U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
Obits from North New Jersey, Friday, February 15, 2002
ELIZABETH AVELLA, 85, of Cherry Hill, formerly of Maywood, died Wednesday. Arrangements: William R. Dangler Funeral Home, Summit.
FLORENCE G. CARNEY, 71, of Toms River, formerly of Maywood, died Wednesday. Before retiring in 1984, she was a registered nurse at Hackensack Hospital. She was a parishioner of St. Luke R.C. Church, Toms River. Arrangements: Silverton Memorial Funeral Home, Toms River.
FRED A. DeMARIA, 92, of Upper Saddle River, formerly of Ridgewood, died Wednesday. He was born in Italy. He had been a technical engineer for Witco Chemical Co. He was a parishioner of Mount Carmel R.C. Church, Ridgewood. He was a member of the Boy Scouts of America. Arrangements: Feeney Funeral Home, Ridgewood.
MARTIN J. DUGAN SR., 82, of Little Falls died Thursday. He had owned Warner Communications Co., Upper Montclair, for 50 years. He was a Marine Corps veteran and a member of American Legion Post 360, Paterson, and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 7165, Clifton. He was founder of the Little Falls Civic Association, president of the Passaic Valley-Little Falls Rotary Club, and a member of the Passaic County Police Chief's Association and the Upper Montclair Country Club, Clifton. Arrangements: Bizub-Parker Funeral Home, Little Falls.
CARRIE SYTSMA DYKMAN, 91, of North Haledon, formerly of Prospect Park, died Thursday. She was a member of Unity Christian Reformed Church, Prospect Park, and its Bible class and choir. She was a member of Bible study at Holland Christian Home, North Haledon. Arrangements: Vander Plaat-Vermeulen Memorial Home, Franklin Lakes.
FRANK GARCIA, 85, of Garfield died Thursday. Before retiring, he worked for Glenwall Construction, Saddle Brook, and was a member of Laborers' Union Local 509, Ridgewood. He was an Army veteran of World War II. Arrangements: Santangelo Funeral Home, Lodi.
MARGRET S. WOLF SALOMON HIRSCHBERG, 65, of Paramus died Thursday. She was born in Germany. She was a professor of nursing at New York University and was coordinator of its nursing program for 25 years. She was a member of the Jewish Community Center and was a member of the advisory board of Bergen Regional Medical Center, both in Paramus. Arrangements: Gutterman-Musicant, Hackensack.
LENA CORSANO LIBERTI, 83, of Elmwood Park died Thursday. She was a parishioner of St. Leo R.C. Church and a member of the Nutrition Center, both in Elmwood Park. Arrangements: Patrick J. Conte Funeral Home, Elmwood Park.
PAULINE A. MOOLICK MALLIA, 78, of Raleigh, N.C., formerly of Garfield, died Thursday. Before retiring in 1983, she was a registered nurse for the Garfield Board of Education. She was a graduate of Seton Hall University. She was a parishioner of Our Lady of Sorrows R.C. Church, Garfield. Arrangements: Kamienski Funeral Home, Garfield.
ELIZABETH McGUIRE MAYERS, 92, of Pompton Plains, formerly of Wayne, died Wednesday. Arrangements: M. John Scanlan Funeral Home, Pompton Plains.
JOSEPH S. MIODUSZEWSKI, 81, of Fairview died Wednesday. Before retiring in 1981, he was an oil refiner for Lever Bros., Edgewater, where he worked for 30 years and was member of its Retirement Club. He was an Army veteran of World War II, a recipient of the Purple Heart, and a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 337, Fairview. He was a parishioner of Sacred Heart R.C. Church, North Bergen, where he served as an usher. He was a member of the Older is Better of Felician College, Lodi, and the Polish-American Democratic Club of Fairview and Cliffside Park. Arrangements: Konopka Funeral Home, North Bergen.
DAVID E. MOSES, 55, of Hartford, Conn., formerly of Paterson, died Monday. He was a business college instructor for Stone Academy, and a disc jockey for radio station WWDJ. He was a graduate of Bloomfield College. He was a Marine Corps veteran of the Vietnam War. He was a member of Gilmore Memorial Tabernacle Church of God in Christ, Paterson, and director of its Youth and Tabernacle Choir. Arrangements: Bragg Funeral Home, Paterson.
SYLVIA ZOLENDZIASKI OLSZEWSKI of Clifton died Thursday. Before retiring, she was a housekeeper for Dr. Rubin Budd in Clifton, where she worked for 41 years. She was a parishioner of St. John Kanty R.C. Church, Clifton. Arrangements: Shook Funeral Home, Clifton.
VERA PLISKA PAFLITZKO, 90, of Hellertown, Pa., formerly of Garfield, died Tuesday. Before retiring in 1964, she was a packager for I. C. Herman Handkerchief, Passaic. She was a member of Holy Name Slovak National Catholic Cathedral, Passaic. Arrangements: Kamienski Funeral Home, Garfield.
JOSEPHINE SABATINO, 103, of Paramus, formerly of Oradell, died Monday. She was born in Italy. She had worked in the garment industry in New York City and was a life member of the International Ladies' Garment Workers Union. Arrangements: Samuel A. Campanaro Funeral Home, Bangor, Pa.
EVELYN G. GNADE SANDERSON, 75, of Midland Park died Wednesday. Before retiring in 1985, she was a telephone operator for New Jersey Bell, where she worked for 20 years. She was a charter member of Irving Park Christian Reformed Church and the Senior Crusaders, both in Midland Park. She was a member of Hawthorne Gospel Church and its Seniors Group. Arrangements: Vander Plaat Funeral Home, Wyckoff.
HECTOR SAVIOLI, 95, of Paramus died Thursday. Before retiring, he was a foreman for Ace Machine Co., Garfield. He was a parishioner of Annunciation R.C. Church, Paramus. He was an exempt firefighter for Garfield Fire Department Company 4 and a member of the Paramus Seniors. Arrangements: Vander Plaat Memorial Home, Paramus.
PAUL SINISCALCO, 69, of Juno Beach, Fla., formerly of Hackensack, died Wednesday. Before retiring, he was a sales manager for Alitalia Airlines. He also had owned European Tour Arrangements, Hackensack. Arrangements: Barrett Funeral Home, Tenafly.
DONALD STEARNS, 74, of Clifton died Wednesday. Before retiring nine years ago, he was a stationary fireman for Okinite Cable Co,. Passaic and Paterson, where he worked for 40 years. He was a Navy veteran. He was a volunteer at St. Peter's Haven, Clifton. He was a member of the Dutch Hill Neighborhood Association and the Seniors, both in Clifton. Arrangements: Jewish Memorial Chapel, Clifton.
CORNELIA WARNET STIENSTRA, 99, of Wyckoff died Thursday. Before retiring in 1971, she worked for Brooks Bros. in Paterson for 20 years. She was a member of Union Reformed Church, Franklin Lakes. Arrangements: Vander Plaat Funeral Home, Wyckoff.
EDWARD R. WOHRLE, 80, of Bogota, formerly of North Bergen, died Wednesday. Before retiring in 1985, he was a machinist for Alford Carton, Ridgefield Park, where he worked for 15 years and was a member of Local 183 and the Pace Industry Union. He was an Army veteran of World War II. Arrangements: Vorhees Funeral Home, Ridgefield Park.