Forts Johnson and Caswell in North Carolina also were occupied--by the Smithville Guard--Tuesday night.


Jackson, Miss. - "The Bonnie Blue Flag" is the title of a catchy song written this week about Mississippi's secession flag, a blue banner with one white star symbolizing the states supremacy.
After seeing the flag unveiled, Mr. Harry R. McCarthy, an Irish comedian playing an engagement at the Jackson Theatre, wrote about it in verses set to an Irish air, "The Irish Jaunting Car." (A jaunting car is a buggy pulled by one horse or a donkey.)
The chorus of Mr. McCarthy's song, already printed in newspapers and being sung about the state goes: "Hurrah! Hurrah! For Southern rights hurrah! Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star!"


New York - Southern states aren't the only political units threatening to secede.
Elements in this city, led by Mayor Fernando Wood, are pushing a plan to secede from the Union and form a free city. Wall Street leaders are being asked to support the move.


Alexandria, La. - With the disunion crisis worsening, Mr. William Tecumseh Sherman, Ohio-born West Pointer, has submitted to Louisiana authorities his resignation as president of Louisiana State Seminary. He is expected to return to Ohio.

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution - January 13, 1861



Charleston, S.C. - South Carolina Attorney-General I. W. Hayne has been sent to Washington to "demand the delivery of Ft. Sumter," Gov. F. Pickens (Ft. Pickens in Pensacola was named for an ancestor of this gentleman) yesterday wrote Pres. Buchanan. A previous attempt by South Carolina agents failed.
"The demand," said Gov. Pickens "is suggested because of my earnest desire to avoid bloodshed which a persistence in your attempt to retain the possession of that fort will cause." Gov. Pickens promised "the valuation of such property will be accounted for" by South Carolina "upon the adjustment of its relations with the United States, of which it was a part."
With Mr. Hayne are Mr. Robert Gourdin and Ft. Sumter's Lt. Norman Hall.
They have not yet arrived in Washington. But on Monday the President, in a lengthy letter to Congress, de fended as "clear and undeniable" the government's right and duty to use military force defensively against those who assail the property of the federal government."
He begged Congress to find a solution, saying "the fact cannot be disguised that we are in the midst of a great revolution."
Congress this week was laced by the crossfire of angry talk. Sen. Jefferson Davis (Miss.) charged the government broke faith with South Carolina by shifting men from Ft. Moultrie to Ft. Sumter and he upheld the right of states to secede.
Sen. Robt. Tombs (Ga.) said "the success of abolitionists and their allies, under the name of the Republican Party, has produced it's logical result already. They have, for long years, been sowing dragon's teeth and they have finally got a crop of armed men. The disolved......We have appealed from time to time to you to give us our constitutional rights and you have refused them.
"We appeal to you again to restore these rights. Restore them and restore peace, fraternity and unity to all of us. Refuse them and we will ask you to let us depart in peace. Refuse that, and then you present us, as you must, with war. We accept that. We will nail our colors to the mast, inscribed on them Liberty and Equality, and we will trust to the sword and the god of battles for security, tranquility and peace." (Loud applause.)
There was also a petition asking for a national convention in Philadelphia Mar. 4; memorials favoring a national referendum on the Crittenden proposal; approval of House resolution commending Ft. Sumter's Maj. Robert Anderson.
Sen. W.H. Seward (N.Y.) yesterday outlined the great injury the country would suffer if the union were dissolved, and in the house announcement was made yesterday of the withdrawal of Mississippi's representatives. Though Southern representatives objected to the Navy appropriation bill ($11 million, providing reduced sums for Navy yards), it was passed though Southerners were promised a debate on the Army appropriation bill.

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Sunday, January 13, 1861


Within 48 hours, the Union lost three more states this week--
Florida, Alabama and Mississippi. With South Carolina already
out, the Union is now reduced to 29 states.
Florida's legislature voted 62-7 at Tallahassee Thursday to
declare the state "a sovereign and independent nation." On the
same day, at Jackson, Mississippi's legislature passed an
ordinance of secession , 84-15. Alabama's especially called
secession convention followed suit Friday, but the vote was
In all three states, there were appeals from "cooperationists"
for delay and for one last attempt to have Southern geievances
redressed within the Union. But the determination of the
secessionists was overwhelming.
The decisions brought on the most intense excitement--and here
and there, tears. Rockets and Roman candles blazed in
Tallahassee. Men whooped for joy, women clapped their hands and
a great parade wound through the streets. Some of the most
ardent secessionists reportedly are major stockholders in Florida
Railroad, which owes a Northern firm $750,000.
Mississippi's secession ordinance was read to an audience
enveloped in silence. But the quiet gave way to cheers when the
reading was finished and a new flag, bearing one white star on a
blue field was brought out.
Gov. John J. Pettus ordered artillery to Vicksburg to hail boats
passing on the Mississippi--coming from what was now enemy
President--elect Abraham Lincoln was hanged in effigy in Mobile
on secession eve, Thursday night. After the state seceded, 100
guns were fired, a parade was held and an impromptu speeches made
in every public building. Mobile citizens have subscribed
$100,000 for the city's defenses.
Florida's legislature worked up to secession by stages, declaring
first, in resolutions adopted Monday, that the people had the
right to secede and that just cause for secession existed.
On Thursday the cause was given impetus by a telegram from
Florida's congressional delegation, warning: "Federal troops are
said to be moving or about to move on Pensacola forts. Every
hour is important." No movement to reinforce the U.S.
fortifications at Pensacola is known to exist, however.
It was in Alabama that the greatest opposition to secession was
Secessionists arrived at Montgomery of one mind--to take the
state out of the Union. But cooperationists from northern
Alabama, where slavery is not so firmly entrenched, sought to
delay the severance of the Union ties in various fashions.
It was argued that secession was impolitic, that the co-operation
of the other Southern states should be secured before Alabama
seceded; that all honorable means should be used to obtain
Southern rights in the Union; that finally, the secession
convention could only invite the people to ratify a decision to
But the Alabama convention was under the firm control of Mr.
William Lowndes Yancey, that state's most ardent disunionist, and
in the end even some cooperationists signed the ordinance.
Mississippi's secession ordinance was prepared by Mr. Lucius Q.C.
Lamar, a Georgia native of great political import in Mississippi.
Its enactment, too, was hampered by delaying moves--proposed
amendments saying it should not go into effect until it had been
ratified by the people and other states also had determined to
secede. These were rejected.
Alabama invited other seceding states to send representatives to
Montgomery Feb. 4 to form a new government.
Georgia is the next state to consider a secession. Her special
state convention meets Wednesday at Milledgeville.
The Union of 31,443,321 people has now lost more than two million
of them---703, 708 in South Carolina; 140,424 in Florida;
791,305 in Mississippi and 964,201 in Alabama.


Pensacola, Fla. - Lt. Adam Slemmer on Friday again rejected demands by secessionist Col. William Chase that he surrender Ft. Pickens to the secessionists.
Lt. Slemmer, who 10 days ago shifted his forces from Ft. San Carlos De Barrancas (across the bay) to unoccupied but stronger Ft. Pickens on Santa Rosa Island (west of Pensacola), commands 81 men in the unfinished fort.
(Pickens, ironically, was named for the late grandfather of the present South Carolina governor, a secessionist.)
Col. Chase, Massachusetts-born, is in charge of various state troops numbering more than 1,000.
His demand for surrender came two days after Florida Sens. D. L. Yulee and Stephen R. Mallory, who had previously urged capture of the fort, wired Florida Gov. Perry: "No blood must be shed before a Southern Confederacy is formed" and "Jefferson Davis tells me to say that in the present state of affairs, the Pensacola forts are not worth one drop of blood."
In the meantime, these events were transpiring: Ft. Mc Ree west of Ft. Pickens on the mainland, has been occupied by secessionists. Col Chase has wired the Mayor of New Orleans for 2,000 men, the latter saying he would comply if Florida would equip them, and Florida officials agreed.
Since Florida seceded Jan. 10, various federal officials--including judges--have resigned, as has Commodore J. Armstrong, who surrendered the Pensacola Navy Yard. Lt. Slemmer reported one of his men fired on a body of 10 reconnoitering secessionists Sunday night and adds that his men are worn out with labor in repairing Ft. Pickens.
It is also reported that Lt. Slemmer's wife, who went back to Ft. Barancas "without any ostensible business," was arrested there as a spy.
On Friday, the Joseph Whitney docked at Ft. Jefferson, on Garden Key in the Tortugas, with Maj. Arnold and his company of artillery as reinforcements for Capt. Meigs.
And Pres. Buchanan has approved the sending of the sloop-of-war Brooklyn with 90 men from Ft. Monroe, Hampton Roads, to reinforce Ft. Pickens. The Brooklyn, which had been sent days ago to help the Star of the West in her attempt to aid Ft. Sumter, is to leave this week.
At Ft. Sumter, matters have calmed down since the Star of the West attempted to land reinforcements there on Jan. 9 but was repelled.
Indeed Maj. Anderson feels his position secure and Secretary of War Joseph Holt wrote him Wednesday that there is now no plan to reinforce him but aid would be sent if requested.
The Sumter defenses are reported in readiness though South Carolina secessionists are also hard at work reinforcing the batteries at Ft. Moultrie, north of Sumter across the channel.
In the meantime, Gov. F. Pickens has forbidden the U.S. treasurer of Charleston from paying the drafts of the federal paymaster in favor of Maj. Anderson and his command, and the sub-treasurer has refused accordingly, the War Department has learned.
Maj. Anderson has been unable to contract for food in Charleston and his men are subsisting mainly on pork, flour hard bread and a diminishing store of beans.
The men are not apprehensive of an attack, feeling they are prepared, but suffer somewhat from the monotony, the inaction, the chill rains, the lack of tobacco and prickly mattresses made of shavings. But morale is high--boosted by the knowledge that the northern press is filled with compliments about their determined position in the isolated fort.
Lt. T. Talbot, sent to Washington to report the Star of the West incident, returned to Sumter last night, bringing with him the government's stated confidence in Maj. Anderson. On Friday, Lt. R.K. Meade left for his Richmond, Va. home, responding to the dispatch that his mother had died.
But it seems that Maj. Anderson won't leave, though he has been invited to attend a Masonic festival in Albany, NY on Jan. 30. Responding to this invitation--regarded as absurd in view of Maj. Anderson's predicament--he wrote the Masons Tuesday of his "regrets" that he could not attend but thanked them for their Union loving sentiments."
The major added that he hoped the severance of states from the Union may not be "cemented in blood."

Sunday, January 27, 1861


After Georgia troops threatened to take it by force, the U.S. arsenal at Augusta was surrendered peacefully and with elaborate military amenities Thursday.
Meanwhile, Washington dispatched to Ft. Pickens at Pensacola, Fla., reinforcements and instructions for the garrison to avoid a collision unless attacked.
Georgia Gov. Joseph E. Brown arrived in Augusta Tuesday and on the next day sent to Capt Arnold Elzey, the arsenal commander, a declaration that Capt. Elzey and his 80 soldiers must withdraw "at the earliest practicable moment from the limits of the state."
Capt. Elzey refused. But at 1 a.m. Thursday he received from the War Department a communiqué declaring Gov. Brown's action "harsh and preemptory," but adding: It is not expected that your defense should be desperate."
Some 800 Georgia Militiamen and Minute Men assembled at 9 a.m. Thgursday and were preparing to march on the arsenal when Capt. Elzey sent out a request for a meeting with Gov, Brown "for the purpose of negotiating honorable terms of surrender."
Gen. Brown was at the arsenal an hour later and the terms of surrender were agreed upon.
The U.S. flag was to be lowered and saluted by 33 guns, one for each state of the union, including Georgia. The U.S. soldiers were to march out with full military honors; a receipt was to be given for the captured property, and the company, with its arms and property, was to have passage to New York via Savannah.
These terms were carried out, after which refreshments were ordered by Capt. Elzey and toasts were drunk, including one to the Stars and Stripes by Gov. Brown's aide-de-camp, Col. H.R. Jackson.
Then Georgia troops took possession of the arsenal, plus four cannons, 22,000 muskets and rifles and quantities of powder and shot. A white banner with a large red star, signifying the state's supremacy was raised (illustration above). (Note: the illustration depicts the Clinch Rifles mustering before the just seized arsenal).
Meanwhile, The Brooklyn sailed from Norfolk, Va., Friday under sealed orders, taking the companies of men from Fortress Monroe. The newspaper freely reported she was destined for Ft. Pickens.
Pres. Buchanan on Tuesday night dispatched a special messenger to Ft. Pickens to instruct Lt. A.J. Slemmer, commanding , not to allow a collision with the secessionists unless attacked .
Florida and Alabama volunteer troops, in possession of all other fortifications in Pensacola harbor, meanwhile busied themselves mounting and arranging cannon. Pilots however, were notified that they could bring U.S. war vessels into the harbor under a flag of truce.
The first casualty of the Pensacola operations was reported--a Mr. Brown of the Auburn, Ala., Guards, was killed by a Mr. Betts of the Tuskegee, Ala., Light Infantry with a bowie knife. Mr. Brown reportedly insulted Mrs. Betts, although Mr. Brown protested before dying that he did not.
Capt. J. Armstrong, who surrendered the Pensacola Navy Yard to secession troops, arrived in Washington Wednesday and told the Navy Department that three-fourths of his 60 men were secessionists who would have revolted had he offered resistance. Opposition to the seizure force of 400 was useless, he said.
Several steamboats already have been stopped by batteries erected by Mississippi on the Mississippi River. At Memphis, a battery of 16 32-pounders is being erected and plans are underway for establishing a factory to manufacture cannon and shells

From the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Sunday, February 3, 1861


Washington - The warship Brooklyn, with two companies led by
Capt. I. Vodges, is near Ft. Pickens, held by Federal troops,
west of Pensacola. She sailed Jan. 24. The federal garrison of
81 men is surrounded by 1700 troops from Florida, Mississippi
and Alabama, encamped mainly in the seized federal forts of
McRee and Barancas and the Navy Yard, west of Pensacola on the
mainland. Ft. Pickens Capt. A. J. Slimmer has
repeatedly refused demands to surrender. The ship's mission is
no surprise to secessionist troops. Florida Sen. D. L. Yulee,
now resigned, on Monday wired Col. William Chase, commanding the
secessionist troops at Pensacola, that the Brooklyn had left
Hampton Roads, Virginia. Capt. Vodges aboard the Brooklyn, was
sent these instructions by Pres. Buchanan: "Upon receiving
satisfactory assurances from Mr. Mallory and Col. Chase that Ft.
Pickens will not be attacked, you are instructed not to land any
on board the Brooklyn unless said fort shall be attacked or
preparations made for the attack." Pres. Buchanan obviously
hopes the peace conference, opening here tomorrow, will overcome
the need for a landing or force. The situation is very similar
to the government's attempts early last month to send aid via
the Star of the West to Maj. Robert Anderson's small garrison
at Ft. Sumter. Secessionist cannon repelled the Star of the
West, she landed no troops. Yesterday, Florida Gov. M.S. Perry
told the legislature at Tallahassee to take steps at once to
increase and more effectively organize the state militia.

MORE TROOPS FOR CAPITAL - Lt. Col. Hardee Resigns.

More troops reported for duty in Washington this week--and the
army lost a well known officer. He is Lt. Col. William J.
Hardee, a Georgian, author of a book on tactics and former
commandant of cadets at West Point Military Academy. His
resignation became known yesterday, but was not a great
surprise. Last fall, well before Georgia seceded, Col. Hardee
abruptly left West Point and appeared in Virginia, helping to
organize the militia there. The arrival of two companies of
artillery in Washington Friday brought to about 600 the number
of troops and Marines now in the city and Vicinity. The force
at some public buildings has been increased. Orders have been
issued for the enrollment of all persons in the district subject
to military duty. The Army commander, Gen. Winfield Scott, rode
out Friday afternoon to inspect the barracks and stables being
erected for the newly arrived troops. A large female school has
been asked to vacate so that the soldiers may occupy its

From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Sunday, March 10, 1861


Pensacola, Fla. - The U.S. man-o-war Brooklyn and other U.S. vessels will no
longer be able to obtain coal and water at the former U.S. Navy
base in Pensacola harbor, the Brooklyn's commander has been
informed. Boats still visit the U.S. ships (which bear supplies
and men for Ft. Pickens but have not been permitted by U.S.
authorities to land them). There is much trafficking with those
aboard. (In the meantime a clash looms: The Confederate War
Department yesterday issued a call for 5,000 more men to defend
Pensacola and Pres. Lincoln on Tuesday directed the Union War
Department to dispatch troops to Ft. Pickens.) As for the
Brooklyn's water supply, the Pensacola Observer said: "We
advise the fleet to run down to Vera Cruz (in Mexico) for a
supply and give their sails an airing." Gen. Braxton Bragg has
arrived to take charge of the secession forces.


Austin, Tex. - Gov. Sam Houston opposes the union of his now-seceded
state with the Confederacy, preferring
that Texas become an independent republic again. Mr. Houston
also has refused to recognize the state convention which voted
for secession. It's job is at an end, he says, and he and the
state legislature will take care of any public questions now
arising. The legislature will convene March 18. But the
convention in reply, has claimed full power to act for the state
and has promised to act as speedily as possible to place Texas
in the Confederacy. The convention will require all state
officials to take an oath of allegiance to the new government,
or else be replaced. Presumably, this includes Gov. Houston.

From The Atlanta-Journal Constitution
March 31, 1861


Montgomery, Ala. - The Confederate government has called on
Georgia for 2,000 soldiers to go to Ft. Pickens at Pensacola, Fla.
In compliance with the call, Gov. Joseph E. Brown has given notice
to the following volunteer companies to hold themselves in
readiness to march: the Gate City Guards of Atlanta, under
Capt. Wm. I. Ezzard; the Quitman Guards of Forsyth; the Newnan
Guards, and two companies each from Augusta, Macon and Columbus.


Montgomery, Ala. - Three commissioners sail today for Europe to
seek recognition by European powers of the Confederate
government. One is William Lowndes Yancey, the Alabamian who
helped lead the disunion movement. The others are Messrs.
Pierre A. Rost of Louisiana, an immigrant from France and a
friend of C. S .A. Atty. Gen. Judah P. Benjamin, and A. Dudley
Mann, a Georgian who had limited diplomatic experience under the
U.S. government. They are to depart New Orleans for Havana,
where they will board a British steamer for England. Meanwhile
Mississippi became the third state to ratify the Confederate
Constitution. Again delaying tactics were attempted by opponents
of secession. They wished, among other things, to submit the
ratification to a popular vote. But the state convention,
meeting at Jackson, adopted 78 to 7 an ordinance declaring "the
State of Mississippi hereby accedes to and becomes a member of the
Confederacy provided for in said Constitution." Large
capitalists reportedly wish to bid on the $15 million loan
recently approved by the Confederate Congress, but the
government is adhering to its original plan to distribute the
loan widely among the people.


Washington - A total of 83 officers - ranking from lieutenants
through major-generals have resigned the Union Army.
The official War Department list
details the resignations as well as new appointments of
significance. Included among those who have resigned are Maj.-
Gen. David E. Twiggs, former chief of the Department of Texas;
Col. Samuel Cooper and Maj. George Dears of the adjutant-
general's office; Lt. Col. Abraham C. Myers of the
Quartermaster's Department: Surgeons S. P. Moore and D.C. De
Leon, of the Medical Department; Lt. Col. William J. Hardee,
former commandant of the West Point Military Academy; Maj. Earl
Van Dorn and others.


Confederate and Union Forces Converging on Ft. Pickens

Pensacola, Fla. - A battle looms at Ft. Pickens, on
Santa Rosa Island in the harbor here, as federal troops enlarge
their forces. According to official reports, Brig. Gen. Braxton
Bragg today commands 1,116 Confederate troops ringed around the
federal-held fortress. In addition, two companies of Confederate
Zouaves left New Orleans Wednesday. Reports from Mobile, Ala.,
are that a steady stream of troops and munitions pour through
that port, all bound for this point. An additional 500
Mississippi troops passed through Memphis, Tenn., Wednesday.
Also bound for Pensacola. Guns are being mounted in Confederate
held Ft. Barancas and McRee and shot and shell are being quickly
manufactured in the shops of the one time federal navy yard
here. At the same time, a federal fleet, with troops aboard some
of the vessels, stands off Ft. Pickens but no reinforcements have
been landed. Nevertheless, on Mar. 11 Pres. Lincoln directed
that Ft. Pickens be reinforced and the man-o-war Mohawk left New
York harbor that day with orders to Capt. I. Vodges, 1st U.S.
Artillery, directing him to transfer immediately his two
companies from the ship Brooklyn to Ft. Pickens. The order had
not arrived as of last night. (Pres. Lincoln this week also
issued orders for other ships to take provisions to Forts. Sumter
and Pickens, even though Army Gen. Winfield Scott this week has
changed his mind and advised the President to surrender both
fortresses to the Confederacy. See story below.) The federal
fleet off Ft. Pickens (depicted above) includes the Sabine (50
guns), the Brooklyn (25 guns), the St. Louis (20 guns), the
Crusader (eight guns), the Wyandotte (five guns) and the Supply
(two guns).


Pres. Lincoln Orders It; Cabinet Is Divided; A Crisis Looms.

Washington - An expedition to provision Ft. Sumter's garrison
will leave Northern ports by
Saturday, Pres. Lincoln has ordered. Thus ends weeks of
indecision; the die is cast. If Confederate forces determine
to prevent the provisioning of the fortress, war may result.
Pres. Lincoln issued his order Friday to War Secretary Simon
Cameron: "I desire that an expedition, to move by sea, be got
ready to sail as early as the 6th of April next, the whole
according to memorandum attached; and that you cooperate with
the Secretary of the Navy for that object." The memorandum
referred to is that drafted by Assistant Navy Secretary Gustavus
Fox, who returned days ago from a visit to Maj. Robert Anderson,
commanding Sumter, to determine his needs. The major indicated
that his dwindling supplies would last only until noon of April
15. The Fox memorandum details the ships, men and supplies
required to provision Sumter. Pres. Lincoln's decision--made in
consonance with his policy to hold federal forts wherever they
are--has met opposition by half his cabinet.


Richmond, Va. - The owner of the copyright of "Dixie's Land" has
realized $4000 by the sale of that song, according to the
Dispatch here. The newspaper added: "Do you know that 'Dixie's
Land' has become the national anthem of secession? The song is
called for in Southern theaters and received with cheers and
applause while 'Hail Columbia' and the 'Star-Spangled Banner'
are hissed down. 'Dixie's Land' was written by a Northerner.
'Yankee Doodle' itself was written, air and words by a surgeon
in the British Army during the Revolution to express his supreme
contempt for the American. But the Yankees captured the tune.
'Dixie's Land,' then belongs to the South by right of seizure,
as do the forts, the arsenals, the mints, taken from the general
government by the seceding states.

Georgia, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1742-1992

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