U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Obits from North New Jersey, Wednesday, September 25, 2002
GARCIA LUNN ALSTON, 56, of Hackensack, formerly of Passaic, died Friday. She had been a teacher in the Hackensack school system, where she also served as choral director. She was a member of the Blue and Gold Scholarship Committee, an adviser to the Music Honor Society of Hackensack High School, and a member of the Delta Nu Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa Sorority of Bergen County. She was a member of Union Baptist Church, Passaic, where she was minister of music and a member of the scholarship committee, Leaders Council, and building fund committee. She had been an organist for Roger Williams Baptist Church, Passaic, and music director of the Citywide Revival of the Ministerial Alliance of Passaic and Vicinity. Arrangements: The Madonna Multinational Home for Funerals, Passaic.
PETER J. ANZELMO, 76, of Lodi died Sunday. He was a member of the Lodi Senior Citizens. Arrangements: Santangelo Funeral Home, Lodi.
JANE JASKOT BOGUSH, 79, of Wallington died Monday. She was a parishioner of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus R.C. Church, Wallington, and a member of its Senior Citizens Club. She also was a member of the Wallington Senior Citizens. Arrangements: Kamienski Funeral Home, Wallington.
ANTHONY DeMAYO, 89, of Saddle Brook, formerly of Jersey City, died Tuesday. Before retiring, he was a mailroom supervisor for Thomas J. Lipton Co., Englewood Cliffs, and a member of its Quarter Century Club. He was a parishioner of St. Philip the Apostle R.C. Church, Saddle Brook, and a member of its Holy Name Society. Arrangements: Vander Plaat Memorial Home, Paramus.
ROSE M. AMORESANO DeROSE, 95, of Paterson died Sunday. Before retiring, she worked for Pacquins, Paterson. She was a parishioner of Blessed Sacrament R.C. Church, Paterson. Arrangements: Della Torre Funeral Home, Paterson.
PATRICK G. FFRENCH, 83, of South Hackensack died Monday. Before retiring he was a bartender at Daly's Bar, New York City. He was a Coast Guard veteran of World War II. He was a parishioner of St. Mary R.C. Church, Hackensack. Arrangements: Hackensack Funeral Home.
PAUL "SPIKE" FIDUCCIA, 80, of North Haledon died Monday. Before retiring in 1983, he was a lieutenant with the Paterson Police Department and was a member of Policemen's Benevolent Association Local 1, Paterson. He was an Army veteran of World War II. He was a parishioner of Blessed Sacrament R.C. Church, Paterson. Arrangements: Scillieri Funeral Home, Paterson.
BERNICE M. GALBRAITH, 95, of Bloomingdale, formerly of Washington Township, died Monday. She had been a sales representative for Hahnes department store, Paramus. Arrangements: Becker Funeral Home, Westwood.
JUEL KOZIOL KRUPER of Mont Clare, Pa., formerly of Hackensack, died Monday. She had been a staff nurse at what is now Hackensack Medical Center and at New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center. She was a graduate of Moses Taylor Hospital School of Nursing and a member of its Alumnae Association. She was a member of the Polish American Heritage Society. Arrangements: Palermo-Zawacki Funeral Home, Old Forge, Pa.
FILOMENA JAROSZ MARCINOWSKA, 79, of Garfield died Monday. She was born in Poland and came to the United States in 1971. Before retiring in 1988, she worked in the packaging department of Marcal Paper Co., Elmwood Park, for 15 years. She was a parishioner of St. Stanislaus Kostka R.C. Church, Garfield, and a member of it Rosary Society. She was a member of the Garfield Senior Citizens. Arrangements: Kamienski Funeral Home, Garfield.
NICOLO "COLOLO" MATTESSICH, 76, of Fort Lee died Tuesday. Before retiring in 1984, he was a laborer for Keller Packing Co., Newark. He was a parishioner of Madonna R.C. Church, Fort Lee. He was a member of the St. Nicholas Society of Sansego. Arrangements: Frank A. Patti & Kenneth Mikatarian Funeral Home, Fort Lee.
ELIZABETH A. McGUIRE, 72, of West Milford died Sunday. Before retiring, she was a meat packer for the ShopRite supermarket in West Milford, where she worked for 13 years. She was a parishioner of Our Lady Queen of Peace R.C. Church, West Milford. Arrangements: Richards Funeral Home, West Milford.
HELEN D. JOHNSON McKENNA, 84, of Portland, Ore., formerly of Rutherford, died Friday. She had been a secretary for the borough of Rutherford. She was a member of Grace Episcopal Church, Rutherford. Arrangements: Collins-Calhoun Funeral Home, Rutherford.
FELA ROSENBERG MILLER, 86, of Paterson, formerly of Elmwood Park, died Monday. She was born in Poland and came to the United States in 1958. Before retiring, she was a floor worker for Rosenthal Inc., Haledon. She was a former member of Hadassah and the Sisterhood of the Elmwood Park Jewish Center. Arrangements: Louis Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn.
ANTHONY C. MONTELIONE, 87, of Oakland died Tuesday. He had been a self-employed restaurateur. Arrangements: Van Emburgh-Sneider Funeral Home, Ramsey.
LOUIS T. O'HAUS, 74, of Elmwood Park died Tuesday. Before retiring in 1995, he was a pipefitter for Ford Motor Co., Edison, where he worked for 15 years. He also owned Louis T. O'Haus & Son Plumbing, Elmwood Park. He was a Navy veteran of World War II. He was a member of Masonic Lodge 154. Arrangements: Patrick J. Conte Funeral Home, Elmwood Park.
BARBARA J. STOLL PICKTHALL, 54, of Lodi, formerly of Hackensack, died Sunday. Arrangements: Santangelo Funeral Home, Lodi.
SUSAN ROSENBERG of River Edge died Monday. She had been a guidance counselor at Taft High School in the Bronx. She was a member of the Paramus Jewish Center and its Sisterhood and was a life member of Hadassah. Arrangements: Robert Schoem's Menorah Chapel, Paramus.
CLAIRE WERNAU SCHNEIDER, 91, of Cedar Grove died Tuesday. Before retiring in 1977, she was a supervisory assistant for the Clifton Public Library, where she worked for 23 years. She was a parishioner of St. Catherine of Siena R.C. Church, Cedar Grove. She was past president of the Clifton Elks Lodge auxiliary, former secretary and member of the Clifton City Employees Association, and a volunteer at the Cedar Grove Public Library. Arrangements: Allwood Funeral Home, Clifton.
MELISSA SPIESS, 22, of Bloomingdale died Monday. She had been a customer service representative for the Home Depot in Riverdale. She also worked for the A&P supermarket in Pompton Plains. Arrangements: Morrison Funeral Home, Butler.
FRANCIS J. TORMEY JR., 72, of Rutherford died Tuesday. He had been a teacher for the Kearny school system. He was an Army veteran. He was a parishioner of St. Mary R.C. Church, Rutherford, where he served as a lector, Eucharistic minister, past president of its PTA, and a member of its Parish Council. He was past exalted ruler of Elks Lodge 547 and a former coach for the Texas, Farm, and Babe Ruth leagues, all in Rutherford. Arrangements: Collins-Calhoun Funeral Home, Rutherford.
GLORIA L. WALKER, 71, of Treadwell, N.Y., formerly of Closter and Fair Lawn, died Sept. 19. Arrangements: Hall & Peet Funeral Home, Delhi, N.Y.
JOHN A. WASZKIEWICZ, 85, of Ridgewood died Saturday. He had owned United Showcase Co. Inc., Moonachie, and JL Fabricating, Lincoln Park. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church, Ridgewood. He was a member of the Ridgewood Hobbyists. Arrangements: C.C. Van Emburgh Funeral Home, Ridgewood.
JOHN ZAPOTOCKY, 76, of Elmwood Park died Monday. Before retiring, he was a carpenter for 53 years and was a member of Carpenters Union Local 124, Paterson. He was a Navy veteran of World War II and a member of American Legion Post 347, Clifton, and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5084, Elmwood Park. Arrangements: Patrick J. Conte Funeral Home, Elmwood Park.