- Albert Marion Olds
Posted By: Leslie Vaughn Date: Tuesday, 12 February 2008, at 10:07 p.m.
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
"Albert Marion Olds
Albert Marion Olds died at his residence, 617 West Messinger Street in Rice Lake, December 1, 1913, at the age of 70 years and 4 months. He was born in Shenango (sic) County, New York, August 12, 1843, and moved to Trempealeau Co. with his parents at the age of 10 years. On the 12th of August 1862, he enlisted in Co C. 30th Wisconsin, and was mustered out the 20th day of September 1865, at Louisville, KY. He was married in Madison, Wis. November 10, 1866, to Hannah A. Carr and came to Rice Lake in November 1877. Here he lived ever since. He is survived by his widow, two sons and one daughter, Mrs. O.S. Vosburg of this city. The funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the M.E. Church, Rev. Calloway officiating, and the remains interred in Nora Cemetery. The members of the local Grand Army Post attended in a body, and the pall bearers were selected form the members of Company A. Wisconsin National Guard."
U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014
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