U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
New York Times
August 21, 1923
Page 15
FOSHAY --- Suddenly on August 20, 1923, Etta Foshay, beloved daughter of the late Dewitt and Jennie Foshay. Funeral services at her late residence 1 Convent Av.. on Wednesday evening, Aug. 22, at 8 o'clock.
New York Daily Times, Thursday, March 15, 1855
In this City, on Wednesday, 14 inst. Wm. A. Foshay aged 38 years and 8 months.
His remains will be taken to Mount Pleasant, Westchester County, from the home of his brother-in-law S.D. Layman No 16 Cornelia St. on Friday morning at 6 O'clock.
The funeral services will be delivered this day at 3 o'clock PM. The relatives and friends are invited to attend.
The New York Times - Saturday, Oct, 18, 1862
FOSHAY. --- At Rye, on Friday, Oct. 17 Rachel, wife of Thomas Foshay, in the 71st year of her age.
The friends and relatives of the family are respectfully invited to attend her funeral, from the M.E. Church at Mamaroneck. on Sunday next, the 19th inst., at 2 o'clock P.M., without further notice.
The New York Times Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1863
FOSHAY. On Tuesday, Oct. 13, THOMAS FOSHAY, in the 74th year of his age.
His relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 1 o'clock, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, Mamaroneck. Trains leave 27th ? ? 11 o'clock.
(The two question marks indicate the text is unreadable.)
The Daily Item or the Port Chester Journal
June 1, 1893
Benjamin J. Foshay, a cousin of Mrs. Samuel Bloom of this Village died recently at his home in Port Chester where he was a prominent citizen. He was one of the charter members of Mamaro Lodge, F. & A. M. of the same village. Mr. Foshay was a man whose character and manly qualities were prominent and worthy of emulation. He was always faithful to the trusts reposed in him. He leaves a widow and children to mourn his death. He was a loving husband and indulgent father who was esteemed in the community as a good citizen, having the confidence of his fellow men, both in public and private life. -- Sing Sing Register.
Port Chester Journal and Westchester County Advisor
Thursday, November 12, 1874
At Rye Neck, Nov. 9, Mary A., wife of John Foshay, in the 64th year of her age.
(This Mary A. Foshay's maiden name is Brown; her parents were Nathan and Levina Brown. She was the first wife to John Foshay who was born in 1811. John's second wife was Ann Marie, so far Ann Marie's maiden name has not been found. Mary A. Foshay (nee Brown) is buried in Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye, Westchester County, NY.)
The Port Chester Journal - Thursday, October 11, 1894
Death of Mrs. Foshay.
Mrs. Emma C. Foshay, wife of Mr. John Foshay, of the firm Foshay and Brewer, Rye Neck, died on Tuesday, Oct 9th, aged 55 years and 11 months. She was the daughter of the late John and Louise Mosser and was born in Mamaroneck. Mrs. Foshay was kindly Christian woman beloved by all who knew her. The funeral services will be held from the house tomorrow afternoon, Friday, at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Holmes, of the M.E. Church will officiate, and interment will be in Union Cemetery.
The New York Times, Tuesday, September 27, 1949
Special to The New York Times.
Peekskill, N.Y., Sept. 26 Mrs. Isabella Pierce Foshay, widow of Dr. J. Russell Foshay, who practiced medicine here for more than forty years, died this morning in Stamford, Conn. at the age of 71. A son Harry, survives.
New York Times Wednesday, February, 25, 1953
Charleston, S. C., Feb. 24 -- Harold Adams Foshay, one of Hollywood's early motion picture figures, died in a local hospital yesterday at the age of 69.
Mr. Foshay's career covered almost the entire field of the silent picture era. He had played minor acting parts with old-time favorites among them Gloria Swanson, and later became a director and producer. He had been retired for fifteen years and maintained a home in Beverly Hills, Calif.
The New York Times - June 7, 1960 - Page 35: column 4
CINCINNATI, June 6 (UPI) -- Dr. Lee Foshay, University of Cincinnati microbiologist who developed a vaccine against rabbit fever, died here today after an illness of several months. He was 64 years old.
Dr. Foshay's vaccine has been in use by hunters since 1933 to prevent tularemia, a disease transmitted by rabbits and other game. He graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1920, served his internship in Cleveland and had been on the Cincinnati faculty since 1926.
Miss Mary A. Foshay
Special to The New York Times
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 30 - Miss Mary Amelia Foshay, former Los Angeles school teacher, died Sunday in her Pasadena home at the age of 85. Coming here in 1888 from Shrub Oak, N.Y., Miss Foshay became principal of the local Twenty-fourth street School, remaining in that position until her retirement. She leaves two cousins, Mrs. James A. Foshay and Mrs. Eleanor Foshay Schersee of Los Angeles.
THE New York Times, MONDAY, JULY 3, 1939
PENN YAN, N.Y., July 2, -- William B. Foshay, known thirty years ago throughout New York State as an exhibition bowler, died today at the age of 76.
The New York Times, Saturday, May 11, 1946
Special to The New York Times
PEEKSKILL, N.Y. May 10 ---- Mrs. Mary Miller Foshay, wife of City Clerk Harry D. Foshay, died yesterday at the Peekskill Hospital after a month's illness. Her age was 68. also surviving are a son, Harry B. Foshay, Jr., Peekskill; a sister, Mrs. Arthur Fitzsimmons of New York, and a brother, Walter Miller of Beacon, N.Y.
The New York Times, January 18, 1923
William F. Foshay Dies at 84.
Ossining, N.Y., Jan. 17-- William F. Foshay, old time New York business man and member of the firm of Tefft, Weller & Co. for thirty-five years, died today at his home, 15 Ellis Place. He was 84 years of age, was born in Ossining and lived here all his life. In 1860 he opened a small dry goods store, later operating stores in Kingston and Hudson, N.Y.
The New York Times October, 15, 1937
Special to The New York Times
PORT CHESTER, N.Y., Oct. 14. - Benjamin Schuyler Foshay, building contractor and descendant of one of Port Chester's pioneer families, died here yesterday in the United Hospital at the age of 53. During the World War he was an engineer with United States Housing Corporation. Surviving are his widow Mrs. Edna Krueger Foshay, and a daughter, Miss Ghierstien Foshay
Port Chester, N.Y., Thursday, October 14, 1937
B.S. Foshay's Death Follows Brief Illness
Prominent Engineer And Contractor Victim of Heart Attack.
Benjamin Schuyler Foshay, 53 a life long resident of Port Chester and descendant of one of the community's pioneer families died yesterday at United Hospital from a heart attack, He had resided at 34 Summit Avenue. Mr. Foshay was well known as an engineer and contractor, was an active volunteer fireman and was a zealous working in the Home Guard during the World War period. Mr. Foshay was born in Port Chester on Feb. 25, 1884, the son of the late Benjamin J. and Gheirstein Greene Foshay, both of Colonial ancestry. His father conducted a favorite general store in old Port Chester on the Corner of Adee and North Main streets where Liggett's now stands. He was a large property owner and prominent citizen. Mr. Foshay was educated at Port Chester High School and in 1914 formed the Brennan-Foshay Engineering Co. in partnership with Walter C. Brennan, now superintendent of the municipal road and bridge department. Mr. Brennan was president, Mr. Foshay secretary-treasure, and the firm had considerable success.
Served Government
Mr. Foshay was one of the organizers and active members of the home guard, a defense unit in the World War days. Later he went to Waterbury, Conn., as an engineer for the United States Housing Corporation, serving until the end of the war. For Many years Mr. Foshay had been an active member of the Harry Howard Hook and Ladder Company of the Port Chester Fire Department, He had held most of the offices in the company. Surviving are his wife Mr. Edna K. Foshay, a teach in the park Avenue school; and a daughter, miss Ghierstien Foshay, a student at Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass. The funeral service will be at the Washington M. Craft Memorial Home at 2:30 PM Sunday. The Re. Stanley S. Kilbourne, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church will officiate and interment will be in Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye.
Friday, Oct, 15, 1937 Page 1, Column 4 update
Funeral of Foshay set for Saturday
Rev. Mr. Kilbourne To Officiate At Memorial
Funeral services for Benjamin S. Foshay of 34 Summit Avenue prominent contract and engineer, will be held at 2:30 PM tomorrow instead of Sunday afternoon as previously announced. The rites will be conducted at the Washing M. Craft Memorial Home Irving Avenue and Leicester Street at 2:30 PM tomorrow. The Reverend Stanley s. Kilbourne, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, will officiate and interment will be in Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye.
Mr. Foshay, 53, died Wednesday at United Hospital from a heart attack. He was secretary-treasurer of the Brennan-Foshay Engineering Co.
The New York Times - Monday, February 10, 1947
Peekskill's First City Clerk, 68.
Was long in Printing Trade
Special to the New York Times
PEEKSKILL, N.Y., Feb, 9 -- Harry Bowne Foshay, first city clerk here, who formerly was a trustee of the Village of Peekskill died yesterday in his home at 1061 Main Street of a heart attack, his age was 68. Born here, the son of John Thomas and Marietta Bowne Foshay, he at an early age became a printer for his father who for many years was one of the owners of The Highland DemocratTHE New York Times, Sunday, June 15, 1947
Special to The New York Times.
PEEKSKILL, N.Y., June 1?
Dr. J. Russell Foshay, a physician here for thirty-five years, died today of a heart attack in near by Ossining as he was about to enter a church to attend a wedding. He was 67 years old. Dr. Foshay was born in Peekskill, the son of Nelson G. and Amanda Wessells Foshay. He received an M.D. degree in 1909 from the college of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University. He served his internship at the French Hospital in New York. He was Westchester County Coroner for two Terms, beginning in 1912; former president of Peekskill Medical Association, a former member of the Westchester County Board of Health. Dr. Foshay leaves a widow, Mrs. Isabella Pierce Foshay; a son Harry N. Foshay, and a brother Douglas N. Foshay of Martinsville, N.J.
The following biography was in a book titled "Biographies of Westchester County". Still looking for the Obit for John F. Foshay to go with his wife's Emma whose obit is already on the site.
This gentleman, a member of the firm of Foshay & Brewer, dealers in hardware, coal and lumber at Mamaroneck, is one of the most enterprising business men of the place, whose well known character for promptness brings in a substantial and permanent success. He was born September 11, 1835, in the village which is still the place of residence.
His father, John Foshay, was born near White Plains, this county, passed the most of his boyhood days there, and when he was still young his parents moved to Orienta Point, Mamaroneck township, where as a farmer he passed the rest of his life, dying at the age of eighty years. In his religious principles he was a Methodist, and for several years was a trustee of the church.
Politically he was a Democrat, but was never in public politics. He married Mary Ann Brown, a native of Rye, this county, and a daughter of Nathaniel Brown and Levina Brown; and she died when about sixty-four years of age, a zealous and faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Thomas Foshay, of French descent and grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was also a follower of the agricultural pursuits, and died at the age of seventy five years.
Mr. Foshay, our subject, was an inmate of his parental home until of age, when he engaged in the grocery business here in Mamaroneck. Continuing in this, with good success until 1881, he sold the grocery, and, forming a partnership with Rueben G. Brewer, engaged in the hardware, coal and lumber trade. The enterprising spirit, the habits of promptness, and the virtue of integrity of these gentlemen insure them a driving business. Mr. Foshay is a director in the Mamaroneck Bank. Politically he is a Republican, and in religion a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
He was united in marriage with Miss Emma C. Mosser, of New York, and they have two daughters."
Here are the obits for John and his wife:
The Port Chester Journal - Thursday, January 17, 1901
MAMARONECK - A Good Man Passes Away
On Thursday morning passed away one of the old and reliable landmarks of the Town of Rye and the Village of Mamaroneck, John Ferris Foshay. For sixty-five years he had lived in Mamaroneck and for forty-four years had been prominently identified whith its interests. Born in Mamaroneck he began business for himself at the age of 21 and though he did not accumulate great riches rapidly, his business ventures were conservative and successful. His first venture was in the grocery business being
associated with John Davenport. The firms first business was in the same building (Main St., Rye Neck), where the solid citizen ended his business career two years ago by retiring from the firm Foshay and Brewer. He later bought out the Davenport interest in the business and then removed to the building on the Mamaroneck side of the bridge, and recently used as the Post Office
building. He then branched out in the bakery and confectionery business and for a number years did the largest business in that line of any firm in the town. Having disposed of this business, he with Mr. Reuben G. Brewer organized the firm Foshay and Brewer coal, lumber, hardware and mill work, which has been eminently successful. This firm succeeded Messrs. George Hains & Sons. The name of the firm has always been synonym of fair dealing and integrity. The senior member was a gentleman of peculiarly kind disposition. Affable, just and indulgent, he enjoyed the full confidence of every one that knew him. He was a gentleman in all that the word implies, one of those truly grand, good men whose acquaintanceship we crave, and whose confidence we prized.
Wedded to his home and those he loved best on earth, Mr. Foshay never sought public office. He preferred the companionship of those who were near and dearest to him to the glamour of public life and office. Mrs. Foshay's death was due to paralysis which overtook him while on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. M. J. Hall. His wife died some six years ago and those nearest the grand old patriarch knew he never fully recovered from that bereavement. He is survived by two daughters, Miss Louise Foshay and Mrs. M. J. Hall; one sister Miss Mary A. Foshay; and four brothers, Messrs. Nathan, Edward and William Foshay, of Mamaroneck and Mr. Israel Foshay of Noroton, Conn.
Mr. Foshay was a Director in the First National Bank of Mamaroneck and a member of Sheldrake Council of the Royal Arcanum) The pallbearers were all members of the Arcanum: Messrs. Thomas C. Palmer, Curtis G. Peck, Wm. Sanger (of New Rochelle), and Louis F. Brennecke. The Rev. F. B. Upham officiated at the service at the residence at two O'clock. Interment was in the family plot in Union Cemetery.
The Port Chester Journal, Thursday April 29, 1886
Mamaroneck - Mrs. Maria Foshay, wife of John Foshay Sr., died at her residence on Tuesday about 9 o'clock, at the age of 60 years. Mrs. Foshay had been ill for some time, and her death was hastened by softening of the brain. Her funeral took place from the house on Thursday at 2 o'clock, the Rev. John Pullman officiating.
(Notes: This lady was the 2nd wife of John Foshay Sr. Her burial was in Greenwood Union Cemetery in Rye, NY. The stone says "Ann Marie wife of John Foshay". She was born February 16, 1827 and died April 27, 1886.)
Port Chester Daily Item - Tuesday, April 1, 1919
MAMARONECK - Mrs. Caroline O. Foshay
Mrs. Caroline O. Foshay, widow of Nathan D. Foshay, a lifelong resident of Mamaroneck, died on Sunday at the home of her son, Trustee Harry E. Foshay, 34 Beach Avenue, After a lingering illness, in her seventy-sixth year. The funeral services will be held tomorrow afternoon at two o'clock at her late residence. Rev. I. S. Marsland, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church, officiating and the interment will be made in in Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye, NY. Mrs. Foshay, who was born in Mamaroneck, had made a large circle of friends, who have many words of respect and affection for her. She was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and has been a faithful and active worker.
(Notes: Caroline died on March 30, 1919 aged 75 yrs, 4 months and 21 days old. She had two children, Harry E. Foshay and Marry E. Foshay. Marry died at a young age. Caroline's middle initial stood for Ophelia, and her parents where Albert Haight and Hetty A. Guion).
Glen Foshay
GALESBURG - Glen E. Foshay, 78, of 538 W. Tompkins, died at 4:50 a.m. Friday, Feb. 28, 2003, at Knox County Nursing Home in Knoxville.
Born May 8, 1924, in Galesburg to John and Edna Mae Brown Foshay, he married Kathryn L. Stone on June 6, 1946, in Canton. She died March 31, 1998.
He also was preceded in death by two sons, Richard and John "Tony"; four brothers; and one sister.
Surviving are two sons, Andy of Laurinburg, N.C., and Steve of Galesburg; two sisters, Katherine Nesbit and Helen Bernlohr; and eight grandchildren.
He was a World War II Army veteran.
He had been a dock foreman and dispatcher for Dohrn Transfer Trucking Co. in Galesburg.
He was of the Catholic faith.
Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Sunday at St. Joseph Catholic Cemetery in Canton. The Rev. Joseph Presley will officiate. Visitation will begin at 1 p.m. Sunday at Oaks-Hines Funeral Home in Canton. - Peoria Journal Star, (IL) - March 1, 2003
Adrienne A. (Saffer) Foshay
BROOKFIELD -- The funeral service for Adrienne A. (Saffer) Foshay, 60, of 4 Mill St., who died Monday, Dec. 30, will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, in Pillsbury Funeral Home, Old West Brookfield Road. Burial will be in Hope Cemetery, Worcester. There are no calling hours. - Worcester Telegram & Gazette (MA) - January 3, 2003
BROOKFIELD -- Adrienne A. (Saffer) Foshay, 60, of 4 Miller St., died Monday, Dec. 30, at home.
She leaves two daughters, Dyann Thibeault of Brookfield and Debra Flagg of Denton, Texas; and nine grandchildren. A son, David A. Flagg, died in 1998. She was born in Worcester, daughter of Charles A. and Hazel (Ogassian) Saffer, and lived most of her life in Worcester before moving to Brookfield a year ago.
The funeral service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 4, in Pillsbury Funeral Home, Old West Brookfield Road. Burial will be in Hope Cemetery, Worcester. There are no calling hours. Memorial donations may be made to Muscular Dystrophy Association, PO Box 78342, Phoenix, AZ 85062-8342.
Marjorie Andersen Foshay, 86, formerly of South Portland, died Monday, May 15, 2000, at a local hospital.
She was born in Portland, a daughter of Rasmus and Petrea Andersen. Mrs. Foshay attended local schools as well as Deering High School.
Mrs. Foshay worked briefly for the Portland YMCA and later worked for several years at Friendship Manor in South Portland.
Surviving are three sons, Robert of Camden, Donald of Cape Elizabeth and Stephen of Madison; a sister, Helen Marr of Falmouth; 12 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.
There will be no visiting hours. Funeral services will be private. Arrangements by Conroy-Tully South Portland Chapel, 1024 Broadway. Burial will be at Pine Grove Cemetery, Falmouth. - Portland Press Herald (ME) - May 17, 2000
Arthur Foshay Jr.
Arthur W. "Wells" Foshay Jr., 85, of 19 Ford Hill Road, died Tuesday at St. Luke's Hospital in New York City. He was a school principal and consultant in California and Ohio, and director of the Bureau of Educational Research at Ohio State University. He retired in 1967. Born in Oakland, Calif., he was a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley. He attended the Teachers College at Columbia University, N.Y., and attained a doctorate in education. He moved here in 1975, and was active in town affairs. He chaired the School Committee for three years. He was president of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, president of the John Dewey Society, and a founder of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Attainment. He wrote books and articles for educational journals, was a consultant to school systems in this country and abroad, and was listed in "Who's Who in Education," "Who's Who in America," and "Who's Who in the World." He leaves his wife, the former Angela E. Fraley; a son, Wellesley Robinson Foshay, of Naperville, Ill.; a daughter, Constance Foshay Row of Edgewater, Md.; four grandchildren, and a cousin. The funeral will be Saturday afternoon at the Community Church, with the burial in North Cemetery. The calling hours are this evening at Smith-Kelleher Funeral Home of Shelburne Falls, and memorial contributions may be made to the Memorial Scholarship Fund, Town Hall, Rowe, 01367. - Union-News (Springfield, MA) -
May 1, 1998
MAQUON -- Kathryn L. "Kitty" Foshay, 71, of Box 155 died at 4:25 a.m. Tuesday, March 31, 1998, at Methodist Medical Center in Peoria.
Born Nov. 23, 1926, in Galesburg to Clyde E. and Nora Barnaby Stone, she married Glen E. Foshay on June 29, 1946, in Canton. He survives.
Also surviving are her father of Canton; two sons, Steve of Galesburg and Andy of Laurinburg, N.C.; one sister, Marie Davis of Canton; and eight grandchildren. Two sons, Richard and John "Tony," one brother and one grandchild preceded her in death.
She worked for Admiral Corp. in Galesburg for 25 years. She was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic Church in Elmwood.
Graveside services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at St. Joseph Cemetery, Canton. The Rev. Tom Seibert will officiate. There will be no visitation. Arrangements are by Oaks-Hines Funeral Home, Canton.
Memorials may be made to any charity. - Peoria Journal Star, The (IL) - April 1, 1998
FOSHAY, Charles Arthur, "Chuck", 67, of Buena Vista, died Friday, March 27, 1998. He was born December 9, 1930, in Milbury, Mass., son of the late Charles Edgar and Mary Louise Dunn Foshay. Prior to moving from Erie, Pa., to Buena Vista in 1963, he graduated from Gannon College, married Sara, served in the U.S. Army during the Korean Conflict and was employed by American Sterilizer. He helped open Modine Manufacturing Company in Buena Vista, from which he retired after 34 years of service. He earned his Master's Degree in Business Administration from Virginia Tech. He attended the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Waynesboro. Mr. Foshay was an active community leader, serving as chairman of the Labor Day Committee, and serving on the Maury River Advisory Board, the Mental Health Advisory Board and the Glen Maury Park Board. He was a past member of the Rotary Club. He was currently serving as chairman of the Buena Vista Electoral Board and chairman of the Stonewall Jackson Hospital Fund Raising Drive. He was an active member of the Republican Party. Mr. Foshay enjoyed singing with the High Wheelers Barber Shop Group and attending the daily meeting of the Hardee's Coffee Club. He was a devoted, loving husband and father. Surviving are his wife, Sara Burns Foshay; daughter and son-in-law, Susan Foshay and Michael P. Friski Sr. of Lexington; son and daughter-in-law, David Charles and Margaret Elizabeth "Meg" Foshay of Rock Hill, S.C.; grandchildren, Christopher Michael Friski, Andrew Joseph Friski and Emily Jean Foshay, and his dog, Laddie. The funeral service will be conducted at 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 31, 1998, at the Lomax Funeral Home Chapel, with the Rev. Robert Hawkins and Mrs. Betty Hausrath officiating. The family will receive friends from 7 to 8 p.m. Monday at Lomax Funeral Home. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to Buena Vista Rescue Squad or First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Northgate Avenue in Waynesboro. Arrangements are being handled by Lomax Funeral Home. - Roanoke Times, The (VA) - March 29, 1998
GALESBURG -- Richard "Mike" Foshay, 45, of 689 W. Berrien died at 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 24, 1998, at his home.
He was born July 10, 1952, in Galesburg to Glen E. and Kathryn Stone Foshay.
Surviving are his parents of Maquon; two brothers, Andy of Laurinburg, N.C., and Steve of Galesburg; and one sister, Kathy Wood of Maquon. One brother preceded him in death.
He was a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service in Denver. He was of the Catholic faith.
Graveside services will be at 3 p.m. Friday at St. Joseph Cemetery, Canton. The Rev. Michael VanAcker will officiate. There will be no visitation. Arrangements are by Oaks-Hines Funeral Home, Canton.
Memorials may be made to the HIHAC. - Peoria Journal Star, The (IL) - March 26, 1998
RICHARDSON, Catherine Foshay, born Dec. 4, 1904 in Muskogee, Ok. She died Sept. 21, 1993 in Oklahoma City, Ok. Catherine was a retired teacher for the School for the Blind and the Muskogee public school system. She was also the first full-time counselor in Muskogee schools. She was a lifetime member of the Oklahoma Teacher's Association. She held a Bachelor's degree and two Masters degrees. She enjoyed learning and teaching, but most of all, she loved people. Her greatest source of pride, however, was her family. She was predeceased by her husband, Wilbur L. Foshay. She married Frank Richardson in 1988. They shared their last years together in devotion to each other. Frank died in July of this year. Catherine is survived by four children, Caroline Cannon, Harry L. Smith, Teta Turner and Betsy Redfern. She had 10 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren, all of whom gave her much joy. She would like to be remembered as someone who enjoyed life to its fullest. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests donation s to Apollo Elementary School, Students Special Needs, 1901 N. Peniel, Bethany, Ok 73008. Services will be Thursday, September 23, 1993, at 12:30 p.m. at the Bill Merritt Memorial Chapel with entombment at Memorial Park Cemetery in Muskogee, Ok. at 4:00 p.m. - Daily Oklahoman, (Oklahoma City, OK) - September 23, 1993
Louis A. Foshay Jr., 68, of 1149 North Glencove Road, Syracuse, died Saturday at Community-General Hospital.
Foshay attended Harvard University and was a graduate of New York University.
He retired from a supervisory position at Bristol-Myers Co. in 1986 and was an Army veteran of World World II, serving in the European Theatre.
Mr. Foshay was a member of the First English Lutheran Church, the National Rifle Association, the New York Pistol and Rifle Club and the Coonley NoJaim Memorial Chapter No. 30 Disabled American Veterans.
Surviving are his wife of 39 years, Anna Byer Foshay; two sons, Louis Foshay III of Syracuse and Thomas Foshay of Tampa, Fla.; a daughter, Carol Leduc of Syracuse; three brothers, Richard of York Town Heights, Robert of Lutz, Fla. and Edward of Stormville; and a grandson.
Memorial services will be at noon today in the First English Lutheran Church, 507 James St.
There will be no calling hours.
Contributions may be made to the First English Lutheran Church Memorial Fund.
Frasier-Shepardson Funeral Home has arrangements. - Syracuse Herald American (NY) - August 23, 1992
Stanley M. Foshay Jr., 49, of 1 City View St. was stricken ill and died Friday in his home.
He leaves four sons, Stanley M. Foshay III, Christopher and Mark Foshay, all of Worcester, and Eric Foshay in Florida; a sister, Beatrice Berry of Worcester; three grandchildren; nephews and nieces. He was born in Millbury, son of Stanley M. Foshay Sr. and Beda (Berndtson) Foshay, and lived here most of his life.
He was a long-distance truck driver for many years for several trucking companies.
Funeral services will be private. Burial will be private in New Swedish Cemetery. There are no calling hours. Graham, Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlors, 838 Main St., is directing arrangements. - Worcester Telegram & Gazette (MA) - February 25, 1991
Israel Foshay
Stamford Advocate - Stamford, Connecticut Monday, May, 18, 1931
FOSHAY - On Sunday May 17, 1931
Funeral Private.
(Notes: Israel is buried in the Spring Grove Cemetery, Darien CT. He lived in Darien from about the age of 35 based on census records. Born in Rye, NY, his full name was Israel Peck Foshay, he married a Susan who is also buried in the same plot in Darien. Along with a John Knox and his wife Mary Ann Knox, their footstones say Mother and Father, I am assuming for the moment that they are Susan's parents. Israel's parents were John Foshay & Mary Ann Brown.)
William H. Foshay
Port Chester Daily Item
Wednesday 22, August 1928
Ice injures man in Rye
East Port Chester Resident Hurt Unloading Car
William Foshay, fifty-one of North Water Street East Port Chester is in the United Hospital suffering from a fractured skull earned today when he fell and struck his head on a cake of ice while unloading it from a freight care in the Rye yard.
Foshay, who is employed by Peters Brothers Ice Company in Rye, was unloading ice for a freight car at 9 o"clock this morning, when he fell and struck his head. Fellow workman brought the unconscious man to the United Hospital where his condition was said to be very grave at press hour this afternoon.
William H. Foshay
Port Chester, Westchester County, N.Y.
Saturday, August 25, 1928
W. Foshay dies from injuries
Veteran Port Chester Man Succumbs In Hospital From Ice Hurts.
Purchase Street Resident struck head on cube unloading car.
William H. Foshay, fifty one of Purchase Street, Rye died early today at the United Hospital from a fractured skull received Wednesday when he fell while unloading ice from a freight car in the Rye freight yards and struck his head against a cake of ice. He was born in Mamaroneck and had lived in this section all his life.
Funeral services will be conducted at the home of his daughter Mrs. Anna Lipsett, 114 Pemberwick Road, East Port Chester, Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock by the Rev. Stanley S. Kilbourne, Rector of St. Peter's Church. Interment will be in Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye. Mr. Foshay leaves his mother Mrs. Laura B. Foshay, of 48 Depot Place, Mamaroneck: three daughters, Mrs. Lipsett, Miss Bertha Foshay of the same address and Mrs. Grace Fogarty of South Water Street, East Port Chester: two sons, William Foshay, of Bridgeport, Conn, and Charles Foshay of Pemberwick Road: eight grandchildren three brothers, Charles E. and Herbert Foshay, of Mamaronek, and John Foshay, of Englewood, NJ,: and a sister, Mrs. Elmer Jones of East Port Chester.
He was for many years a member of the Washington Engine and Hose Company and had lived for 26 years in this village. He was an employee of the Perter Brothers Ice Company, Rye, NY for approx. 20 years.
(Notes: William H. Foshay was born Dec. 20, 1877 in Rye, NY, his wife Adelaide Charlotte Foshay nee Colburn Born Aug. 19, 1870 in Rockland Maine, died in May 4, 1915 Town of Rye, NY)
Francis Edgar Foshay
New York Times October 12, 1926 page 27
FOSHAY -- At his residence, Southlook, Yorktown Heights, N.Y., Oct 11, 1926
Francis Edgar Foshay, in his ninety-third year.
New York Times - November 12, 1926
Wills for Probate.
FOSHAY, FRANCIS E. (Yorktown, Oct. 11)
Estate of $5,000.00. The sum of $5,000 is set aside for Victoria Foshay of Danbury, Conn. ; $1,500 to the following: Francis F. Ulmer, William F. Ulmer, Louise Foshay, Grandchildren: residue divided between Mary Amelia Foshay and Frances F. Ulmer.
Roberta Powers, Executrix
William Briggs Foshay
New York Times November 9, 1926 page 27
Sons of the revolution in the state of New York: The members of this society are requested to attend the funeral services of their late associate, William Briggs Foshay, at his late residence, Hawthorne Av. Port Chester, N.Y., on Wednesday, Nov 10, 2:30 P.M.
THOMAS DENNY, President.
Ida F. Foshay
Special to The New York Times
White Plains, N.Y., May 5, 1933
Ida F. Foshay, who died April 24, at Ossining, leaves $5,000 each to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ossining; the Christian Science Pleasant View Home in New Hampshire, and the Christian Science Benevolent Association of Boston according to her will filed here today. There were a number of smaller bequests to friends and relatives.
May 7, 1933
Foshay, Ida F., Ossining (April 24), Estate more than $10,000. To Ada Brookman. 26 Everett Av., Ossining, $2,000: Clara C. Foster, 12 Huguenot Drive, Larchmont, $250; Floyd R. Miller, 10 Woodward Building, Washington, D.C., $250; Patrick Reil, 120 Linden Av., Ossining, $1,500; Elizabeth Fisher, 15 Ellis Pl., Ossining, $5,000; Dale Cemetery Association, Ossining, residuary estate after several other small legacies. Elizabeth J. Griffin, 87 North Broadway, White Plains, executrix.
Getrude M. Foshay
New York Times - February 26, 1955
Foshay -- Of 102 Stonehouse Road, Glen Ridge, N.J., on Feb. 25, 1955, Getrude M. Foshay, aunt of the Misses Gertrude A. and Edna F. Mead. Services at George Van Tassel's Community Funeral Home, 337 Belleville Ave., Bloomfield, on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Interment at convenience of family, In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Glen Ridge Congregations Church.
Foshay, Harry E.
New York Times - February 14, 1951 page 29
Foshay, Harry E. age (77) husband of Margaret Hennaman, suddenly, at Mamaroneck, N.Y., Tuesday, Funeral service at the Silleck & Keech Funeral Home, 767 East Post Road, Mamaroneck, Thursday, 2PM
Stamford Advocate - Wednesday, December 15, 1976
FOSHAY, Charles E. of 71 Finney Lane, Stamford, CT on December, 14, 1976 at East Orange Veterans Hospital, East Orange, New Jersey He is survived by his wife Betty Thomas Foshay, a daughter Mrs. Judith Ann Powers of Cos Cob, two grandchildren, James and Charlene Powers and several nieces and nephews.
A memorial service will be held Friday, December, 17, at 10 A.M. at the Diamond Hill Methodist Church, Cos Cob, CT. In lieu of flowers, contributions to the West Haven Veterans Hospital would be appreciated.
New York Times August 12, 1933
Page 11
Foshay, Adelaide
At Glen Ridge, N.J., Aug. 10, 1933, Adelaide Foshay, funeral services at her home 35 Woodland Ave., Glen Ridge, Saturday evening, Aug. 12, at 8 o'clock.
Interment at convenience of family.
Stamford Advocate - May 15, 1935
Foshay - At her late residence, Franklin St. on Wednesday, May 12, 1935.
Mabel Worden Foshay beloved mother of Mrs. Myrties Grimm, and sister of Mrs. John H. Lyons.
Funeral services at the Leo P. Gallagher Funeral home 24 S****** Ave., on Thursday, May 16, 1935, at 2 P.M.
Interment Rye, New York
(Notes: Greenwood Union Cemetery, Rye New York, wife to Charles Edward Foshay 1/18/1880-3/20/1946)